Another fallen hero: Lieutenant M Umar Man | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog





Thursday 13 November 2014

Another fallen hero: Lieutenant M Umar Man

As much as we can celebrate these men laying their lives for us, we will. Lieutenant M Umar was killed by Boko Haram members during an attack on Mubi in Adamawa state on Tuesday November 11th. May his soul rest in peace... Amen.


Neks said...

Rest in Peace Umar... Nigeria Politician should also be given guns to fight, not just looting money...just saying out of anger.

Neks said...

Rest in Peace Umar... Nigeria Politician should also be given guns to fight, not just looting money...just saying out of anger.

Unknown said...

Lt Umar's death in defence of the territorial integrity of this nation can not go in vain. I celebrate him. May his soul rest in peace and may the Almighty God comfort his family.

Anonymous said...

It is sad losing such fine young men. A shame really.
But there are many more enlisted men that have died, much more than the officers. I believe they also deserved to be recognized for their bravery.

Unknown said...

So sad. Rest in peace

Unknown said...

May his soulrest in peace...Amen

MACBOOK said...

Rest in peace........ Soldier

linda's baby said...

What a handsome man,may his soul RIP

ary said...


Unknown said...

Hmmm may the spirit of the lord be with his family

Unknown said...

God help this nation

Olubukola Ozone said...

How many of our soldiers (husbands, fathers, sons, brothers) will we lose against insurgency for crying out loud? Who among our army will be decleared dead by tomorrow? Confused

Unknown said...



Anonymous said...

Yes lets Linda since our government don't deem it necessary.its also very likely that the families are not even fortunate enough to get their bodies back.RIP soldiers.boko haram didn't kill you.the leaders of the federal republic of Nigeria murdered you by giving you pen knives to kill a jungle full of tigers

Anonymous said...

Thank U Lt. M Umar. RIP#Brassman#

Anonymous said...

RIP. Our true soldiers who risk their lives to defend us

Anonymous said...

May his brave soul rest in the bosom of the Lord.

Anonymous said...

May his soul RIP. I sincerely sympathise with the military men cos its not easy fighting against unrepentant souls that have been sold to the devil. Killing a BH member will never be as painful as losing a soul in the Nigerian Army. All these in the name of politics. I pray that God will heal Nigeria and expose the BH sponsors in Jesus name,Amen

spicy said...

May his brave soul rest in the bosom of our Lord.

OSINANL said...

RIP Lieutenant Umar
Boko Haram ur days are numbered

snowflix said...

RIP to him #onelovefromSnow#

snowflix said...

Shut the hell up!!! You think you can come here and say trash. Someone died protecting me and you all you could say is the leaders killed 'sighs' Go and get equipped yourself and kill all the BH at once. Talking like someone that has bomb in the head #onelovefromSnow#

Anonymous said...

So painful when a fellow officer killed in action..u pple can't understand wot we re going 2ru everyday to make dis country peaceful, if we die in d process of making dis country better pls always remember us in prayer

sophieluv said...


Unknown said...

Stuff like this make wata run away mi yai. You is a good muan. Jah bless.

Unknown said...

Rest in peace

Anonymous said...

This is to remind the concerned authourities that what need be done be done forthwith because the blood you are shedding knowingly or unknowingly will cry for vengeance from their grave. They laid their lives so that you can live. They have played their part effectively and you MUST play yours very effectively.
This is not about only giving the family what is due to them but doing the right thing now to stop the unnecessary shedding of innocent blood and destruction of valuables. Remember the lost life is irreplaceable.
We have wasted enough valuable & irreplaceable resources and it MUST stop now.
Adieu Lt Umar Man. May your soul rest in peace and may God grant your family the fortitude to bear the loss. Toks

APPLE said...


Mozez Edibo said...

i wonder the number of insurgents in the northeast..killing young, fine officers daily.

Anonymous said...

@Snowflix, u shut up! How many times will the soldiers cry of being underarmed b4 it sink into ur thick skull? The Gov't is responsible period!

Anonymous said...

I kept saying they should send those corrupt police to fight boko harm too. is only collection of bribe on the high way that they know as if it's a birth right. we kept loosing sons, husband and father. If they refuse to go for the operation they will take them to court. Make jona do the right thing abeg and equip these people, i wonder how fed. govt cant handle them(BOKO). Gallant soldier! RIP

KWEEN said...

Snowflix, why exactly are you over reacting? That person is telling the truth! Look at the sophisticated weapons the insurgents are using and then look at the old fashioned and outdated AK-47 rifles our own troops are using. Imagine a Nigerian soldier running out of ammunition on the battle field! For God's sake, why? The government can provide them with even better weapons than what the insurgents are using but they didn't. Rather, they are busy with various campaigns, wasting billions on private jet trips and other trivial bullshit! While these young men fighting to protect us all are dying painfully! Yes, let us blame the government!! Of recent we have heard of soldiers refusing to fight because of lack of appropriate weapons, we have heard of mutiny and rebellions as a result of their demands not being met. Yet, we keep hearing how some demonic elements in the Corridors of power in this same country sponsor boko haram! Our soldiers aren't fighting mere dagger wielding abokis, they are fighting mindless, brainwashed heathens armed with high grade weapons who are bent on destroying Nigeria!! The government ought to break the bank to equip our troops if that's what it takes! But the reverse is the case. I weep for this country!

Anonymous said...

These are the true Nigerian heroes. May the labours of our heroes past NEVER be in vain. May God be with the ones you left behind

Anonymous said...

So painful ripp

Anonymous said...

Rest in peace Umar. Those who kill and maim and those who embezzle and refuse to provide weapons and ammunitions and those who sabotage and profit from this war against BH shall have their own loved ones shredded in pieces.

Anonymous said...

Walk the halls of Valhalla, fallen hero

Subomi said...

RIP Umar

Unknown said...

My hrt bleeed, feel like shouting on top of my voice. Save us o lord, deliver us o lord

Anonymous said...

God comfort his family, you are a brave soldier Lt. Umar

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