Now, the mayor of the town is thanking the superstars for bringing media and tourism attention to the town. He said tourism has dramatically increased since their visit, The mayor wrote a letter to Bey and Jay Z saying:
The story of the origin of your girl's name, Blue Ivy, has brought huge media attention and great tourism promotion to the town of Hvar. I have decided to grant your daughter the status of honorary citizen of the town.That's not a fake baby bump now is it, doubting Thomases? lol
Na wa.. Some people just have it easy by birth.. Such luck
Beyonce is a brand. My favorite singer of all time
Michael says...
Oh Chimmooo! So pikin don get title for being a pikin. This is just another way of getting the attention of the whole world where Beyonce got her daughters name from and increase revenue from tourism.
Linda...abeg help me tell them oo. wicked ppl of the world.
That's a fake baby "bump." Good Grief! Just forget about this issue of whether she gave birth to it or not. Believe what you want.
Linda baby wey person no dey even see abegi(omo-iwo)says so..via blackberrybold.5
That's so nice of them. Didn't know it had that effect on the country..... (Linda and Co : Bump still fake ......I will remain a doubting Thomas till I see evidence)
lol @ Linda's comment. I find this story funny though. What's the significance of being an honorary citizen of this town?
Linda now i guess all those who said the girl was given an illuminati name will be shamed.
See how d baby b like toy
Which bump biko!? Cos I don't see any?!!!! Cos even you can pull that off, all you need do is eat a lot! And that picture was taken after her MTV performance where her stomach was way rounder and bigger than this! I rest my case!
abeg make una let blu ivy rest fake or not she is their child just d way blanket is Michael Jackson's son and will forever be no matter his race or looks!! its only our ppl that a child has to be biological before you can love the child its not same notion for d rest of d world it is their privacy and do not ow nobody an answer!!! Dancing Azonto with Jigga and Bey in Hackney lol :)
*coughs* BULLSHIT!!
Ppl act like dis mere MORTAL gave birth to baby Jesus or soming!!
everyone seems 2 b kissing her ass.
dis chic is faker dan a 3dollar bill.
its so obvious dat baby pic was photoshopped cos ders no way a new born baby wud have such clear FEATURES. Babies dat age always look a bit red and der eyes are not all dat bright.
Dat baby looks hispanic 2 have 2 black parents.
No wonder dey R hiding d baby's face now cos she sure looks nothn like dat pic\.
mayb dey'll get her plastic surgery b4 d next BIG SHOW!! who knows!!
Billie jean
I love beyonce's music tho but am tired of listening to diff conflicting stories bout ha personal life
Pls LIB readers,what's the meaning of groupie ?
Are u serious or u joking?????????
This realy sounds good.Shame on all the people calling ivy Blue satan...GALAXY!
ONOME says...,.,
Fake bump or real pregnancy;who effing cares?Like seriously I have always wondered why people bother about beyonce's baby.
linda which baby bump asin i know see am ohhh make you no let bey lies deceive you ohhh asin plan and simple she did not give birth to that child or did you not see when mariah cairey showed off her large baby bump to the world ehhh and do you see anyone doubting mariah no so nah bey sabi if she like make she say na she born am if she like make she say na surogate born am that is left to her concience to judge her....
So???? Abeggy next one!
Lma ..Until deekay sees d bby coming owt of her vagina,dats wen e wil biliv it aint fake..
The meaning of groupie? Stop being lazy and get out a dictionary online or a hard copy and find out the meaning yourself.
Oyinbo sef dey do famzin
its good to be popular
just looks bloated to me.
I am happy about this development. Now the Thomases can relax, the baby bump is obvious here, incase you can't see it, wear your mediacated glasses or is it contac? lol
Groupie? Lmfao. Who is talking abt groupie to you? Haa, run o. .(Tatafo says so via nokia xpressmusic wit 100 naira credit.
Well said. Biological or not, it doesnt really matter. #TrueTalk
Nd is that a bad thing? Whatever helps them generate revenue
Mlet were u born with the meaning innate in ur senses?? Abeg tell the person and stop being silly as if u didn't learn it.. Anon groupie means a person who loves to fuck celebrities or who wants to fuck celebrities(rappers/athletes) so if ur in the club with celebs and ur flirting with them or trying to get their attention u a groupie .. I hope u understand now??
The ryt question is... 'pls how old are u'? Which generation are u asking 'what is groupie' from...
Groupie is man named beyounce
u be olodo
Anonymous that is asking LIB readers what groupie is? R u daft abi u use canoe come this blog? Go to google..Linda's blog is not a search engine.As for Bey...Till tmrw I no believe bump or not. No be she born that pikin.
Stolen baby. Fake bump. Next pls... *bb not interested face*
ONOME shut ur frigging mouth up coz if u didnt care, u wouldnt hv posted a comment. Awon haters oshi....mschwwww blue ivy ko Iroko ni. we love the Carters tho.
seriously,thats not real.i have two kids in a five years marriage. The pic shows that the belly has grown up to the umplical cord,bt look closely,no pregnancy mark.the mark that runs from the navel to the V spot.....bt i dont care if its fake ,i still like her.
@Onome: my thoughts exactly! Like everything about her is worthy of a big *yawn*
Ehen, not that this comment matters on this issue but I want to say it anyway,STOP HATING ON BLOGLORD! He's an idol,infact I'm renaming him oracle! He's the pioneer of all of u who started writing names instead of anonymous.don't deny that u missed him and ur rebounding with Lipslicer(love that guy) please from a happy fan, The Oracle,lord of the Blog,welcome Home...#hehehehhehehehe
Thanks Linda ..no mind these bad belle people. Am happy for the couple jare. People here ranting fake bump, photoshop go carry ur own belle now.
If she is a private person she doesn't need to disclose anything to people that don't cut a paycheck to her life....smh!!!!
I believe when she is ready to share that aspect of her life she will ....
lol,linda u call that proof of pregnacy,if i eat mine gets bigger than that.lol. no one is asking for proof by the way,its her baby and her life.
@Onome, am wit u on ds one...pple r wasting so much effort in tryin to prove her pregnancy ws fake,wat if was,huh? get ova it already,u guyz r bcomin obssessive. Congrats to Blue, shez already a celebrity now i no alot of peeps will bite their finger at ds, who cares.
One reason Beyonce is an inspiration is because, lots of things inspire her especially any environment she finds herself. She must do or take something that would remind her of that place. She's a brand.
NIgerians are just freaking sad and everly hating! shit!! whether she carried d baby or used a surrogate, i hope y'all know the baby is still hers sha?? asin her egg and her husband's sperm (Not yours or your grandmother's).. so i dont know why u guys are taking panadol 4 headache that doesnt even exist.
Buheheheheheheh...lol@ mrs bloglord
I love you already 4 dis! Evenif I dnt knw u
Whenever some stupid people on this blog want to seek attn or hate someone, they attack the person unreasonably even when its not called. Dear Anon, read Onome's comment again, weigh it with this ur reply logically and kindly explain if ur comment was worth d 2cent u jst gv Linda
Whenever some stupid people on this blog want to seek attn or hate someone, they attack the person unreasonably even when its not called for. Dear Anon, read Onome's comment again, weigh it with this ur reply logically and kindly explain if ur comment was worth d 2cent u jst gv Linda
If you don't care about Beyonce and her baby then why do you guys keep clicking on any post that has to do with her? It shows are care but just fronting like you hate her. Anyways if you like it or not Blue Ivy is still richer than all of us. So don't bother trying to hate. BYE!
Lol yes!!! :)
Lwkmd@stolen. Oh my ...!!hahahahaabhaha
Some ppl jst like to abuse others. Na wa ohhh!! Pls get over the fact that not everyone will think like u or kiss ass like u do. Even if they admire the same person as u, not everything they do will be pleasing in their eyes. Respect others' opinion without displaying ur lack or home training. Show some respect!
So every post regarding Beyonce should be all Smileys and positive comments?! Lmao!!! Get real.
Get a life!!! Itz sooooo obvious u r bloglord herself coming here to toot ur own horn. Allow ppl celebrate u, dnt make a fool of urself. U just lost my respect. Fucck off!
lol @ mrs bloglord. tnx.
Beyonce is a crowd puller any day so its only normal that people will Google Croatia just cause Beyonce is there.
one word yawn
Bey been plan to come born for naija but fear boko haran na. Show spoil.
Serious Olodo..
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