CAF leadership says they cannot postpone the competition and have withdrawn the rights of Morroco to host it. The Morrocan national team was also flung out of the competition. Find the statement from CAF as posted on their website after the cut...
At its meeting on 11th November 2014 in Cairo, the Executive Committee of the Confederation of African Football (CAF) has taken note of the response of the Minister of Youth and Sports of the Kingdom of Morocco in a letter dated 8 November 2014 requesting the postponement of the Orange Africa Cup of Nations in 2015.
This response clearly indicates that the Royal Moroccan Football Federation reiterated its refusal to hold the competition on the dates indicated (January 17-February 8, 2015). Therefore, having firmly and unanimously notified on 3 November its decision to keep the competition on the dates indicated, the Executive Committee confirmed that the Orange Africa Cup of Nations 2015 will not take place in Morocco.
The Organising Committee of the Orange Africa Cup of Nations will later apply the statutory provisions that are required due to a breach of the Royal Moroccan Football Federation regulatory and contractual provisions, including those set out in the Host Association Agreement signed between CAF and the Royal Moroccan Football Federation in April 2014.
The Executive Committee took note of receipt by 10 November, 2014 of some applications of national associations confirming their desire to host the 2015 competition on the dates agreed. These applications are currently under review, and the Executive Committee will finalize the selection of the successful National Association shortly and confirm the place and date of the draw of the final tournament at the same time.
The Executive Committee confirms the continuation of qualifiers match-days 5 & 6, which will be held during the month (14/15 November and 19 November), paving the way for the qualification of the 15 teams that will be joining the team of the host country. Accordingly, and following the refusal of the Moroccan party, the Executive Committee has decided that the national team of Morocco is automatically disqualified and will not take part in the 30th edition of the Orange Africa Cup of Nations in 2015.
Damn, they shouldnt even think of bringing it to naija abeg......
good move
Let's sit and watch the drama
This is not a joke
CAF is stupid and stubborn, a terrible combination. Morroco made a very reasonable request.
So? Is it their fault that they are scared of Ebola? Abeg jare!
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Maybe as the defending champions, if we dont qualify, we stand a chance of defendin out title.
nice move caf
Politics in football too
Haba! Would you feel safe and comfortable if they brought it to Naija? People from diverse countries who have contact with diverse people? It's an epidemic for God's sake. Common less than 20 cases in 9ja and we couldn't even hug our loved ones, how much more? Biko, let's be rational rather than emotional
Caf shld consider forgeting AFCOn for now bcos of ebola.
CAF shld think of ebola. I agree wit enyeama on this.
Serves them right.
Joor oooooo. They just showed how much they care for their citizens. How many people can they quarantined before the start of the tournament? CAF,this is not a good decision.
This is BS! CAF has to be sensitive to the fears of the Moroccan authorities, this is ebola we are talking about here! Transporting it from west to east Africa would be as easy as 123.
CAF good luck finding a host ready to risk its people for the 'glory' of hosting the AFCON
The Morrocan Football Federation should get a heavy ban for this insult. If they can go ahead to host the FIFA world club Competition holding in December, what stops them from hosting African Cup of Nation?
Yes ,prefared to ebola
Y cnt caf cancel dis 1? Wat wil hapen if de cancel or postpone dis 1 biko? evn Europeans dat introduce futbal2use ,v ders every leap year(4years)
I hope its d best decision
CAF is not reasonable enough, we all know, there is ebola outbreak in some of west africa state, and morroco requested for change of date so that the outbreak can be tankle before hosting the tournament.but CAF is not sensible enough to buy that idea, let see what will happen with the next hosting nation, i pity them.
CAF is being unreasonable. Don't bring it to Nigeria. We don't need it. Its surprising that everybody except CAF knows how deadly and dangerous Ebola is and the risk this competition puts Africa into. Greedy people
Ok oooo
Ok oooooo
Morroco made a stand to protect its people n DAT has become a problem? Things dey happen sha
ok.... thats 2 slaps, you drop them as host and drop their team.. a lil harsh
It serves them right.
Let them play it in sierra leone 😎
Caf ar being reasonable too, dey ar agnst stigmatisation... Everything cld b handled wit care.. Ok, since d outbreak of Ebola dn't teams still play qualifiers, n dey travel too, including sierre leone n guinea n liberia, so wats d big deal bout hosting d tournament?
@ Richard Jeffrey...did u actually write "tankle" for "tackle"? Jesus wept! This your grammar is enough to cancel not only the AFCON but the European championship, world cup and Olympics!
it was simply a typographical error. u don't need to make mountain out of a mole hill.
Na East Africa Morocco dey now? When them move?
If u are hosting a tournament u are not hosting only the players, u are hosting their fan,the spectators also, thats alot of people to control if an outbreak occurs
What the heck does that mean. Its not a must to comment on everything if you've got nothing to contribute. This is a very sensitive matter
Insensitive people. Seems all they have in their heads is the lost takings they would have received from the competition. Human lives means nothing to these scumbags. No way would the europeans go ahead with such competitions if such threatens their existence. They will tell FIFA where to stick it if it insisted. When will African lives be valuable to Africans.
This is outrageous. Its like the president refusing to postpone declaring is candidacy to run for election despite scores of school children and students killed from the bomb blast of yesterday. To see him and his PDP members smiling, jubilating whilst innocent school children had been killed is despicable. How insensitive can we Africans get. Europeans, Americas would have cancelled all engagement to acknowledge those killed. Guess it all about money, fame and power for them. How do you think the developed countries look upon Nigeria. Let us guess, "YOU DONT GIVE A DAMN".
...The fear of Ebola though
As for me, I love the decision to disqualify them. And I support the committee. Morocco, as a result of their request to postpone disassociated themselves from the rest just as they've always done. They've never really considered themselves to be Africans. This Ebola crisis was just another excuse for them to put further bridge between them and the rest of us. Their own is too much. Fine Ebola is serious shit, but this is not the time to turn your back on your fellow Africans. Its just not right. This whole issues could have been fixed if they had kept an open mind.
If Morocco can host FIFA Club World Cup why can't they host Nations Cup or are people not still gonna travel to Morocco to watch? Besides do you know how many people from all over the world travel to Morocco daily? Their reason for not hosting simply doesn't hold water Biko. All they need do deploy devices at airports to check people Daz all.
I'm really shocked at some of your comments. I personally applaud the Morrocan govt for standing up to protect the health and welfare of its people. This is something Nigerian leaders can never do because of their selfish gains. As someone rightly said, with just about 20 cases recorded in Nigeria, see the life changing impact ebola brought. From those that lost loved ones to those who remain psychologically scared by the fear of ebola. I live in the US and I can assure you that even America, as great as they seem, is in panic today as a result of ebola. So for those of you advocating that the CAF be brought to Nigeria; kindly go and form a country elsewhere and feel free to play your football. But as long as ebola is still yet to be contained, it's better CAF postpone the tournament or better still, keep it completely away from Nigeria. I just hope the Nigerian govt have got "big balls" like it's Morrocan counterpart.
good decision from the government of morocco. it shows they consider safety of their citizen as priority.........
The Moroccan football federation have taken their decision thinking they are protecting their citizen but I can only say that this is very myopic in the sense ebola will come if it will come. They should have expressed their fear for all the countries involved to exercise good caution before sending their team for the tournament.
Nigeria, US took precautions yet ebola came to them and there were deaths but was kept under control because of good action.
Football is more than tossing the round leather about on the field but also a unifying force through love, brotherliness, association. We have seen that football have cracked nuts that have defiled every other solution.
Yes, Nigeria need to learn from Morocco to take decisions in the best interest of her citizens and putting her citizens first in everything. Toks
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