He tweeted:
"Pls everyone that has been going to vote for me for NEA award i really appreciate it o but please spread the votes to my colleagues. thanks. No be say i dey form o but i kinda have 2 many already. and i know the award might ginger and motivate someone else. Thanks again o"Well, since IDJA doesn't want it, here are other producers you can vote for. Sossick, Cobhams, Samklef, Jesse Jagz and Dokta Frabz
What arrogance. Let the people decide.
not nice, i guess he wants hollywood type award since he's Jayz and kanye's bitch....no one should turn down an award even the American don't.
Dimitar Berbatov said the same thing when he won his latest Bulgarian Footballer of the Year. He said he's not the only Bulgarian playing top flight football and people should vote for his colleagues......
I'll see what happens next year.
I guess Don Jazzy is borrowing a leaf from Berbatov. LOL!!
Dat's nice of him.......
well he's gone international so he does not want your local awards. bwahahahaha! fool!
Bloody ass fool...i wonder why human beings dont learn...arrogance is a bitch!!!
Talk about humility....Jeez!
how is this a news????
who cares???
enuf of genevieve
Not nice of him.
Leave him alone people. He is trying to encourage others to win the awards, thats admirable.
Why are you lot too blind to understand is instinct. He feels if someone else wins the award It will elevate them and give them more chances than him winning it. Isn't that nice. About arrogance, you lot need to drop it.
so now he is feeling funky? more illuminati gist to come, stay tuned.
Well said..there are some really good upcoming producers..Don Jazzy is on to other things now with Goode Mob..
Having said that tho..he sounded cock sure of winning..that was a tad arrogant..
i am impresed with him that is very humble of him!!!!
Goodie Mob? Say what?
arrogant bastard!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
how is this arrogant? Nigerians sha.
Freakin ass kayne west gay bitch....dey are so fucked dat dey dont knw der root anymore....let d ppl decide...he knws he wunt win wen ther are likes of oda good producers...he shud bounce.........prick!!!!!!!!!
@Alicia, enough of the "more illuminati stay tuned" SHIT that you have been on about for weeks now you backward ridiculously foolish local bitch!
Grow the fuck up ... I am bored of that irritating line already.. illuminati this and that..
Dudes have gone international making it big and all you do behind your stinky computer is to scream illuminati?se na you want bring illuminati jist, oya we are waiting! foolish bitch!
I dont tink Don Jazzy shld be crucified cos basically his jst reacting the way any normal human being will. If u understand human psychology, u'll know dat if u conquer something it ceases to motivate u. Don has conquered 9ja awards so it's nolonger a source of motivation for him. My opinion.
Æ”'all shld tke a chill pill,d guy is jst sayin othr pple shld be recognised wonder where d arrogance thingy is coming frm.
If he had won many grammys would he have said d same thg?? Smh...pride goeth b4 a fall
This is a brave action not everyone can be so humble...Respect IDJA
Hmnnn...Sometimes the best of intentions are mistaken for arrogance. And human beings can also be very complex. The trend now is to feign humility by downplaying arrogance. However, whichever ball Don jazzy's playing I'll never know. Only God Almighty sees the true intentions in the hearts of men. However, he strikes me as a rather down to earth person on twitter.
Don't think that was arrogant at all....what he said is true.
@steez.com- spot on!!!
when Oprah did the same thing -to give other daytime shows a chance,people didnt scream blue murder(how else could Tyra show and Ellen have wont he Daytime Emmy)..so pls u guys that are on abt arrogance should learn to look at things differently
this is so bad,Jzzy fucked up,he was suppose to be looking on records.this actually show he don't regard naija awards,wat an asshole
let them go and be americanized! there will be more artists that are actually talented to take their places. PLEASE. anything that involves rubbing shoulders with Americans, and Nigerians and their forever inferiority complex-stricken minds will start foolishly nodding in agreement, no matter the circumstances. "YES BOSS!" "Rihanna, Nicki Minaj, African Michael Jackson" PLEASE!!! SPARE ME.
@ 9:05 PM
you can go to hell for all i care, or hug a transformer. do i come here to comment for you? if you don't like my comments, anytime you see "Alicia says..." don't even bother reading it, okay? if it's paining you that much, LOG OFF OF THIS BLOG. you are probably one of those dumb amoebas. anyway, Kanye and Jay-Z are known to be high-ranking members in the cult. all they did was to initiate Don Jazzy and crew. like i said, if it's paining you, IGNORE. or were you never taught such as a child? MTCHEWWW.
for the rest of you, riddle me this.... have you noticed the biggest hip hop stars of today (as in America) are constantly on our TVs, Radios, EVERYWHERE. they come from nowhere and blow up so fast. the signs are in their songs and their videos, if you just pay attention. ever since Don Jazzy and crew have been initiated, it's one story or the other, EVERY SINGLE DAY! I'm telling you, it's only a matter of time before the illuminati don enter naija in full force.
BEWARE! call me crazy if you want, disagree if you want, but i have SPOKEN.
more illuminati gist to come, stay tuned...
Arrogance! A pride goes before a fall.
Hey people! i think what Don jazzy is tryin to do is commendable though it may sound a tad ignorant to a few...**feels he has a fair shot at winning and may take the limelight off deserving co-nominees.Simple as!
..and erm @alici says...u sound hysterical and delusional>>
My Dad once asked his friends to stop buying him exotic cars and other things of luxury on his birthday cos he already has too many in his compound that he had to start parking the cars elsewhere. He urged his friends that when celebrating their birthdays they should all come together and use the money to help the less-privileged and orphans. Many of his colleagues got upset.
But let's face it...wasn't that a wonderful idea? I see no reason why people should condemn Don Jazzy,infact he even pleaded by begging his fans not to confuse his statement for arrogance,it was only a move to make sure other producers and upcoming ones get a taate of the awards, atleast to encourage them too instead of making it look like he's always paying for the victories, even these type of things happen in mere school-awards. So PLEASE guys,give him a BREAK!!! Aaaarrrrgghhh. Its really true that its hard to try satisfy human beings...infact its no use...You guys should just try understand someone from his point of view for once.
@Alicia says...you Я̅ε̲̣̣̣̥ just one stupid and idiotic bitch. Attention seeker...that's what you are. You have started sounding like a broken record long time ago, esp with you illuminati & watch out story. U lack manners of approach. If u have nothing profitable to say or do with your time, I'll suggest u go commit suicide or hug that same transfomer you just talked about. Stupid bitch. Better watch your back cos a♍ ready to treat your fuck-up.
Thumbs up to you Don J. That's a very nice one coming from you. This shows this dud isn't selfish @ all. His good intentions Я̅ε̲̣̣̣̥ very glaring from that simple statement and I do appreciate it. Arrogant? Nope! This isn't arrogant at all.
@Alicia Says. We know Ppl like you. Busybody, insurbordinator, rumor monger, amebo, tule-tule. Only God knows how many homes you have scattered with this cursed mouth of yours. Husbands, pls prevent this silly bitch from coming close to your wives, cos she will scatter your homes. Alicia says indeed. Alicia Says is a punk ass bitch. She has never passed any positive comment on any good story here on this blog. She's always watching out. Idle woman. Aproko.
This is not arrogance. He simply wants others to "shine". Only a humble and kind person will do this. He's just giving others a chance to improve and do better. It's nice of him.
Thumbs up to you Don J. That's a very nice one coming from you. This shows this dud isn't selfish @ all. His good intentions Я̅ε̲̣̣̣̥ very glaring from that simple statement and I do appreciate it. Arrogant? Nope! This isn't arrogant at all.
@Alicia Says. We know Ppl like you. Busybody, insurbordinator, rumor monger, amebo, tule-tule. Only God knows how many homes you have scattered with this cursed mouth of yours. Husbands, pls prevent this silly bitch from coming close to your wives, cos she will scatter your homes. Alicia says indeed. Alicia Says is a punk ass bitch. She has never passed any positive comment on any good story here on this blog. She's always watching out. Idle woman. Aproko.
Nice one coming from Don Jazzy and I personally appreciate this. This kind of thing is rare amongst us (naija). Nice one bro.
@Alicia says. You don't seem be wanna agree that success comes as a result of hard-work. Why? So if your husband makes big money today, you'll also conclude he has joined some sort of cult. Won't you? Alicia, you're such a good person sometimes. But you've got to grow up. Okay? Your reasoning these days are somewhat pedestrian and miopic. Why now? Must you comment at all cost? Or is this a sort of popularity something.
I need to as if our dearly beloveth Linda has an award for the fellow who post most momments here?
Alici, slow it down. This is Linda's blog not alicia's blog. Aiit?
ALICIA gget a f..king life...hw can u tell someone to log off a blo.g that doesnt belong to u?or are u planning to inherit this space from linda...i bet if u have a blog of ur uf own even a house fly wouldnt miss road to pass by it with all ur unwarranted grammar that u re over using and making us feel like puking...everything abt u is always idiotic and fake ...abeg go and put breast for ur pikin mouth he dey cry..leave this space a fresh air.u re too consistent for my liking..abeg or my sister need a house help if u want apply get in touch pls..i can see u have nothing else doing to ur lonely and sad life
am pretty much on same wave length with alicia...
one other thing am thinking is, for them to get this much attention money must have changed hand big time.
Alicia, yes you have spoken!
It would be nice if you could face Dbanj and DBJ and say the same thing to them....with all your proof of course. Lousy sad thing. Get a life you temperamental frustrated little girl. I'm sure you need a mother's love....go figure!
The truth is many of us probably think it but u can't say it. Cuz it is arrogant. Basically what he is saying is that he is sure to win and other producers can only dream of winning if he steps down. Basically other producers will never be as good as himm. This might be true but come on. U don't say it. Aneways it must be Kanye West's arrogance rubbing of on him. Producers that don't like wot he said should step up their game and get better than him. And those that do means they r comfortable being "acting best" I.e. Best because the real best did not compete.
To alicia. R u one of those ppl who when u c a young person making it really big that u automatically conclude that it is either their parents money or yahoo or 419 or drugs or now the occult? Just a question.
@ Linda,
Apparently, because of this, Don Jazzy twitted last night that he thinks you are in love with him and he loves you right back......ROFLMAO
@ Alicia. i am anon 9:05.. i wont reply your filthy words cos other sensible mature people have done so on my behalf! you are just plain IGNORANT #Thatisall
Nigerians are pathetic and you wonder why several nationals don't like us one bit within and outside Africa.
Why is it that people cannot disagree without being abusive? This is how it starts and then tomorrow ya'll begin to kill and dice your spouses into pieces. If you don't agree with Alicia's comments, then ignore and keep moving. Must you become verbally abusive? aggressive? Many of you are acting like you have undiagnosed psycological problems. All this internet bullying will get you all nowhere. You can run your mouths all you want behind your computer screens but try that in real life and you will get beaten up and probably sent to hell's gate where you sorry, poverty stricken, depraved souls rightly belong. Bunch of heffers!
@Ay, he said that really? Hahahaha! Well, I would be if he was a little older. I have a phobia for younger men! ..:-)
Haba Linda, how old is older you are getting me scared....Arent you and him the same age?
Oshi. who told him he was going to win before
not arrogance folks...he is just trying to share the love to ensure others get a chance too. that's a man of class there..very nice of don jazzy to know sometimes, the big fish has to let small fish grow
KEEP THE ATTACKS COMING, I AM LOVING IT! do the research for yourself, and look at all the signs in their songs and videos. WAKE UP.
how retarded..
the award is not to share to the less privileged artists..its to give honor to those that deserve it. if its you, shut ur ignorant ass up and take it.
I totally agree with anon 3rd july 8.57pm. u guys, easy with this 'alicia dis and dat' thing. do u guys come here for alicia?i thot the whole idea was to come here and air ur oppinions about issues. alicia airs hers, just air urs and get on with ur life! is dat so difficult a thing to do?Your attitudes (all those that are carrying on about alicia) make me feel so sad for ur mates honestly cos i dont understand what kind of relationships u guys will be keeping if u cant agree to disagree
if u follow @donjazzymohits now @donjazzy on twitter u wud v a clue on au much humility he has in his character, i love d dude's personality...NO HOMO.. and to the retad by the name ALICIA i wont bank words with a glorified fool like u.... OLOSHI OMO JATI JATI
He should have simply requested directly to teh NEA organizers that they withdraw his nomination
Visit www.tangledate.co relax and have fun
THATS HUMILITY,abeg people can so belly ache whats pride in this now
this alicia of a person is a retard you need help go get it psheeeeeeeeeew,you see things from a very crude perspective aye e ma le gan smh for you han iwoni kan ni
I think this MOHITS crew are beginning to bite the fingers that fed them.Was it not the nigerian fans that paitronized them at the start of their carrier? If they had other sources of making money as at that time they should let us know and stop bitching around with stupid, proud comments.
Anon 8.58am, you sound pretty naive. You should figure out why so many people are constantly complaining about one character on this blog.
And if you believe people should express their opinions freely why are you complaining about the ones we've expressed about her.
Alicia....i dare you to say it to their face....big coward....see what will happen to you.
Breaking news!!!!!!
Alicia is the new star of this blog.
As in get out of her ass. as much as u pple make her relevant by calling her name on every single post, you give her the motivation to keep posting. Everywhere i go Alicia this, Alicia that.
Ride on Alicia, they must be loving your flow cos they cant keep your name out of their mouths, or is it off their fingers.....lol
KEEP THEM COMING! it only shows how powerful my DIFFERENCE in opinion is, that its driving some people mad here.
@3:35, you may be a coward, but I'm not. i don't give a damn who they are. what are they gonna do to me? have me killed or what? you sound pretty ridiculous. tell me what they are doing to do to me because i believe they are part of the illuminati? anyway, they just might send their demons after me, if thats what you mean.
@ 3:30, lol, let them keep complaining. this is a blog and anyone that wants to comment can comment. since when did some people start getting upset over differences in opinion? since when has it become a law on this blog that everyone must stick to the status quo? Nigerians and their group think/mob mentality.
2:52 PM, you simply cannot compare the two. if someone has a good job or the person is a successful business owner or WHATEVER and they are wealthy, im not gonna assume its 419 or whatever. im talking specifically about these MUSIC artists (american ones, that is). they come from nowhere, blow up like hell, all their videos seem to have the same subliminal messages, they dominate our TVs, radios, and other forms of entertainment. now tell me how is that so? all the signs are there.
We are coming for you, Alicia....
Ha ha.... 'Bee' just like the real insect buzzing irritating noises....keep licking her ass..
another anonymous. why not state your name instead of hiding under anonymous? lol. yes, keep licking my ass just as you are licking mine too. you guys are the ants, im the sugar, you just keep coming back for more. :)
given Nigerians and their mob mentality, I'm starting to think everyone is "ganging" up on me because that seems to be the new thing on this blog. gang up and talk against Alicia cause we all have follow-follow mentality.
Alicia, why not start your own blog instead of occupying space with your bullshit here? You can visit here from time to time but prove yourself and start your own. I promise to visit your site, true.
Oprah Winfrey did the same thing by removing her show from the Emmy nomination to allow for others to have a chance because she pretty much won every year. I don't know what his intentions were but on the surface, it appears that he's doing the same thing as Oprah and as someone has mentioned Bulgarian soccer player Dimitar Berbatov. I don't why people are reading arrogance into his actions, I don't see it as arrogant.
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