Chris Okotie asks GEJ to focus on tackling Boko Haram more than his re-election | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog





Monday 10 November 2014

Chris Okotie asks GEJ to focus on tackling Boko Haram more than his re-election

Rev Chris Okotie took to his Facebook page to address the Boko Haram horrific advance in some parts of Northern Nigeria, asking President Jonathan to pay more attention to the menace and advised him to sack all his generals and advisers. Find his incisive piece below...
"No God condones this terror. No grievance justifies these actions. There can be no reasoning – no negotiation – with this brand of evil. The only language understood by killers like this is the language of force” – President Obama on ISIS terrorist group.
The FG’s widely publicized ceasefire agreement with the Boko Haram insurgents was met with more violent attacks, and the capture of more territories by the Islamists.
Their leaders even went ahead to disavow any negotiations with our government, with a firm promise never to make peace.

Of course, Boko Haram has made good its threat. The bombings have continued unabated; and as you read this, the North Eastern towns of Gwoza, Mubi, Michika, Gulak, Madagali, and several obscure villages are still occupied by the insurgents. During the week, Gombe and Potiskum were attacked, with a lot of casualties. Same familiar story!

Atrocities being committed by Boko Haram in these captured territories include rape, forced marriages and conversions to their bizarre brand of Islam; beheadings, random executions and looting. As far the insurgents are concerned, we are all infidels.

The Chibok Girls remain in captivity, with no hope they’d be freed soon; we have reportedly lost some of these hapless girls to snake bites and sickness. This current level of pessimism is informed by the hopelessness of the war effort and the government’s apparent lack of an effective strategy to defeat the insurgents. Clearly, our military is now in disarray, with soldiers fleeing the front as the insurgents advance, almost unchallenged.

So sad, the Cameroonians, supposedly our partners in this terror war, gleefully advertise stories of deserting Nigerian troops who seek refuge from advancing Boko Haram fighters in their territory. Obviously, for a country like Nigeria which prides itself as the largest, most powerful black nation in the world, with the biggest economy in Africa to boot, our management of this war does no justice to our image.

Indeed, it merely exposes the false optimism which our outlandishly great power image confers. How is it possible for a middle – sized regional power, which defected Ebola with adroit, efficient execution, that even the world powers envy, seem powerless against about 10,000 bandits and terrorist?

Defeated Ebola and a successful war on terror are all about logistics, efficient management of crisis and coordination. Why we can’t replicate the Ebola winning strategy in this terror war is confounding. Ebola is as lethal as Boko Haram, with potential to decimate populations much faster than terrorists. Yet, we acted swiftly and contained it, to the admiration of the world.

In Ebola’s case, we adopted an effective bi-partisan approach, not often seen in our strife-ridden polity. What has aggravated this terror war and made it so difficult to manage is, chiefly the failure of a divided, acrimonious and antagonistic political class, to unite against the common enemy of the nation. There are Boko Haram sympathizers in the political parties, in the military, Intelligence Services and the Jonathan Administration. Therein lays our failure to win this war.

It was easy for Gen. Yakubu Gowon to lead federal forces to overcome Biafra in just 30 months, because he had behind him a cohesive administration and competent, efficient war machine. And he acted swiftly to replace even his most popular commanders when they performed below expectations. President Jonathan, who has neither a strong war machine, nor a loyal, cohesive administration behind him, may need to look at Gowon’s template in his execution of this terror war.

You don’t keep a failed group of war commanders when your troops are being routed on every front, and territories lost randomly, almost on a daily basis. I made this point in my latest syndicated article coming out shortly. Even, football coaches replace under-performing star players when the team seems to be headed for defeat. President Jonathan should have wasted no time in sacking his entire war team and replace them with more proactive generals and advisers, in view of the vanquishing of our forces by a rag-tag, but well armed Boko Haram fighters.

He should not wait until the insurgents march towards Abuja before he does something drastic to save the situation, which is becoming fiercely urgent. More urgent, in fact, than his re-election bid, which obviously dominates his agenda at the moment. Nigeria’s survival comes first before anything else, including a Presidential election.

The ruling PDP tends to give greater priority to perpetuating itself in power than destroying the insurgents who pose such a potent threat to our sovereignty. That’s not realpolitik, its bad logic. Like I wrote elsewhere, this war should be at heart of the President’s agenda; without it, he cannot transform Nigeria, no matter how effective his Transformational programme is.

Boko Haram, like all Islamists everywhere, espouse a virulent brand of austere, absolutist Islam, driven by atavistic impulses. It takes more than mere grandstanding to destroy this barbaric group of deranged individuals


OSINANL said...


Val lala said...

True talk dear pastor.

Neks said...

I can't read all this, all i know is that Jonathan is too stupid to to president.

Val lala said...

True talk dear pastor.

Anonymous said...

SOMEBODY is just talking NOW. Let us all jointly tell him (GEJ) to focus on tackling boko haram and provide peace and security instead of his quest for re-election. PEACE comes first.


All we've been saying, wonder who he's going to rule should boko haram attack all Nigerians.
He's all about going to pick his nomination form tomorrow, Mubi was captured, students killed,yet no address from our president. Its quite a pity.


Philly nicest said...

Very insightful but I plead to say that ebola was not tackled by the presidency.It was tackled by first consultant doctors and nurses and lagos states selected individuals.That Government we have in Nigeria is an unfortunate one

Anonymous said...

Are u looking for a suger mummy or daddy please call dis line 07060801564 please be mature...

Unknown said...

Thank you for a straight thinking post. #BokoHaram is a despicable murderous lot. Goodluck Jonathan's supporter's linking the murder of 50 students to GEJ declaration are the same

EbonyAma said...

Abeg help me tell dat foolish president.

Anonymous said...

Okay. I'll relay your message to him.

Peejay said...

I will comment after I get a dictionary. I got bored/lost after the heading.

Anonymous said...

My dear Pastor Okotie, thank you for standing on the path of the truth!
Ayo Oritshejafor when the trumpet sounds on which side would you be?

Unknown said...

GEJ shud be ashamed of himself,northern nigeria is now in anarchy, all he's bothered about is amaechi,2015 and APC! Even d APC sef is no different frm PDP,same old wicked corrupt pple under a different brand.. Nigeria my country! I carry yansh 4 u!

Anonymous said...

See who is talking which contibution have you make to the displace people of boko haram.huh rubbish enemy of progress leave GEJ alone ooooo

Unknown said...

He spoke some truth...... Sincerely i fink d presidency isn't doing enuf.. we need a more firm n drastic approach.

Anonymous said...

This man shd just shut up n ask God 4 forgiveness. I don't knw y pple stl attend his church. Dog of a man

Unknown said...

Dats wat Jona ought to do....but Jona has neva cared abt BH, even bfore dis election period

Bonita Bislam said...

This country is no longer the heavyweight that we used to know.Its now a featherweight surviving on lost glory of its mititary prowess.No amount of preaching and advice can change GEJ's focus on 2015.Not even a prophet of doom...Ride on mr President,till you sink the entire Nigerian ship into oblivion.

Uche Emma said...

Excellent advise

Anonymous said...

From what I've seen and know. Boko Haram ideology is not in isolation. It's been in the north since after the civil war and will consume the entire northern Nigeria (maybe help them break away sooner than predicted).

Uche Emma said...

.... but he listen?

Everything is now geared towards election.

Alloy Chikezie said...

The country is in a mess, and all the president seem to do is campaign for next year. What a pity.

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Gift Lawrence said...

humm. nobi small letterooo

Unknown said...


Anonymous said...

I applaud you Chris okotie.this write up says it all.i hope the people that will comment here will look beyond the messenger and understand the message.

Anonymous said...

This guy just took d words out of my mouth. Sack all those ministers of defence that have nothing more to offer. Mba jonathan be preparing for his electoral speech. Until they finally share borders with d south by which it will be too late

Unknown said...

I wish other 'men of God' will come outand speak such truth to d sit of power in Abuja instead of scrambling for ownership of private jets and mega church, Nigeria will know peace.

ujunwa said...

Go and sit down this Fake Pastor

Anonymous said...

Ebola has no patriot(s), it was fought without sentiments... Even family members of this boko group will do everything to frustrate any move to get them to their knees(sentiments), coupled with supports from sm faceless individuals from different angles.If only political, regional/tribal,religious,family sentiments could be addressed(sabotage)....Then boko will be history. God bless Nigeria.

Unknown said...


Sinewy said...

Politics shouldn't be for everyone; GEJ might do better as a Secondary school Principal or something. The entire cabinet understands his weaknesses and they capitalized on it , making the nation ungovernable for him. If GEJ has any foresight, he will derive new measures or voluntarily step down to prevent another Syria, Iraq situation. GEJ is obviously wearied to a notable degree: Stepping aside would be a smart thing to do . I am more worried about those devilish bunch of politicians than the Boko haram insurgents who are mainly tools.

Unknown said...

and he okotie will come be the president?..this people should just leave GEJ alone!


Nochade's Blog said...

the bitter truth.. he has spoken well, my mind also. GEJ needs to re-priotize, and re-strategize. No matter how hard we pretend not be aware of it, the fact remains that there is trouble in Nigeria, and chaos is spreading. let us not wait till it gets to us while we party & keep celebrating show of wealth...biggest weddings, latest cars, blah blah blah.

Jennykiss said...

Exactly my sentiment! But not just him.....ALL PUBLIC SERVANTS!!

The madness and unproductive deceit from our Govt has gone damn to far.

Unknown said...


Unknown said...

Yes, I concur with him.
President should sack & replace failed group of war commanders including generals & advisers. This is another template/ platform will can help in execution of these insurgents.


Anonymous said...

Okotie, has no moral mind to advise GEJ. He need to amend his relationship with God first before seeking to be noticed.

Anonymous said...

Well said

Unknown said...

I agree with u sir! President has to use iron hand to deal with these miscreants.

oluwasegun oyindamola said...

what is really wrong wit him

Anonymous said...

I totally agree with pastor Chris on this one. The president is jst too quiet on dis issue nd i'm very sure dere's sumtin he can do about it Plsss oga presido wake up

Unknown said...

Its true sha. Jonathan is too weak. God'll help us

Anonymous said...

Buh is making a point #bright bravo#

Anonymous said...

Tell Buhari to protect the interest of his people before talking of election ok!

Subomi said...

Okotie has said a lot of garbage in his life time but I'm with him on this one.

ary said...

If he was wise, he'd do that, cos that is what will win him the election not campaigning! Defeat BH and have Nigeria wholesale

Anonymous said...

Never took Chris for a wise man, he double-nailed the point!! How i wish GEJ gets to see this.

Unknown said...

Never took Chris for a wise man, he double-nailed the point!! How i wish GEJ gets to see this.

bbm 7F098C19 said...

the only meaningful word this man has said for a while now. Engr E

Unknown said...

Sound write-up

Lady G said...

We need more brave people to speak out like this.

Anonymous said...

Well said Rev okotie!! Waiting for Mr fetish abati and sycophant okupe's response.

Unknown said...

Well said

Anonymous said...

Well said, it high time we let president Jonathan and his party know that no Boko haram defeat, no vote. Defeat Boko haram and shame the sponsors.

lami said...

I am with okotie on this one, when will jonathan know that insecurity cannot just be wished away. Its high time something drastic is done to curb this.

Anonymous said...

For once, Okotie has a point. I commend u for ur truthfulness on this.

Unknown said...

True talk, GEJ should focus more on security

Anonymous said...

@ Osinanl or whatever u call ursef, Ode! Box eyes, why can't you just say u couldn't deduce meaning from the pastor's writeup, than speaking out of context, illiterate of the first other!

Olusoji said...

I agree with you sir. We can only get it right if Mr GEJ focuses on the insurgency and providing solutions

Unknown said...

All those men coming out for presidency 2015 they ar all thiefs abeg mak we manage GEJ.

Anonymous said...

u the masses do not understand what is going on any any body can score cheap goals all in the name to criticise even men that can not manage their immediate family like the fake pastor talkless of ruling a difficult country

Anonymous said... will it affect my life?Goat. If bh men caught up.with u, u still tell them sugar gins. Fool

Unknown said...

Datz bad of u OSINANL.dnt judge

Unknown said...

Mind ur bizness dis man!

Unknown said...

God heal our land, bicoz what what doz boy have in mind omoh!!!!! GEJ u need to act fast, jump protocols and act fast, election u are der or ihe emeeeee for this country ooo

Unknown said...

GEJ, pls put this fake people surrounding u aside, they are all propaganda and wicked things. U need to change all those fools surrounding u and act very fast

Anonymous said...

Go get yourself fucked.
Are you better than him

Anonymous said...

Word Mr Okotie.... GEJ should learn to take a firm decision to end this crisis. give the military a deadline and the powers to wipe clean the BH. Stop playing Mr Nice guy

Anonymous said...

Gbamest! God bless u Neks.

Anonymous said...

You mean "clueless.

Anonymous said...

You are stupid.

Anonymous said...

Is dat d issue.

Anonymous said...

Someone should communicate this to GEJ all this bombing nd killing is getting out of hand. They re more focused on election nd re-election without tackling the problem of the poor masses which will definitely get to them if care is not taken.

Unknown said...

GOD pls help naija

Anonymous said...

@osinal, or osinal fool, i dont blame u bcuz u are a fucking illiterate......i guess u commented here just bcuz u are looking for a price of 20k.....olodo

Unknown said...

i concur

Anonymous said...

May thunder fire ur generation. ......very soon boko haram will visit ur family for saying GEJ should be left alone

Anonymous said...

What is ur business with d man's church. dis a matter of church? Fool like u

Anonymous said...

Ur name must be black fool do u have a home? Whatz ur business wit his family? The man is making a point and a big fool like u is talking nonsense

Unknown said...

@linda ikeji people like osinanl should b filtered.this should be a forum for matured nigerians not all this children that daddy bought android phone for.chris okotie once said catholics are not Christians and I'm one, that was offensive but he just wrote something very sensible affecting the whole country..I'm givin him a thumbs up,Jonathan never had a grip on nigeria he's too loose rule.

Anonymous said...

Wat has Buhari, Atiku Tinibu and all of them big men in opposition party contributed in the fight against Bh?

Anonymous said...

Pastor Chris for once u have spoken well. I wish Boko will shake path of aso rock so will know that this guy's are not joking also face what people are seeing. Weak president

APPLE said...

MAN OF DEVVIL SHUT UP !!!!! GEJ till 2019.

Anonymous said...

Neks you said it all. What a daft "president!"

Anonymous said...

My dear.. i tire for the matter..we even still get tym 2 read Lib coz e nevr affect sum of us..and i strongly pray it wont.. i cry each tym i see our fellow beings die like animals in der hands... WHAT A WEAK PRESIDENT WE HAVE.. each i see dis election rubbish on tv i feel like slapping them especially can u be talking about election when the pple ur ruling are dying.. *tears* does he have a special adviser really? Coz a sensible man will know that tackling Boko haram will automatically give him his seat back.

Anonymous said...

He will definitely sink just himself n his entire generation... Weak Man.. mcheewww

AGB said...

This is how a pro-active president should think. Remind me again,who's our president? Do we have one? Oh,one man called Mr.Jonathan who can't seem to protect our nation?

God Bless Nigeria. Amen.

Anonymous said...

@ anon 7:56, buhari and Co don't have the title GCFR and GCON, GEJ is our grand commander and he can't even control his wife. Very soon every thief on the street will be offered amnesty for the sake of re-election
The military is fucked, those old fools can't think of a strategy to win ludo not to mention boko haram. I believe this country will be great,i just don't know when,hopefully before the second coming of christ

Anonymous said...

Amen to your prayer Anon 7.08

Anonymous said...

Apple my own dear Apple, I had almost stopped scrolling thinking you didn't post a comment. All I want from you is to SWEAR ON THE LIVES OF YOUR CHILDREN (BORN OR UNBORN) THAT ALL OKOTIE WROTE IS NOT TRUE AND THAT GEJ'S DESIRE TO BE REELECTED IS IN THE BEST INTEREST ON NIGERIA. And where's that Ikhide Tony fella too?

Anonymous said...

Why should he? Doesn't he have his right of expression? Wahy is a so called man v God disturbin himself with politics?did jesus interfere with d govt of his tym?

Anonymous said...

Real men re talking small gays should stand down pls, for Pete sake. Mscheeeew

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