Aside donating various items including food stuffs, cloths, under wears, toiletries, perfumes, provisions and the likes through her Arise Monalisa Foundation, the multiple award-winning actress took her time to interact and encourage the prison inmates who were overjoyed to receive her.
Although the inmates were not allowed be photographed, they all had a great time bonding with Monalisa who made a commitment to regularly visit and send items to them from henceforth. More photos after the cut...
1 – 200 of 206 Newer› Newest»Dat's very good her!
May God continue to bless her in all dat she do!
Monalisa,the love of my life.
Pretty lady with a heart of gold.
Nice! Beautiful lady with a beautiful heart! Her magnanimousness is commendable!
This is sooooooo nice of her,may God reward her.
She's done well. But must every celebrity open a foundation
She looks fab! #JayBeyBlu
Keep it up
Nice!!!I'm sure she has put smiles on a lot of faces by doing this...Bless u Monalisa....by 2 u Linda,be nice nd post my comment
Something different
Awwwwww,God bless u.if only our hearts will be moved to people like dis!!!
So good of her. But wait ooo, somebody jst did something so good and no single comment 4rm a person, if na bad thing she do now una big mouths 4 don dey rush like tap.
that's very nice of her. may God bless her abundantly
I love monalisa. She's such a girly girl. I would have liked to see the pictures of the inmates. I've never seen female prisoners. Even during my years of legal aid, all the prisoners I met or represented in court were male. I just hope the things she donated will be put to good use because some of these prison officials and wardens are bigger criminals than the ones behind bars.
Its nt always abt discipline sometimes we need to show some love. Good job Monalisa.
Dat's so kind of her, I'm pretty sure 100% victoria's secret designer underwears follow, buh wait Ooº°˚ ˚° I'm I first? Dancing skelewu
Great job! Hope others will learn from her
Nice work monlisa..dats wut i except 4rm our celebrites learn 4rm dis(2face,mikel obi,davido(especialy),olamide etc).n linda u 2..nice work monlisa..lov dis
God will bless u
Somebody else will come and copy her now.
Rubbish, must she advertise it? Can she learn from d likes of Genevieve,uche jumbo nd co. Linda post ma comment, I know I'm first.
Quite thoughtful of her.
~BONARIO~says so via NOKIA3310
TnkGod for such ppl. Weldone dear!
thats very kind of you,God bless you
Very nice of her. God bless u my rivers sis
Sadly it won't get to them. How would they even cook the noodles? Unless they'll eat it like cookies
Nice philanthropic work. thumps up woman
Givers never lack
Anoda good way of reaching out to people. Thank you Monalisa...at least you r not like your "abacha eating" colleague
Nice philanthropic work. thumbs up woman
Well done jare my sister, God bless and reward you handsomely.
People wey no get dey give out of the little dey have, meanwhile our greedy and thieving politicians who have more money than they can ever finish in 1million years to come are busy ripping ppl off and looking for ways to perpetuate demselves in power.
Others are buying private jets, while others are buying handbags worth millions. It is well. God must Judge.
na only indomie they go chop,na wa o
God bless you Mona
wat a kind beautiful ladt
Nice one monalisa, GOD bless you abundantly.... Amen
Nice1 Mona
Awwww,that's so nice of her.
Very nice of her.
She's so beautiful...
Good job monalisa
So Good of her . . .
Make Naira Online
Such a good hrt. God bless and give plenty in return.
Good job mona God bless you
Thnx mona
God bless her.
My role model is doing it very well
Cant all this celebrity be do something different for once??? What is Noodles? Are they kids in there? Every Nigerian Celebriy that goes for a charity work... goes with cartons of Noodles, Rubbish! And they drive cars worth millions of Naira. Withdrew 30k all in the name of buying noodles. Shame on these celebrities.
May God increase urfinances
She's beautifull...good heart!!
Weldone, God is with you
weldone, God is with you
Girl this ur shape na die o°ºoo.continue ur good work.more blessing.linda if u like no post my comment.
very thoughtful, God blrss u
Eyah... So thoughtful of U̶̲̥̅̊ Lisa. May God continue to enrich U̶̲̥̅̊.
Great job
Dats nice Mona, God bless u
Eyah... So thoughtful of U̶̲̥̅̊ Lisa. May God continue to enrich U̶̲̥̅̊.
God bless Monalisa! Its a good move and worthy of commendation. The state of Prisons in Nigeria today is appalling. One time I went to see a friend who was arrested. I couldn't come ten feet closer to the prison building. The stench emanating from there was indescribable. Our Govt should do something about improving the hygienic conditions of these prisons. These are human beings, people's loved ones. Some of them are even innocent of the crimes they are accused of.
I think celebrities in this country should go and read their bible and know what GOD says about giving and how to give! Not by posing for the whole world to see that you are giving!good work thou, but do it so that your heavenly father can reward you, not for mortals like you praising you on blogs.
A giver will never lack! God bless u Mona
Wow!! I love her shoe... Daz good dear...
Good job dear
Mama Lin, I'm imagining some of them staff members smiling sheepishly and at the same time involving "eye calculations" as per sharing of the goodies. I'm sure it won't get to the intended beneficiaries....the inmates (smh).....
May God reward you with good.
God bless u girl. He ll add more to ur table
Tnx for ur kind gesture
All I want is ds womans skin colour. Plsss ppl wat can I use to make my colour radiant like hers??
This monalisa's p***y will be sweet sha. All I can think of is giving her a head.
The place looks neat n tidy outside,but I'm sure the same can not be said of d place within d walls
God bless u plenty darling
Whatever u do to d lest of my brothers,that u do unto me. This is what GOD wants us to be doing,and not envy,gossip,false witness,wickedness,idolatry, adultery,etc. May GOD reward u abundantly above all u could ever ask of.amen.
Nice job girl
very well done ...those are the kinda acts we're talking about...and good to see you chuks ogene...
Good one. Mona but did u have to publicise.
Must she photograph it and have the press be there? Nonsense. You already have ur reward on earth.
God bless you real good.
ds lady is clean...flawless skin j'adore
God bless you real good.
Good development proud of you
click HERE for more gist
Babe no be small thing! Nothing do u! Freely u receive, Freely u shall give!! Welldone!
Dats my Mona
Golden penny way cheap,why she no buy Indomie? MtcheeeeeeeeeeeeewwwN, Linda take ur time wetin u. Dey bring come ooo, Thunder fire any body way go write. Me rubush
U are blessed.
U are blessed.
That's A̶̲̥̅ good one from Ɣ☺U̶̲̥̅̊ keep it up dearie
Well done gel, God will also arise to ur need.Great job.
Linda we are waiting for you to do your own since this is the fashion. Do it and publish it. LOL!
Na wetin sef Linda? U dey select comments to publish? Abeg let us know make we no dey waste time for here again. You and Monalisa Ms Show off. Make this okuko agric park well make we see road.
What a big hearted lady! God bless you
good one monalisa, may God bless you for your good works and kindness,i ope this items will be distributed to the inmates not the way around
God bless u,my mentor
Linda post comment oooooooooooo
Golden heart,I pray ur case don't be like ours where d prisoners were mourning while we were leaving and wispering they won't see any of d items.
Weldon dear Mona, God bless you more.
this is really commendable of her only few of us remember the people behind bars my problem now is how are we sure this stuff are gonna be used for the purpose it supposed for na naija we dey TRUST NOBODY
Weldone ma'am, this ȋ̝̊̅§ a very attitude, charity I believe ȋ̝̊̅§ the way 2 go. U̶̲̥̅̊ shud give back 2 d society that made you. If everyone put back in the society what they have taken frm it, then the world wud be beta for it.
BTW, seems everybody focuses on the females, pls who speaks for the males.
Weldone babe ,prisoner needs charity too, love you
Weldone babe, prisioner needs charity, thank you
Very toughtful of her....
Mona, oya gba hug
Mona God bless u jare,ℓ̊ wish other female celebrities will take intiavtive from u.......
Nice ass in the third pix...well done darling waiting for us.
Weldone may God bless u
Keep doing d good work, God bless u
Thanks Mona....I wish we can all do this in our little way...
How thoughtful of her,God bless u chinda
Lovely babe...good heart! GMUB!!!
Is that a bold2 shez holding?
Hw lovely of her
~D great anonymous!
Dis tins shld be taken to Orphanage not prison bcos most of dis women are killers and heartless ppl so I don't think they shld be so much care,just saying
God bless her jare. Aleast she not like others who are busy exposing their body to the whole world
Giving prisoners noodles?.check the wardens kitchen later.
Mona, u hv a lovely shape. Nice pose. Tim
Mona, u hv a lovely shape. Nice pose. Tim
Hmmm nice tho
Thank U̶̲̥̅̊ mona! Great Job!
Well done gal! God bless u
God bless you Mona
Witch a country that is so full with ppl suffering n hungry,m its criminals u care for? God is watching u
God bless and replenish your purse in Jesus name. Amen
I like enter dat waist of mona oo, chai if I enter dat thing, I nor commot again
Yes ur're lifted amin
Good of u my dear
nice1 Mona
Thk God.I luv dis new trend among celebs.even d bible says God loves a cheerful giver.thumb up lisa baby.
You've done well Ms.Mona,may God Almighty replenish ur Pocket in a million folds,Amen.
Well done large hearted beauty.
It's obvious the paint job madam Cecilia gave the place during her vacation there is being maintained well.
This lady is classy and has a heart of gold
Is that all she gat to offer? smh!
Why won't God bless some certain people more?!
Nyc way 2 reachout......God bless u
That's ma gurl. Bless u
But I'll prefare u do dis for motherless babies. God bless u
Great work monalisa...u've really done. Well.God bless.
Very nice...
Wow!very nice and uncommon gesture,weldone! Mona.
Very totful of u Monalisa,God bless @ reward u dearly, u do well o.
So why does it have to be on LIB . Attention celebrities your can do good deeds in hidding and God will still bless you abundantly. You don't need the praises of men.
God bless Ur heart mona.... givers never lack!
Datz Gud Of Her. Well Done Pretty! GOD Bless U!
God will bless u
Nice.More of this from our celebs & meaningful nigerians who can afford to do this.Rather than throwing money on expensive weddings & gigs. Great stuff here. Mo'
Whyte lady thks so much 4 ur kind gesture,God bless u
Linda pls hook me up with Monalisa Chinda, i'm in love.
What a kind gesture if every person who has money try to help like this the world will be a better place.keep it up Mona
God bless u ma gal, u look stunning as ever
Nice. It is beta to give dan to ......... Just pray dose items ll reach d people it was intended for.(Amen). We Ԅ in living in NIGERIA.
More blessings..preti lady
lol..d 1st picture tho..egg head..
GOD bless u
Let odas c dat n fllw her footstep nt wasting moni on unnecessary shit
U have done a great job,kudos!
D@s great dear. But u should be doing this in PH and not Las gidi, don't u think so? All the same, u did noble, may God increase ur greatness... Cheers
This is what other Celebs should be doing, reaching out to those in need and not showing us their 20m naira cars.
God bless you abundantly Mona.
Monalisa I want to say a very big thank you for the love you just showed and your value for your fellow woman's Sanitary...
So thoughtful of her
Linda, u dey craze o walahi.
GOd bless you my beautiful girlk
Gud one
Good one
God bless Mona
gud work..
Beautiful in and out! <3
i love u mona....
9ce one... Pretty Laydeee
Nice one Mona....You look pretty too.
she looks amazingggggg
I know a lot of white charity groups based in Nigeria (billionaires and all) that go to kirikiri and other prisons and orphanages ALL THE TIME with loads of goodies and we have never heard about it or seen it on TV or anywhere. But once our so called Nigerian celebs buy 5 cartons of indomie, milk and a few goodies the call a TV crew. And incase you decide to ask me how I know, I'm in one of such groups, yes. Nigerians let's learn to drop this stupid show off idea, it only makes us cheap. Linda if you like don't post this, I know what she did is like a million bucks to you, so even if you don't you'll get to read it. Thanks
Beauty wiv meek hat
As long as she publicized it she lost my respect sorry.
God cannot bless monalisa ooooooo, she has already received her reward on earth, and also have so many oda celebs, and pipo who use trumpet to blow their chatity work had. The bible in matthew says that, wen u give wit ur right hand even ur left hand should be aware of watever u re giving, or u gave, for so, ur father in heaven will see and reward u, but wen the case turn out to be the reverse, then u av sure received ur reward on earth. So my bro/sist God nor fit bless am again, she don already receive her reward. Thanks
Simply remarkable. God bless you
Awww she looks good
I'm sure d prisoners are very happy.Abeg make d warders nor hide d food oooo.God bless monalisa.@ least she remembered d prisoners most celebrities only remembers d orphans...
Monalisa is an African belle mehn! Jus look how full she is, plus her fair skin that has sheen and polish. Can't reconcile this woman is after one sef....love you gurl!
thats nice of her!
Piss dey worry monalisa?
this monalisa go sweet well well especially from the rear end.
Awww..so nice..I just hope those officials no chop everytin sha
Haba, this lady is worth more donating what is being shown here.
Al the blinge blinge[cellphones, designer' clothes, jewelries, GUCCI shoes, designer' booty, etc etc] being displayed by these people while donating 'what-they-are-donating' is mind boggling.
There is no iota of correlation between what is being donated and what is being displayed as personal effects.
Her hair is just so on point!
Nice one
Fine lady welldone
Dats good of u,God will reward u abandantly.
Weldone Mona! Its a nice start
God cannot reward her, wen she has already gotten her reward on earth. This na show off na.
finally, someone who dint donate cartons of indomie and okin
U are indeed very stupid for dis statement. Stupid dumb fuck!
Hw many hav u offered?
Every one deserves a second chance
We do it monthly....so????????wats d biggie there n y d aannouncement?smh...
It is very wrong 2 give n publicise it, it shd b done in secret,u don't need 2 b applauded by ppl,let ur heavenly fada whom am sure u cud have made dat promise 2 reward u. D whole world musnt knw..i do not appreciate dis kina giving...linda post ma comment oº° dunno wuh iv done 2 u
I love that, is the best thing to do
That is so good and I love her for that
Yes as a way to give back to the less privileged in the society - Iwo oponu buruku yi and your stupid question is now answered.
Ode! Do u even kno d way 2 an orphanage? Or hav u done anytin nice 4 a random person? Or given a begger N5? At least Mona is doin something! D***head!
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