Pastor Daniel, who is the founder and Head Pastor at Rabboni Centre Ministries, situated at Zone 2 Ga-Rankuwa, north of Pretoria, said he was basically trying to prove that humans can be controlled by the spirit and they can eat anything to feed their bodies. I don't know how he managed to convince his members to go outside the church and start eating grass, but he! Unbelievable! See more photos after the cut...

Pastor Daniel Lesego above
And see what he's doing here...
1 – 200 of 768 Newer› Newest»It is well...end time tinz
NA wa o..mthe world is really coming to an end .
May God save our souls,Amen.
Hahahha.... That's all I can say to now. SMH
Lmao! Nth we no go hear.
This is stupidity in the highest sense of the word. people should learn to fear God not man. I taya for Christians these days
This is just the sign of end time some people are stupid
Lindodo of life.....well done o
God 4gv mi bt both d pastor nd d members re all stupid.lyk WTF wats wth al dis fake pastor tryn 2 prove dis ot d@ lyk criously?
Lmaoooooooooo bet things are happening o, I trust my 9ja peeps tho
Oya lind go sleep it's way past ur bed time
#That happy sister!
Same can happen in naija.buh it's just a shame to be controlled by your fellow human being like dis.smh
My people perish for lack of knowledge. some Nigerians do similar things. I feel so bad for Africa.
He's a stupid idiot. Its all signs of the end that's fast coming.
Linda,dnt b surprise,religion is d opium of d pple,& opium dey kolo ppl brain.
Not surprised at all,Christanity is not Stupidity( but in their case it just might be)....after this same people will be castigating the Catholics.#pathetic#
God help us. people have certainly lost their minds. #somehow
All in the name of God!!! Here in our country we have "men of God" who flog their members, have sex with female members...both young, old and under aged, extort money etc. Enough is enough!
What is this world turning into? God have mercy on your children
Ok its nt even d fact dat dey r eatin grass. Its d way dey r doin it lyk demented zombies. Ya salam! Wts hapenin to our world?!
Unbelievable..shits do happen everyday..End time is near we all need to be very careful.
I disagree wit dis kind of directive from a pastor. Cnt try it.
wonders are many on earth and the greatest of this is man.#word
Wonders will never end, haaaa, God please expose more. What is it with the last picture? Mtcheeeew.
He is indeed a Lunatic, with gullible church members,choi! Dis is so annoying!!!!
I pray my hubby doesn't read this. He stopped going to church cos of these "fake" pastors. Since dec last year he's improved dratically. Seeing this will take him back to square 0. But pple shaa can be gullible *spits*
Choi!! Wetin we no go see?? Humans eating grass!!! May God help their mentality. Blindly following everything their pastor says and stepping on them in d last picture!!! I'm short of words. Ella!!..
God deliver this man.... this is wickedness
Oh ga ohhhh
The lengths pple go to for miracle!!
Ewwwwwww chineke help us in dis wicked
World frm wicked pastors and dump followers hummmnnnnn eating grass.....................
God deliver this man.... this is wickedness
Wat nonsense!!!!! Y isn't he locked up?
Hahahahahahahaha;hehehehehehe... OMG!!! Sorri guys knw dis is serious issue,,, cant help but laff...LMAO;lord av mercy#MAURINGABS
LMAo,,, ewu SA...#lordavmercy...
Hmmmmm,,,,tins are realy happening.
Bloody hell. Dis is outrageous and totally unacceptable. Damn it. Nw will dey blame me 4nt goin 2church? Smtimes I see sm men of God using d fact dat pple respect and see dem as a representative of christ on earth to do rubish. Now wat sort of stupid unscrupulous pastor is dis? D idiot is even matchin his. Memebers as slave n evn mkin 'em eat grass. " if I catch dis guy 4 ph d tin I go do am en" see him arab dry face. He will ans d call of d almighty one soon n he'd explain every. Happy new year linda. Courtesy FOXYTEDDY.
This is crazy....what is dis world turning into?
If their pastor Ω̴̩̩̩̥o take care of them,who will??? L̳̿Ö̤̣̇☺ː̗̀(=D)ː̖́☺Ö̤̣̇L̳̿ =)) cant fit laff...
People looking for miracle. Holy father please help us
This is crazy....what is dis world turning into?
Lol we Africans and our blind follower-ship or were they under the influence of something under world?
These pple all av been brain washed
Tins de realy happen for dis world....SMH
Dey want miracle na...LOL dis is jez crazy...see hw dat 1 d eat am like say she be big goat! Smh
Nedbucadnezzar wannabes. Oshi arata marayo. Ejo be n ni orun. Hell fire is expanding
No sane human would do this or allow for such. He obviously is controlling their spirits through diabolical means.
This is what you get when you go after religion. Christianity is not a religion, it's a way of life- the life of Jesus Christ. I hope they get delivered from 'his' bondage someday soon. A simple personal relationship with Christ will end their years of bondage.
This is just human abuse
End time things
Lol fools..
Brain washing
Arrant nonsense!! What is this?
Miracle hungry Africans, gullible to anything pastors say.... Nigerians can walk naked as long as na pastor see am 4 vision...
Pity.What brand of Christianity does the blackman practice? what is really happening?
You cant find a white doing/believing this shit.
abule muwonleru....
Looks like he has tied their soul and they have become zoombies to be controlled at whim cos no human being in his right mind will eat grass #au â goat?# yeye people. Shame on you all!! Wia is it written in ∂ bible to eat grass?
loool! d 2nd pix tho, the lady looks like a goat ok, i know some grasses are edible but def not dis ones am seeing.
Rubbish! End Time is near!
Islam is the best religion, take it or leave it. Aint no other worth to be yield upon His words except Allah. Subhanalah...lost sheeps...funny though
Islam is the best religion, take it or leave it. Aint no other worth to be yield upon His words except Allah. Subhanalah...lost sheeps...funny though
There is nothing we will not see in this world
I think they lack churches in South Africa. If he can convince a congregation to eat grass, imagine what his income will be.
Hahahaha! How stupid can ppl be. Pathetic followers!
Ekwensu!!! Tufiakwa! Is dis matter off d human rights jurisdiction? Na question...person wey ask question nor dey miss road
Bloody hell. Dis is outrageous and totally unacceptable. Damn it. Nw will dey blame me 4nt goin 2church? Smtimes I see sm men of God using d fact dat pple respect and see dem as a representative of christ on earth to do rubish. Now wat sort of stupid unscrupulous pastor is dis? D idiot is even matchin his. Memebers as slave n evn mkin 'em eat grass. " if I catch dis guy 4 ph d tin I go do am en" see him arab dry face. He will ans d call of d almighty one soon n he'd explain every. Happy new year linda. Courtesy FOXYTEDDY.
Jesus Is Lord. "By their fruits ye shall know them"
Ahh nawawooo .. Just when you think you've seen it all
Jesus please help us.
There should ba regulatory agency to checkmate the activities of this fraudsters called pastors, they are ridiculing christendom. Christians are looking dump and stupid for listening to these imposters seriously.
Is he standing on those people?? Who exactly is being worshipped in this church? D pastor or G☺ԃ? He better have eaten the grass as w£ll. After all, it pays to lead my example, isn't that what they say?
is this for real, lord have mercy
End time things oh!
wow! I am speechless
This is a case of spiritual blindness.
2 Corinthians 4:4
'In their case, the god of this world has blinded the minds of the unbelievers, to keep them from seeing the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ, who is the image of God'.
D world is indeed getting colder as the coming of our lord Jesus Christ is getting closer. #Endtimethings
nawa oooo,for GODsake you are not jesus
Omy Gawd! What is this???!
Nawa ooh wonders sha never end ooh. Sir Alpaciono 28A8A848
Nawa ooh wonders sha never end ooh. Sir Alpaciono 28A8A848
Lmao....some pastors sha!
This is what happens when everyone just ups and become pastors. . .
Lord have mercy on his people, what people do in the name of religion...
Linda i fucking hate it when you inject your opinion
Abasi mmi mbok, ubok mfoooo!!, which kind life nah.
Lord have mercy on His people, what people do in the name of religion.....
Blood of Jesus. This world is coming to an end by their fruit you shall know them. People pray harder because devil has taken over the church. Lord have mercy!!! These people are brain washed this is what happens when you worship your pastors instead God. Smh
I know where this Church is and oma ga oo
Let God be the judge
Let God be the judge
This is just sick and useless,all these fake guys forming up sprituality rubbish these days na wa ooo #ETS(End Time SIgns)
Wot are dy doing in d last pics pls? Jeeeez!
Vast majority of Africans are stupid. It's so sad...
Absolutely madness....but pls linda not every body that wears suit is a pastor.
At least it's not only in Nigeria this type of nonsense happens.
Very funny.😀
Is dis 4 real??? OMG!!! Dis is so absurd. Trying to shw dt humans cn feed on anytin n he didn't join dem in eating d grass. He must b using jazz.
See d way hz stepping on dem in d last pix. Btw, wat rε̲̣ dy doin on d floor? Na anointing?
Lwkmd,they be goats.sorry to say that.
In 2014!!!....this is jes gross!! Aunty goan sleep so ti gbo...
Na so craze dey start. Foolish people doing foolish things *moving on*
Karl Marxx was on to something....Religion: the opium of the masses indeed. SMH!
What's happening to my beloved country South Africa lol please we no go turn into laughing stock after so much greatness we the greatest Country in Africa period that's why all Africans are there chopping ZAR well I love Nigerians tho*kisses*
This is NOT OF GOD. Very Satanic with no scriptural backing these actions. These days people do and obey things without asking for 2 or 3 scriptural references to support instructions. We were warned of false prophets in the last days and this is definitely one of them.
Signs of the last days...God pls help us in dis ontoward generation..
Omg! hahahaha this is a first!
Why are u surprised linda, xtians call her fellower sheeps, so what do you expect of a sheep? or did you forget the characteristics of a sheep? folks just don't understand the subliminal message behind these things. A sheep is akin to a zombie. Now you might want to ask why the xtian god wants his people to be zombies -smh. Y'all need to wake up and be wise.
Sage of Ages
Sum humans re just being stupid. Wat kind ☀f miracle re U looking for to warrant U eating grass like A̶̲̅ sheep??
Hmmm.. orisirisi
This is the level at which the human sanity has degraded that a man whom the Lord Almighty has said that is a god will go down to eat grass like goats because another human told them some cock n bull stories....God help your children
Hehehe r dey 'mating' in d last pic??? God av mercy o
They simply love to be deceived period, because they hate the truth.
Hooooollllyyyy Ghoooooossssttttt Fireeeeeeeeee
end time is near!
End time is near!
end time is near!
May God deliver the pastor and church bc they are control by evil power of world. Our God is nota disgrace god
i dont understand all this "men of God" this days...eeeeh!! did he show example by eating the grass fast?? or.....OMG!!
Speechless! Some human beings have been spiritually enslaved smh!
Are we about to see another Jonestown? #SMH
The bible says, My people perish for lack of knowledge!!
The bible says, My people perish for lack of wisdom
i cant imagine in this current world some people could be so stupid dont they have a bible cos me i neva see where he dey for bible say people dey eat grass oo abi u don see am ni linda???
May Almighty God help his people in this end time. Hmm
May Almighty God open the eyes of His people. Hmm
People can Fall mugu Sshaa. May God help us. Amen
He pressing their mumu button well.
Unto say the grass na medicine or what? These pple resemble those pple way TB joshua de do deliverance, make him back his Facts with bible quotations
Hahahahahahaa.... Cnt stp laughing.... its really ridiculous... can this happen in Nigeria?
May God Forgive this Nation!
What about many of u that are so stupid to give ur hard-earned money to #godOfMen to enrich themselves by flying in Jet?
Fake pastors everywhere. He has posses them all.
End time is surely near! I bet he preaches in God's name! A lot of miracle seeking people out there! Men and women of fickle faith convinced by little magic and whatnot. God forgive us. Hilary Obiorah.
Maybe he's the one that told my boyfrnd untrue story abuo me and end our relationship ks he came back wt I visited a church in SA, and my pastor told me you are taking my name ere and dere and for this am ending this relationship btw us.
which kind of deliverance be this na? crazy things...
Lord have
Nawa oo
Y do I see a lot of women in the church? Yes linda, its highly baffling how some people follow another human blindly like they are under a spell. Look at "Dr Fireman", d first time I heard about him was in a BBC documentary abt rich pastors in naija, apart from the offensive "everything yellow" he owned, nd people throwing offerings at his feet, he had d nerve to tell his trainee pastors "God is a business"?! I mean WHO SAYS A THING LIKE DAT?! Yet his members will crucify u for talkin ill about their pastor.. God help us
Hmmmm...dis is absurd!
The power of the tongue. It's called. Brainwashing. Thank God, he was noticed now, he'll have soon had them killing people in the name of God.
Africans in particular, look up to Pastors as though they were God!!! Whilst you can respect someone heck, admire them but you do not put them on such a pedestal. You cannot serve a God and man!!!
praise be to God
#cyborg say so!!
Na wa o, all in d name of miracle
Africans & miracle! One day a pastor will instruct his subjects to eat shit
Hehe,apparently juju is involved!but still pple re stupid oo am sure its d miracle tingy dat carried dem dere in d 1st place,
I'm speechless
Oh The blood of Jesus Christ,
This one na wetin?
Sheeps in human clothing?
Hope they wld be buying themselves
Gwagon d next day
Wait@ d last pics..he dey match dem? Jesus! These pple eating grass too? Lord av mercy! Even Jesus dint say we should eat grass.
So was he controlled by d Holy Spirit too or it was only members dat were controlled 2 eat grass?
Meanwhile,without apologies,it's d highest level of stupidity on d part of d members who wil stil come next service 4 anoda 'meal'.PATHETIC!
I tire for all these people, i know nigeriana can do this, africans sabi follow pastor enter grave, they will not even check bible or anything. If Adeboye or Oyedepo ask church members to eat grass, they will eat it tire.
Wonders shall never end!!are dey animals on human skin?
Wonder dey say shall neva end. Hope he also follow dem chop d grass...... Wat type of man of God walks on pple? Dis man is clearly servin d Devil.
Hmmm........Endtime pastors are very easy to spot out these days.I hope he ate the grass as well cos if it's good for his members, it should be good for him
this is so stupid! at the end of the day salvation is personal! he won't take u into God's kingdom!!! mchewww
Observe that the place is crawling with silly black people. .. black people!!!!!!
Dey r fools, period...this s rubbish
God have mercy on all sinners.
God have mercy on all sinners.
wow, this is good for them ooo
I think south africa are more stupid than Nigerians. Haba. The last time i watch a
video of them, I was liike. WTF?
End times!!!
#Socery#. Wicked n unclean spirits are using him
i am sure they are all going bunkers up in there...i wonder hw pipo do biddings of so called men of god...witout common sense
Are u kidding me!!this is so not ordinary oh God have mercy...1st 2 comment tho
Man of God my ass
Omg! Human mind is full wickedness.
Religion is d root of d problms in Africa. Gullible congregation. Rubbish!
once you remove poverty from Africa's equation , these collect get your blessing churches would be no more
Black South African's re very gullible. You don't need more than 5 minutes to convince them on anything. Imagine that useless brother claiming to be a pastor! God forbid evil.
Human beings r suckers!imagine all in d name of religion!may God 4gv all dis fake pastors who deceive & exploit pple in His name!
Why is he treating them like animals na? Let me nt say much maybe na angel micheal send am.
This is crazy
Hahahaha,wonders shall never end.
Kay: Well, i actually hate to talk about or judge ''Men of God''.God knows best and will reward him accordingly.And for us, 'birds fly, fishes swim, Man thinks and learn'.
HMmmm wonders shall never end oo. Very stupid set of people , just in quest of miracle. Ndi ara...
End time tins, do u blame him for dat, if not for those foolish people dat went to his church. Miracle seeker!good for them
Dat pastor nd hs members are all insane. lol, eat grass kwa
This is the weirdest thing have ever heard of, so we stil pastors Wey craze pass our Naija pastors abi?........wew!!!
Gud for dem
nawa oooo the world is coming to an end
May God forgive us all...
Christianity! religion! d most controversial thing in d world. pple need proper understanding nd guidance....
My God! what madness is this, Have mercy Lord God.
Omo see Gobe!!!! Ds is so absurd, stepping on them church memberssss? People are damn gaulible, nonsense!! Some of them eating grass, already look like a goat, mtchewww!
Laff wan tear my belle... pastor b me tok am ooo
God forbid bad thin!!! A lot of pp can so stuffs for miracles. Dt pastor should fear God oo.. Valerie Anthony
How foolish people can be... Mr Lucky
It has been written, "My judgement will start from d place of worship (Church). All I see is foolery and docile members. Olorun Maje.
This ain't right
Are you sure this is not stagemanaged?like a publicity stunt?
Linda,do you think its ordinary,dis pastor must possess some black powers wc he uses to lure pple and dey must obey.smh,ђã†̥ is dis world turnin into
God av mercy!!!!
Religion is the opium of the people.
People are generally naive and gullible when it comes to religion. Even in churches in Nigeria, most congregation members act with sheer idiocy.
Orishiri..... And he"s not eating the grass!
Religion has destroyed the minds of Africans.
Dumb people...Smh!!
Wonders Shall Never End!! This is absurd!!
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