Did snow fall in Abuja yesterday? (photos) | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog





Friday, 30 June 2017

Did snow fall in Abuja yesterday? (photos)

Tonto Dikeh shared a video of light snow falling today in Abuja, Nigeria. In the video, the light snow was slightly obscured by a glass behind which the person filming was standing, however, once in a while, a white substance is seen falling.

A number of the actress' followers have said it looks more like cotton wool than snow. Others who live in Abuja said they did not experience it, however, one particular follower resident in Abuja, claimed to have seen the snow fall. 

See the video below...


Unknown said...

This is "wons" not snow.

OSINANL said...


interested in getting a bigger penis? click here said...

i doubt, it could be some vide editing stuff. it is only hail that is possible in nigeria.

mslaratee said...

Why does Tonto lie? That is a view from Intercontinental Hotel, Lagos and not Aduja. GTbank HQ and porche showroom are in view.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Please correct ur story. From the picture that is Victoria Island, Lagos. I can see the GTBank head office and the fortune towers office on Akin Adesola street V.I. Obviously from the video she was taking the video from Intercontinental hotel. Thought i should let u know. Thank you.

Unknown said...

For window blinds wallpapers and curtains please call 08160856785.

Unknown said...

This jobless girl,next pls.

Unknown said...

Jst some Misty shit dat turned Dewey.

Anonymous said...

Abeg this na Lagos na NOT Abuja

Unknown said...

Jst some Misty shit dat turned Dewey.

Anonymous said...

I hope it's not one of her many lies.

Anonymous said...

I hope it's not one of her many lies.

lawanson said...

That's not Abuja...its Lagos Akin Adesola VI

Anonymous said...

Possible pollution, or debris from the Zuma rock fire.

Anonymous said...

Is she high or something?


maybe it snowed

victormoseblog.blogspot.com said...

maybe it snowed

Anonymous said...

Tonto Dikeh does not know how snow looks, is it only where the camera is positioned that the snow fell?

DANIELS said...


DANIELS said...


Anonymous said...

Linda do a bit of research before you post FFS having lived in Abuja for the best part of 20 years I can tell you with certainty that this isn't Abj

Fish smelling coochie said...

This is bullshit

Anonymous said...

That video was not shot in Abuja. No river crosses ABUJA like that. All we have as per body of water is a lake in Jabi.

Unknown said...


Anonymous said...

common. its not even cold enough for snow to fall....

alandnid said...

Snow indeed?

Dog Groom Arena said...

I dont understand this video

Anonymous said...

This is not Abuja Linda, the video was taken from one of the rooms in InterContinental Hotel Lagos. Im sure you can see the Porsche Auto Shop on Kofo Abayomi Street, always ensure you get your facts right before posting on your blog.

Anonymous said...

It needs to get to a certain temperature before it snows. So was it 1 degree in Abuja when the flaky bread was falling?

Anonymous said...

Abegi, that video is not Abuja, its Lagos....she was moving the phone around so we wont recognise the landmarks...There is a river in the background and the only body of water in Abuja is Jabi Lake. There are no highrise buildings around Jabi Lake....

Anonymous said...

How is Akin Adesola Abuja?...that picture was taking from Intercontinental Hotel and you re showing us GT bank head office...Maka Y nah...

Anonymous said...

Tonto I hope u know Rosy Meurer is getting more acting roles than u these days. Be busy living on social media

liz swt 16 said...

I didn't notice anytin like dat in Asokoro, it's even sunny @ d moment dnt knw of oda parts sha. Tonto wer d snow fall na

Unknown said...

but this is lagos na

Anonymous said...

This is Victoria Island in Lagos and not Abuja. Linda take note

Anonymous said...

That's Lagos and not Abuja. Akin Adesola to be precise. The person was probably filming from intercontinental... smh

Anonymous said...

Why lie about something like one's location? to what end? Now it has caused distraction from figuring out what obviously resembles BAD pollution

tsalz said...

Am sure dis is Abuja in Lagos.. And yes d snow fall well well. Wen somebori is high on okokomiko weed.

Unknown said...

Yeah, I can see the Auto building adjacent to the Hotel. Probably filming 4rom the Bar at 5th floor.

Anonymous said...

And CNN or Aljazeera or even our local TV stations didn't record this once in a century phenomenon...lol...common sense is not so common at all for some people shaaa.... The weather wasn't even cold to record hamattan feeling abegi Tonto read ya book well you hear

Unknown said...

That's how she been spreading the news everywhere even with her ex hubby... that's exactly gtb head quarter via Falomo link bridge U can even see civic centre bridge in view the liar ofvious is close to where Ferrari show room is

Anonymous said...

Pls somebody should tell to go rest and stop lying and messing herself up. This is I.V, Lagos and not Abuja. That's how she must have been lying about her ex. Stop this cheap publicity stunt. Fake ass girl. You lie about stuff u said your ex got you.. You want show say you dey sky scraper.

Unknown said...


Unknown said...

Nobi Tonto again ?? No just worry your self.

Unknown said...

Even I that is not a Lagosian know this is not Abuja but Lagos VI. You guys take it easy on Linda. We that have taken our time to study her have come to understand she can be too play play most of the time and enjoys reposting her topics sarcastically based on exactly the way it came. it is good for her market though so make una free am joor.

Anonymous said...

Tonto dey inside intercontinental hotel with...

Anonymous said...

Tonto is cuckoo so take anything she says with a ton of snow

Unknown said...

If u ever believe Tonto that means u believe that bokohari is Fighting Corruption, or that Lie Muhammed is a Truthful Person...

CHERYL (aka FROM GLORY to GLORY) said...

In which area of Abuja. Rain didn't even fall

Long live LIB

Anonymous said...

Shut your pie-hole!

Anonymous said...

She don go smoke that thing again abi

Anonymous said...

Swithrt d English is "did it snow" nt did snow fall

Anonymous said...

Ladies and gentlemen, please don't do drugs. Drugs will make you believe VI is Abuja and that dust particles or waste cotton wool is snow. Drugs will also make you fight your husband and claim he abused you physically.

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