Y'all remmeber the show that held in Bayelsa in June where Cossy treated Eedris Abdulkareem to an erotic lap dance while he performed on stage? (If you missed it, read it HERE). Well, a few blogs reported this weekend that Cossy said Eedris begged her for sex after the performance.
Eedris must have heard the rumours because he took to twitter a few hours ago to slam Cossy, calling her an old b**ch. Thing is; Cossy swears she never said anything like that. She said all Eedris did was encourage her music career and said she hasn't set eyes on him since the show.
Last to comment!
It wouldn't be strange for Eedris to ask for sex after being aroused that much with such a lap dance performance, but then, Cossy says she never said such so why the use of expletives by Eedris?
quite shameful though.....lol
Besides, I'm the fist to comment so go kill yourself!
Eedris is wack nd his muzik is gone....she de try gv am fame back so mak em shut up nd stop caln a fine nd sexy cassy a Bitch....em wife no b Bitch.he shuld kw dat sum bloggerz can lie jst 2 promote dia sitez.is reali wrung 2cal a lady a bitch.dried up,wack bastard like Eedris shuld ve respect.mak em go face OBJ nd leav d babe alone.
I am not a fan of Cossy but I think calling her an old bitch is total disrecpect and a show of arrogance.
Eedris Abdulkareem, show some politeness.
First to comment. *yawn*
Choi! No one wants to be associated with d like of cossy!
Eedris no mind d bitch jare, she wan cause kasala for ur home but e no work!
Cossy u too try amend ur ways na!
Even Eedris dey deny u!
Except one old oyinbo go come marry u
I no sure say our naija brus dem dey interested cos of ur dirty ways!
Abeg, they respect urself abi u forget say na naija we dey?
Biko cossy gi wayo o? Nwa afo!
Na d money wey I get I jst borrow u so @cossy.
U wanna wreck his home?
Next time, she'd be sure not to gv a married man lap dance!
What do you expect when eating palm oil stew while wearing a white shirt? #cheappopularity #smearcampaign #notpaparazzishao
Aunty Cossy go rest na.
Y call her an old b**tch wen he is a washed up musician himself? Kmt!
I no knw wetin to believe again o, well if she said so, dats so stupid of her but if not.........she had better sue dat blogger
I no knw wetin to believe again o, if she said dat, dats so bitchy of her, but if not........she sld flog d blogger wit a f**k #lipsealed#
Hey first to comment *dancing skelewu*
First to comment dancing *skelewu*
his comment was a bit harsh. and personally i think he did want! and she said no. hmph.
scorned niggas always use harsh words
Uifirst to yab@texas boy....
I tink ayam ð 1st to comment...yipee,Linda pls wotz ð gift 4 dz o *big smile*
I tink ayam ð 1st to comment...yipee,Linda pls wotz ð gift 4 dz o
Guilty guilty guilty all over that tweet..don't even know who they are but I believe the lady...
Na wao! Bcos she no allow u do! Cossy!why u no gv idris do nah. Idris is angry! Linlin! I knw u won't post my comment as usual.
Hmmmm who is now lying???? I guess na some of these hungry bloggers dey cause problem here! *sigh*
Hmmmm who is now lying???? I guess na some of these hungry bloggers dey cause problem here! *sigh*
Uncle idris abdulmalu shouldn't have called aunty cosboobs a bitch after she swore she never said such a thing .moreover people will always spread rumors. I can remember when I was like 17yrs & cossy's video wit obesere used to be like soft porn to me then.now am 29yrs & she claims to be 30 yrs ,chai. Uncle idris go be like 46yrs now abi
omg! dats deep, I'm even surprised this old man called idris knows the word "bitch"broke artist! oooohmy Cossy will cry soo bad cas she doesn't think she's old.he got her real bad.
Gbege!...somebody finally had the balls to call her 'old' ...aint nobody perfect,Honie Cossy, but honestly, without your boobs, where would you be by now?...really, where would you be and what would you be doing with your life?
Mr Edris the happily married man,swear You've not slept with any other woman since you got married.your statement is too harsh for a mere rumour,she already denied,why call her names?only dirty men like you are quick to call women names.I beg enter gutter where you belong.
Y his e worried abt dt is Cossy Orjiakor an issue to worry abt?nonsense gul
Linda Ikeji ..Blogger of life shebi u nor dey sleep abi ? Well its uptp Cossy n eedris .. me im passing by ..............1st 2 comment abi ni
She deserves whatever name she's cald by Edris...old bitch dt will nt respect herself. Even though she didn't start d rumour, y shld she go n give a married man lap dance on stage*smh*old cargo dt calls herself a porn star#linda pls post my comment o....first 2 comment
Everybody come and see o! I'm †Ñ’ξ fest 2 comment.linda,here z my acc numb 3063763836; its firstbank o!
Yay! Goin out 2 buy drinks 4 all my peeps dt supported n also 4 dose dt tink I cudnt do it...am xo xo api
Okies...next plsss
Shez indeed a bitch, strech mark breast of all nations
Mr man pls watch your language. You don't have to call her the B word to drive home your point. Highly disrespectful. Mtchew......
Eedris has learnt nothing from his past experience. He needs to chill out abeg. Dat name calling was not called for atall. Old bitch? C'mon men. U always cross d line. Wit this kind of words from u, a happily married man? Who is fooling who. I can bet my whole annual salary dat u practice domestic violence. Watch it Pls. U r playing wit ur relevance to d society.
Abeg Lindiway leave this two old war horses to settle themselves.
both the slammer and the slammed are not worth the stress.
~BONARIO~says so via NOKIA3310
Idris is not in d right position to call anyone names. So stfp! And u Cossy, u hv lost it all as a woman, u hv never respected urself.
Lol! This is serious, not interested. Tho! Two miserable drug addict celebs
Old what? He shouldn't have use such a foul language which never connote.
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it's so unfair for eeldris to curse her out like that!! besides she says,the whole story is false.
what is eedris feeling like????? amo ye married man la alagbon!
Lol, bitch calling a bitch "bitch"
Eedris On Point ..Cozy Sun Jo ..Am married N Happy ..Keftinz
Eyah.Sorry Cossy! rumour spreads like wild fire.Bt d diss sounds like a big ELLA!
I dey laugh dem in Spanish... Awon werey pple
It is rude to call her old b....h considering that she did not say it. To say that you are not attracted to any woman is a relative statement. Simply deny the accusation and be careful who you dance with and how you dance the dance......smiles
Eedris has said it all.Give it to him.
Eldris or Eedris watever his name is. Is just a tout, he's not a civilised person we all know that. I don't know how his wife stays with him. eeeeew
The way we use social media to replace inter-personal communication is alarming. Eedris can sort Ds out with d b**Ch rather than take to twitter. Seems cowardly. Besides, what's to say the rumour wasn't true?
Between these two lack luster acts, who's the liar?
Who care , both ya'll seeking attention too? Nowadays some clowns take to twitter and do battle or even confess their sins .lol
If u like no post am linda sotigbo
Who cares , both ya'll seeking attention too? Nowadays some clowns take to twitter and do battle or even confess their sins .lol
If u like no post am linda sotigbo
Cossy is a problem
The real baby oku
she trueelly is a very big bitchhh
she is really what people say she is a big b**ch
she is really a big bitch
oh..becoming interesting for theö
Hahaha.... Wonders shall never end WTF
#I laff* kossy-eedris, 2 weirdly disgusting names, mtcheeeew...gota run jare, hv a flight's wheel 2 catch(like d stowaway kid, am inspired)
Good 4 dem.
Wow...then if Cossy didn't say soo,Eedris shouldn't av dissed her like dat in public.this celebs sha..#sighs
Cossy should act maturely for once! Don't she have close friends and adviser?
Ok I ve heard, just passing. First to comment. Lindodo pls post my comment as first
And he was quick to call her a bitch wen he didn't authenticate if she said so. Such immaturity, what will he say now dat Cossy sd she never sd so? ~Ritty~
A lesson for Cossy, behave like a sane person for once and acting like a bitch he just labelled u cos ur age does not match ur actions! Even wen u swear u didn't say so its difficult to believe cos of ur antecedents! ~Ritty~
hw dat 1 tek affect d price of garri,,,linda pls go 2 bed,,,,abeggi
All ds hungry bloggers causing havoc everywhere! But Eedris u didn't see or read dat on LIB so u shud hv discarded it na, cos any story dat does not find its way into LIB no b authentic! GBAM! Must u take to twitter all d time? Show some maturity for once abeg! ~Ritty~
And he was quick to call her a bitch wen he didn't authenticate if she said so. Such immaturity, what will he say now dat Cossy sd she never sd so? ~Ritty~
How Could he???? Calling her an Old bitch#SMH# that was why his music career nose dived cus the Guy nor get sense.#imuzeze
Ehhh yaa...all these bloggers sef...see the confusion they r causing
Well said broda
KaiKaiKai! Cossy even Eedris don't Want you and your tired boobs? Your own haff finished! LMBO
Linda happy sunday to you but please we are too young for this pple this are old cargo gist.
See stretch mark I advise cossy go to another country .
Shut d f up! Agbaya! U ar happily married ba? Why d show of shame wit her. Go and sit down agbalagba akan to ko si garawa.
This Is news? Linda hmmmmm
Eedris sef,couldn't he have kept his mouth shut ni? Now he is making cossy swear,lol.
Heheheh correct, datz ma nigga!...if you give me cossy for dash I no go take.
Pornstar only good for lap dance lolz
Hahahahhahahahahaha,secrets on the. Loose
This idris guy is none muthafucking factor!! If you have issues with cossy, abeg go and meet her or something! If twitter no dey nko? When you were getting lap dance on stage, you didnt know you were married? Idiot.......nonsense!
Which one come be MARRIED HAPPY, na wa for Eedris and Grammar
Smtimes pple just bring up stupid jist dat neva existed anyway celebs shud b ready 4 anytin on d media. Impostors ,fake jist abt dem ad d likes. So sad dat all dese jobless journalist write fake jist 2 create confusion among celebs. Hope Eedris and. Cossy sorts demselves out
Eedris that's is so mean.
An old bitch and a fucked up nigga..eedris pls rest in peace.ur time don go
Hahahahaha...Cossy is sooo sad!She should run into a knife or something.
Ouch!!!!!! Dat hurts! Cossy jst keep foolin herself.... Eedris told her wat most of us want 2 tell her.... Old bitch, tooo nice self -----i wud av said *OLD BI.TCH WIT A SAGGIN BOOBS AND WORN OUT PUS.SY DAT CAN TAKE MY FIST*!
nigerians and and their drama
all of them are crazy!shikenna
Calling cossy an old bitch wasn't called for,mr jagajaga especially as it was unfounded gist. U didn't knw u were happily married wen she gave u an erotic lapdance on stage! Perhaps dat was allowed to boost ur almost failed career..? Big up,dude! #Lysteekal#
Eedris was too quick to react harshly cos from the story, Cossy said Eedris encouraged her musically so I hope he'll learn from this.
A big blow to you Cossy
Cossy shuld look 4 smfin useful 2 do wif her tym dan spread false news
Eedris? Cossy? #mismatch
Wat is my bussiness with dis.
its when you ridicule yourself that yu get called a bitch!!!
KenzieAllison |||
Lol something has happened behind the close door, na dere two no sha. Two of them na old skul jor.
Lobatan ooo,old bitch and old cargo Loool.I no fit lafff ooo.hehehehe
Hehehe,Karma is a bitch!
dat one concern them
Y is it dat dis Eedris like ackin like a bitch. We all no dat cossy is nt just ok.com.she do say shit about celebs. even with Don jazzy name bt he never replyed her. Das wassup & leve of Maturity.u don't beef all d men d show u maturity na 2 beef woman cossy(Waka pass) 4 dat matter. Act matured 4 once Man & stop actin like a PUSSY. Hisssssssss. Oga linda post my comment oooO na begg I d begg.
Na Wa o! If u r married why allow another woman rub up on u like that! And no need to be using that kind of language, very disrespectful
Mad folks.
~D great anonymous!
Oloshi onirarun Smh for her
Dear mr idris, she has nothing but kind words to say about you why can't U do the same?
Awww,♓☺ÏŽ take one go call off asuu strike,next pls
Hmmmmmm...cossy sha..
See the probs wia blogs dey cause ba......I hardly believe u pples news
Hmmmmmm...cossy sha..
â„“☺â„“. Old bitch.
Jus wat we need for breakfast dese pple re kinda old school and not wat I would lyk to hear abt early in d morning. Am sure dey re lying thru deir teeth or is a publicity stunt which dey really do nid so gud for. Them seems lyk its taking great shape.
When your rep is bad, people will believe anything about you.
Arindin n Agbaya
I don't know why people hate cossy a lot,abeg make una allow the poor woman be
Well done eedris,wat a man........nw 2 dat old fag bitch,cossy abi na kosi....Yo bitch u can go up kilimanjaro's cliff n do a spectacular flip all d way down 4 all I care*speakin in eedris voice*
Y insult someone on d internet without trying to confirm if they said it or not
He's gotten his 5mins of notice,oyah let him clap for himself
Eadris is just a fool,He shud hv known better about bloggers.sometimes they spread news that are not real.He shud have confronted her with the issue other than taking to twitter..twitter has made most celebrities act ratchet and immature.Must they say everything on twitter?Is cossy older than him or his wife? Rubbish!
Hmmm, na waa
Eedris,that's so harsh and childish,Cossy denied it and u coming out to insult her is very wrong.nawaoh!
Idris himself is a fool,he as a celeb*eyesrolling* sld knw not all tin u see in d paper r true....
Na by to marry no be married men f*k pass
Eya poor guRl
First to comment...
@ topic eedris you came too hard on her... She was probably young then when you begged her for sex..
Hahahhaahahah laugh in Malay ..
Hmmmmmm wahala dey for niaja.
Eedris na baddo sha. I wonder how many slaps it took to give her amnesia.haha
Hmmmmm wahala dey for niaja
Hehehehehe..... Ah d̶̲̥̅̊ε̲̣̣̣̥γ laf dem in swahili. Abeg who geh black spray polish??
chaiiii na talk
Bloggers make una dey fear God na,haba!una go jus dey write anytin 4geting dat d negativity can affect d persons family.jay
This guy is a low life for calling a female an old bitch, it proves there is some truth in the ur our.
Eeyaa!!!! Sorry Cosy..u don't deserve this after all u did 4 Eedris on stage dat night...twerking ur *ss off on him...& spicing up his show. I support u...as that was payback time for Eedris. Sure he was owing u for two times he tasted ur horny-pot on credit. & he got high on 5 bottles of Alomo that night come dey beg my Cosy for a treat again..begging her to pull her pants down in a field behind d stage as usual. But why will Eedris call her a bitch...& an old 1 for dat? Seriously a gentleman like Eedris should not've called a Lady like Cosy dat. Is it because Cosy told him she doesn't f*ck around anymore? That she's trying to be responsible & settle down with a man? Hehehehe! Or because Eedris felt bad to have gone to bed that night with a hard-on...& finally had a wet dream? Ewwww! Cosy u no try shaa...u for avoid dis twitter name-calling things, if u had just allowed him have a short-time as usual. Next time don't dare to wake a man to a hard-on..I mean serious erection without finishing him to a jerk-off. Eedris said he's "happily married"....hehehehe! Cosy thank you...cos u r nw uniting families..& given men reasons to love their wives more. Sorry Eedris...cos if u had given her 500naira at the field dat night (i.e part payment for the last one u did), this wouldn't have been news. & sorry my dear Cosy for this ill treatment....don't mind the aboki whom u've sworn not to suck his un-circumcised joystick again. #Agonies of birds of a feather#
Now I understand why this Eedris guy dint prosper in his chosen career,he is nt only not good at his field,he also proud,arrogant,he has refused to accept the fact that the "Rap game" has left him behind and finally,He is so BITTER...why?
That was how he abused Don Jazzy too abi?he needs help,he should go and learn to be a "Lover and not a Hater"
He keeps fighting with people that can. Help him come back into limelight,Cozzy tho can be jump and also seek too much attention,but "Old Bitch" that's too much.
Grow up dude...
hehehehehehehehe...lwkmd..cossy don suffer o...*old bitch*..hehehehe....edris dey para die....cossy ndo nu...sha cossy na old bitch...*vincehasspoken*....
Dis Idris is a full time rogue...where will cossy take his type to? Person wen never brush mouth finish? He should know better@naija press...#LocalKanoBoyFeelingHot# Mtcheeeeeeewwwwww.#Straightface#.. LailaOla
Wow,this girl needs to go and sit down.
me think she deserves it
Idriss, dnt let girl intrude in to u affairs, I saw ur new video, so very onpoint... Keep it up Boss. There can't anoda u
Idriss, dnt let girl intrude in to u affairs, I saw ur new video, so very onpoint... Keep it up Boss. There can't anoda u
Cossy must be really strong, its not easy for her to cope with the abuses and insults she receives on a daily basis unlike Tonto that attempted suicide.
So who cares
whatever cossy an old ugly bitch eedriss an old news get over it boi and ugly saggy boobs cossy
she is really an old b**ch and dont forget to visit http://vickyflavo.blogspot.com for all your smart phone updates
This gal self I no know wetin she dey do wit herself. No shame at all
M sure Eedris is jst looking 4 cheap popularity..mtscheww
Am not a fan of dem both..
Y such childish statement. Wen u were romping and grinding her on dat stage u ddnt c her as old b**ch. *long hiss*
Old Bitch Indeed...
What? Eedris, no na I no expect you to reply na..Bigboys do not talk in situation like this.... jj YOUR FAN
Linda wat do u have with good advise void of abuses n insults, u never post my comments cos ofcos they r drama free. Na wao
na Them Them !!!!
The too of them no get head.Yea, I mean it ,cos in the onset Cossy shldnt. hav given him lap dance cos he his married and on the other hand. Edris shld be old enof to knw dt bloggers will rite anything to promote their site and attract more visitors on their wall,he shld av known d truth and the truth shall set him free b4 writing on his stupid twiter wall.=))•´¨) ¸.•´ ¸.â„“oâ„“ •*¨) ¸.•*¨) =)) ¸¸.•´=D(¸.•´(¸.• =))
The too of them no get head.Yea, I mean it ,cos in the onset Cossy shldnt. hav given him lap dance cos he his married and on the other hand. Edris shld be old enof to knw dt bloggers will rite anything to promote their site and attract more visitors on their wall,he shld av known d truth and the truth shall set him free b4 writing on his stupid twiter wall.=))•´¨) ¸.•´ ¸.â„“oâ„“ •*¨) ¸.•*¨) =)) ¸¸.•´=D(¸.•´(¸.• =))
Eedris you asked her for a quickie, stop lying! Your dick move that day ! i saw it!.. LOL.
Linda,if I few news to send to you in camera how do I go about that? As in private Ooº°˚˚°
Who cares,afteral there's nothing new under d sun.
Who cares,is nt new.
Hope u r dead already.
Idris is just too rude fot my liking and It's obvious he is d bitch here.linda post my comment o
What do u expect from him? FFK is his role model. You are married no doubt are you the 10th person to sleep with the person you married? He'll NO! Was it you father that dis flowered you momma?So why callin sm1 a bitch? Even if she wanted to fuck u what's the fat deal? Just 5min or maximum of 1hr sexual enjoyment? Pls grow up no wonder nobody remembers U
Wo it go beta for u. Opolo e ko ni daru. Didn't he know she was a bitch when she was givin him lap dance. Didn't he enjoy every bit of the show? Punk ass. pls guy grow up like Paul n Peter okoye.
lmfaooooo@anon:2;54am, i like u jare
Why called her old bitch? Senseless man.
Foa, its cossy! And she is a bitch not a lady..
Cossy, don't reply him. He was just too hasty in his comments.
Lwkmd. Crazy!
Dis cossy na pussy she be
This babe no go respect her self abi
and Eedris is an OLD GOAT. Why abusing some that denies she said whatever rumor they are carrying and even complemented you? Oloshi
I thought this ""bitch" thing is accepted by alll .no be so rihanna the call e sef.abeg this not strange.lol
U're the "fist" to comment???
I wonder who's the "knuckle" to comment???
Eeyaa!!!! Sorry Cosy..u don't deserve this after all u did 4 Eedris on stage dat night...twerking ur *ss off on him...& spicing up his show. I support u...as that was payback time for Eedris. Sure he was owing u for two times he tasted ur horny-pot on credit. & he got high on 5 bottles of Alomo that night come dey beg my Cosy for a treat again..begging her to pull her pants down in a field behind d stage as usual. But why will Eedris call her a bitch...& an old 1 for dat? Seriously a gentleman like Eedris should not've called a Lady like Cosy dat. Is it because Cosy told him she doesn't f*ck around anymore? That she's trying to be responsible & settle down with a man? Hehehehe! Or because Eedris felt bad to have gone to bed that night with a hard-on...& finally had a wet dream? Ewwww! Cosy u no try shaa...u for avoid dis twitter name-calling things, if u had just allowed him have a short-time as usual. Next time don't dare to wake a man to a hard-on..I mean serious erection without finishing him to a jerk-off. Eedris said he's "happily married"....hehehehe! Cosy thank you...cos u r nw uniting families..& given men reasons to love their wives more. Sorry Eedris...cos if u had given her 500naira at the field dat night (i.e part payment for the last one u did), this wouldn't have been news. & sorry my dear Cosy for this ill treatment....don't mind the aboki whom u've sworn not to suck his un-circumcised joystick again. #Agonies of birds of a feather#
You took the words right from my mouth. Happily married indeed. He is definitely a physical and emotional abuser to his wife. He claims to be happily married because his wife is conquered.
As much as we cant tell what is and what is not, its obvious that fake gist flies and Eedris has again shown crass immaturity by jumping the gun, if she dint say that about him then he would just look like an agbaya jumping and insulting people..
Actually,its the other way round. Most stories that Linda posts are just half truths. Everyone knows
Anonymous 5:27 PM Nawa oo, na letter or comprehension u dey write?
two stewpid ppl
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