Ex Militant Leader, Asari Dokubo insists that no girl was kidnapped from Chibok | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog





Friday, 20 May 2016

Ex Militant Leader, Asari Dokubo insists that no girl was kidnapped from Chibok

Leader of the Niger Delta People's Volunteer Front, Alhaji Mujahid Asari Dokubo, released a statement via his Facebook page, insisting that the no schoolgirl was kidnapped from Chibok and the news of girls being rescued is a scam...see what he wrote after the cut...


Anonymous said...

Unbelievable! See How Niger Delta Militants Bomb Agip Gas Pipeline Again - PHOTOS

obiora said...

I don't know what to believe anymore.

Unknown said...

Well,he should go ahead and keep deceiving himself...!

Anonymous said...

Wats dis idiot talkn about...i had the priviledge of teaching further maths to students totalling over 100 in a govt college in ilorin kwara state during my nysc years and i remember quite vividly none could spk english and i found it very hard communicating bcos they were mostly muslims and yoruba spkn.

Unknown said...

and na true o...that was how i read dt d rescued gal is a Jss1 student. nice question Asari Dokubo. bring our memories bck joor

Double 04 said...

The thing tire me pass? How come the second girl was a JSS1 student. What was she doing in school then?

Anonymous said...

There is fish somewhere! And God will expose it soon

Unknown said...

Where did dis one crawl out from??? Linda take note!

Unknown said...

Nice one because is coming from Asari no fire was kidnap in this first place.
It is only fools that believe this lies.
It is broad day light lie,plan deal and scam.
May God save his people and open the eyes of the blind nigerians for believing this open lies.

#sad indeed

Anonymous said...

Nigeria has a problem deeper than we totally. Its people are it's water loo. Too many morons who value self gains above humanity. Ethnicity and corruption. Asari and many of them drink from such cistern of perdition in this nation. Linda take note.

Unknown said...

I always feel this man.... though have always said it... tenure by tenure new ways of fooling us the citizens

Leonard Omotayo (Hormortaryo #Frosh) said...

King Amachree be making point...

Unknown said...



they are trying to distract us from the fuel commotion. apc sha
same questions i've been asking. why can't they speak Englais?

Anonymous said...

Ignore the messenger, his message is plausible.
The things we applaud today will be used against us tomorrow.

Anonymous said...

Don't mind them my brother. They think we are fools. Everything about them is all lies and deceit.
What I know and believe in is this; all the people that planed, contributed and caused the troubles for Uncle Jona while in government must swim in the same river of trouble in their own time in government, period.

Unknown said...

Hehehe...make i no talk oo

Unknown said...

Oga asari help me ask thm ooo... scam govt..

Unknown said...

He is exercising his freedom of expression. So u wouldn't really blame him.

Unknown said...

Small small I'm starting to believe this man sha... whole thing is starting to be suspicious

Saheed Abiola said...

Chaii! Asari Dokubo still never get Brain, i'll show u thousands of university graduates dat cn nt speak English talkless of a Secondary schl girl in far remote Chibok.

Florida' wills said...

Nothing like chibox girl missing all these are cook up story just to tarnishe goodluck regime. I concur with you.

Anonymous said...

Big scam I dnt blv it either. Boko haram carry how many lorries take pack em smh

FRESH said...

What does this one know? It is OBJ that made the mistake of releasing him from the underground cell where he was kept.Tell me,hardworking, legit youths are looking for a means of livelihood.This criminal is living like a king. What a country we have.GEJ gave this buffoon pipeline contracts of billions of naira. We really should stone GEJ I tell you guys.

Unknown said...

Same here ooooo

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

This guy again? why does he keep fooling his old age.So is he saying u cnt teach physics in hausa? U can teach any subject in any language old fool. Go get a life

Sane Mind said...

Dear ASCARI,,please take a back seat and let our country move forward,,you are the scam,,check yourself!

Anonymous said...

I tire oooooh, we not brain dead like the northerners

Unknown said...

me too, i don't believe all their story about chibok girls, if truly they discover that girl, the girl should take them to where others are hiding, we are to big for that kind of story

Anonymous said...

Abi o, on point

Anonymous said...

Ohk let me agree wit u dat it's a scam....what is the soul aim of this whole scam?

Unknown said...


Unknown said...

Lol dude I no blame u
-D great anonymous now as Vivian Reginalds

Anonymous said...

Fat, senseless,demented,mumuni toad

Anonymous said...

Buhari is and Shetima planned all that. Buhari is a thief

chikaezez.blogspot.com said...


Unknown said...

The fat fuck looks like a Retard.

Unknown said...

This niqqa is a crook������ funny somebody

Anonymous said...

Very correct analysis.Drama in the land.

Anonymous said...

He is right.

KEY-POINT said...


Unknown said...

Asari, no homo buh i wan kiss u now now... U get sense

Unknown said...

I talk am b4
No mind northerners and dia scam joor

Linda don't take note!

Anonymous said...

You sef no sabi speak English. The gbagaun is too much

Unknown said...


Anonymous said...

Abi how you see am SS3 Student wey no fit speak english he get as he bi oooo

Anonymous said...

Abi how you see am SS3 Student wey no fit speak english he get as he bi oooo

Anonymous said...

Abi how you see am SS3 Student wey no fit speak english he get as he bi oooo

Anonymous said...

Abi how you see am SS3 Student wey no fit speak english he get as he bi oooo

Unknown said...

Basket mouth wan open mouth again oooooo

Anonymous said...

Lol abeg this guy correct, na true e dey talk

Unknown said...

I don't really get it either

Eva Da Diva...

Unknown said...

What help do you really need, that mean pass government kidnapped the girls or the present government kidnapped the girls and releasing them one by one now? Did you interview the girls in English and they can't speak? But we can see that the treat of BH reduce at the moment than the pass government, this alone say a lot to us.

Anonymous said...

No mind then, buhari want to present something on may 29 after one year in office. Make them dey deceive theirself.

Anonymous said...

No mind then, buhari want to present something on may 29 after one year in office. Make them dey deceive theirself.

Anonymous said...

Now someone is making sense!


Anonymous said...

of course, the so called chibok girls is all but a scam. look at it, the so called rescued girls looked well taken care of as if they were kept in a very conducive environment and eating balanced meal daily. let God punish all the agents of boko haram who are parading themselves as our leaders.

Hessaawards2019.com said...

They act like they care, i pretend like i believe them... This man Asari dokubo is making a lot of sense!!! That chibok scam was just a political propaganda that was used as a weapon to remove Jonathan from office... Rubbish!

Na me talk am!

Long Live Lib!!!

JP said...

Anything is possible in this our country of Nigeria. Time will reveal the truth, let's keep watching.

Anonymous said...

This guy is not educated and Nigeria is the only country where you find Illiterates in power, imagine a minister saying "our economy is shaking like this", and the president could not fire him God bless Nigerians.

King HoodBoss said...


Anonymous said...

Abioo my big broda. That tin surprise me 2.make we ask gej if that kidnapped was real .u r correct.

Unknown said...

Even many university students in the north dont understand proper english talk more of a secondary school core northerner, yes oo dey teach with hausa wella, dey dont understand english at all sef

vroomangel said...

This man is right i believe u

Anonymous said...

Chibok girls is a big time scam nd who God wil punish most is madam Oby Ezekwesili, she nd her team used it to tarnish both image of last administration nd our dear country. What u jst said is the simple truth

Unknown said...

Since none of d missing girls is his daughter or is from Niger Delta, he can comfortably doubt their kidnap. He is a big fat fool.

Unknown said...

The rescued girl said, she joined the school three weeks before the adoption, she was quoted saying " i am in JSS1...

Anonymous said...

Oga folo me ask ooo! I wonder who buhari and apc are deceiving. Just passing. Bellz

Unknown said...

E make sense small sha....

Unknown said...

E make sense small sha....

Unknown said...

E make sense small sha....

Anonymous said...

I've always said this from day 1...

ric said...

Before I never believed Chibok is a scam. But now, I'm beginning to doubt it.
The whole thing is playing out like an acted script.
God, help us find out the whole truth.

Dodo rima said...

Your sister, the ex-first lady has a "university degree " but she's horrible at English language.....yet, you are surprised that the rescued chibok girl (a secondary school student) can't speak English!!!!....you must be fantastically shortsighted.

Unknown said...

Too much drama about these girls. Na only God know the truth

LIB ADDICT#just passing#

Unknown said...

Yes ooooooo........It's all a Scam..Governments sent back Americans and Australians forces that came around to help rescue the girls then.....You right sir..

Anonymous said...

I totally agree with you on this one!!

Anonymous said...

I did not know that the word asaridokubo means stupidity and insanity inside one person.

Anonymous said...

Him make sense! Because why can't they speak English?

Anonymous said...

I'm with you on this, and my curiosity is, do you all notice how fat that baby is? And how fresh the young girl looks. For people who were starving.... hence they took off. Please APC, only a fool will fall for this

Chukwuemeka said...

He is irrelevant as far as I am concerned.. His views are not important, he is trying to cover his earlier statement that there was no missing girls.. What else would you expect him to say because he has been shamed.. Go to hell

Anonymous said...

Exactly! He is right..

Jason said...

This cracked me up "abi dem dey teach physics for hausa kwo?" Buharia answer dia risss God ooo chibok missing girls is a scam. U bunch of jokes are using this girl issue to cover up d labor strike #bringbackfuelprice 4tomatos na #400

Anonymous said...

Lol! Orishirishi! Even oby fear fear 4 d second girl rescued.We now have official n unofficial list. Very soon na BBOG faction and Military/APC faction we go hear.Naija leaders make una fear God oooo!. Too much drama!

DNoble said...

True talk.....chibok is undiluted scam.............gracia

miss pink said...

I support u

James Ben said...

Linda its Dokubo not Dobubo. These are the people who fed fat on the plight of the Niger Deltans. Its only in a country like Nigeria where violence is celebrated that these type of people remain relevant.

Unknown said...

No girl was kidnapped. period!

MACBOOK said...

Lol this chibok saga right from day one I knew it that it's a scam the second question that still remain a mistery is how can two hundred and somrthing girls abducted in the night without any security presence and what means of transportation that night that the so called abductors was able to succeed?i still don't believe this chibok cheap scam.

Anonymous said...

It is not about the number of students sitting for physics examinations. First they talked about ss3 class, now the girl Nkeki said she was in js1 and had spent 2 weeks in school before the abduction. Now the newly rescued girl identity is in doubt. Tell me the so call girl parents are they not alive? Or is two years too long to forget ones identity? Please Nigerians, the whole matter is complicated. Which way?

Anonymous said...

so true sir chibok is a big scam on nigerians.

Anonymous said...

Fat useless hippopotamus. mtssseew iranu

Anonymous said...

Only God will deliver this country from tribalism.When people insinuate that the people attacking the villages in the south are not Fulani headsmen , alot of people from that region said how can that be said and its completely on sensitive of govt, but we are talking of children taking from their parents over two years agol and you say things like this..... The govt should negotiate with the militant and even the IPOB.... but to hell with what ever is happening in the north east. Its completely on thinkable. Lets pray we don,t experience any of this evils in our families or our community.

Unknown said...

I belive U ma hero...we da south south can't be fooled...DODORIMA AFRICA

Anonymous said...

If you like call Asari Dokubo fool...I have never supported him anyway but for this he is correct 100%. I have told as many that want to listen that no single soul got abducted in Chibok school. Nigeria, Nigeria let no one fool you it is a big SCAM. It is just to discredit Jonathan's government.

Anonymous said...

U didn't complete your statement. Oya, terrorist Buhari... Continue

Anonymous said...

If this is a scam then it's from Jonathan's regime. Jonathan never came out to say the girls weren't kidnapped or did he? I'm sure you haven't forgotten the US came to give their support and I still don't know the real story why they went back without doing anything. It's now Buhari's regime that they know it's a scam and no girls were kidnapped and it's just to discredit Jonathan. I really still don't understand why we are still talking about Jonathan's regime. It was a failed era where the President couldn't stamp his ground on the decisions he felt was right. He might have been a good man but he wasn't a President in my opinion. Buhari's regime has been worse no doubt but he is making the tough decisions and in the end, i hope it benefits the country. He would be held accountable for the decisions he's made cos we know he's making the decisions. I didn't know the decision maker in Jonathan's time.

AOI said...

You don't get it because your head is not working.

Anonymous said...

He is correct about what exactly....after all, if it's a scam...let him blame his godfather Jonathan. Were they not captured during his inept godfather's regime? So what is he saying?

Please let the government do their job. Stop causing confusion. Be responsible....go and talk to your joker brothers who watched a few movies and are now calling themselves avengers or something silly. Do they fancy themselves as mutants or what....

AOI said...

You don't get it because your head is not working.

Anonymous said...

Believe whatever you want but by the power of the Almighty God if it is true your sisters,daughters and mothers will experience same and much more in hundred folds. No wonder Nigeria has not developed. Most of us are in human and selfish

Anonymous said...

The same reason why u can't spell "English" correctly.

Unknown said...

I Neva and I will never believe in d chibok girls, no girl is missing, it's just a propaganda against d last govt. Karma will surely fall on pple who deceive our dear country.. Tinubu put us into dis mess cos he choose to fool our parents, brother's n sister's to vote using propaganda tools but dey shd always remember there is God watching us from afar, he gonna judge dem all one day... No job, no light, no more food, transport is now expensive, everything is now more Dan gold, too bad, d poor are crying everyday, d rich are smiling cos dey cld not laugh like before, it also affect dem, is dis d change u talk abt?, Are we paying for d mistake made by pple who voted for dem... Too bad

Janniebaby said...

100% Asari! No girl wz missing! Its all a scam! D APC govt cannot decieve us 4ever. They will soon b exposed with their lies! Too many lis

Janniebaby said...

100% Asari! No girl wz missing! Its all a scam! D APC govt cannot decieve us 4ever. They will soon b exposed with their lies! Too many lis

Janniebaby said...

Thumbs up Asari! Ur 100%! I hv always doubted dis chibok girls tinz! God will surely expose them

Unknown said...

My brother I tire like you.

Anonymous said...

Goat then why are u here interacting with us in English? What's d need of going to sch if u can't express yaself in eng or even pidgin mk we understand olodo oshi

Anonymous said...

You were teaching Further Maths and your reasoning like this? Please compare about 300 and over 100. What is the population of the schools you are comparing? Calculate the ratios. Also, don't compare Physics with further maths kolaq

Anonymous said...

Please read what he wrote again and think. Haba! Kolaq

Unknown said...

Your a foul, give me one physics word in hausa.

Anonymous said...

Why not just discuss the issues raised or answer the questions asked? Why are you roaming mentally? Kolaq

Anonymous said...

Yes buh we dey understand her even if na pidgin she speak. Can't they speak pidgin? Na lorries Boko haram use come carry them? Ask urself how many lorries

Anonymous said...

And that is all you can say about this matter?

shebido said...

Buhari and APC government are fishing for what to populate their speech with. 300 girls in one school in Chibok taking physics?. Please WAEC make public the number that registered for physics in that school in Chibok in 2014, the year the girls were allegedly kidnapped.

Anonymous said...

U are a big fool go get a life

Unknown said...

Sole not soul pls...

Anonymous said...

The guy just shows is stupidity. I don't know why the press gives him audience. He is a rich guy who made his money from militancy.

Anonymous said...

The guy just shows is stupidity. I don't know why the press gives him audience. He is a rich guy who made his money from militancy.

Unknown said...

I knew it was APC's doing all along

Anonymous said...

Chibok girls is a scam nah.i knew that ever since.Enzyhub.com is the latest site to be.Check it out today!

OSINANL said...

Asari is right...cow buhari oya go after him

Ekpenyong Bassey said...

God Bless you, Asari Dokubo

Anonymous said...

Before nko? I never believed any girl was missing. Politicians and their evil ways.God save nigeria.

Anonymous said...

Jonathan's wife a Perm sec in Bayelsa can she speak English? Bufoon

Anonymous said...

@fresh ur just a fool

Anonymous said...

Lol! Buhari and his northern dummies think we in the south are fools. Keep it up God is watching u all. It will be time to pay soon

Anonymous said...

Tin fool. Ur just a backward person. If u like keep on believing in hoaxes

Anonymous said...

Thank you brother. Ur words are true , thank you for speaking the truth . And to think this was coming from a Yoruba guy. Ur mouthed egbon

Unknown said...

Asari rightright from time said no girl was kidnapped until he was given contract to purchase arms for the military. Have you all forgotten the $9 million intercepted by South Africa's government on Pastor Ayo Oritsejafor ptivate jet?? Asari was on the jet and was supposed to buy arms 'through the back door,' as pdp claimed. Now that he can't get security contract or arms purchase contract.... He's making noise. The nigerdelta should old ppl like GEJ, Edwin Clarke reapinsible for allowing successive govt neglect them. Their elders only know how to buy arms, call yorubas traitors, Hausas; aboki and do nothing for their people.

Anonymous said...

Aren't you just a fuckboy! Idiot

Anonymous said...

Aren't you just a fuckboy! Idiot

Anonymous said...

U said students, meaning boys and girls, this one it's just girls, 300 girls studying physics with little or no command of the English language, smh.

Godwin said...

There is different between she can't speak good English (pej) and she can't speak English at all (chibok girl). Imagine a waec candidate oo. Haba talk true na

*NWA 042*

Unknown said...

May God declare ur problem and request false too!

Anonymous said...

spoken like a true illiterate .....................

Anonymous said...


Daval8 said...

She is quite right. Look our educational system is bad. A lot of jss3 students can't speak English. Not to talk of in the North

Anonymous said...

we all know that chibok girls are scam

Unknown said...

Hmmmmm.....quite controversial and debatable. It could be true that some locals were kidnapped (certainly not students or that number being paraded).Many 7nanswerwd questions that surround the scenario.May God help us in this country.

Anonymous said...

Epic. Hahahaha

White Gardenia said...

The man just made COMMON SENSE and all some moroons can do is to abuse him insted of ruminating on what he said.

White Gardenia said...

The man just made COMMON SENSE and all some moroons can do is to abuse him insted of ruminating on what he said.

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