The top comedian has just launched his own record, which he calls Premiere Music. AY explained why he went into the music business to an Encomium reporter.
A lot of young music artists kept coming to my office with their demo CD's. In fact, I have over 1, 000 CD's from different artists in my office. An up-coming artist will say 'Bros, we appreciate what you are doing for comedians, we want to see what you can do for us too.' But I kept telling them I'm not into music, repeatedly. It got to a stage that I began to ask myself, what is wrong in trying to see what we can do, since the people believe so much in me. That was how I came about Premiere Music
Dats a good one bro
CDs? In 2011?
@Music 24/8... Yes!... Cd's in 2011? Whats wrong with that?... Or is it Download Link they Should be Sending?...#PlsTellMe!
its like IGNORANCE is always waiting to click COMMENT on every post!!!
which 1 is CDs in 2011? which world do u live in???
Music 24/8if not CDs then what?
Believe it or not, everywhere in the world up and coming artists still use CDs for their demos.
Or you want them to put link on business card and distribute? who has time for that?
Or send email and let your get lost among the other 1000 emails in there
@Music 24/8 Please as u return back from the future, bring a sample of what media u use there!
the person that said cd's must be living under a rock....or him not to knw demo's are always n cd's not n flash drives or attached to a download link as he or she may be tinkin.....*am sure he is a case of illegal download*
i jst stumbled on ds blog.....its a nice one...but i jst have a tin or 2 to say....owing to d fact dat its always up with latest what i tink dat needs to be done is....the comments shudnt go tru moderation process....cos its a bit odd....its takes away the realness of it....what shud be moderated is jst swear words....dat way ds blog will really be interestin....*not saying its not*...u cud take a cue from blogs dat are really visited by ppu ala mediatakeout*wich is riddled with drama bt is really fun*..rap*wich is strictly hip pop*...bossip...*drama and fun*...necolebitchie*drama and fun* it....they dont take away the content of ppus messages jst n d name of moderation....u cud add the thumbs up or down tin to d comment...dat way ppu comment wud speak for themselves..whether it is offensive,cool,like,hated...e.t.c....*jst my opinion.
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