An onlooker claimed Ben and Jen would look at each other briefly as they spoke before looking away in silence...and spent much of the time staring off into space. Sad they didn't make it. More photos after the cut...
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So sad. Loved this couple
Aww! When d spark is gone...
Let all this paparazzi respect thier privacy abeg.
Healthy coparenting is where it's at.
Ok, Good! My question is,who took d pictures? All na arrangee Joor, they're split quite lright, but scenes such as this guarantees attention,which guarantees future opportunities...tells clerly where their priorities lie. ewus!!selfish idiats!!
Ben hapunu mmanya ka mmanya hapu GI. Kai
Why are dey splitting........
I heard Ben cheated on Jenny...
I just hope they would consider this decision one more time. Wish them best sha.
Dia biz
chai #impashiala
he was wearing his wedding ring during the holiday n she wore hers after the holiday ,I think dey won't go further with the divorce. aaaaaammmmmmeeeeeeennnnnnn
power of cheating
Best of decision luck. Lol
Yep. Set up by their publicists.
Awww how I loved them together. They could still work it out.
~D great anonymous!
I feel sad for them...#myhumbleopinion
D tension is even palpable
Very mature approach even in the face of a looming divorce. Respect that.
So they have divorce retreat?
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Olodo, do you know the meaning of anything like paparazzi?
Eeeeeeeeeyah! I so loved dis two together but its a pity it had to end dis way. Linda take note!
Eeeeeeeeeyah! I so loved dis two together but its a pity it had to end dis way. Linda take note!
I pray they get it right so dat their family can b together. Its well wit them.
Av u ever heard of paparazzi? They even climb trees to take pictures of celebrities, so stop saying what you dont know.
I truly had hope for these guys, I hope they reconcile because 10 years is no joke!
awwww. i love these two. Hope they survive it.
Raulph indeed
I just hope the reconcile
They are super cute together
what could have happened after 10 years?
''Aww,and i so liked them together'',,EVEN THOSE WHO DONT KNOW THEM AT ALL,smh..
'Aww and i so liked them together' EVEN THOSE WHO ARE HEARING THEIR NAMES FOR THE FIRST TIME..smh
conscious uncoupling
Dont be stupid. Thats d job of d papparazzi. They follow these celebs like flies follow shit. These pics in question were taken from a distance with their high-powered cameras that can zoom very well
I'm not happy about it.
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