"He went from a man to a monster. I can't quite describe the feeling, the sadness, to know what was about to happen and that I would or could not have done anything to stop it. I was literally shaking and drooling... I threw some very feeble punches, but I could not move my arms...I could not move anything.' Audrey told ACA
She claimed that after the first alleged attack, she managed to escape his place but Henry followed her and when she went to passersby for help, they refused to help after Henry allegedly told them to ignore her and 'to stay out of it'. And when she managed to get a cab to take her to her hotel, Henry forced his way into the taxi and allegedly raped her again in it. (and the taxi driver allowed that to happen? Huh?)
She said another man eventually came to her rescue and took her to her hotel and her family rushed her to the hospital, where doctors found her entire body covered in bruises.
'He was crushing me, he nearly suffocated me... He could have killed me,' Audrey told ACA.
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CCTV footage captured Alafu
waiting in the lobby for Ms Pekin, as she stopped at the hotel before
they continued with their night out. It was before the alleged attack
took place
A number of Facebook posts by Henry Alafu,
under a different name, including a picture he uploaded of the two
together the night before, led to Pekins family to believe it
'evident' he was the man who allegedly attacked their daughter.
Police were in possession of Alafu's phone number, Facebook profile and current address, but the Pekin family says they did not do enough.
'It's just so hard to know what to do,' Ms Pekin's father, Karl, said. It's incredibly frustrating... They could have picked him up - he was still a threat. It's clear who he was, clear where he was, so we don't know why he wasn't picked up.'
It was not until January 12, 18 days after the alleged attack, an attempt to arrest the Nigerian national was made. Four of
Alafu's friends were arrested in a raid on the property on January 14,
however it is believed he had escaped by that point.
tracking revealed his phone was later used in Jakarta before being
deactivated. His Facebook account was later opened from Nigeria.
The Pekin family was paid more than $14,000 in legal fees over four days to proceed with the case.
'I think Bali is a lawless country,' Ms Pekin said.
'It has laws when it feels like it.'
So sad. So sorry for her.
So sad. So sorry for her.
Na wah o
D boy fine sha...
Rapped u inside a taxi? All these peeps that rape ladies, abeg ashawo no dey una area...get a prostitute if ure really that horny.
Rape is no joke. There are always 2 sides to a story
Rapped u inside a taxi? All these peeps that rape ladies, abeg ashawo no dey una area...get a prostitute if ure really that horny.
Always looking for ways to extort Nigerians....
.......and now they'll be looking for a country to give a bad name!!!!
Why r u showing the victims face. u should know better Linda
Nigerian man or boy, besides this boy is Neymar's brother and thus a Brazilian!
Fine boy. Fake story
I believe the guy raped her..
see his eye . but babe are u not too young to be partying in the night?
This her story looks fake, how will people see you hurt and he will tell them to stay out of it and they leave you like that?
How can he rape you inside a taxi, with the taxi man fully aware?
This her story looks fake, how will people see you hurt and he will tell them to stay out of it and they leave you like that?
How can he rape you inside a taxi, when the taxi man is fully awake?
What a story,how she have been raped inside the taxi and d cab man dey look?
story land,story land......how could be have been raped inside the taxi and d cab man sey look?b
storyyyyyyyyyyyyyy....how could she have been raped inside the taxi and d cab man was watching?
storyyyyyyyyyyyyyy....how she she have been raped inside the taxi and d cab man was watching?
This bitch is lying!
hmm nawa oo
Nigerians and indeed African nationals don't learn, before you engage in any sexual activities with a white woman or any foreign woman indeed, get them to sign some sort of contract or get an audio or video evidence that documents her consent. This might seem hectic or too frugal (couldn't find the right words) but it could be the difference between jail and freedom.
some of these white women have issues, they could come from a racist family and when confronted by their family will feign rape to avoid being scorned or cast aside. This story stinks on so many levels but this guy would probably rot in jail cos he supposedly committed a crime on a white soil.
Linda, u mean dat grandma der is 19yrs? Abeg confirm again
Linda, u mean dat grandma der is 19yrs? Abeg confirm again
Kind of hard to believe this tho. Raping inside the taxi?Or was the cab driver a Nigerian too?.Well am speaking my mind woman.Guess this is a kind of stunt for various reasons by the writer or story teller.
I just hope she is not trying to gain fame via this media cos so many people are doing this.(Kim Kardashianism).
Story for d gods....
These rape accusations piss me off sometimes. I think some of these white girls just feel guilty after consented sex that they try to paint it as rape.
They need to investigate. And some guys don't really have any business raping.
I don't trust this lady one bit. Maybe something went wrong and she feels somehow cheated or embarrassed. Her stories don't even add up for goodness sake. The guy is probably on the run 'cos of what they might do to him when he's caught, whether or not his guilty.
Oya ndo. Forgive him
Very funny...raped in d cab ni
Sorry lady but I don't believe dis story. It just doesn't add up. Linda take note!
This n***a rude Ooo! Still follow her enter taxi to continue the brutality. Something seems off with these allegations, but if it were true, the guy goofed and should pay big time.
Sorry lady but I don't believe dis story. It just doesn't add up. Linda take note!
Sorry lady but I don't believe dis story. It just doesn't add up. Linda take note!
Sorry lady but I don't believe dis story. It just doesn't add up. Linda take note!
Ka! See levels after d much ado crime commited d bad guy bailed off but y d they tak their time to get d idiot of a Nigerian he-goat.
Definitely "I think Bali is a lawless country,' Ms Pekin said. 'It has laws when it feels like it". Even in Nigeria we see dis type of tins happening all d time. Wht a shame.
And she's juz making this allegation known since christams?! Seriously? How the hell will he rape u in a taxi with u struggling and screaming and the taxi driver keeps driving? Odiegwu! I knw Indonesians wont stand to see an African attack a white person, its never happens. So this story is bullshit!
Sounds more like a superstory to me.
I'm out. ***CATCH ME IF U CAN***
They always claim rape! Flirted with the guy! took pictures with him then all of a sudden he 'RAPED' you?
But henry na king of his area sha! he told people to stay out of it and even raped her in a public transport...damn...CHAIRMAN!
Fabricated story......rape her insyd the taxi
and drive was watching as if it's adult film?
Don't believe it though but if it's true
then the guy need to be arrested.
Fabricated story......rape her insyd the taxi
and driver was watching as if it's adult film?
Don't believe it though but if it's true
then the guy need to be arrested.
So bad....why do Nigerians keep spoiling our reputation,i just wish he could caught.
Nigerians and indeed African nationals don't learn, before you engage in any sexual activities with a white woman or any foreign woman indeed, get them to sign some sort of contract or get an audio or video evidence that documents her consent. This might seem hectic or too frugal (couldn't find the right words) but it could be the difference between jail and freedom.
some of these white women have issues, they could come from a racist family and when confronted by their family will feign rape to avoid being scorned or cast aside. This story stinks on so many levels but this guy would probably rot in jail cos he supposedly committed a crime on a white soil.
Rape is demonic oo. Lindaobserve
Well do I blame them?i dont because nija has made her passport free to all in the whole world,does this guy look like a nigerian?no,no,never,raped her ib a cab?mmmh nija people, so sorry our shit has carried us arround the world,every black who committed an offence is now adresses As a nija citizens
Indeed u can never change a zebra skin colours. Wht a shame dat Nigeria reputation is brought down wit tins lik dis.
A Nigerian wil alwaz b a Nigerian come rain come shine even if u tak him or her to d end part of d earth d character wil never change.
D whites nd dis rape stories no be here oh
I hope she's saying d truth
Whites and dia rape stories sha
yes i believe her, many nigerian men are rapist or have sexually harras a woman one point or the other in their life.
Abroad - You can lie about anything against a Nigerian and the media will believe it. They would never expect any false stories from a Non-Nigerian against a Nigerian .. Period!
Lie lie lie
Lie lie
If the physical evidence supports rape (bruises all over her body), it's very possible it happened. Rape could occur under a number of circumstances. People hear alarming things all the time that they ignore. Hence, the cabbie ignoring her pleas isn't proof she's lying. What would she get from lying when the guy looks like a broke negro eking out an existence in far away Bali?
Why do I have a feeling something is wrong in this story, feels like an infatuation gone wrong,something just not right about the story #not just saying
I just hope and pray a white teen never cook up a rape story against anyone of you someday. These white kids can lie though and to say the gist doesn't even add up. And i wonder what these Nigerians see in them white girls? Is it to appeal to their fantasy?
Haba madam 19yr old ,this boy looks 15. How can this 15 year old talk to you and you listen .he is underaged.
Small boy old woman and you call dat a rape case ask d girl why she follow am go if her body nor dey dere, say d boy rape inside taxi, local story dat dude na small boy I nor come know why Linda dey say na man oo, wp
Juliet iwuno ....you are as irritating as your multiple comments.
I dnt gerrit..... 1) Was d cab moving or d cab man left d cab?? 2) Who force her go him house?? This story rili stinks...
Madam e don do na...relax you have been noticed, say no more
The whole world can believe this cheap story but i will never believe it. How can someone rape you in a taxi and the driver ignored? Lol. These oyinbo ppl no sabi lie at all. This is why i dont cross my lane to them. If you sleep with a white girl nd stop talking to her, she would accuse you of rape. I Dont do whites. I Am so obsessed with my dark skin girls
If the story is true then that guy is a monster
If the story is true then that guy is a monster
O yea, I thought I was the only one who noticed oooo, being raped in a taxi and people watching sounds unreal, if he truely is a nigerian.
This is totally not possible. Lets look at these points:
1. She was invited for a party. He took her home instead (NO COMPLAIN)
2. They got home, he raped her thoroughly bruises everywhere BUT she managed to escape and ran to passer-bys for help (The Guy wasn't still arrested and the passer-bys didn't offer to help)
3. She now got a TAXI and the guy forcefully entered the TAXI. The TAXI man didn't complain. The TAXI went ahead to allow the GUY to continue the RAPE.
In indonesia, Hmmmm..... THIS IS A LIE.
There are PLENTY parts missing in this Storie.
Linda follow up on this case...
hain.......this kind fine boy....nawa ooo
Such a bad way to represent a country. So he escaped to Nigeria. Smh. Coward. D girl could have easily slept with him if he used d right words. He's goodlooking.
Stories that touch! If you believe this, you will believe anything!
Well you wouldn't publish it so what's da point....? huh
abeg no long thing jo....how on planet of the apes would anyone convince me that this 35-40 yrs old mother of say 2-3 children is 19yrs and the rape inside a taxi with the driver inside thing........nothing to believe here i must tell u
Nimelda said so.......
Exactly my point! This ain't the first time shit like this is happening they won't just learn... bitches think you'll take them serious after sex u didn't, they feel embarrass, U went on playing ur games with other bitches, bitch feels cheated n look for a way to make you pay/suffer and course u a black the perfect story should be u rape her.... this bitches are sick our guys should no better
1:This story didn't happen in Nigeria 2:maybe you've not been outside Nigeria before to see how Nigerian men behaves cos if u have you won't write this as a comment
If u believe this story then u can believe it was your mother that fathered your pregnancy. White chicks are evil.. What arrant nonsense!!.. And for those of u black guys that are into white chicks...make una continue...( in patience Jonathan's voice)
Sorry girl,But this story get as eh be.Hope no be anther AFRICA CHINA(LONDON FEVER)be this again oooo.
Don't be deceived. There was an encounter.
However, the bulk of her stories are lies.
We live amongst them. We know they are very good liars
Dis royal priesthood dey talk anyhow. Must u comment on every post? Nah wa Ooooh
no mind that girl. she enjoyed every fuck the black guy gave her.
While being tested she "Audrey"discovered she had a sexually transmitted disease
The guy's. Intl passport page shown on Austraian TV bears Henry Izuchuckwu. She tested +ve to Std after d encounter,they ve spent years on dis case
She is diabetic and was drowsy and in need of medical attention. He took advantage and gave her a disease. Nigerian men when desperately stuck in a third world country like Indonesia are bastards who will do anything for money and are nasty.
These black bastards,excuse my language, are exactly that! My sons friend (Australian), teaching in Japan, went on a few days break to South Korea recently where she was drugged and taken to a hotel and raped, the culprit a black African! Because of the language barrier it's very hard for her to get any answers, but thank goodness for some kind Korean friends they took her to the hospital and to the police, so hopefully some justice might be done. His identity was discovered because he tried to add her onto his Facebook friends, not only a raping bastard but a real loser.
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