Cheryl posted a pic of her wedding band on her instagram page and made the announcement.
"I usually do not discuss my personal life but to stop the speculation I want to share my happy news. Jean-Bernard and I married on 7/7/14. We are very happy and excited to move forward with our lives together.’ she wrote
is the 2nd marriage for Cheryl, who was previously married to Chelsea
footballer Ashley Cole from 2006 to 2010. She still bears Ashley's name, will she drop it now that she has a new husband?
Linda wht sought of question re u asking, "will she drop Ashley naw dat she has a new husband" I don't understand u o...
hml.. patoswife@gmail.com
Second marriage!!! She's still coming up
Oyibo $ divorce shaaaa
HML CHERYL........
Moye B.
Good luck to them, they should keep recycling husbands chilly163@hotmail.com
HML CHERYL........
Moye B.
Their p. Jopeyemi@gmail.com
Hmmmm lips sealed
they marry todsy and divorce tomorow
White ppl and deir lives,well I hope dis 1 works out anyways congrat to dem both. Cgestheruko@gmail.com
These people nor dey waste time @ all...of course she has to drop the name.
Congrats Cheryl. ...have fun!
this people and their lifestyle
Congrats to her...
the right thing to do is drop the name ofcourse!
Though I wish any married couple well, I can't help but think this will end in tears. Three months of dating?
I can't stand a woman who trades on an ex husbands name (she was in a band as CCheryl Tweedy long before she married the half black footballer to put to bed the story of her racially abusing the Nigerian cleaner)
I give them MAX 4years
Congrats 2 dem
Well she shld..hml
Follow me on instagram teemah_salau n imma follow bk
A very nice stepping stone, wishing dem a happy marriage life nd Linda ov cos she wil. Jst wondering why she continued with d name after she left d marriage.
Secret wedding is the in thing for celebrities. Ama tell my boo that our wedding be secret..
Proof that Dencia had a butt inplant CLICK HERE TO READ DETAILS AND SEE PHOTOS
good luck to them...nkemdirimeverista111@gmail.com
Kinda like her as Cheryl Cole.
Hmmm....(Musing).....Cheryl Fernandez-Versini...naaaah!
Cheryl Cole is way better.
patiently waiting for d news dey got divorced...
No wonder thr marriages dont last... Who gets married after 3mnths of meetin a man? I wish her d best sha
Congrats 2 her ..I do hope this lasts forever !!
Good for her.....2006-2010.......let's watch out for 2014-2018.......seems like she loves 4yrs interval.........married for 4yrs, stayed divorced for 4yrs and married again probably another 4yrs....
congrats ,mycherishedlady@yahoo.com
I just hope the marriage won't be as brief as the courtship.HML to them.Just like Lucy Lawless(Xena),I doubt if she'll change her surname,this whites aren't dramatic about surnames like Africans.
Good 4 er
That's good for her. HML. ⌣̊┈̥-̶̯͡»̶̥♡thanks ⌣̊┈̥-̶̯͡»̶̥
congrats to dem. ogunaomi@gmailcom
Let's see. Happy wedlock! Pretex4luv@yahoo.com
Congrats 2 them..I guess evry1 deserves 2 b happy. Mz maybay
Happy for them visit naijawww.com now
it is only tyme can tell.#THAT AKWA IBOM BOY#
She would have to drop the name
Happy for them
Hw's dis news
happy for them
onyinbo dae CRAZE
Happy for them
I hope it lasts sha coz 3months is damn too short of a tym to court nd den marry. Oyindamolaharvey@yahoo.com
Mehn dat diamond is d shiii
She wouldn't drop the "Cole" name her brand is " cheryl Cole" this was her reason for keeping the name after her divorce so nah, she ain't gonna change her name.
BTW I wonder how they communicate with her strong accent and I'm sure he has French accent too hehe... happy for her thou.
And Cole hit it first! hehehe
She is really beautifull and i wish her all the best of lucks.....
Of course she will certainly drop cole's name becos she is now married to another name.I wish them well.
Congrats. Those rings though 😍
Love people from the first World country,once their marriage is not working they divorce and move on. Unlike Nigerians who will stay and be unhappy
Lol..guess she would,I hope ds one lasts n do nt end in 2018 ,2014-2018! Lol,dz whites n their crazy life styles smh
Ummmn I'd like to say dey look good together but I wish her the best#chizzy says so# chisomhelen50@gmail.com
I hope she's gonna drop the 'Cole' now that she's married again. Dammyfan2@yahoo.com
Good for her
Congrats to them! I don't know why the whites keep getting married at every opportunity they manage to find
Congrats to them! I don't know why the whites keep getting married at every opportunity they manage to find
She fit combine d 2 nah if she wants d only diff is dt one is TO while d oda is AFTER.Odawise dey are both Husbands
Congrates to her
Happy married life! Of corse she will drop d name cause she is married to another hubby!
After 3 months of dating right? Good on you. All the best and the duo is hot!
Wow 3 months, I wish her the very best. She deserves to be happy, after what Ashley Cole put her through!!! I hope she married this French dude for the right reasons, all the best Cheryl HML!!! Whizman
This is what happens when you get desperate she should have stayed with Ashley and managed the cheating. That is the burden you must bear of being a wag. I.e Victoria beckham. 3 months? This can never end well.
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The ring on her finger though..
D worst people to marry re musicians n footballers in fact gals stay away from celebrities!!!!!! They re the worst people ever!
...........after 3 months of dating?...........good luck to them
Hmmmm na wa oooO jst 3months kk wsh u d bst nd HML...
Ordinary sort you can't spell. What's sought? Illiterate.
She's 2 gud 4 Ashley eniway Ashley is a man hoe
Good for her.
Don't mind Linda, I'm sure she was meant to say will she drop the surname 'COLE'
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