The actress explains why she diversified and went into magazine publishing:
"Acting will always be part of me but as you attain a certain height in your chosen career it is only natural that you want to diversify, you want to show other side of you and some things you can do. So, I'm not just to entertain people but to impact knowledge as well."
Impart knowledge by showing ur legs?#confused much#
Well said, her pose reminds me of Lady Gaga!
Cover please!!! (Screaming). That leg aint worth showing
Sorry ooh but I'm nt ur fan u too dey do like doll baby for movies mayb dis one go better pass
Good job! Beautiful legs ♍ƺ love that&more grease to ur elbow!
Pweeti lady #bright bravo#
Ride on. the sky is your limit
Ok seen***divy**
Wat a bitchy attitude and statement.......!
ride on. the sky is ur limit
Nyc legs... she looks different
Wateva rocks her boat
Dis picture z HOT HOT HOT (in Leon tally's voice)....
Ummmm.... her leg tho... some men lov it thick, i lov it heidi klum or Giselle bundschen
Gud gud gud
Mgbeke feeling funky..waka waka no be work
Chinda is ur pose nawaoooo.EBY
I see,impact people. What do you have to impact
Weldon u hear...
Hot legs
Model wanna be see her fat legs#walks away#
Lap of life thigh of thunder.
Ugly pic! Your thigh ιƨ too big!! 0/10!!! *cagey*
Must she appear in her magazines? Tswwwww!
Cow legs.Jay Noni#
Photoshop! I knw those cranky legs. No life in them.
Beautiful gud gud gud
I love u monny
Eyaa, it was u who got it wrong cos she said impact and not impaRt. Its asuu's fault tho
Please yam legs are not sexy, cover it up asap!!!! please!!!!
U 're actually entertaining us with ur legs
She looks gorgeous!
LmFaooooo see d akpu leg sef,I want to puke
Leg looking like a huge turkey 4 thnksgivn
9ice legs
U guyz r just haters@chika can u even show ur legs?Aturu kastina.#hissin
Sexy legs there Monalisa. Wouldn't mind fresh legs like that.
My sister from another mother ur so on point. Love u
Diversity is good
Well Monalisa, its take way lots more that photos and poses to impact knowledge. You do not even come across to me like someone with depth. Your choices in many things shows your lack of depth clearly. We all know you guys (your blockhead boyfriend) are in publishing for money. It takes women like Betty Irabor, Maryam Uwais, Funmi Iyanda, Aisha Falode, Mo Abudu and their likes to show depth and impact knowlegde. Even this geh...ehm..ehm Stella Damasus intelligent pass you
@ chika ekesi- asif ur thighs are finer than hers. Go sleep joh, bad belle. Good 1 monalisa.
Nice one. Next, will be authoring book.
@ chika ekesi- asif ur thighs are finer than hers. Go sleep joh, bad belle. Good 1 monalisa.
Don't lik ur movies surely will not find ur mag entertaining `sorry
Sexy vixen my foot,pls dis leg is nt sexy at all incase of nxt time pls cover up.linda if u like nor post my comments use am as bleaching cream.
She is pretty no doubt but her leg looks like that of miss piggy in d show puppet babies hehehee
Fresh out!
Yeah! The leg appears like frozen turkey leg to me..
Tuber tighs! *runs away*
Hmmm the legs no be like this for real life oh. Them thick like yam oh. Btw, that her magazine is just a glorified drawing book. She just filled the mag with her pictures. And the mag is just too enormous that you get tired of looking through it sef.
The way this woman is going,she would soon start showing off her boobs,dats if she hasn't started already, from legs to boobs
Its 'more power to your elbow' not "grease". U re welcome.
Gud for ha!
is it me or does that picture look weird af!! it doesn't seem right. why is her head like that? and the leg looks so lost and confused. no hate, just saying.
funny comments....make she try
Fat legs
Girl hw I wish u ar truly born again xtian bicus the impression u gave in haven gate look real
i lik ur vision tryin 2 embark on a mision~dat we pray wil not end up in division~impactin knowledge*congrat*lol with those tinz open wide~
She never tire to de fuck Riv state gov? Smh
Nawa o
Libers, forget Monalisa and her turkey leg she is made already! Can someone help me with a copy of Elisha Goodman's prayer cookbook for busy people or any of his other ebooks for my jan.prayers? Would really appreciate it! 25E15C59 pls ping only if you can help me out and not to joke around. With the kind of prayer Linda opened this year,l can't afford to lazy around.
She looks great
Pretty lady! Her leg though. Lol
Ur legs are way too fat/heavy to be displayed eeew
Learn 2 appriciate pple. Ah!!! If na Beyonce n so on, wi go like dem pose. Abeg Monalisa dia, kip it up n b strengthen d more n more ...
Your legs are way too heavy/fat to be exposed!, eeew
Abeg remove ur fat leg....impact ko, entertain ni loz!
Love her legs
Impact knowledge by showin dt ur yellow yam leg?! Mtsheww... A more decent picture would hv bn better.
The legs are too short and crooked for this kind of display!
Lmao dis anuty again????
Not Interested
#That happy sister!
Impacting knowlege is not to go naked pls be mindful of ur old age.
Nice1. kml on point
@ chika, am sure its beta than yours. What am I saying? U ain't close.
luv u babe
@Monalisa na Wetin u talk!
Ikensi shut up!
@ harnikky,apparently its morre power 2 ur elbow!she true true dey do like doll baby
Well done my Ikwerre sister, wene badu. We are proud of you. Ada Ikwerre ji ezen mba.
Luv me some monalisa!
Oma bby
Those legs tho!! huge meeeehn. loool
@Onyx.....lool. exactly,Mighty legs I must say......heheheh
All I see is meat nothing sexy about this. This one put herself on the cover of her magazine first issue. U might as well enlarge ur own pic bow and worship urself self gloating ignorant specie. Too old for this pls ..., next. Empty vessel.
Legs are too thick,she shuld haave known better.#not sexy# tacky#
Babe u too mature 4 dis just cover nd respect ursef
Seriously...miss mona,u don't even know how to act#straight face# and now this? U look like a dodoyo. If u see her picture and u forgot her name,jst call her emptyvessel,its still dsame thing. Oshisko!
to impact knowledge? am sure we will soon start storin information in our buttocks,since people now impct knowledge wiv dia bare thighs! way to go Monalisa
Abeg abeg abegi. Wit dat leg wey be lik firewood wey burn remain
Very stupid business move. In dis time nd age were one can easy check d internet 4 information she is startin a magazine. Lol. When vogue and cosmopolitan r beggin pple 2 buy mags its monalisa's mag pple will buy.
thunder thighs
Can't stop laffin, peepz can know how 2 yab eh...nywys kudos @chinda
Thick legs,me lik d colour tho.
@anon 7:19pm,Cute G was only helping to correct Monalisa.U can't trade words with her as its obvious she better than you.Its impart knowledge not impact.Fool.
@anon 11:18...any need 4 the name calling?haba,u corrected him so wats "fool" for?
Lolz@ Leah..yh y rite at piggy...
impact knowledge as in touch knowledge? i fear this grammar
Can't y'all for once make positive comments about people and things? Lol. I tire o. As fine a she looks with those fresh legs and fresh skin. Some of u still find fault. The world na wa o
Cute g. U read my mind? same thought
To start wit,,she nids a deliverance cos shez violatin dat word"impact"
Lol@anon 7:19....dats wat happens when u re so eager to correct someone.......its impart ooo not impact...teacher nwagbeke
I love her skin..
Which one be more power to your elbow again?...pple can like 2 form wole soyinka; manufacturing deir own grammar wey no correct.
na more grease to elbow me I sabi o.
With those her masculine legs.....@least she knows thats y she took a shot of the side view
Please linda mk sure u send my message cus dis is getting out of hand. Some who think that they english grammarians wil come to blog and cus grammatical blunder. If Monalisa is an actress does not mean she knows how to use english words. IMPART knowledge not IMPACT knowledge. My annoyance is that some block heads abuse my guy dat corrected her. Let dat girl go back to her dictionary and look up wat impact means.
@glammo." More grease to ur elbow" isn't wrong. Its an Expression. Meaning 'a lot of hard physical work'. Harnikky wasn't wrong
@glammo." More grease to ur elbow" isn't wrong. Its an Expression. Meaning 'a lot of hard physical work'. Harnikky wasn't wrong
Bokotoh legs
career reaches which height? hian na wa oh when you start earning Halle Berry money THEN you can talk before then go tone those yam legs pls.
It's more power to your elbow.. Why can't you take a simple correction and stop displaying your ignorance MORON!
@awat... It is WRONG..more power to your elbow. Go get a dictionary moron!
More power to ur elbow is correct!! Smh fr som folks
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