90% of single people are single out of choice!Do you agree with this statement?
Am I single out of choice? Hell no! I'm single because other than a 20-something-year-old telling me I need therapy, I can't find eligible men. And I don't want to hear 'you are too picky', what's wrong with being picky? What's wrong with wanting a man in his 30's, who has a great job, his own house, drives a range rover, with a body like Jason Momoa's, voice like Vin Diesel's, face like Brad Pitt, cool and calm like George Clooney. Will not cheat, does not lie, is sincere, God-fearing, generous, charming, sweet, sensitive, warm, clever, kind, funny, tall, athletic, very romantic and gbó gbóe and gbó gbóé. What is wrong with that mehn, what? :-)
Anyway, back to the question; do you agree that 90% of single people are single out of choice?
LOL!! Na who no like better thing.
BUt guys these days are selfish and sex maniacs.
its not necessarily out of choice.i just think a lot of ladies are not rational when it comes to getting committed and think they can just get a ready-made man which isnt always the case. something has to be imperfect, it just takes understanding and tolerance.
No eligible men out there jor. All the men are in prison, mad, unemployed. And majority simply won't stop cheating. its not being single by choice but majority are single cos there are no eligible men in the real sense of the word to pick from. Eligibility is not determined by having a one eyed snake dangling between the legs.
Circumstances lead one to make choices- been engaged before and when I decided to seek academic exposure I became a burden so by choice let relationship and marriage wait. My God and career first
Linda nor lemm hear am again ohh say 90% r single out of choice. i married at 24 n am happy n rocking my marriage to the fullest with two sweet kids to show for it. that time most of my friends thot i was rushing...naw dem de beg me to link dem with my husband friends wey de find wife. Girls dont know wen to apply brakes n park properly thats why desperados n home breakers r everywhere. i pray God to give husbands to the husbandless in need IJN
its not necessarily out of choice.i just think a lot of ladies are not rational when it comes to getting committed and think they can just get a ready-made man which isnt always the case. something has to be imperfect, it just takes understanding and tolerance.
Linda!!! such men do exist.... but belong to women who took out time to mould them.... you want d best but you're not willing to make d sacrifice (polishing d raw diamond to bring out its beauty).... pls be careful not to steal someone's diamond...
To answer your question... its a fact that 90% of women r single out of choice...
Well, i am. I don't know about others. I am still very young and have a life to build so getting attached is going to get in the way of things for me. That's me but i don't know for others.
@Linda LWKMD.........u like to dream.......lol....aabeg who no like good thing,,,,,,,ride on oo jareee
Lwkmd. Ur long list of the perfect man's attribute is unrealistic or almost impossible. U can't find all in one. Anyway, i don't mind that kind of man as well.
Nne there's nothing wrong with your list, just find a married man to date. Because anyone with all of that has been snapped up by a sharper babe.
I agree. It even proves it from your statement. No doubt you are a big girl but: don't you think all those things you have listed is a bit too much. What's wrong with a guy who has all those things n in his late 20's? Its not like you are 30!!!
So really 90% of people are singe out of choice. A guy that has half those things you mention would definitely achieve d others later.
Love people for who they are and not what they have
can't some of you tell linda was joking with what she wrote? haba, some of you have no sense of humour.
linda my dear, abeg if you find that kind of man u described, hope you don't mind sharing? me sef i want better thing lol
bloglord and anon 10.03, u guys couldnt have said it any better...
Linda my linda..... Such eligible men still exist. They however dont flash marriage and are ususally on the look out for good character (which is very scarce with ladies lately)....nd yes they get scared off with most ladies unrealistic list nd expectations..
@ Linda, this tell me that u have already made man(potential Husband to be) somewhere waiting for the right time to take u to the altar. The way u are playing with this your kind of man tells me that. Best of Luck.
Linda,i am all that you listed and even more.
the problem is that you are not up to my spec.
ur stat is wrong. 90% of people are not single by choice. only about 2-5% of people are.
lets take you for a case study. you are not single because you have chosen so. you are single because you haven't attracted the right person/people. when it comes to humans and relationships, contrary to what science teaches us, likes attract, opposites don't. identify the things you don't like about the people that you attract which you have in common with them. then change. be the 'perfect' woman, so you can attract your type.
i have good news for you. there are many men that fit your specs for your ideal man. bad news - they are already faithful, committed and loving husbands! yet there are still many more of such single guys out there, who are handsome, responsible, committed and faithful, have the pepper, won't cheat or abuse a woman. they look rough and ugly on the outside now, just passing thru or needing a refinement (just like gold and diamonds undergo) so that their real nature can come out for all to see. perhaps (more often than not) the final stage in their refinement process is the presence of a woman to encourage, pray, nurture, love them, and them boom....that guy that leaves them ladies wowed pops out! but it takes a spiritual, insightful, wise and patient woman to recognize such a man when he is in the unrefined state and stick with him thru the process. truth be told, many women are not willing to pay the necessary price to get their ideal man, so they just sit and wait, hoping to get the fantasy man off the shelf.
go out there and love genuinely (i didn't say 'fall in love'). what you sow is definitely going to give you a beautiful harvest in due time.
Linda,yes, 90% are single by choice but only within the ages of 25 and below. As from 26, comma don enter, you just take what u can get or try to console urself with singlehood
Pls, Ladies always consider the standard you set for would-be husband. There is always a time and season for everything. When it is your God ordained time, things would happen without struggles.
greatest mistake you can make is to get desperate over an issue you have no control over. Marriage isn't a journey you embark on because others are doing it. It is a highly spiritual and individualistic journey that requires the input of God and His presence to bring it into being. Our contribution to marriage is to listen to the inner voice of God, to point at the directions we should go and what to look out for in a man or woman we intend to share our lives with.
The real challenge before ladies isn't the lack of male attention but knowing what to look out for. If you were to come across a man that has the potentials to be your husband, Linda, how would you know? What must your ideal man have? Are you the kind that places emphasis on a man's look, the size of his pocket and the flashy cars that grace his exotic home?
Or are you the kind of lady who likes a man with an inner beauty, who has very enduring qualities like good character, supportive, tolerant, understanding, caring, responsible, respectful and above all, the fear of God, in his heart?
Many a time, mistakes come from the wrong values we project in the beginning of our lives. Today many young women are finding it increasingly difficult to get men to marry because most men are no longer as interested in marriage as before. "Tuface Idibia says he will not get married"
Because most men are convinced that money is the name of the game and the surest visa to a woman's heart, they have no conscience, as long as they have money to spend treating any woman in their lives shabbily.
Again, many young girls are suffering heartaches due to the moral values they project of themselves. By nature men are hunter and would always demand for anything from the woman. It is the business of the woman to dictate the limits she is willing to go with any man, but a lot of ladies, desperate to marry end up playing the game according to the rules set by men, which in the long run unfortunately backfires on the woman.
Don't allow anybody, including your father, push you into a situation you may end up regretting later in life. This is because a bad marriage has the potentials of destroying many other things in one's life. Am looking for a wife material, where can I find one? send mail to terryteddy@yahoo.com
Who knows were my luck will shine?
sorry my pals on this attractive blog. my e-mail is terryteddy35@yahoo.com
Me male,but that pic not funny...u a woman? why an evil pic lik that up?...and even if u wanna, why not re-caption... 'men/women...blah blah' or 'people waiting... 'blah blah blah...ma wife not lik...lol
Ladies must learn to endure and never compare your man or marriage with another person's. Be contented with the choice you made, because we all come in different sizes and colours. One of the costly mistakes a lot of women are making is to pattern their lives and marriages alongside the views of others. Always be bold to project what you really feel even if it means being given tags by your friends and society. That is why I have the gut to put down my e-mail address as terryteddy35@yahoo.com Eventually, these same people will become envious once your ways are working well for you. Linda and other ladies, Be wise if you want to be happy in life. When a man sees a woman, who is realistic and reasonable, he would want to stay around her for life.
Am 41 years man and the standard I set 5 years ago make it almost imposible for me to get a woman for marriage. I dont even have anyone to advice me properly then, I can tell you there is a lot of eligible men around us, I am one example. But who will marry a 41 years man?
@Teddy Terry.Your comment actually blessed me and answered my many questions.Thank u for reminding us that we should place more value on innate qualities in a man than on the outward appearance.
QUESTION to Girl at 18: what kind of man do u desire?
ANSWER:a man in his 30's, who has a great job, his own house, drives a range rover, with a body like Jason Momoa's, voice like Vin Diesel's, face like Brad Pitt, cool and calm like George Clooney. Will not cheat, does not lie, is sincere, God-fearing, generous, charming, sweet, sensitive, warm, clever, kind, funny, tall, athletic, very romantic and gbó gbóe and gbó gbóé
QUESTION AGAIN: what kind of man do u desire:
express don leave am...lol!
u really do need therapy
terry open a church.lol
I think its by choice. Women of today are more focused on getting a ready made man, even if they end up unmarried. I am d only woman my husband ever dated. I asked him y he did not date any one and he told me dat all d women he asked out all said he was not their type. He was not rich, well dressed, sexy,etc. I agreed to date him. Two months into our relationship, he got a high paying job at Google as a senior developer. Right now, he is a chief technical officer at his job. Guess WAt, I cleaned him up, he now dresses Gud and looks well groomed and handsome. All the oda girls are now biting their tongues in regret. The moral of my story is dat, u could polish ur man into WAt u want him to be, rather than waiting for an already polished man. Anyways, diff strokes for diff folks.
Forget about cheating for now. Most men cheat for their selfish reasons. Setting a strong foundation for a marriage is very critical to marriages surviving. Choosing the person to marry is very important because it determines the path your life would take for the second half, financially, spiritually, raising kids and whole lot. When the winds of marriage troubles blows, a marriage built on soft grounds would collapse but that built on solid ground would stand.
What brings people together is called attraction; it could be physical features and so on. While attraction is based on individual's feelings.
Linda, Millions of men in Nigeria will find you unattractive even with a price tag of lagos state budget, while thousand including yours truly, Terry will do anything to have you as their wife. This is how life goes. One man meat is anothers poison.
After attraction,
one think of compatibility, one seek the face of God in the whole arrangment. A born-again believer is not one that goes to church 7 days a week, sing in the choir, drives or cook for the pastor, sleep and wake up in church. The devil himself do all those stuff. A born-again believer is one that has accepted Christ as Lord and Savior believing it with their heart and confessing same with their mouth.
Choosing a wife was the most difficult thing for me because I find it hard to approach any lady. God is never late. My Sub-Consciousness keep playing melody in my heart that I will find a wife whom I will always love. She will be God gift and I will always appreciate her.
Marriage is not just about two people coming together to have Children, No! There is more to say "yes I do" There has to be a marriage of dreams, emotions, the spirit.
Marriage most times derives it's strenght from native intelligence and not from formal education. Being a wife comes to some women naturally. These women don't need rehearsals to know what they must do or how to please their men. My spouse must fall into this group who know how to please their men. She will be something very precious to me. Gold in it's raw form looks so ordinary. It takes the patience, craftsmanship, dedication and painful endurance of goldsmith as well as deep fire to get to it's realm of beauty.
Who will be my Gold?
Ladies should take a retrospective look at their past, and introspective look at their future with view of weighing all options before making the final decision to seek for husband/marriage.
Forget about cheating for now. Most men cheat for their selfish reasons. Setting a strong foundation for a marriage is very critical to marriages surviving. Choosing the person to marry is very important because it determines the path your life would take for the second half, financially, spiritually, raising kids and whole lot. When the winds of marriage troubles blows, a marriage built on soft grounds would collapse but that built on solid ground would stand.
What brings people together is called attraction; it could be physical features and so on. While attraction is based on individual's feelings.
Linda, Millions of men in Nigeria will find you unattractive even with a price tag of lagos state budget, while thousand including yours truly, Terry will do anything to have you as their wife. This is how life goes. One man meat is anothers poison.
After attraction,
one think of compatibility, one seek the face of God in the whole arrangment. A born-again believer is not one that goes to church 7 days a week, sing in the choir, drives or cook for the pastor, sleep and wake up in church. The devil himself do all those stuff. A born-again believer is one that has accepted Christ as Lord and Savior believing it with their heart and confessing same with their mouth.
Choosing a wife was the most difficult thing for me because I find it hard to approach any lady. God is never late. My Sub-Consciousness keep playing melody in my heart that I will find a wife whom I will always love. She will be God gift and I will always appreciate her.
Marriage is not just about two people coming together to have Children, No! There is more to say "yes I do" There has to be a marriage of dreams, emotions, the spirit.
Marriage most times derives it's strenght from native intelligence and not from formal education. Being a wife comes to some women naturally. These women don't need rehearsals to know what they must do or how to please their men. My spouse must fall into this group who know how to please their men. She will be something very precious to me. Gold in it's raw form looks so ordinary. It takes the patience, craftsmanship, dedication and painful endurance of goldsmith as well as deep fire to get to it's realm of beauty.
Who will be my Gold?
Ladies should take a retrospective look at their past, and introspective look at their future with view of weighing all options before making the final decision to seek for husband/marriage.
Linda in cuckoo land(singing).There is nothing wrong in wanting such a man ooo...but there is none anywhere.Can I say come back to reality?.
Meanwhile,there are very few eligible guys who can readily fit your standards.Someone once told me that if u are ready to settle down in today's world you must consciously close one eye and just watch with the other.Single out of choice?two sides to it depending on the individual.
1.Your standards could keep you single,that's your choice.
2.You could choose a person who doesn't choose you...well,the fellow's choice.
You live with your choice. Simple.
Oko Awon Alhaja
Lolling @ women who think they can change men...
Fact is, a lot of women marry a guy thinking he's going to change and he does not while a lot of men marry a woman thinking that she will not change and she does.
When it comes with partners, try to be the best you can be and you will find that someone who'll compliment you. Stop looking for a burden bearer or sugar daddy who is only there to take care of your financial needs. Try to be independent on your own and you will get a man who's not scared that you are just a gold digger..
@Anonymous 10:52AM...u can say that again that the specs thing is only a joke, but why is this joke always being repeated in so many different ways. i was taught that 'many a truth is said in a joke'. so if it's for the sake of humor, it's hard to tell because 'from the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks.
Me I don marry, which wan consign me for here? LMAO
LOL. that is exactly what i am looking for my dear friend. i will grow old until i find my own oh. simple!
PS LIB readers i notice sm1 has not commenting for a while now ALICIA SAYS...
i ve been missing ha sha....
Linda abeg there nothing wrong with being 'picky' is simply knowing what you want!
@Teddy Terry, why u tk style dey advertise urself na? Dey gv us ur email add., ur age! Na wa o, lol!! Sha Linda, u know wot u want, just hang in thr n dnt lower ur standards (esp d inner qualities of a man) n dnt EVER cm across as desperate n d rt guy 4 u will cm along just at d perfect time! n no, i dnt blive most singles(30 yrs n above) r single out of choice, most just hvnt found d rt person 2 settle down wit...
Linda OYO( On Your Own) lo wa mehn... if u dey wait 4 Mister Right... O je mu bra to wa legbe yen dada b4 u become 40 years and still searching.... Oko(husband) ti tan l'ode... Oko(dick ) na hin remain out there...
I don't know about that percentage but will like to correct the notion that if you are above 30 you are not single by choice. Am 32, single and that is my choice. I am not willing to settle with a man that will derail my destiny and so far they all look like that.
Linda are you like the person the person u desire is .... do u have ass like J-Lo,
body like Halle Berry, Lips like Angelina Jolie and do u drive d lastest Camry .... At least be realistic pls
Lol Linda, you're a clown! The type of man you're waiting for, especially if Nigerian, would have to fall down straight from heaven! But on the flip side, if he bumps his head or breaks his legs on landing he might not be so perfect anymore :-) would you still want him then?
Can we stop this single or not talk. A lot of men have unrealistic expectations about their women and "settle" just like women do.
men do not want to marry ladies who are up to 35yrs....marriage is a life time thing.
what will a woman of 35 do for me that a girl b/t 18-21 will not do for me....
except a woman of 30-35 would be humble and worship her man,....or is very skillful in sex it would be hard for her to find a man.
no parents would allow their son of 35 to marry a woman b/w 30-34..what happens to sweet girls who are in their 20's...
a lady of 35 should be hunting for men who are 47-55....for me this ladies asked for it
the best time for a woman to start thinking of marriage is from age 23....anything after this is risky..
linda..honestly i love you....for the fact that you love oral sex...i do not even care if you are fifty...
i do not have money or all of those qualities that you are mentioning but i have real love for you....love is greater than all of those things that you are mentioning....
I have ALL you want but I worship Ogun, SOpkona and Illuminati. Hahahahahha, do you still mind? Because you didn't really mention religion o. Lol
I think it's not out of choice. Many men are not ready to get married even though they think they are. Imagine a man who wants to marry you and has no job and still lives with his parents. Why would I want to marry that kind of person. You know his reason? Let me tell you. "At least you are working, we could manage till i find a job" Hello! Who does that. Pls, let the men get more serious to provide for a family if they want to marry. Better single than living in a suffer mode just because i have to get married. Hell no!
yes, for the past 3 years i have been single out of choice. its not like men havnt been proposing their intentions to have relationships with me, i just never saw what i was looking for in these various men. i'm not gonna rush into a relationship with a man that i aint feeling just because i want to be in a relationship. that would be being desperate. i have basically taken my time and i would always advice my friends to. However, currently i met this extremely wonderful guy who has this super sweet personality, he is honest, great in all aspects, tall, great voice, good age difference, his looks are okay, as a young man,he is still coming up but has great potentials of being great in life. Infact, i am greatly considering a relationship with him. sometimes it pays to be patient. that is d summary of my story!
Take a vacation abroad. I honestly believe Nigerian males with their aggressive nature and lack of proper affection is not for you. You need a a good foreign man preferably NON AFRICAN that will treat you right. When they love, they love like crazy! See Kate Henshaw- Nuttal looking happy, rejuvenated and at peace with herself. Na foreign man she marry. That is what I wish for you.
LINDAAAAAAA! i like your list jare. abeg who no like better tin. if i see sef, i go jump on it. but lindaaaaaaa! how old are you? i bet you are not yet 35 yrs old. cos when some women get to mid-thirties, dat list go reduce sharp sharp.
pls i want to know your age, pls?
If na Range be their problem, e no cost again o. I can sell tokunbo LR3 And sport 2008 for 3.7m each. But seriously, like anon. 10.03am opined. such men exist but you (Linda) and all other ladies need to be ready to polish the raw diamond. I fit your dream man dieeeeee-35 yrs old, Baba God fearing, Tall, dark, 4-pack(lol) handsome, intelligent, good job (with small bizness by the side) live in Lekki 1 (rented o)good cars (brand new) etc but TAKEN. I met my wife while I was still living in S/lere, had no driver etc but she saw diligence, prospects and being focused. I think that’s what ladies should look out for and not already made.
i have been in love with a particular lady for 7 years. I have waited this long but she seem not bother about me as she feels I ain't up to her level. Please tell me what to do.I try other ladies , one or two but it's not just working as I don't love them. My happiness is this lady and I know with me, she will forever be happy. Linda, please tell me what to do? I am not growing any younger. Why can't she just see beyond what she is seeing now? Why? Why? Why? Women should look at genuine love and not matterial things, that way, the rate of unmarried ladies will be reduced. Ladies, make una pity us.
@@@Bloglord! you've said it all @ girls dont know when to apply brakes and park properly.
Don't settle. If I had settled in the past, I would not be marrying someone I feel is the best thing that ever happened to me.
You have stated the qualities of a perfect man but my dear please wake up cos there are no such men just like you are not a perfect woman. There is a need for compromise and trade off.
@Linda..you "want'..what have you done to help a man achieve his dreams ? You 'want' and so shall you lack forever. You need to be appraised of the Yoruba adage that says "suru-lere' or patience is rewarding. You are looking for 'olorunsogo' - ready made. These kind of guys can smell a fake from 10 kms away, and you are a real fake. You are just a stringer, and will never get the attachment you crave. Look for real love, and pray that wealth will come for BOTH of you. You will end up a frustrated spinster, and a play thing for guys ten years younger, because all the good guys wiould have been hooked by humble girls. Your greed will never lead you anywhere. Also, value true friendship first, and that can lead to better things down the line. Your desperation to "attach" will get you labelled as a 'desperado' and guys avoid such gals like the plague. Do you have a good reputation? Are you wife material? Have you spent your youth sleeping around? Guys talk, you know, and they do not always talk politics.
Please marry my uncle. He is a medical doctor abroad and is in his late thirties and rich..... lol .... okay, I am serious.... okay, I am kinda joking.... anyway....are you interested?!
Terry Teddy I will marry you. Afterall, what Linda Ikeji's blog site has joined together, let no man put Asiri under. The only challenge I see from the long episode you have written is that you are surely the talking type...lol
Linda I love you for always being sincere to yourself on this blog.This is one reason your blog is always the next thing I visit after checking my email daily.You publish even comments made against you and I am encouraged by your sense of maturity and spirit of journalism.Keep it up Linda as you continue to make most of us smile.
...I don't agree that 90% of women are single by choice.The fact is that most ladies today want a ready-made man and most men too want to play game.Unfortunately, that is the reality of our time.Marriages are crumbling every second because morality or decency has been thrown to the wind.
Terry Teddy I will marry you. Afterall, what Linda Ikeji's blog site has joined together, let no man put Asiri under. The only challenge I see from the long sermon you have written is that you are surely the talking type...lol
This chick once said to my married friend, where are guys like you? Which made me laugh bcos she knew him before he got married and never asked where are guys like you. But now he has kishi amd he is suddenly the standard.
Aunty Linda, no doubt you should get whatever you want, what can you offer a guy like that so he will choose you over all others? I mean... you know...
Linda, where is my comment? pls publish it now. It is where I said something about price tags on you, goldsmith and compatibility, attractiveness to opposite sex.
Linda, linda, linda, how many times I called you? where is my comment?
I am single but if I really want to marry, it means that I would have to marry a guy that would be a big burden on me.
He farts, doesn't cook or clean. He is arrogant and stingy. So why should I marry him? I can't live with him. Is that what some women put up with, just to remain married?
Oh! He is vain and selfish and only talks of himself. He makes me sad! I had to run after a few days. It was a platonic affair. Thank Jesus!
some of you take me too seriously. I was just kidding with the list. I put a smiley face after the write up and also used a pic to indicate i was playing...some of you didn't get it.
I'm not looking for all those qualities in a man...just a good man, period. was just playing...
Check my blog at http://nigerianamericanboy.blogspot.com/ to see why you females are still single.
Dear Linda, so you like all those qualities in a man but have you asked yourself what you have to offer that kind of a man? Let me guess, as most women say I will love him and take care of him. GTFOH!
Linda abeg When you find the "Babalawo" that can help you get that kind of man, so fun wipe emi na need help mehn....
I am not too picky, I just want a young girl in her mid 20s, whose father is a governor or minister, has inheritance like crazy, drives a bmw, who has a body like Rihanna, voice like Alicia Keys, face like Beyonce, cool and sexy like Tyra banks. Will wake me up every morning with a "BJ" and then breakfast in bed, whose food is better than Mama Put, who will stay in shape her whole life even after 4 kids, will love my mother, Will not cheat, does not lie, is sincere, God-fearing, generous, charming, sweet, sensitive, warm, clever, kind, funny, works pole better than strippers, athletic, very romantic and gbó gbóe
Linda, you've stirred the hornets nest! Whats your definition of a good man??
I don't like to associate with people who have no sense of humor. Some even go as far calling Linda a fool meanwhile they are the ignorant fools who can't take jokes or should I say they reason with their anus? Some of you just piss me off with your lack of reasoning and ''I KNOW IT ALL'' kind of behaviour you put up here. Abeg make I go sleep jare. Its actually very few that one can reason with here.
abegi joo and i want a woman who doesnt nag.... do they exist? everyone can have wat they want, same as men....
You will keep searching forever if u want those qualities.
Linda kai you are a child. Used to respect you but I am a bit disappointed. Firstly u need a guy with all these characteristics, hmmm, funny cos before he was what he is he was never your specs remember? Secondly I guess like traits should connect, do you Linda have a house, range rover, nice looks etc? Well in my opinion hell no. I would not ask you out cos honestly you are like anyother average chic, so your prayers must be strong to attract what you do not command.
I am married to the woman of my dreams and guess what I have a range, my own crib, nice job and dress very well. Its annoying that those same (sorry women) bitches that didnt like me then now notice how handsome I am, what irritates me is how they try to point out that I am finer than my spouse, trust me the problem of women is WOMEN not guys.
Pls grow up. Used to tell my elder sister who looked like a model in her late 20's and early 30's to get a man, now she is 39 and guys r like WTF, there are younger women.
The 29 yr old guy u bounced might not be a bad guy afterall, some smart guys built their first house at 30.
I didnt say that women should not be picky but remember before the heels, nice hair etc, some of you'all were bushmo's so goes for we guys. My wife buys all I wear from America but one day we had a good laugh about how I used to buy my shirts in CMS (PROUD OF IT MEN!!!!)
Wish u d best but if i was rich single etc, i wont ask you out Linda.
Big ups to the chic that has grown with her man to be a big boy in google.
@knight, what the hell is wrong with some of u? don't u people read? i was just joking...i've said that enough times for some of u to have read it.i was playing with this list, that is why I used the photo i used. i don't need any man's money...i have enough of my own.
even if i was that shallow, i wouldn't put it on my blog...i work too hard to end up with a man just because of what he has...
I was just kidding with the list
Uncle Knight, you are thirsty sir...she was joking abi you blind?
The truth of the matter is that people are single not because they cannot find an eligible man but because they are too 'picky'. Trust me there are still some good guys out there, nobody is perfect. Females should look at the present state of the man and the future, because some things like wealth would not be apparent immidiately but later.
Also, its important that when venturing into a relationship you choose a realistic criteria for finding a man. There is nothing like a ready made man, some people are blessed they get all they want in a man. Some are not simply because they do not have the capacity to receive the blessing of a relationship.
This is because some people become so complacent in the relationship, the moment everything is set and ignore the important cues that could state the relationship is heading to a disaster.
Lastly, some things can be built upon in course of the relationship like trust and openness. Be friends first before you go deep into the relationship because love is not the only determinant of a successful marriage or relationship.
I am 27 not thru with school and not married yet. The few guys i met wanted graduates or working class ladies. So i decided to further my education,i now have a good job sha!
Now they want me back, they dont care if am a graduate or not.
Na the same thing with boys and girls jarre. Me i don tire
You get time. When it comes to relationship jokes, never crack them with Nigeians especially Nigeran men. This is because MOST Nigerians lack a healthy sense of humour. Many are also educated illiterates hence they cannot recognise sarcasm when they see it. In addition, MOST Nigerian men are chuvinists and too full of their damn selves like they are God's gift to women....NOT! They are mostly rapists, women batterers, scammers anal sex lovers, and what have you. I wish you lived outside Nigeria, I would advise you to hook up with a NON naija male. There are many of us successful career women happily married to foreign men who worship the ground we walk on and raising healthy, happy children in a loving and caring environment (home). DON'T RESPOND TO ANY FURTHER COMMENTS FROM LOSERS AND DOUCHBAGS acting like demented apes that cannot read!
LINDA please u do not need to explain to this FOOL called FANA. no educational background thats why he cant distinguish a "kidding joke" from a fact. even a primary six pupil understands ds writeup as a tease just to draw out opinions from bloggers.
ok, FANA is on ur side linda, am just seeing that, he was an arse at the other post about beyonce that's why i didnt take time to read his post here n just yabbed him. sorry FANA but be careful!
lind....dnt mind dem pple r jst 2daft 2catch a joke... If ur list like mek it long reach heaven,joke or no joke.... I go stil de visit r blog....gbam!
Well, Linda dearie, I'll share something else I heard with you.
Every woman has the exact relationship she wants.
So maybe, deep down, you just want to be single. And who says there's something wrong with that?
Anonymous @October 12, 2011 4:53 PM, whoever you are, your comment is the most sensible.
Most women are childish at 35 and are still waiting for men in their age range; when potential mothers-in-law don't want 'old' wives for their sons. 35 is classified as 'Arugbo ojo' because of fertility.
If you want kids, don't waste your time. Marriage could be secondary if you are too fussy. The choice is yours.
Nigerians are not matured enough for such comments. They dont know hw to appreciate jokes and comment along that line,instead they pick on peopla and insult them.Abeg Linda ignore the likes of Knight. He is just an uneducated fool. Range koo? America to shop ni.
If that wat U want then U wud probably join the round table You just posted
The round table women,I hope some ladies and see this and think twice.
@Linda men that wish list is damn long That means if we are going by that some men no fit marry Fine Gir LOLz,
Pls Ignore that KNIGHT of a fool!
Mr 'KNIGHT' haba i pity your wife she must be going through hell married to you. Linda ignore this bush man
Lol! OMG this blog makes me laugh so much. Linda I bet you're always rolling over with laughter everyday when reading through comments.
First, Terry Teddy, our resident long ass speech writer might have found himself a date (please Terry learn to summarise!) Next...drum roll... it's bloglord versus Fana in another corner ripping into each other from one post to another hehehe. And then we have the bitter males who can't recognise a joke. O ga oh! If only one could actually see all the faces behind the comments. Best blog on the planet, Linda. Well done.
@ Knight & anon 7.49 pm, Enough of the hypocrisy please!
How many men stay true to the women whom they started out with when they had nothing?
They make a little money then go chasing after the materialistic girls they keep slagging off.
bloglord wow!not only are you the biggest fool on planet earth, i just found out ur also a retard....u and 'knight' will make a perfect couple :-)
p.s i'm a female smdh!
I see Linda for coner
i think you are single out of choice. sure there is nothing wrong wanting a man in his 30's, who has a great job, his own house, drives a range rover, but one man i mean only one man with a body like Jason Momoa's, voice like Vin Diesel's, face like Brad Pitt, cool and calm like George Clooney. Will not cheat, does not lie, is sincere, God-fearing, generous, charming, sweet, sensitive, warm, clever, kind, funny, tall, athletic, very romantic. hmmmmm, do those exist?
LWKMD @ the picture
FANA, FANA, FANA! When ur mates where in school studying to communicate meaningfully in the society, u were always in all ds abandoned kiosk smooching agberos thats why u dont have sense to know when to drop it n get a life. i can see ur mother didnt train u well; sure she always calls ur dad a FOOL dats why u are so used to that word.
I Clocked 24 last week and i am very much single because of various reasons.
1. My mother is very strict and doesnt quite want guys around me. Please how am i going to get married now. At least you have to be in a relationship first.
2.The tribe issue keeps coming up, yoruba boys are chasing me with serious ginger, and i know at the back of my mind say na no go area.
Family wont agree.
3.Im of the opinion that you have to be stable first before u start a relationship, at least a job and you have to be spiritually stable too, i recently just got a job that pays my bills to an extent, i work 9-6pm , Mondays through Friday and little or no time for interaction, I cant continue like this,but What can I do? Im scared about this age thing and women, but will patiently wait for God and keep praying.
Some factors are beyond our control.
lmao bloglord i give up on ur dumb ass, ur just the unfortunate product of a cheap condom
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