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Bishop David Oyedepo of Winners Chapel in his private jet |
I want to write something that will probably anger a lot of people out there and I will probably be crucified for this but after seeing what I saw yesterday, I want to speak my mind.
I try as much as possible to stay away from religious issues on this blog because it's a very sensitive subject and so many people take it very personal. But like I said, I saw something yesterday that got to me...and since I've been given a voice (my blog), I want to be heard.
Let me start by saying that I am utterly disgusted by the way some Men of God in this our generation carry on. Private Jets, Yachts, media empires etc...and you wonder; is this what Christianity is all about now? Acquisition of wealth? Are some of these Men of God supposed to be keepers of faith or men who milk from their congregation to fund and maintain their lavish lifestyles?
I've said this before and I will say it again...I will NEVER pay tithe to the Church. Not if my money is going to be used to pay for a private jet. I know it's not a good thing to say publicly but that's my position on the matter and if these Men of God aren't uncomfortable or embarrassed to be seen 'living the life', then why should I be embarrassed to say I'm not going to fund it?
I am more than convinced that God will be disappointed in me if I gave 10% of the little money I make to men who already have so much when I can give it to that young child who hasn't eaten for days..or maybe even contribute to money needed to keep a sick person alive.
I sincerely feel that if Jesus came back today, he would weep at what some people have turned his church into. He would be disgusted as I am because He definitely didn't establish religion as an instrument for acquiring material wealth.
My bible tells me that when Jesus dwelt among us, he didn't hobnob with the rich, he didn't acquire material wealth, he didn't ride in the finest horses, he didn't drink the finest wines...instead he embraced modesty, lived amongst the ordinary and poor and was satisfied with that life. So why are these Men of God not following in his footsteps? Why are they acquiring wealth like it's about to go out of fashion?
Acquiring excessive wealth is morally reprehensible in a society like ours where there's a big gap between the rich and the poor. Nigerians are dying of hunger..literarily. I passed Oyingbo early yesterday morning and I've not been able get over what I witnessed there. Please somebody drive down to Oyingbo, at the refuse dump there and see what is going on in our country. I saw two boys picking something from the dump and putting in their mouth. And our Men of God are buying private jets? My God! Do you know how much it costs to acquire and maintain one? Do you know how many poor, homeless, hungry and sick people that kind of money can help? Are you calculating?
What does anyone want with so much money? How can you serve God and Money at the same time? There's a place in the bible where a certain rich young man turned down Jesus’ invitation to follow him because he was unwilling to leave his money behind. Jesus commented, “How hard it is for the rich to enter the kingdom of God”. (Luke 18:24) What was Jesus trying to say here?
Oh and there's more - "Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moth and rust do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where treasure is, there your heart will be also." (Matthew 6:19-21)
More - "Do not wear yourself out to get rich: have the wisdom to show restraint. Cast but a glance at riches, and they are gone, for they will surely sprout wings and fly off to the sky like an eagle" (Proverbs 23:4-5)
I can quote more from the bible but let's move on. See, I'm not against the church, I go to Church as much as the next guy. I'm not against being rich either, I am only against excessive wealth. Excessive being the imperative word. I'm not against Men of God, I just do not approve of some of their methods.
Men of God engaging in pre-marital sex, Men of God engaging in homosexual acts, Men of God molesting young boys in the church, Men of God building business empires and acquiring material wealth like they are competing with greedy politicians.
And let's not even talk about the trade going on in the Church today. The selling of CD's, books, tapes and et al. We all know how angry Jesus was when he witnessed the trade going in the temple in the ancient times and what he did about it
I could go on and on but let me stop here. I'm not judging, I'm just saddened by the things these Men of God are doing and the things they've failed to do.
I've said my piece and my apologies to anyone who finds it offensive..but until you know what it feels like to see two young children eating from a refuse dump, don't talk shit to me!
1 – 200 of 274 Newer› Newest»PREACH ON SISTER!!!!
There is not even a single word of this that I don't agree with. PREEEEEEEEEEEEACH!!! Somebody has to say it. It is disgusting and disgraceful.
It is so funny that you should talk about this, i came across this clip receently (http://www.facebook.com/home.php?#!/video/video.php?v=106168872733291&ref=mf) and it is a true show of shame by hungry "Men or God"
it is truly disgusting especially when these only pastors seem to be preaching about prosperity and telling you to SOW your money into their church.The funny thing is that people buy all d cock and bull these pastors tell them.
I had the opportunity of worshiping at a popular Naija church in Maryland a while back, and i was appalled by what i saw. The pastors wife had just finished preaching and then a deacon,( or was it even the pastor) thought it was absolutely normal to tell the congregation to pull out their hard earned dollars or write checks and come forward to "bless" the woman for preaching. He went on and on to persuade pple to "sow" into her life because she delivered a great message!What tripped me the most, was that people started writing those checks/cheques. This is a church that the congregation members had just donated money to buy a $30,000-$80,000(not sure what it was) car for the pastor! In this America!!When you are not a celeb or athlete, why should you want to drive a car that expensive?Why should you accept such a gift?
But before we start pointing fingers at these pastors, let us look at ourselves, are a good number of us not scrambling to buy N30,000-N80,000 hair weaves? Couldnt we have used that money to help the boys in oyingbo?Most of us do it but on smaller scales.
...and Linda dont be afraid to speak your mind o jare.It is YOUR blog,so carry go!
My dear Linda, i feel the same way tooo, as a staunch christian and ardent believer i often give my tithe to the poor or people that i know that are in dire need of it.This is because some of these poor people who go to church and request for help in welfare departments do not even get it or even if they are going to be shortlisted, they often have to go through a long process and sometimes they are reprimanded and asked to go look for job forgetting the circumstances that must have made them needy. Like i initially said this is how i feeel too, but then i can not judge the lavish lifestyles of Pastors, as far as i can give my tithe to the poor and needy then i am contented.
It is only God who knows his sheep and his sheep knoweth him too.
my sister , I can see you are really livid over what is going on but can I ask you this one question, what did you do for those 2 kids that were eating out of the refuse dump as well? Why wait for oyedepo and criticize him when you do not know what he actually does for people behind your back- good or bad. I think you should show a balance between judgement and reasoning before delivering a mouth full of near- expletives. I do not attend Oyedepo's church and I may not approve of some of his methods but in all honesty the primary provider of care for the citizens of one's country is the government. Unfortunately Your country is screwed up big time and would NEVER change and has succeded in making you divert attention away from them!!!
Dear Linda, Honestly I feel ur heart & I feel ur pain too. I totally understand where you are coming from bcos I feel thesame way. I remember on one occasions when I visited one of the RCCG Church branches in London a few years ago & I was desperately looking for a parking spot for about 15mins without success and I was totally appalled at the way one of the Workers gladly reserved two parking spots for the So Called Big-Men who come to church to come & flash their stolen wealth. I was actually so furious & flared up at the assh*le for doing such. But that's their mentality. I walked into the Church premises to report to a Senior Usher who understood my plight & apologised instantly. The house of God has moved from becoming a religious institution to a Corporation (Bank with so many branches nationwide & internationally)..... So Sad, but let God Almighty be the judge !!!
Salvation,in any way ,shape or form,is a personal thing.You should not allow your relationship with God atrophy,because of other people's actions.Take your cue from God.If you really believe in God,then you have to know that you should tithe.There is no way round that.
There is a church out there that matches your expectations.Go there.But do go.
Please check out my blog:http://henryik2009.wordpress.com.
*Please leave a comment.
My goodness!! Right on point! You said it all...its amazing how some folks will twist scripture to justify greed, materialism and subsequently support "these" men of God who are clearly exploiting the masses. It's simply plain-old "long-a-throat". Well done, Linda!
I am in full agreement with you on this issue. The fallacy of the "gospel of prosperity" must be flushed out of our society. If these high flying prosperity preachers were profiting with and not at the expense of their entire congregation then it will be ok, but this obviously not the case. The mass of Nigerian people perish in extreme poverty while the politicians and the clergy exploit their ignorance. At least the politicians are outright criminals and dont pretend to be anything but that. However the hypocrisy of the church is simply sickening to say the least. These jet flying, Armani suit wearing, Rolls Royce driving "men of God" guilt trip their entire congregation into thinking they are never good enough and can never be as "holy" as the pastor. The congregation ends up donating their cars, houses and of course their paychecks to the pastors who they believe to be Jesus reincarnates.
One day the masses will know. One day the people will discover. One day the youth will wake up. One day the proletariat will finally begin to ask questions. And on that day, the thieving and conniving elites will feel the wrath of a thousand and one scorned women ... And after that ... I just dont know ... God help us
that u pay ur tithe is for ur own good not for the good of oyedepo or the other men of God.why bcos God commands u to do it.the rich gets richer.besides leave my papa alone.
You have said well Linda, You have really spoken out the TRUTH.The real men of God are still out there, and as we read from the word that the end times are near and many will come in HIS(GOD'S) name to deceive us. So no matter how to voice out, no change can be done. Let God fight his battle himself.I have constant incessant arguments with my flatmate over men of God as he is opined in your same perspective but I try to explain to him that the real men of God are known only by God.That's why I don't serve church or religion but Jesus Christ, The Holy Spirit and God
And can u tell me y u havent responded to my add on FB.
hehe Linda u really sound pissed at these guys; well i bliv u have ur reasons but dont forget that some of these guys still have other businesses apart from being pastors. am not particularly a fan of the big jets but chic seriously about tithing u mean u dont pay cos u think its going to the pastors??? lol well verify well b4 posting or atleast i know in my church it goes to church account. Anyway gal... peace ok? take a deep breathe.... Live ur Christian Life and dont let how others live theirs hinder u from doing ur best for God at all times....
"but until you know what it feels like to see two young children eating from a refuse dump, don't talk shit to me" LMFAO...DOnt worry i am sure every Nigerian has seen worse
...and you Ms Ikeji, what did you do to help these boys!Did you get down from your sports car and take them home with you, give them a good bath, feed them?
May God Embarras you with Mulitiple blessings Linda,thanks for taking the words right out of my mind and good on you to justify your post with The Words of our God almighty. I dont expect the pastors to be poor as church rats but they should be modest and content with simple living! is there anywhere in the bible thats talk about Jesus living lavishly? its is in the bible that MANY WILL COME AS WOLFS IN SHEEPS CLOTHING(FAKE PROPHETS) Why are we not heeding the prior advice the bible gives.
and the most anoying thing is if you see how some nigerians worship their pastors like he is GOD himself it is appalling and disgraceful,pastors and their families are now celebs they like the social high life etc while some of the people in their congregation are as poosr as ever and still begging the lord and still give offering and tithe out of the little they earn!
SHAME! am nigerian british and i live in london at the moment! i have refused to go to nigerian churches here because i simply cant stand the practices and competition of the pastors wanting birthday gifts like cars and expensive watches.
i go to a normal simple british church, the money i give in church i know and see where its going,and its not by force to donate,we do the service and everyone disperses,no ectra unecessary nose poking.
linda i def agree with u...i believe in the part of the Bible that says "work out ur own salvation" cuz there are so many things wrong.i think it is this same hypocrisy from the churches that forces ppl to leave the church and turn atheist. don't do thiss...don't do that...yet all the men of God do it. i was asking my parents about it...opening schools....why are u opening schools if more than 70% of ur congregation cannot afoord it? why is it that the most corrupt politicians and ppl in this country sit in front at church? why can't they open something and just open it for free? there are very few churches today that are good, that's why me, i only go to church wen i feel like cuz every day, they r alwaya requesting for money to do some "project",so if someone is poor, the person is a sinner cuz they can't afford to buy church books and materials? i think it happens in both catholic and pentecostal, et al. even redeem church has changed from how adeboye wanted it to be, even the so-called deeperlife church that are almost like mormons in the US are also changing slowly. i think it's prob only jehovah's witness that are still doing the right thing (albeit too extreme)...i def agree with u that's why i haven't been to church in a while...i only go wen i feel like. how can pastor's have private jets? why can't they fly on the same plane as everyone else?
even the part in the Bible that makes the allusion to a rich man and the eye of a needle....don't these pastor's preach these things in church? God help us. me i worship my God solo, i pay my tithe everytime but i try not to pay it to the same church cuz some churches have so many rich ppl while others don't...having church services (that seem like big owambe parties) at eko hotel, ppl dressing to church like they r going to the club, having rogues and useless sinners sit in front at church and even glorify them just cuz of their tithes...jeez. and they always neglect the poor ppl.
...I totally disagree with you but I appreciate u r entitled to ur opinion...tithing is biblical...and by the way as you said it yourself you don't pay tithe so what's your own...na ur MONEY??? but i still like your blog :-)
babe calm the fuck down...i know there are fake men of God that love money but not all of them and be careful abt judging..about the jets how re u so sure they re using ur tithes? in r.c.c.g pastor adeboye was given a jet BY HIS CHURCH MEMBERS.he didnt use ur tithes.u might wanna take down tthat pic of bishop oyedepo plus think well before you put up a post like this.abt d poor kids that i am truly sorry for and wish i cud help we all know some pastors doing some charity work in the country and trust me they cant do everything ALONE.also i havent seen u spend ur time writing a long ass post like this abt politicians that embezzle money anyhow or celebrities that buy luxurious houses,cars and even jets.i know what u mean but u re not putting up ur story well.this my comment will be all over d place but i know wat i am saying and i am not trying to speak or support them #justsaying.
Linda, MWAH! MWAH!! MWAH!!!
you are the best. finally you've stopped being a kiss ass and started seeing the things i've been yapping about. when i write, all of those MOG ynash flies would start to type rubbish. what the fuck? are they kidding me. right now, i've not read everything but trust me deary, i know what you are talking about.
my dear SPEAK!!! o jare and let the ynash flies be put to shame. as for me i don't pay tithe. when i want to i count, my money and share into places. most of the times i give those arab beggars at my school or i pay their transport fare or i keep my money to myself.
nigerians not to be rude are the stupidest people on the surface of the earth who refuse to acquire knowledge and let some MOG hand them down second handed- bended truth version that suits them.
there was i church i used to attend where the pastor kept complaining that we don't give enough tithes and offerings and even went as far as instructing the ushers not to let anyone out until they've vowed to give a certain amount. when people called the ones they could give...guess what the pastor said they could do better.
most of these ynsah flies think they know too much because they went to school and got good grades and can speak good english. these men are robbing them in broad daylight.
do you know the next thing these MOG ynash flies would say is that they are to eat from where they work. RUBBISH.
my dear make i go finish the article, i dey come.
i'm back and you know what my sister....C'est fini.
you don talk am.
MOG premarital sex....hormones
MOG homosexuality.....genes and chromosomes
MOG excessive wealth....blessing.
all these people defending them, have they looked at their own lies for a second. have they tried to look at their surroundings. do they know that the real tithe paying is when you give that to someone who doesn't have?
nope, i guess they are too busy looking for blessings from the "anointed one" not knowing that the prayers from a grateful heart is more than anything.
i live in port harcourt and when i go to school everyday, the path i take, i see jobless people, people struggling, handicapped, sick people on the street. these are part of nigeria. that is why i keep saying we should fight the system and forget defending it.
to me the real church is you, not the bended-to-suit the MOG ones and Linda; don't apologise. if they can't handle the truth then they shouldn't visit your blog anymore. you aren't running a religious outfit or are you?
my dear, you are the best. for this single post......you are my heroine. tell it like it is and FUCK the consequences because my dear, you've got only one life to live. so enjoy doing and saying the things you want to and have to say.
MWAH! sister
Linda, MWAH! MWAH!! MWAH!!!
you are the best. finally you've stopped being a kiss ass and started seeing the things i've been yapping about. when i write, all of these MOG ynash flies would start to type rubbish. what the fuck? are they kidding me. right now, i've not read everything but trust me deary, i know what you are talking about.
my dear SPEAK!!! o jare and let the ynash flies be put to shame. as for me i don't pay tithe. when i want to i count my money and share into places. most of the times i give these arab beggars on the street or i pay their transport fare or i keep my money to myself.
nigerians not to be rude are the stupidest people on the surface of the earth who refuse to acquire knowledge and let some MOG hand them down second handed- bended truth version that is to suit them.
there was i church i used to attend where the pastor kept complaining that we don't give enough tithes and offerings and even went as far as instructing the ushers not to let anyone out until they've vowed to give a certain amount. when people called the ones they could give...guess what the pastor said they could do better.
most of these ynsah flies think they know too much because they went to school and got good grades and can speak good english. these men are robbing them in broad daylight.
do you know the next thing these MOG ynash flies would say is that they are to eat from where they work. RUBBISH.
my dear make i go finish the article, i dey come.
i'm back and you know what my sister....C'est fini.
you don talk am.
MOG premarital sex....hormones
MOG homosexuality.....science
MOG excessive wealth....blessing.
all these people defending them, have they looked at their own lies for a second. have they tried to look at their surroundings. do they know that the real tithe paying is when you give that to someone who doesn't have?
nope, i guess they are too busy looking for blessings from the "anointed one" not knowing that the prayers from a grateful heart is more than anything.
i live in port harcourt and when i go to school everyday, the path i take, i see jobless people, people struggling, handicapped, sick people on the street. these are part of nigeria. that is why i keep saying we should fight the system and forget defending it.
to me the real church is you, not the bended-to-suit the MOG ones and Linda; don't apologise. if they can't handle the truth then they shouldn't visit your blog anymore. you aren't running a religious outfit or are you?
my dear, you are the best. for this single post......you are my heroine. tell it like it is and FUCK the consequences because my dear, you've got only one life to live. so enjoy doing and saying the things you want to and have to say.
MWAH! sister
Hi Linda, You've quoted different parts from the bible for what you believe but not for what these men of God believe. The bible say we should bring out tithe and offering to the store house (in the church of the old testament)and we would see what God will do for us. I have seen people in poor conditions in fact I have lived in a face me I face you and I've seen about 10 people including father and mother living in a room and parlour eating from a bowl.
The bible says clearly that the poor would always be with us. So even if these men sold all they had and gave it to the poor, the poor would always be with us.
I know for a fact that some of these men feed people on a daily basis, send people to school, pay for medical expenses etc. Okotie bought a house for a church worker a couple of years ago because she was always in church even though her house was far. You should look at the good they do and not just assume that they are amassing wealth for themselves.
You see these jets as excess wealth but I don't see like that. They go from country to country preaching to people. If all they did was go on holidays and stuff, I would have a problem with it.
God has clearly said we should pay our tithe to the church. I would obey God and do that and leave Him to be the judge of whether the money is spent the right way or not but I'm not going to say God I won't pay tithe because they don't use it well. That's His battle to fight.
Hi Linda, You've quoted different parts from the bible for what you believe but not for what these men of God believe. The bible say we should bring out tithe and offering to the store house (in the church of the old testament)and we would see what God will do for us. I have seen people in poor conditions in fact I have lived in a face me I face you and I've seen about 10 people including father and mother living in a room and parlour eating from a bowl.
The bible says clearly that the poor would always be with us. So even if these men sold all they had and gave it to the poor, the poor would always be with us.
I know for a fact that some of these men feed people on a daily basis, send people to school, pay for medical expenses etc. Okotie bought a house for a church worker a couple of years ago because she was always in church even though her house was far. You should look at the good they do and not just assume that they are amassing wealth for themselves.
You see these jets as excess wealth but I don't see like that. They go from country to country preaching to people. If all they did was go on holidays and stuff, I would have a problem with it.
God has clearly said we should pay our tithe to the church. I would obey God and do that and leave Him to be the judge of whether the money is spent the right way or not but I'm not going to say God I won't pay tithe because they don't use it well. That's His battle to fight.
lovely blog Linda you blew my mind away, i have always been ur great fan but with these ypou just made me love you more, it is just so unspeakable and unbelievable how men of God could require such wealth then allow their members to die of hunger. may God have mercy on us all but i think this is just sign of the end time. let judge no one so we will not be judged. the end shall tell?
I love you for this. I feel your pain. My mum invited me for a church service that lasted for less than 2 hours and guess what! The ushers came calling for donations, Tithes, Offerings for like a million time before the end of the service. For crying out loud i had 3k before the service started and when i got home i was looking for what to eat.Where money go? Church donation, offering! Well no be say i dey judge o but God de... church business is serious business now. The end time is near
Hi Linda
I do not blame you. I am also sick of the way we practise christianity in Africa and Nigeria in particular. I have stopped attending penticostal churches here in the UK and now attend a 'boring' church of England for all the reasons you blogged about. And well done for not paying your tithes in church!!! this phenomenon is not restricted to churches in Nigeria. The church in diaspora are also guilty of the same thing.
My Aunty said that her pastor in USA announced in their church recently that he will be turning 60 in Oct and wants people to donate $1000 for celebrations and thanksgiving!!! Can you imagine. And guess what? Most of his congregations are migrants from Africa without adequate papers. And he is using all sort of emotional and psychological tricks to get people to give him the money.
I have come to appreciate the simplicity of christianity once again since I stopped attending African churches. The traditional church of England churches tries to educate their parishes about up to date happenings in the world and how they can deal with some of the issues as a christian e.g fair trade was discussed in my church the other day, bullying, same goes for AIDS, Haiti, the election, the flood in Pakistan and so many more.
Meanwhile when I used to attend 'our' churches it was all about prosperity, tithes, the enemy, souls, them v us, marriage, fornication, the devil. The devil has suddenly become responsible for everything. Terrible accidents happen in Nigeria on a regular basis because roads are bad, roads are bad because govt officials steal the money to be used to repair it and whose fault is it? The devil. Youths turn to armed robbery and prostitution because there are no jobs, there are no jobs because the govt frankly do not care and are focussed on looting the treasury and when darkness falls we ask God to protect us from the devil as if its the devil rather than poverty that possess people to steal. RUBBISH
And please do not call them 'Men of God'
Preach girl! It is the cretins giving these yeye pastors money that I blame..did you see the picture of so-called GO and James Ibori the other day? Useless people! hiss
I totally agree with you on this one...
Linda go ahead tell them wha you are mad lol.
But seriously what is going on in Nigeria in the name of religion is sickening. My family and I have experienced firsthand how these so called prosperity preachers rip off their congregation.
Even as kid, growing up in Nigeria I knew that something was just not right. I witnessed as these so called Pastors cajoled their poor congregation into giving all the have and them send them away hungry. I can recall how my parents sacrificed money time an other valuable to "church " while we were struggling as a family and the so called pastors are living large.
Fact of the matter is that they prey on the ignorance of our people. People do not demand what the money they are giving as tithes are used for. Our People do not ask why the pastors keep getting richer and richer and they themselves are getting poorer and poorer. Is it not the same God they are serving?
Upon all the money these preachers accumulate , they hardly provide any incentives for the members of the churches that may need them . If they do build schools and universities, they make sure that the ordinary nigerian cannot afford it. Surely this is NOT right. The question I ask myself is when will people wake up and smell the damn coffee!
Sorry for long post..this is an issue close to my heart.
i agree with you linda. this is so true . church heads of nowadays have become so fixated with gathering up wealth the likes of oyedepo. it is quite saddening but in the end we will all be judged by God sha.
how about living modestly and using the contributes from the church to fund orphanages,homeless homes, hospices, medical research?
OMG! Linda you've just taken the words right out of my mouth, in fact I have fought so many times with my mother (you know hoe some hardcore Christian mothers can be)about some issues I have with the Christian church. I live in England and these Nigerian pastors are killing me softly. Why would a Pastor need to wear an Armani suit? When the congregation can barely pay there rent or electricity and gas bill? why would a Pastor accept money made from fraudulent activities knowing the source? Why would a pastor ask people who can give £500 each to church to stand up and pray for them(what of those that cant afford it)? A lot of atrocities is going on in the church and even though it wont change my mind about being a Christian but I always tell people Muslims are fanatics but Christians are hypocritical. I told my mom that I think the idea of tithing from my point of view is to feed the levities (the priests)as they devoted their lives in the sanctuary and cant go to farm to fend for themselves.I believe Christians should break free of blind following and use their heads to think. If you want to be christlike help the needy, give to the poor and love your neighbour as yourself. Its funny how you see some Christians always giving their tithes but cant help a neighbour that can not afford to pay their child's fees. He who has ears let him hear and use the bible as their guidelines. My 2cents.xx
Nigerian church leaders accept tithes in the name of God. They'll say “God needs your help building the church, ” What does God need with a multi-million dollar church? Nothing! These are the same so-called church leaders that you'll find riding in fancy cars, eating the best food, living in expensive homes and living the life of wealthy people while their followers scrape and struggle to do “God's will” by tithing. People can go as far as lending money to pay seeds. They always have the faith that one day they'll become rich while "swimming in extravagant poverty", meanwhile the leaders change cars everyday.These so-called leaders will lead congregations in the worse of the worst neighborhoods and on their way to church to preach on Sundays or Saturdays or whatever day they declare to be the Sabbath, they will step over the homeless or the less fortunate. I can imagine the kind of private jet Jesus used, in His time, bet it would have been out of this world!!
U hv spoken Linda my ppl perish bcus they lack knowledge they r all thieves using Gods name but i hv a gud news 4 dem u can deciv man but u cant deciv God many so call followers of this thieves fail 2 notice wat jesus ask his deciples to do after he resurected he said go out there n preach d gosple not to aquire wealth displaying material things as if its of God wish Tithe is not of God 4get malachai its an ordinance n it is not money as this thieves claim but d shock await dem all when d Lord will say to dem at d last days get away from me u workers of iniquities n lawlesness he said they will say hv we not bind demons in ur name etc etc but they r workers of d devil!! i wish this followers cud read d bible
n Secondly d only organisation who i see doing d work which christ ask us to do is d <Jehovah witnesses tho they hv their errors but they 90% doin d lords work u hardly seen any1 among them who dont understand d bible even d younger ones below 15 can preach n convience u from d bible i know many dont lik dem(i m not 1 of dem tho)but in all honesty they r not of this world as 4 this thives Jesus fortell it b4 now signs of d last days!turning pulpit into their office Jesus was never know to b attach to a particular church neither was his deciples infact wake up humans!!
Sister Linda don provoke finish...tak am small small, some of these men of God actually have some other businesses they're into apart from preaching.
U made a very good point...but there are still exceptions
1. You should have just mentioned issues without putting one man's picture. You are wrong to have done that.
2. You mentioned that you saw 2 boys picking things on refusing dump in oyingbo.... you are also someone child, why are u not picking things on the refuse dumps?
3. You have a car don't U? & if you don't, use your money to send these people to school & feed them instead of buying or riding a car.
4. I really don't want to discuss this issue because it is really not worth it. But I used to have very deep respect for U until i read this from you.
5. If U have issues with these men, as a journalist or whatever U call yourself, U owe it the right to investigate their lives very well b4 U just bust out with this.
6. Obviously, you are not a christian & u can be excused for your ignorance. Finally, you are in no way different from these men. If you are in their shoes, U will do worse.
It is people like you who go about sowing seeds of disobedience in the minds of the innocents. If you have no clue about these men. SHUT UP & FACE YOUR BUSINESS.
My advise Linda. Don't get yourself involved in this kind of issue. You are not an Authority and most importantly, God has not appointed you as their judge.
What??? I can't believe this is coming from you. What makes you even think that the jets are bought with church money? Have you heard about preachers in the united states giving out jets to ministries they feel has impact globally?
I bet you didn't know that.
LINDA... I am so with you on this one. It infuriates me to see what our faith and the men at the forefront of it have become. If I say anymore, I might add another blogpost to this matter. You really have spoken my mind. What really gets to me is the fact that SO MANY PEOPLE SHEEPISHLY FOLLOW THESE MEN. ARE THEY BLIND??? I need to stop before the anger rises and I start to type like a maniac.
With all this being said, I must maintain that tithing is not about these men. Even in the Bible, it says GIVE AND IT SHALL BE GIVEN UNTO YOU. There is no clause that makes the blessings you receive dependent on whether or not your donations are misappropriated. God sees all our hearts and he relates with us accordingly. You should not make a critical decision concerning your faith based on the ills you see in its practice. It's the same as deciding never to go to church because some sick bastards molest children. Certain things, like tithing, are integral to our belief and should not be dependent on external circumstances- however compelling these may be.
YES speak against these evils. Fight them as best you can. NO do not limit aspects of your Christianity because of them.
OMG!!! where were you when these ministries were donating clothings, food, sinking boreholes, building & rebuilding schools that our government that forces out taxes on us refused to build & rebuild?
You are a very bad judge in this issue. I am really disappointed.
Personally, I do not like getting involved in issues like this but... Oyedepo's church I know very well has supported countless people,not only in Nigeria. The church single handedly supplied food & clothing materials to countries like Liberia and some other African countries during their war.
This is a big injustice to these men & their churches.
Linda, are you attacking Oyedepo personally or you are talking about all men of God?
If it is not directly at him, I advise you take off his picture from your site or you should include all other men of God you are talking about. I think this will be fair.
u re a christian dnt mean u cant hv a private jet ...deres somthing called making God look good and even God said ask for d nations and i will give it 2 u nd he also said we shall inherit d earth ....if you choose nt 2 pay ur tithe 2 d church best believe he will still own his private jet no offence
I second u on that Linda! Speak on!
WELL SAID. About time somebody spoke up. No talk about "touch not not my anointed" and all of that, i'm very sure this not the context for it. I'm not against the payment of tithes, but i sure aint giving my hard-earned money to furnish someone's oppulent lifestyle. I passed by a scruffy-looking young hispanic dude standing by the corner of the Dollar Store today asking for quaters--probably an illegal immigrant who can't get work. I gave him only $5 and you should have seen the gratitude on his face. I thanked God for the ability to give and feel the immediate impact. Imagine if I had even given $50,000 to any of these men, how will it help those who really need help? I would rather give my 10% to people who I can make some difference in their lives, even if it is to put a smile on their faces, than to put fuel in someone's private jet. "Not everyone who says to me, 'Lord, Lord,' will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only he who does the will of my Father who is in heaven."(Mathew 7:21) "Many will say to me on that day, 'Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and in your name drive out demons and perform many miracles?" (Mathew 7:22) Let God be the judge.
Good one dear .. i feel u die .. preach on
Chei! Someone is pissed off like crazy. I'm not going to criticize you, neither am I going to defend what I don't know. But what I do know is that in the end, there's an ultimate judge and He's definitely watching
Dear Linda,
I agree with your post. Absolutely, actually, I stopped paying tithe the day I saw a man of God in a hummer jeeep and me on an OKADA, I went again and researched on TITHES online and found out, nothing like that exist in the bible.
We ask so much from our govt. But within ourselves, the people we trust in our locality, they are so greedy and take so much from us. It's really bad, the people, or govt. need to start looking into this.
You are spot on Linda! It also enrages me at the deception these so called pastors perpetuate extracting money out of the hands of their impoverished followers, as well as their wealthy corrupt followers!
Likeyou, I refuse to pay a penny of my money to fund any pastors lavish lifestyle... and lets face it, most of them live lavish lifestyles at the expense of their congregation!
They should be investigated, audited and taxed heavily!!!
I totally understand your frustration with this issue, the interesting part is that I was just discussing this with my hubby yesterday. What I do however disagree with is your stance with tithing. Tithing is for God and not for the preachers, you can't allow ANY man come between you and what you've been advised by the bible, there were no ifs or buts about "Honor the LORD with thy substance, and with the first fruits of all thine increase"
If you have a problem with the doctrine with your church, it may be time to find another church where you can tithe like the bible clearly states. God said for us not to judge, I know this is hard, and these issues upset me too, but please don't allow ANYONE to mess with your personal relationship with God. Don't let them hinder your blessings and rewards and after all on the judgement day, you won't tell God these were the reasons you didn't tithe will you?
Linda Ikeji, i was thinking of the same lately and i feel that it is very important that we know whose name this Luxury articles bear. A yatch is a no no, but we must be very careful though remember the story of Miriam in the Bible.
But truthfully i think some Pastors are overdoing it. It is best you obey God than disobey God because of a man of God. It really is no excuse, you do your part (which is to obey) and let God do what he deems just.
By the way, i recognise your effort in keeping up with blogging. God bless you.
Linda love I agree with you...I have always been an advocate of modesty...in all things...I do not think that because a person is a man of God, the person should live in poverty, However, I do not believe that the person should live lavishly. I do not believe anybody should acquire massive wealth. There's too much problems in the world for that. Private Jet? really?
P.S. you can always pay your tithe to a small struggling church.or not. I'm sure God didn't specify what church the tithe should be paid to.
linda is maaaaaaad angry and i know it.totally agree with u.
My goodness! talk about "wearing your heart on your sleeves"geese. uno wat linda here is my own 2 penny.you know the word. do wat it says.leave the rest to God. who are we to point fingers.dont do what they do but what they say.you know what is right just carry on with it. lastly linda you will be amazed at some comments that will be posted by ignorant people here regarding this topic.i await with open arms
Preach it Linda! I agree with you 100%.
Linda you are bang on! With the level of poverty in Nigeria, it's rather unfortunate to see the so called "men of God" live their lavish lifesyyle when there are so many people living in abject poverty.
I too do not and would not pay tithe for some greedy human being to burn in the name of doing God's work. I am sure all those "holier than thou" and sanctimonious cows would come and defend their "men of God."
Well said,Linda.Some of these men of God are really disgusting in their acquisition of wealth.They have turned the church into a business empire to siphon from the members. They continuosly deceive the members with prophesies of prosperity.I wonder why these church members dont see these extravagancies.No wonder every corner, new churches are cropping up everyday.
Linda you gone too far here . Yes i agree you should air your views but on this and on the pic you posted you have indeed gone too far .
Linda girl,
I feel you small.
this post would have been better without anyone's pic in it.
I recently returned back to Nigeria after two years out and part of the process of settling down is becoming the member of a local church.
I have been giving it a lot of thought recently and i am just disheartened.
There is so much going wrong in the church to an ordinary eye that i wonder why it is so difficult accept.
The acquisition of wealth is one thing, another thing that gets to me is the favouritism in the church.There is one rule for the poor and another for the rich.The pastor is always bending over for the rich and famous but unbending for the poor folks.
The witchcraft (manipulation, seduction and deceit) is a different matter.Folks are continually being manipulated to believe that the only way they can do God's will is by funding the pastor's dream and visions.
When will the pastor fund my own dream and vision?
Unlike you, i pay tithes as i do not believe in correcting one wrong with another.
However, i am very circumspect about what goes on in the church.I am very suspicious about everything and run from every manipulative spirit and tendencies.
I question everything and hold no man as infallible.
Count me out of that daddy and mummy crap!
There would always be kids eating out of the refuse dump but Christians need to stop funding the excesses of pastors and stop being gullible.
Know God for yourself.
I liked you so much before but now, i can't express how much I so much love you right now for this candid write up. You absolutely took my thoughts and succinctly put it out there. I have discovered a new level of respect for you. Some say this is just a gossip blog, but it is clear that they haven't visited enough to know how insightful you are. With people like you, Nigeria sure have a future (might not be so bright now,though). Linda, thanks for saying the truth just as it is!
It's a lost cause Linda! Those whom this message are for have blocked their ears but rest assured they will swallow whatever crap these loaded "men of God" feed them!
My father was a Theologian, then a Rev and I remember asking him, when I was 7, what does a Benz have to do with the salvation of mankind? All the pastors at whatever church we attended had these flash cars! Is T&O a requirement to gain salvation and enter heaven? So what was the point of Jesus dying for our sins? Are you telling me I can buy my way into heaven? Since when was there a price on prayer, why wont a pastor pray for me FREE, why can't I receive blessings FREE!
What if I'm poor and unemployed - does God want me to rob a bank to pay for blessing to get a job! So are all the poor people going to hell?! I haven't eaten and I'm paying for my pastors Jaguar No. 3? Afo sagbuo kwa gi!
I have never and will never give my money to any religious leader of any kind. I will give to charity because they are for people who are needy/helpless/destitute! Is a moG (man of God) any of these things?!
People who call themselves Christians need to read the Bible front to back! People, read the Bible with understanding, ask questions and realise that there is only one intermediary between you and God and his name is Jesus! You don't need another level of bureaucracy of moG between you and Jesus and God!
Well said Linda.
The church is unfortunately just a profitable business venture for some "Men of God" in Africa or abroad.
What a pity indeed!!
Well done Linda....God will bless you for the courage you have to say this. You've said it all. Peace!
well said. u are very right in all u've said. who ever wants to crucify u may go ahead and do so but it wont change the fact that u are right(in my judgement).
Linda, i enjoy n like ur blog...and i m beginning to like u as a person but please these religion leaders, just leave them alone...pls let God judge them if wat they are doing is rite or rong, na them n God kno, pls leave them alone...we have not bin given the authority to judge!
God bless you for this blog entry!....you spoke the mind of God....and anyone who does not see the truth in this does not understand the Gospel!
Linda i understand your frustration but i really just want to comment about one thing you mentioned here, tithe.
not paying your tithes AT ALL for the reason given doesn't hold much weight. As christians and human beings generally, we cannot account for what the next person is going to do and how they are not doing what they are suppose to do. Paying your tithe is the christian thing to do and if the church or leaders decides to use it for a different cause, God will judge them. Bute as far as you are concerned, you have satisfied one of your christian duty. You mentioned you attend church regularly, where do you think the money they use to keep the church going comes from? If you feel the church you are paying your tithe to does not use it to do what needs to be done, then pay it to a church you feel will do so. Sometimes, my tithe goes to a church i don't attend but i feel can use more help.
well spoken...can't say it any better
F**k anyone who has a problem with it...Bladdy hypocrites. Abeg tell them oh Jare. D 1 that annoys me is d way some humans worship them. Was talking to one mo4ker some days ago n he was like he can't listen to me cos his so calld prophet was coming 2 pass. So I shud wait 4 him 2 pass 1st. After d so calld prophet passd, d mo4ker turnd n followed him ignoring me...Ooouch bullshit.
Linda, the set of congregations you are referring to as "church" in your post are not The Church of Christ. The are money making enterprises that are sucking the gullible dry. Yes, I for one will not fault your outrage. Are the traditional Churches to blame for these money making enterprising centers parading as church? Do they failed these people that gravitate to them? The jury is still out on that statement.
I am with you on your outrage!
whoa, am not amaze, this was exactly today's bein' 5th of sep 2010 preaching in ma church, well i cant George, but i knew my Bible too well, it will definitely guide me through, for the tithe is very compulsory mal 3:10. I pay to God almighty, but I tot those men of God ought to be bless for their Good works, they have blessed a lot of people and of which they do get some rewards, either from individuals or from God.
Standing Ovation for you Linda. Very well said. Let the blind followers foam in the mouth if they want, i am glad you spoke.
The pastors' of today are criminals. End of story!
They will definitely suffer for their greed. Ole barawo banza. Bloody thieves. God ill punish them all. Idiots.
Go sister I am feeling you, 100% truth. Plenty of surprises on judgment day.
whoa, am not amaze, this was exactly today's being' 5th of sep 2010 preaching in ma church, well i cant George, but i knew my Bible too well, it will definitely guide me through, for the tithe is very compulsory mal 3:10. I pay to God almighty, but I tot those men of God ought to be bless for their Good works, they have blessed a lot of people and of which they do get some rewards, either from individuals or from God.
'Things are not what they used to be' 'Nigerians are certainly calculating'
Once,I brought up this very issue, and my mom told me, "Do the right thing, Nonso. It doesn't matter if everyother person isn't, what matters is what YOU are doing".
Point - I will not stop giving my offering and tithe because 'someone takes it for himself/herself'. I do my part and leave the rest to God.
Taciturn Turned Talkative
God bless u Linda 4 this post....i stopped goin 2 chch 4 this reasons, its pathetic!
To be honest Linda, there are times i think that most of these guys(Men of God) are just deceiving their followers. Seriously.
This private jet thingy has really opened the eyes of a lot of people. I was reading a newspaper a few months back and a pastor in Celestial Church of Christ(CCC)really said a lot about the lifestyle of some of these men of God. The man left no stone unturned. Their expensive schools, cars, bodyguards, houses, huge investments in the media and of course, the jet. He said they had turned the Church into a very lucrative business venture.
They so alienate themselves from their brethren and in fact turn themselves into nothing short of a god.
A friend of mine made the same decision about her tithe paying. she gives it to people who need it now. It is a crazy situation. People are really suffering out there.
There are more beggars on the roads now than ever. I do not see what they are doing to help the poor. Not even in their churches. These are indeed the last days.
Sorry about the long comment jare.
judging by d picture of pastor Oyedepo in his private jet,i ask,what will he preach to a poor and hungry man? repent.for d kingdom of God is at hand????? just wat exactly will he tell a poor man?
Tithing is not about money, it’s about your heart. God wants to know what you value most: your money, or your heart relationship with Him.
Very sad, children eating from a dump. I'm not going into the men of God bashing or no bashing. Right now, my focus is on God. Man of God or no man of God, everybody will give account to God when the time comes. I just pray for grace in this my journey. Not that I should turn a blind eye to what is seen as good or bad by men of God, but at the end of it all, salvation is truly personal.
So, while you may be right or not to lash out at the lavish lifestyle of men of God amidst such crushing poverty, the thing that arouses MY curiousity is why did you choose only the men of God to lash out at?
What about the so-called governments (local, state, federal) who have a statutory duty to see to the well-being of the citizens? Or you don't know that our governments have obligations to us (even in the language of progressive realization of social and economic rights or constitutional directive principles)?
And if you want to lash out at those you feel have a moral duty to help, then why not also extend it to ALL the rich people and companies in that Lagos alone. Drive through Parkview and Lekki and be amazed at the affluence in those places.
So, my sister, I know it can be quite disheartening to see what you saw. I am just truly curious as to why you only chose the men of God to lash out at. And no, I am not trying to side-track the point of your post.
true talk Linda. I've sometimes wondered something along the same lines given the living conditions in the country. but i'm not going to judge any MoG. some of the blame lies with the congregation. the fact is that human beings need to put their faith in God not in pastors. a lot of people buy these gifts for the Men of God in anticipation of a reward from God. somebody needs to tell some worshippers that if you use the same money that you used to buy a brand new jeep for your pastor to help poor kids in your local community school, it will not diminish your "blessings".
there's an old article on NVS that talks more on this topic: http://www.nigeriavillagesquare.com/articles/chris-ngwodo/profiteering-prophets-and-social-redemption.html
And another reason why you should feel this strongly against the government is if you pay taxes - as you should pay...
But then again, many people in Nigeria won't pay taxes even at the threat of imprisonment but will gladly pay tithe without any legal compulsion. The irony of the two publics. Read "Colonialism and the Two Publics in Africa" by Peter Ekeh...
OK, I have gone off on a tangent! It's just that this your post is making me think from all angles... I have a paper to write so my head is all academic now... LOL!
but wait oh,concerning those who pay their tithe,if it works for them what is our own headache??
Linda, you've said it all. It is a really big problem. You know the amazing thing is that most of the members of the church giving their tithes are also having trouble making ends meet. There are some good churches but very few. Majority of the churches out there are business ventures. It is very painful to see the situation in our country and these wealth acquisition by men of God. God dey sha. Enough said, we all need to act.
well linda all i have to say its Let God be the judge.
I feel your pain but all you can do is leave them to their maker according to the bible every man will be judge according to their works for no man is prefect certainly not a man of God and a times we forget this because of the title they hold but if that title made them prefect amongst all then I bet we will sit fault them. We fall weak to our flesh but it's our spirit that God yarns after. The bible tells us to bring 10% of our fruit to the storehouse. My dear do not disobey this act, give ur part diligently, God sees ur heart, obey his word. What they do with they will surly account for in heaven before God himself but don't rob God because you don't like what man is doing that's not spiritual maturity and the bibles tells us as christains we must drink milk but eat meat meaning we must grow as we mature in the word. Sadly we are living in the end times and people are getting carried away with self acts but be accountable for your own portion, do your part, love ur enemies, pray for the weak and give God what he asked for not becuz ur afraid who will spend it but because that is his commandment for us. May God helps us all to love and forgive like He does every single day, pray for these men of God.
Remember the only prefect man was Jesus because he was sent by God the bible tells us for all has fallen short of the glory of God. It also states in the book of Proverbs that no man is prefect but we forget that and speak against men of God even when the word states touch not my anointed and do my prophets no harm. He chose them so let him deal with them. Pay your tithe to him for u answer to him alone when he asks u on judgement day why u didn't pay ur tithes are u going to point the accusing finger and say because your prophets didn't????? Repent and do the right thing, plus set up foundations to help the needy also and bring it to your church so others can support the cause surly that will be a starting point.
Linda, you should have named this piece, "Chronicles of a mad, black woman". Lol!!!!
I am a Christian but I stopped going to church 8 years ago. I never missed a day or night without praying, and God always answer my prayers. I need no Pastors in my life!
And some foolish person shld nt come on here and say its becos Linda or I no get the jet or expensive stuff..U will just be a goat for saying that!!!!!!!!!!!!!
linda, This is a really nice post, i always feel im the only one that has these thoughts especially wen i saw how much they earn and the four richest nigerian pastors on date360 group on facebook. I support you linda.. Tell dem
Ermm' it is a sensitive issue, but yea, we should try and help the poor and needy but thers only so much you can do, it is true SOME of this guys exploit the church, but I am not against wealth even excessive wealth so far it is from honest means
*Applause* You have said it all, and I personally believe in paying your tithe to charities as well, not just the church. When there is no difference between the Church and the rest of the society, then you have a MAJOR problem.
*Now waiting for the Daddy-in-Isreal and Daddy G.O loyalists to come with the "touch not my prophet" spiel and then defend how necessary it is for them to have private jets, since you know, they fly to such nations where His name is not known as Sudan and the Middle-East to preach God's Word*
Well, i largely agrees with you Linda. I can feel the anger coming out in this post. I dont pay tithe either, i use the extras and at times sacrifice having some luxury to help people in need around me and i do this a lot. its a sore point between I and my wife as she wont just see reason with my refusal to pay tithe to the church. I spend more than the mandatory 10% to help the needy and i feel very good about it.
*standing up and clapping*
Linda I support you fully. Our so called men of God have bastardized themselves just to be rich. I cannot fathom why a Pastor will proudly be calling out the name of his luxury vehicles or shelling our MILLIONS on their child's birthday party (yes Adefarasin I'm talking about you); when half of your congregation treks for miles or hops on okada to get to your service or they're so many homeless and hungry people you pass to enter your church premises.
The only thing I don't agree with is paying tithe. I tithe because there's no point disobeying God because of man. I pay my tithe to my Anglican church and continue to pray that God exposes those who use his name in vain
linda may God forgive you on this post. as u are praying to God each day don't you want to prosper? The bible says thou shall not judge and also touch not my anointed; Have u been under the ministration of Bishop David Oyedepo before i doubt you have not dat's y u'r talking like this. the private jet, do u think is for fun? not at all or do u think the offering was raised in his ministry to purchase the jet? no u don't. for your information, the jet you are even talking about is the 2nd jet the 1st one was donated to another ministry. just keep backbiting the men of God and they keep moving forward because if they are not in front u won't be able to talk about them. do u know how many times this prophet go for outreaches weekly with this jet and is always in church every sunday for 3 services en en. do u know how the gospel is being preach all over the world? u can't understand anyway! this days the way u talk about men of God is very alarming! God always fight for his own don't carry what is not yours on your head. A word is enough for the wise.
Linda I agree wit u on some aspects but them again
Wen Jesus was on earth there was no where it d bible where dey said he was poor
Even d soldiers that crucified Him had to cast lot for his loin cloth
If the cloth was rubbish would dey do dat?secondly wen he change water in wine and d chairman
Of th occasion tasted he confirmed it was d better one compared to wat he had earlier drank..so Jesus had
Good taste my dear ..our God is not a poor God.
Issue of tithe is a personal thing,if u r so serious about obeying Gods laws then u ll pay ur tithe
regardless of wat u think f man of God is doing with it.
All dat concerns u os dat u ve brought one tenth into d house of God as commanded
Wat dey do wit is should not be ur concern
Cos if u truly pay ur tithe from ur heart u would not go hoke and start thinking about wat is being done wit ur money
FYI as sOon as u pay dat money/tithe its no longr urs but Gods.
Giving like i said is a person thing.
BTW if u r attacking all churches do but if u r atyacking bishop Oyedepo
Den be specific.. If not pls take down d pix. Besides he's not d only man of God wit a
Private jet u know
Linda Linda Linda .. how many times did i call ur name??I am totally disappointed at you . You gave U the right to judge? Are U personally attacking my Bishop by putting his picture up? You dont want the consequences do u ??? You dont have any right whatsoever saying what you U DONT KNOW. I ve lost every respect for you sincerely. U got it all wrong. You are looking at the private jet is that all you can see ? You dont knw what Winners chapel has done for the poor do u ? and as for not paying ur tithe ...uhmmmm O.Y.O . its ur life and ur choice my dear u shd be careful with wat u say cos u never can take it back . MY ADVISE IS BE INFORMED before u come here to get deformed okay . Ignorance is not an excuse !
this is absolutely not an attack on Bishop Oyedepo...it's not an attack on anyone ...period! Just saddened by what God's church has turned into.
And pls I need someone to tell me where in the bible I can read about tithe. because the only place giving to MoG that I have read was when God instructed followers to give some of their farm produce/food to the shepherds because all they did was take care of the church and had no means of making a living.
so pls i need the verse in the bible that talks about tithe. thanks
I am an ardent reader of this blog and I have never for once had anuy reason to comment on any issue at all, but with post I am highly dissapointed. Who made you the judge,the bible said do not lay uo treasures, yes agreed but the bible also says I shall be a lender to many nations,it did not say because I am going about my fathers business I should be poor, even the bishop u used his picture herein, do you noe how he spend on funding the less priviledged, where were u wen the bishop decide to go and rescue the people of koma hills in the Jos region, and then u tell me of excessive wealth, there are lots of pastors that commit attrocities yes and that does not mean u should judge geniune men of God who are doing the right thing.And I will also advise you to keep paying your tithe, cos its Gods money and it does not concern you how it is spent, its a commandment given in thew bible.
If its not an attack on Bishop Oyedepo wats his picture doing up there ? Thot u were that smarter than this ..but sincerely i am so so disappointed and sorry for you . Nobody gave you the right to judge okay .
You are now asking questions on tithe.. lol U r such a sorry case! if u didn't knw u shd ve just asked ignorance is not an excuse . U shd ve settled down and be informed properly before coming up here to rant.
A word is enough for the wise .
I believe everything should be done in moderation in our modern day churches. You are right that there is no crime That a "man of God" enjoys the wealth but when it gets to the point of causing others to fall, then it becomes a sin. No need to mention names, we see lots of these men of God flaunt what stupendous wealth on our TV screens and before their hapless congregation, asking them to sow more for God. These people have made it difficult for us to differentiate from sowing for God's purpose of their own purpose; but i believe that the fault is not entirely the Pastor's fault, our materialist view is not helping matters. When people come to Church and you can feel the discrimination amongst brethren on the basis of social status, then one begins to wonder what is happening in the body of Christ. Most of these people eager to donate so much money to their church or Pastors have one or two people in their family who cannot be sure of the next meal, yet they claim that they are doing it for God, would God be happy when a fellow brother dies of a common malarial because he cannot afford the health care while their supposed Uncles are busy donating Money for Pastors or Churches... The bottom line is Charity begins at home. When a man of God has become a stumbling block on account of his lifestyle, then it is no longer justifiable. Everything can be just but when is causes another tp fall, it will be inputed as sin.
Can i ask you why you decided to use Oyedepo's picture? The problem with nigerians like you is you try to blame someone else for other people's ish. First of all, it is not by force to pay your tithes to any church, that is between you and God and if u feel they are using your poxy lil tithes to buy planes, cars etc and you decide to use that excuse as a reason not to pay tithe then that is your problem.
Secondly, if you decide to go to church, pay offerings tithes etc, u are doing it for urself, if the church decides to use the money on something else, then leave that to God to deal with. You can not continue to play with ur destiny by stayin away from the house of GOD because u feel some churches r fake etc, if u have a problem with one church, then find another.
Get your facts straight, people like Oyedepo do a lot for the community, if you dont knw please get to know. whether peopke pay tithes or not Oyedepo will still be a succesful man - the fact that hes sucessful is killing peopke like u- so u want him to live a wretched life? you claim u do so much for charity - thats very good of u, but do not think other people do not share the same passion.
but there is a God, and of course he will judge all of us, pastors and ordinary people like u and i
but i advise u to find a church u like and agree with their doctrines - for your own good
Linda Malachi 3:8-12 specifies about tithing. Personal I think we all in our abundance should be able to help the less privileged in our society. Although the bible condemns judging one another we can't help but raise a eyebrow at such luxuries you have described in your post about excessiveness of some MoG. It is well though.
i feel your pain linda. but understand that on the last day, each man will stand on his OWN. that day, we will know who's the lamb and who's the goat. for now, let's just be good to our neighbour and leave dem pastors to enjoy.... the last day is the day that chicken's yansh will show......
Please,do not get urself into this subject or like subjects again.Please I beg of you.No matter how u feel abt this issue, keep it to urself.God is the judge of all.On the issue of tithing,u dont need to tell us how u go abt breaking God's rule.Pls just like other readers pointed out,limit ur bloggin to d gossips,etc u serve us and stop dabbling into areas u knw next to nothing.
God Bless You for this audacity you have mustered to express your opinion..
I have seen many subjective comments and few objective ones... the biggest problem with us in this part of the world is that when issues are raised like this, we leave the actual point and chase the mundane.
I totally support your decision on tithe, if you dont see your hard earned money being put to satisfactory use, there's nothin wrong in putting it to better use yourself. I am a muslim and i actually drew back in giving donations in my mosque because i felt the leaders were beginning to spend on things that will put them on the same pedestal as xtianity & its pastors...
Look around and see the whites that profess they dont believe in God, they are the most selfless people who give their all to assist humanity and live simple lives...
For those that have made comments that these pastors and their churches give out to charity... the question is this... what is the percentage of money they spend on this and that which they spend on their Lavish lifestyles? enh!
The purchase of private jets and other luxury items can never be justified, never...
nobodi dey here
Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse, that there may be food in my house. Test me in this," says the LORD Almighty, "and see if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that you will not have room enough for it.Malachi 3:10.
Hope this will help change ur stance on tithing.U can go and give it to small churches around you.For tithe, there is no argument abt it if u truly are a christain.But u can choose not to donate ur money when certain calls are made.
Hi all,
I think Linda raised an interesting point doesn't mean she's right or wrong, but at least she's thinking. I don't believe there's a difference between a man who has a private jet and a man who has 4 cars or has 100 pieces of clothing or the latest blackberry or Iphone.Today is the first day I have seen comments of this size on Linda's blog. I think every one should think about what they do for their fellow man simply.You don't have to have the money to feed a village before you start helping people out. Like everything in life, a little step at a time.Whether it's helping some one with tuition fees, or money to start a business up or et al. There is no need for more clothes, or shoes or gadgets, or the latest phone etc. You don't have to have the fame, popularity, wallet or influence before you start making a difference. A lot of Nigerian's have turned their eyes and hearts away from the plights of Nigerian's (talkless of other parts of the world, London too), where people are suffering.
Don't complain about the government or corruption, it seems unlikely that things will change any time soon. So why don't people start with the people closest to them, in your families, on your streets, before you know it the community etc.
Don't wait for the world around you to change, CHANGE IT. Leave every man (because we are all simply men, behind the status, money, power, etc), to leave his life the way he wants to. Unless somebody tells you, you have no right to assume what they have done, currently do or will eventually do. You can at the end of the day only speak for yourself. EVERY PERSON THAT COMMENTED WHAT DO YOU ALL DO TO MAKE SOME ONE'S LIFE A LITTLE EASIER.Don't be envious of people's wealth.
Hi Linda and the other commenter's asking about where in the bible it mentions tithing. Please go and read Malachai 3:8.
It is a required of us by God to tithe. As long as we fulfilled what is required by God, we should not really care about where out money goes. As long as you tithe to a church you go to and you believe what is preached in the church. God is the ultimate judge and He see's what ever pastor or church does with the tithes and money that comes in.
come come this last anonoymous that commented last just b4 linda u r an absolute idiot. I agree 150% with linda she is very right. I am a christian a born again christain for that matter but these pastors are taking the piss. From now on i will never give my tithe to a church again. instead i am setting up an account with Red Cross and Salvation Army to be giving money to charity cos at least i know these charities help a little. instead of giving it to a pastor that will buy fuel for this jet or sports car.....I am so INFURIATED.
And linda is not judgeing she is just saying her mind which i think she is entitled to seeing this is her personal blog.
even if his private jet was a gift...as a humble man which he is supposed to be he shouldnt accept it.....abeg abeg i think its a competetion amongst pastors to see whose congregation donates and gives more. Like the Bible says in the last times lost of false prohets will arise.
And it seems a lot of these people r more into their pastors than into Jesus Christ whom they should be worshipping. If someone says something against a pastor they get all angry and upset but when blasphemers like south park and family guy makes derogoratory comments about Jesus these same people find it funny. all of u should just SHUT THE FUCK UP....IDIOTS
The full passage on tithing is Malachai 3: 8-12.
That issue of greed starts from the Nigerian church congregation itself. If they see a beggar, they hold on tight to their wallets or purse but as son as the pastor sings or even complains into their ears, whether rational or irrational, they're wallets accounts and hearts are out and opened. A similar example, i attend winners chapel in london, though rarely (3 times so far as my sister somewhat drags me) and i was in the church toilet, big and busy like that of a restaurant so it's understandable they have toilet aids. This very toilet lady is happy to help adults without being approached, to not allow anyone to come out of the toilet when the pastors (inc. David Oyedepos son) are passing by as if Christ himself never got touched but when a little lost and scared girl comes in crying that she lost her mum, this lady seemed very reluctant and unhelpful. I had to help the girl pee in the toilet and assure her that we'd find her mum after seeing how ruggedly she was being dealt with by the woman. That's just it, the notion of help the rich and neglect the needy, be loyal to the church, more so than to God and your conscious... and people wonder why the rich are getting richer. It all starts with us changing our mind frame before any thing else. This topic is just as controversial as politics really so we can be here all day but unless more evidence of charity work by the church surfaces or drastic action is taken by the congregation, nothing is going to Obama.
There is nothing wrong with pastors being rich and buying jets.
There is nothing wrong with paying tithes to the church
There is something wrong with pastors using church money for their own personal use
There is something wrong with paying tithe to a church YOU ARE 100% SURE they use the tithe money for their own personal use
As requested, here's one of the bible verses:
Mal 3:8-11
8 "Will a man rob God? Yet you have robbed Me! But you say, 'In what way have we robbed You?' In tithes and offerings.
9 You are cursed with a curse, for you have robbed Me, even this whole nation.
10 Bring all the tithes into the storehouse, that there may be food in My house, and try Me now in this," says the LORD of hosts, "If I will not open for you the windows of heaven and pour out for you such blessing that there will not be room enough to receive it.
11 "And I will rebuke the devourer for your sakes, so that he will not destroy the fruit of your ground, nor shall the vine fail to bear fruit for you in the field," says the LORD of hosts;
Please...no human being on this earth can come close to being like Jesus so STOP with the comparisons.
All have sinned and have fallen short of the glory of God
You do not know ANY of these Men of God enough to know what they "do and do not do" and how they contribute to society. Only God can be the judge of that
There is nothing wrong with a man of God who is wealthy in this day and age..There will always be rich and poor, christian or not..What makes these Men Of God different?..Would you rather they be homeless?
What matters is how that pastor feels towards his wealth..and what it means to him..It could truly mean nothing to him but a way of a means...But you and I will never know!
What you call "excessive wealth" is relative to ur opinion.
A jet could be necessary and cheaper than booking flights multiple times a day to attend events, seminars, teachings, crusades etc.
And these preachers make a living off of their book/ cd sales etc..THIS IS ALSO THEIR MEANS OF INCOME..Some make more than others naturally..cld be millions cld be thousands.
Now false prophets and wrongdoers do exist as God said in is his word, but don't be upset trying to figure them out...they will face their judgement when they leave this earth.
So it is wrong for a Bishop to have a private jet to perhaps spread the Gospel?..
But its ok if any other human being is to use one for their ill purposes?
Should we also not use projectors and laptops in church to enhance ministry?..
or should we stay in the dinosaur age for the sake of modesty and face a big disconnect with this new generation?
SIGN OF THE TIMES LINDA...God may just be ok with that..but who am I to judge *wink*
2 cor 9 vs 7 says we should give as we have resolved in our heart not grudingly for GOD loves a CHEERFUL GIVER....... but our men oo GOD makes it compulsory, it so painful. our LORD JESUS fed thousand with few loaves OF BREAD.our MOG makes theirs so difficult. there is more happiness in giving than there is in receiving acts 20 vs 35 .they see read thes
oh girl i support you no be small as Fela talk Pope na miliky, Imam na gbaladun ma people they follow bishop. follow pope. Look woman you hit the nail on the head and sister there aint no need to be sorry about what you said you do have an entitlement to your opinion. send you an email about this article you wrote.
Linda, I understand how u feel. I don't want to bother my brain with the rest but TITHE, ha Linda no.
It's very important that you pay your tithe to your local church. Tithe, offerings, donations, giving alms to the poor are different stuff and you really have to understand the logic behing it. Read MALACHI 3 vs 6-12. PAy your TITHE. It's very important. IT IS FOR YOUR OWN GOOD. I've tried it and it acutally works. You will never and pls mark my word "NEVER" lack anything. So far you are faithfull, He will keep supplying your needs. Remember, it is 10%. If you are earning N30, you pay N3. If you are earning N30,000 per month, you pay N3,000. If you earning N3,000,000 per month, you pay 300,000. It's that simple. Linda, I love u and I love your blog. I'm addicted to your blog space to the extent that a coleague of mine was even telling that I need to be carefully about it but pls, PAY YOUR TITHE. It doesn't disturb you from giving alms or anything. And pay to your local church. It's meant for the day to day running of the church. Forget about the pastrors. We are all human!!! And Nigerian goverment should pls rise up to its responsiblities.Paying Tithe is working for me.
Malachi vs 3 to d end Linda.
Pls read it and comprehend.
Let him wey get ear hear word o! Or in
Dis case SHE
Malachi vs 3 to d end Linda.
Pls read it and comprehend.
Let him wey get ear hear word o! Or in
Dis case SHE
Advisers.....all of u ppl have turned special advisers. Like some of u rightly said God is the judge therefore non of you have the right to be tellin Linda what she should think and not think. And there is ABSOLUTELY nothing wrong with useing Oyedepo's picture. Is he d one you ppl are worshipping ehhhh? So What if he is critizied, is he above dat? is he not a human being like you and me?
I go to winners and wont stop cos i love the service there, and secondly i go to church for my ownself not for what the pastor does or says. but still dat doesnt mean i wont speak up when i feel something is not right.
wealth and riches are good, but there is no evidence of humility in these pastors. As a leader and man of God humility is a key quality cos our Lors Jesus Christ even in his Greatness came down from heaveen to die for us. he leaved a humble life. Or Joesph a carpenter wouldnt have been his earthly father.
I had this conversation about tithing two years ago.I tithe every now and then (maybe 2ce a year-lol) but i'll rather give my money to the poor.
God loves a cheerful giver abi?I can be cheerful and give to the cause of the poor and homeless.God said bring one tenth of your earnings to the Church.What is the church?Is the church the physical building?I believe the church is in everyone of us and i strongly believe in MY OWN heart that God will not be upset with me, if i give that money to the poor.Is that not what the church is suppose to be using it for anyway.
I cant even believe people are saying you should not care how your money is being spent.Have they fed you all on some shit crack?How can you know your money is been spent the wrong way and then you still blindly give?The same God gave me the faculty to think and reason,abegi!
I attended a redeemed church here for a while, and the Zonal coordinator was visiting and the church was trying to make people donate money to bless him with for coming.WTF, give him money for what?I dont even blame this MOG some of the congregation members buy into this nonsense!!!
Linda Ikeji kindly remove Bishop Oyedepo's picture from this post. Continue to talk about Oluchi, Genevieve Dan Foster and all the local celebrities dat u celebrate. Limit your post to celebrities not men of God. i doubt if u even study the word at allllllllll. if u want to research on men of God just worship at Winners Chapel one Sunday and your life will never be the same. i'v noticed u don't talk about politicians like IBB, OBJ and the like.......... y men of GOD.
Linda always seeking for attention . You have got some here . Make sure you read all the comments o. I dont really understand why some people like KIKY pick on other people's comments and call them names .Na wah oo i think everyone is entitled to their opinions o. As per the topic .. uhmm Linda i think you are also entitled to your own opinion but be careful on calling names and putting pictures up if you are not attacking the person directly o. As per tithing ... uhmm very very important the verses have been posted for you to read take your time and study them understand them , but not paying is also ur choice and ur life oo but i will advise you to start paying and nor rob God oo .....
Woah! so much have been said but I will say something as well.
No one has the right to judge either Linda or even the the Men of God she has so judged.However, the fact that one does not believe in the truth or that the truth have been perverted does not make it less truth.
The issue of tithe is very specific and direct with no ambiguity.Linda, my advice to you is that you cannot make a personal a decision about tithing based on someone else's perversion of the truth.The instruction is to tithe not to query how it is being spent.Let God be the JUDGE.
It never cease to amaze me the depth of ignorance people perpetuate and it all boils down to our mentality.Prosperity is from God and of God(please read the description of the new Jerusalem).God is very interested in our prosperity because seriuosly, how are going to preach the gospel to the nations which was the mandate given to us by Jesus.
How would the people of the world take you and your God seriously when you have nothing to show for it.Imagine preaching to a wealthy man who have never heared about Jesus when your life has got nothing to show for it.Christians let us wake up and ditch this controversial attitude and menatlity.Jesus said we Should let our light so shine before men so that they see it and give glory to our father in heaven. Without prosperity, we cannot infiltrate the world of GOVERNMENT, EDUCATION, ECONOMY, BUSINESS, MEDIA, SPORTS, ARTS AND ENTERTAINMENT and take it for the kingdom of God.This does not excuse those who have misused it in the name of christianity.
Your salvation is yours and yours only not your pastor's or man of God.
Finally pleaseeeeee, giving your money to charity does not substitute tithing and it never will.Charity organisations are no saints either.most of your money is usually tied up in administration.Jesus said the pooor we will always have with us.
Always do good whenever you get the chance to and lets all start being responsible for our own salvation and strive on better relationship with God and not just your pastors and men of God.
I love God, I love my church, I love tithing(its the only protection i have for my finances and its quite good too), I love my Pastor and I love what my church represents.may God help us all!(sorry for the long post)
Woah! so much have been said but I will say something as well.
No one has the right to judge either Linda or even the the Men of God she has so judged.However, the fact that one does not believe in the truth or that the truth have been perverted does not make it less truth.
The issue of tithe is very specific and direct with no ambiguity.Linda, my advice to you is that you cannot make a personal a decision about tithing based on someone else's perversion of the truth.The instruction is to tithe not to query how it is being spent.Let God be the JUDGE.
It never cease to amaze me the depth of ignorance people perpetuate and it all boils down to our mentality.Prosperity is from God and of God(please read the description of the new Jerusalem).God is very interested in our prosperity because seriuosly, how are going to preach the gospel to the nations which was the mandate given to us by Jesus.
How would the people of the world take you and your God seriously when you have nothing to show for it.Imagine preaching to a wealthy man who have never heared about Jesus when your life has got nothing to show for it.Christians let us wake up and ditch this controversial attitude and menatlity.Jesus said we Should let our light so shine before men so that they see it and give glory to our father in heaven. Without prosperity, we cannot infiltrate the world of GOVERNMENT, EDUCATION, ECONOMY, BUSINESS, MEDIA, SPORTS, ARTS AND ENTERTAINMENT and take it for the kingdom of God.This does not excuse those who have misused it in the name of christianity.
Your salvation is yours and yours only not your pastor's or man of God.
Finally pleaseeeeee, giving your money to charity does not substitute tithing and it never will.Charity organisations are no saints either.most of your money is usually tied up in administration.Jesus said the pooor we will always have with us.
Always do good whenever you get the chance to and lets all start being responsible for our own salvation and strive on better relationship with God and not just your pastors and men of God.
I love God, I love my church, I love tithing(its the only protection i have for my finances and its quite good too), I love my Pastor and I love what my church represents.may God help us all!(sorry for the long post)
Woah! so much have been said but I will say something as well.
No one has the right to judge either Linda or even the the Men of God she has so judged.However, the fact that one does not believe in the truth or that the truth have been perverted does not make it less truth.
The issue of tithe is very specific and direct with no ambiguity.Linda, my advice to you is that you cannot make a personal a decision about tithing based on someone else's perversion of the truth.The instruction is to tithe not to query how it is being spent.Let God be the JUDGE.
It never cease to amaze me the depth of ignorance people perpetuate and it all boils down to our mentality.Prosperity is from God and of God(please read the description of the new Jerusalem).God is very interested in our prosperity because seriuosly, how are going to preach the gospel to the nations which was the mandate given to us by Jesus.
How would the people of the world take you and your God seriously when you have nothing to show for it.Imagine preaching to a wealthy man who have never heared about Jesus when your life has got nothing to show for it.Christians let us wake up and ditch this controversial attitude and menatlity.Jesus said we Should let our light so shine before men so that they see it and give glory to our father in heaven. Without prosperity, we cannot infiltrate the world of GOVERNMENT, EDUCATION, ECONOMY, BUSINESS, MEDIA, SPORTS, ARTS AND ENTERTAINMENT and take it for the kingdom of God.This does not excuse those who have misused it in the name of christianity.
Your salvation is yours and yours only not your pastor's or man of God.
Finally pleaseeeeee, giving your money to charity does not substitute tithing and it never will.Charity organisations are no saints either.most of your money is usually tied up in administration.Jesus said the pooor we will always have with us.
Always do good whenever you get the chance to and lets all start being responsible for our own salvation and strive on better relationship with God and not just your pastors and men of God.
I love God, I love my church, I love tithing(its the only protection i have for my finances and its quite good too), I love my Pastor and I love what my church represents.may God help us all!(sorry for the long post)
Woah! so much have been said but I will say something as well.
No one has the right to judge either Linda or even the the Men of God she has so judged.However, the fact that one does not believe in the truth or that the truth have been perverted does not make it less truth.
The issue of tithe is very specific and direct with no ambiguity.Linda, my advice to you is that you cannot make a personal a decision about tithing based on someone else's perversion of the truth.The instruction is to tithe not to query how it is being spent.Let God be the JUDGE.
It never cease to amaze me the depth of ignorance people perpetuate and it all boils down to our mentality.Prosperity is from God and of God(please read the description of the new Jerusalem).God is very interested in our prosperity because seriuosly, how are going to preach the gospel to the nations which was the mandate given to us by Jesus.
How would the people of the world take you and your God seriously when you have nothing to show for it.Imagine preaching to a wealthy man who have never heared about Jesus when your life has got nothing to show for it.Christians let us wake up and ditch this controversial attitude and menatlity.Jesus said we Should let our light so shine before men so that they see it and give glory to our father in heaven. Without prosperity, we cannot infiltrate the world of GOVERNMENT, EDUCATION, ECONOMY, BUSINESS, MEDIA, SPORTS, ARTS AND ENTERTAINMENT and take it for the kingdom of God.This does not excuse those who have misused it in the name of christianity.
Your salvation is yours and yours only not your pastor's or man of God.
Finally pleaseeeeee, giving your money to charity does not substitute tithing and it never will.Charity organisations are no saints either.most of your money is usually tied up in administration.Jesus said the pooor we will always have with us.
Always do good whenever you get the chance to and lets all start being responsible for our own salvation and strive on better relationship with God and not just your pastors and men of God.
I love God, I love my church, I love tithing(its the only protection i have for my finances and its quite good too), I love my Pastor and I love what my church represents.may God help us all!(sorry for the long post)
@KIKY Seems you are the madam special adviser here.
Woah! so much have been said but I will say something as well.
No one has the right to judge either Linda or even the the Men of God she has so judged.However, the fact that one does not believe in the truth or that the truth have been perverted does not make it less truth.
The issue of tithe is very specific and direct with no ambiguity.Linda, my advice to you is that you cannot make a personal a decision about tithing based on someone else's perversion of the truth.The instruction is to tithe not to query how it is being spent.Let God be the JUDGE.
It never cease to amaze me the depth of ignorance people perpetuate and it all boils down to our mentality.Prosperity is from God and of God(please read the description of the new Jerusalem).God is very interested in our prosperity because seriuosly, how are going to preach the gospel to the nations which was the mandate given to us by Jesus.
How would the people of the world take you and your God seriously when you have nothing to show for it.Imagine preaching to a wealthy man who have never heared about Jesus when your life has got nothing to show for it.Christians let us wake up and ditch this controversial attitude and menatlity.Jesus said we Should let our light so shine before men so that they see it and give glory to our father in heaven. Without prosperity, we cannot infiltrate the world of GOVERNMENT, EDUCATION, ECONOMY, BUSINESS, MEDIA, SPORTS, ARTS AND ENTERTAINMENT and take it for the kingdom of God.This does not excuse those who have misused it in the name of christianity.
Your salvation is yours and yours only not your pastor's or man of God.
Finally pleaseeeeee, giving your money to charity does not substitute tithing and it never will.Charity organisations are no saints either.most of your money is usually tied up in administration.Jesus said the pooor we will always have with us.
Always do good whenever you get the chance to and lets all start being responsible for our own salvation and strive on better relationship with God and not just your pastors and men of God.
I love God, I love my church, I love tithing(its the only protection i have for my finances and its quite good too), I love my Pastor and I love what my church represents.may God help us all!(sorry for the long post)
I ditto most of the comments here!
Linda, tithe if you want but it's the responsibility of these "men of God" to squander your money, which is now God's own money on their lavish lifestyle or for propagating the word of God!
Judge not, that you may NOT be judged!
Wish we are in heaven to see how God will tell some of these supposedly "Men of God" with their private jets, yacht, media empires, mega millions mansions...GET BEHIND ME, YOU SATAN!
Linda, don't target only men of God. How much do you spend on weaves? And the government nko? Governments spend money to send people on pilgrimage to Mecca and Jerusalem. When some people are hungry? Please, get angry BUT target everybody o... No easy targets.
the anonymous person that mentioned my name, how about you you put a name to urself so i knw which of the stupid comments are yours.
Hey! Linda I support you all the way about tithing. However my issue is with Mo Abudu that you celebrate on your blog this woman had a fund raiser for a supposed 'charity' and then she has refused to remit or account for the the money that was intended for the charity which was a lot of money even the Lagos state government were involved.
Please look into it and speak up on that matter so that all these thieves and looters like pastors, politicians etc would know that it is not ok to scam people all in the name of living a luxurious life.
Well said yetunde. I love my church I love my Bishop .I love what my church represents . When people dont talk about you . You are not successful . Let them talk Keep doing good. people like linda will always talk !
Anonymous said...
Personally, I do not like getting involved in issues like this but... Oyedepo's church I know very well has supported countless people,not only in Nigeria. The church single handedly supplied food & clothing materials to countries like Liberia and some other African countries during their war.
This is a big injustice to these men & their churches.
Linda, are you attacking Oyedepo personally or you are talking about all men of God?
If it is not directly at him, I advise you take off his picture from your site or you should include all other men of God you are talking about. I think this will be fair.
Linda, if you buy an official car for your company to use to aid transportation, is that an acquisition of personal wealth?
Forget about all the people who are saying to you..."PREACH ON SISTER!!!!" cos when the chips are down, you are O.Y.O.
I like you so much & appreciate your blogs....but this one, I totally disagree with you.
Please do us all a favour & remove this man's picture.
Regarding tithe, it's very important to give but let it be to a church that the pastor is truly preaching the "TRUE GOSPEL" and they are helping those in need and you see the fruit.
I used to go to a large church in LA, where some celebrities go. I had to ask myself one day, am I growing to know more about CHRIST and living for him? My answer was NO. So, I decided to find a smaller church where the pastor is on point with the Bible, not money hungry, and I started going there and I feel more comfortable giving there. What's the point of still pouring your money to a church that is obviously well to do?
It's actually ok to call out preachers who are not in line with the Bible. People have taken the whole "do not judge" out of context. It's just important that a pastor or a person who is doing should be someone who is truly living a lifestyle of CHRIST.
Again, any pastor that the main thing he preaches about is money prosperity, nothing about what Christ did on the cross, nothing about salvation, nothing about how a true christ follower should live his/her life,nothing about dying to our sins only through Christ, nothing about repentenance, nothing about when a person is blessed it's not only for you but to bless others with it, nothing about our main purpose on this earth is to live for CHRIST at the long run bcos that's all that matters, is definitely out of line and not a true follower of CHRIST. It says, 'Seek first the kingdom of God, and all others will be added unto you".
I'm not talking about two seconds of jesus died for us, and the next hours, all you talk about is how God is speaking to you right now that the whole congregation should donate this amount of money.
So, I don't need to call out names, I look at what a pastor preaches about and if it's in line with the Bible or if it's not.
It's frustrating but as a christ follower, I can only pray for these people. These pastors or these people who call themselves men or women of God have a special judgement on them for leading their congregation on the wrong path. It's not smth I wish on anybody. At the same time, each person has access to the WORD OF GOD and if you don't understand ask for wisdom and understanding or do your research in terms of reading reliable sources based on TRUTH.
I pray that these men and women of God will be convicted, they will repent and live according to the WORD OF GOD. For those who are still confused or don't care, that they will come to know and live in TRUTH. For those who after hearing the TRUTH but still chooses to live in lies and deception, the day will come when the judgement of God will come on you.
Linda,like they say in Nigeria,if you talk you die,if you don't you will still die.Thanks for saying what the rest of us are thinking and yet too afraid to say......BRAVO
Honey...don´t quit your day job.
linda, o ti ko ja aiye e! (please get someone to interprete) you have completely demonstrated your ignorance by lashing out on Pastors, particularly using Bishops picture.........all the people hailing you on your blog will not be there for you when you are reaping the consequences of your stupid action........TRUST ME!....O MA JE EGBA ELE YI O!
haha see how Pastor matter is making pple almost faint.
u pple that are saying Linda shuld not judge biko wat are y'al doing.
u pple should fly away from here abeg.
@ anon 5:41pm now I know u have no brains. Do u need a private jet to spread the word of God? What happened to regular transportation? Besides how can u compare the church to a company? This means u know that the church is a business. "Chips are down ur O.Y.O" what exactly are u talking about? It is obvious that ur one of the people who believe pastors are gods so u can keep following them...blindly. Please if u don't have anything valuable to add don't open ur mouth. Plus u can't tell her what to write on her blog. Shoooo
I so feel you Linda.
But comments from some posters bothers me because it makes one wonder if they are worshiping Jesus or their bishop or pastor? People making it a personal issue "My bishop". Who cares if he or she is your bishop or pastor? smcheew. Is the person Jesus? People sef. Stop the sentiments.
That said, like anonymous @ 12.16pm pointed out, a jet can be used for evangelical purposes and cutting costs on plane tickets and what not. It only becomes a problem like some said when a WOG or MOG uses the wealth of the church for their personal use and it is in no way connected to furthering the kingdom of Christ and saving souls.
There should also be no reason why we should have special seats or special parking lots for certain members in church. It is the house of God not a VIP party. I can't stand crap like that.
(But come to think about it, I can't help but wonder what a WOG or MOG needs a mansion, Bentley, alligator shoes, e.t.c. for? Yet, some members of the church can barely pay their bills.) How does that help further the kingdom of God or justify the selfless and giving nature that Jesus Christ called us as Christians to embody?
Anon 10:36 is sooooo right on point....
Sorry I meant anon 10:41......
You will not pay your tithe - I had a lot of respect for YOU linda as a person but all that respect went out of the window when you made that statement "You will NEVER pay your tithe/
Like someone asked what did you do for those two kids you saw eating out the dumpster.
Dont pay your tithe and continue to use all that money to buy all that HORSE HAIR you put on ya bald head.
At least someone stated though they dont pay tithe to the church they give that 10% to the poor - and if the person honestly does that then i respect that person and thats an idea an avid tithe payer like myself never thought about (its actually a good idea) - but for YOU LINDA to say you dont pay tithe and seems like you never had, am really shocked, No WONDER You are BALD and need fake hair.
Its Gods place to judge the pastors who live lavishly assuming they are spending the church money and not their own money - but to say BECAUSE of them you wont honor Gods word as he stated in the bible and not pay tithe is wrong
Get ya fake hair and get up go back to that Oyingbo area go look for those kids and give them some food.
Have you ever once in your live done lets say a food drive for the poor - NO you havent cos you and all that horse hair want to be seen on red carpet
MISS LINDA IKEJI celbrity nini
In this day and age is all about SELF i see - to the so called pastor you r criticings its about bout HIMSELF to LINDA its all about herself and being seen as VIP or celebrity in public instead of giving food to the poor.
Pick the peckle from ya eye b4 you pick someone elses
I have a new LOW level of respect for you .
I never tithe< yet I spent my money on Gods children that are less fortunate. No one can convince me that God wants Tithing for the sake of it! He wants tithing to grow his Church not he personal pockets of some MOG! It seems to me that a lot of people tithe for selfish reasons not because they love God but because they feel they will be rewarded in some way... I will take my chances and give my mony to the poor with a christian heart. FCUK these fraudulent MOG's and bravo to you Linda for speaking the truth about a subject that many people see but are too brainwashed to accpt...... KARL MARX SAID, RELIGION IS THE OPIATE FOR THE MASSES!
Thats all i got to say
You might want to repent to God for even using this media forum like your blog to boldly say - I DONT PAY MY TITHE - very shameful LInda- I am appalled by you. SO i guess instead of using that 10% to pay tithe you would rather by HORSE HAIR to put on ya sakora head.
maybe before u make judgement on these men research and see the good and philanthropic things they are also doing out of the church and post such topics on here just as you post topics on celebritys here even if you have to steal topic from Mediatakeout - use that space to praise the MOG goodness and charitable works, that is not mentioned.
HOnestly i feel sorry for you Linda - You seem like a lost soul. This post has summed you up real well. Every ounce of respect for you went out the window.
Let me get out of here and go to another better blog.
Sinxe we are refering to the old testment laws on tithing (Malachi) maybe we should practice all the laws in Deutoronomy too like an eye for an eye!! You blind Scibes!!!
The followers are also guity too!!
I think everybody has some valid point but to all who keep saying do not judge so u may not be judged--i say easier said than done! The truth is that everybody judges one way or the other, or may be we just don't know what judging means. Everyone is entitled to his/her opinion. I for one did not tithe before for the same reasons that Linda mentioned before. However, a very good friend of mine ministered to me and I have decided to start tithing as soon as I start working cos I want to see the rave abt thithing. I used to give to the poor as my tithe, but if God blesses me with earthly wealth, I don't see the reason why I can't tithe n give to the needy as well. About what is going on in the church, I totally understand where linda is coming from, however, I also agree that we all do not know what these pastors do for charity unless you go their churches or at least do some research to know. I think the appaling state we found ourselves in in this Nigeria is bc of an incompetent government filled with greedy selfish idiotic animals who think they'll live forever. I know, their own karma will get each and every one of them at due time. In churches, some people are just too gullible and can't think for themselves! But the differences in us make us who we are n everybody can't be a leader, there have to be followers or who will the leaders be leading. Having said that, to each his/her own.
What do you know abt men of God,pls abeg just keep your mouth shut about tithing or the bible cos u knw nothing about them.i hv never commented on dis blog before but i pity you bcos you hv no right to judge,u will just carry CURSES dat are not yours.you need to know the kind of welfare dat goes on in winners.A piece of advice:keep carryin ur gossip gist about local celebrities& politicians,its better for you.Dnt allow d WRATH of God to come upon you.A word is enough for the wise.
At times I am tempted to think like this. But then I remind myself that most of these pastors we tongue lash and accuse do have their own thriving businesses. we should not forget that. I personally do not see anything wrong with a pastor having a jet or being wealthy as far he isn't enriching himself from the church's purse and he is preaching the word of God.
And Linda, about the two young kids u saw, these pastors cannot do everyhthing. Even Jesus didn't heal every sick person in Isreal then. These pastors cannot feed every poor child, or send them all to school. that's the primary job of the government.We shouldn't criticise these men for wrongs not caused by them.
If am correct, these pastors have foundations through which they help the poor and needy, but they just can't help everybody.
True, i agree that the church is not where it ought to be and is not doing all its supposed to do but the church is not just these pastors but you and i who are christians, so i think we are all guilty.
most of thesse folks who are cheering you on are always just looking for a way to bash christian pastors and make them look bad.
I beg y'all to take some time and have a good think about this.
Linda, please DO NOT, I say it again, DO NOT FEEL BAD for mentioning this guy's name. The problem now is that many people are so scared and fearful to call out so called men and women of God , because that's actually their God subconsciously. People worship these so called men and women of God. Also, they want to keep listening to these bunch of pastors or bishops that keep promising them to keep believing in nonsense like if you give $1000 you will be blessed triple.
That's the reason the church is filled with so many false teachers, hypocrites, and people living in lies and deception and there's no difference between the church and the world anymore. No one is standing for the TRUTH.
It's very biblical to call out any pastor, bishop(doesn't matter if you are the most popular preacher and you do miracles all over the world). Of course, to call them out, it has to be based on the right context of the scriptures. I'm waiting for the day when more true follower of Christ will stand up for the TRUTH in boldness and not care about what other so called christians or people will say about them. That's the reason I have so much respect for people like John Mccarthur, Paul Washer, C.S.Lewis and few ones out there.
C'mon now, it makes absolutely no sense comparing spending a lot of money on weaves and pastors who are very greedy but hide under God's name to justify their lavish lifestyles. A pastor has a lot of responsiblity because you are supposely leading a group of people. People need to stop this nonsense!
Don't get me wrong either, I don't in any way justify Linda not wanting to give to the church. Read the Bible for yourself and what it says about tithes and offering. I don't want to sound legalistic, oh you have to give. If it's smth you are concerned about, you can still find a church that needs help and give to them.
There are many pastors, Bishops out there that I listen to and I question if they are really living what they preach about or if they are really in line with the scriptures. The popular ones, Benny Hinn, Creflo Dollar, Oyedepo, Oyakilome, Joel osteen, paula white, juanita bynum, etc.
Paul said it in the Bible, beware of false teachers, and it will be many of them too in the last days, but people will be too blind to see it.
Dear Linda,
I am deeply saddened by this post and I honestly believe you wrote because you lack the necessary knowledge.
What you have done is create an avenue for people who are haters of God to voice their opinion.
After taking my time to read the comments, I realise people are very bitter for no just reason. They would rather a picture of a wretched pastor than someone whom God has blessed.
If the pastor was wearing rags, the same people will quote scriptures and ask why God is not supplying his needs if indeed He is a rich God.
If you don't know anything about a subject matter, my dear you should have asked. Ignore people telling you that they love what you wrote, IT'S A FAT LIE FROM THE PIT OF HELL!!!
My dear sister, I know you and I love you with the love of God....this was certainly not a WISE thing to do.
I recently found GOD, I LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOVE HIM SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO MUCH with all my heart. His power is evident in my life and I HATE it when anyone (ignorant or not) disrespects HIM so blatantly. Yes, there are fake pastors....infact so many of them are but I'm not surprised because the bible warned us.
From this, I can tell that you don't know what God says about tithing. Pls endeavour to read Malachi...it will help you a lot.
I have never met Bishop Oyedepo but I have DEEP respect for every ANOINTED MAN OF GOD.
In the bible, King David never laid his hand on King Saul even when he had opportunities to. Because we have a weapon does not mean we should use it carelessly.
I pray this marks a turning point in your life. I pray God will open your eyes to see beyond a happy pastor in his jet. I pray God will grant you wisdom, knowledge and understanding in Jesus' name.
A mans story is in his history!take out time and checkout the begining of oyedepo,that is a God sent for our time.He has done much and taught many the way out of poverty both physical and spiritual!
Do u judge him cos of private jet?what of people like Kenneth Copeland and the rest that sow jets seeds into other ministries???spare that man and beware!He s not dull!has got other biz like restaurants ,schools name them.
Ur also not much better,if u were in his shoes u`ll do more.shebi u just wrote book to motivate people why dont u dash all out in case.
Atleast i ve heard him say time and again that the publishing house money and cds et al,he has never touched the money for once .
He is just blessed!it is the blessings of God that makes rich.
Remove ur hands from the pot before it turns to monkey hand.That man is an untouchable.my life has been blessed through his ministry though i aint a member but i follow him.my 2 cents!!
I wasn't gonna comment but its so annoying to see grown folks reason like this!
People asking what is wrong with pastors being excessively rich etc, and even comparing them to worldly men that r equally living large...as if to say that if such ordinary people can, why can't the pastors?
Well...i dont think n e one here will have n e problem with n e pastor buying jets and living lavishly if its actually THEIR OWN MONEY!
The point here is that the notion is being misconstrued big time! Tithes and offerings are certainly a necessity...but the Lord gave us wisdom for a reason too...so NO i will not pay my tithe to a church where i know for certain that the money meant for catering to the poor and walfare of the church and the church body is being used by one man and his family! Mba!
To you Linda... Tithing is defo necessary....but use wisdom, and realize that the church building is not the definition of "church"! Church refers to the body of Christ and activities that glorify and takes the gospel further...so pay ur tithe but not necessarily in church building. Like someone said, u can pay it to the red cross, salvation army or even use ur ten percent and buy food stuff, gifts and personally give them to those u know who need them!....like those people u interviewed living under the bridge. That right there is still tithing!
People need to also calm down, read the Bible for themselves and stop all these human worship please!
There is no justification whatsoever for a pastor who lives as lavishly as many pastors today. The other day i saw a video of a pastor bragging about his $16,000.00 dog! Yes, u heard me!... sixteen thousand US dollar dog! What a bloody shame! And the rate they go about extracting the money from members also is appalling! This calls for major concern because many souls that need to be saved are not being saved because people are getting scared away with all these chaos. How can an unbeliever even stand to watch 30 minutes of TBN without flipping the channel?!
My people thinkkkkkk! Use the wisdom and understanding God gave u and think!!! These pastors' prosperity will never come to u just because u are following them or fending for them! Get off ur butts and go work! Pay ur tithes and offerings to credible sources or use them to feed the poor and needy urselves! And tithes and offering are what we are supposed to do, not what u do to get some more back...
The storehouse of God was meant to be a place where 10% of income and offerings were gathered and used to feed the poor in the Bible...Today?? pshhh!
No one said ur pastor shouldn't prosper, but not at the expense of his members and certainly not by taking God's money for personal use. PERIOD.
Linda, I understand your view, but I am surprised that your understanding of the Bible is not so profound enough. Paying tithes is not a man-made command, it is a divine command, so don't use that as an excuse to avoid paying yout tithe, because you will end up limiting your financial blessings, and get it undersood that GOD will deal mercilessly with any man of GOD who misuses His tithe exactly the way he dealt with the sons of Aaron and Eli. On J-Day we will all account for our lives.
So Linda, if you are a believing Christian , you will not allow all that to bother you. I also want you to know that no human being, organisation, or government, and no amount of money can bring a final solution to the problems of poverty in our world.
I wasn't gonna comment but its so annoying to see grown folks reason like this!
People asking what is wrong with pastors being excessively rich etc, and even comparing them to worldly men that r equally living large...as if to say that if such ordinary people can, why can't the pastors?
Well...i dont think n e one here will have n e problem with n e pastor buying jets and living lavishly if its actually THEIR OWN MONEY!
The point here is that the notion is being misconstrued big time! Tithes and offerings are certainly a necessity...but the Lord gave us wisdom for a reason too...so NO i will not pay my tithe to a church where i know for certain that the money meant for catering to the poor and walfare of the church and the church body is being used by one man and his family! Mba!
To you Linda... Tithing is defo necessary....but use wisdom, and realize that the church building is not the definition of "church"! Church refers to the body of Christ and activities that glorify and takes the gospel further...so pay ur tithe but not necessarily in church building. Like someone said, u can pay it to the red cross, salvation army or even use ur ten percent and buy food stuff, gifts and personally give them to those u know who need them!....like those people u interviewed living under the bridge. That right there is still tithing!
People need to also calm down, read the Bible for themselves and stop all these human worship please!
There is no justification whatsoever for a pastor who lives as lavishly as many pastors today. The other day i saw a video of a pastor bragging about his $16,000.00 dog! Yes, u heard me!... sixteen thousand US dollar dog! What a bloody shame! And the rate they go about extracting the money from members also is appalling! This calls for major concern because many souls that need to be saved are not being saved because people are getting scared away with all these chaos. How can an unbeliever even stand to watch 30 minutes of TBN without flipping the channel?!
My people thinkkkkkk! Use the wisdom and understanding God gave u and think!!! These pastors' prosperity will never come to u just because u are following them or fending for them! Get off ur butts and go work! Pay ur tithes and offerings to credible sources or use them to feed the poor and needy urselves! And tithes and offering are what we are supposed to do, not what u do to get some more back...
The storehouse of God was meant to be a place where 10% of income and offerings were gathered and used to feed the poor in the Bible...Today?? pshhh!
No one said ur pastor shouldn't prosper, but not at the expense of his members and certainly not by taking God's money for personal use. PERIOD.
I wasn't gonna comment but its so annoying to see grown folks reason like this!
People asking what is wrong with pastors being excessively rich etc, and even comparing them to worldly men that r equally living large...as if to say that if such ordinary people can, why can't the pastors?
Well...i dont think n e one here will have n e problem with n e pastor buying jets and living lavishly if its actually THEIR OWN MONEY!
The point here is that the notion is being misconstrued big time! Tithes and offerings are certainly a necessity...but the Lord gave us wisdom for a reason too...so NO i will not pay my tithe to a church where i know for certain that the money meant for catering to the poor and walfare of the church and the church body is being used by one man and his family! Mba!
To you Linda... Tithing is defo necessary....but use wisdom, and realize that the church building is not the definition of "church"! Church refers to the body of Christ and activities that glorify and takes the gospel further...so pay ur tithe but not necessarily in church building. Like someone said, u can pay it to the red cross, salvation army or even use ur ten percent and buy food stuff, gifts and personally give them to those u know who need them!....like those people u interviewed living under the bridge. That right there is still tithing!
People need to also calm down, read the Bible for themselves and stop all these human worship please!
There is no justification whatsoever for a pastor who lives as lavishly as many pastors today. The other day i saw a video of a pastor bragging about his $16,000.00 dog! Yes, u heard me!... sixteen thousand US dollar dog! What a bloody shame! And the rate they go about extracting the money from members also is appalling! This calls for major concern because many souls that need to be saved are not being saved because people are getting scared away with all these chaos. How can an unbeliever even stand to watch 30 minutes of TBN without flipping the channel?!
My people thinkkkkkk! Use the wisdom and understanding God gave u and think!!! These pastors' prosperity will never come to u just because u are following them or fending for them! Get off ur butts and go work! Pay ur tithes and offerings to credible sources or use them to feed the poor and needy urselves! And tithes and offering are what we are supposed to do, not what u do to get some more back...
The storehouse of God was meant to be a place where 10% of income and offerings were gathered and used to feed the poor in the Bible...Today?? pshhh!
No one said ur pastor shouldn't prosper, but not at the expense of his members and certainly not by taking God's money for personal use. PERIOD.
linda, ure bleeding comments.lol.. u definitely stirred the honet's nest with this one. dont get stung, cheers.
A post on religion with 144 comments emphasizes Linda's point; that we are very religious;our religious leaders have a strong influence on us,thus,they have big responsibilities. A pastor in Naija is a shrink,sex therapist,doctor,business advisor even a conscience keeper.I wish some of the critics would have some honest reflection on this. If Martin Luther, the parents of sexually abused children in the U.S. or many others in history were afraid that God will strike them down for speaking up, the mess in many churches wouldn't be cleaned up(I'm catholic b/t/w).
This issue mirrors the Nigerian society where we have a culture of silence& value image, wealth, rank & seniority above everything. They probably think the lifestyle will make them more appealing & its probably working or else,they would've dumped it.Jesus was a non-conformist& I can bet that he won't be biting his tongue if he was living in this century.The fact is, pastors get a bad rap all over the world because of the trust put in them unlike politicians who are generally seen as dishonest. That being said,the best prospect for change is to start from ourselves&families.Peace!
Well-done Linda!
i'm not a member of Pa Oyedepo church but i can tell you Linda- Pls stop what you are doing, are you a christian? do you read your bible?
Most preachers have Jets becos they have to fly to various parts of the world to minister sometimes in one day or a couple of days. it is the same thing as having a car in lagos: I need a car to move from mushin to ikeja or should i walk? its the same thing he needs to get where he's going in due time.
paying tithe goes to God, whether or not the pastor takes the money is not ur business, FIRST be obedient to God, also ask the Holy Spirit for discernment as to what church you should be attending, if the pastor is embezzling the money(after youve been obedient to God n payed)that is not the church for u ask the Lord to show u where u belong. when u stand before God, would u say oooh i thought he used the money to buy jet? i'm sure God will ask what his word said..
A lot of you- shows you are not grounded in the Word of God, you all need to REPENT fast starting with Linda..
I hope you get the heart behind what i'm conveying never to judge but to make yall think about what you say before you write. every single word you utter God records..
Pls guys accpet the REAL JESUS n read your bibles. do not let others affect your christian walk with your daddy
Religion is what is killing mankind...
see u a man dilligent in his works,he will not stand before mere men but before kings!oyedepo is for one a dilligent and wise man!
He s been busy bearing the everlasting gospel of jesus christ to the heathen!when he started preaching about prosperity,people crucified him with their mouth till later they joined him,mocked him till his God made him.He s just a blessed man.Dont point fingers on him.
used to have respect for u but for this tasteless and disgusting issue ,u ´ve missed it.Be warned!!
He wouldnt need to pray for u but just release one word on ur life and ur done!
be warned!!
people pls be careful where you pay your tithes.every minute in this world, some kid is somewhere about to become a cold corpse because they don't have that meal you're opportuned to eat everyday.I'm Catholic,at a time,I stopped paying tithes cause I thot my church was way too big and don't need the money,so I tithed in small churches cos I felt they needed the money to build up & was strongly disturbed by the way Nigerian men were just opening so many churches on just 2 blocks,why don't all these churches merge and worship the Lord in harmony?rather they disintegrate & talk each other down!
Then again, bad-reputated people just stand up & start their own church,no pastoral procedure and again,money is the talk of almost every Sunday like thats the only sermon worth preaching from the whole big Bible!These pastors stand & talk & I cann't felt it.
I finally made my decision 2mnths ago,to go to my sunday masses and give my usual offerings(at least the priest don't buy personal jets) and then monthly pay my tithes to CBN aka 700 Club. They send me pictures & edits of kids my monthly tithes help feed or cloth and it makes me feel happy that the little am giving is saving a life once in while.And guess what,God gives me much more too,just after 2wks of starting this, I got a scholarship of $6,500 out of the blues,totally unexpected.Sometimes I just break up dollar bills and go out in the streets and give it to pple that're out on the streets(at least this isn't Naija where I've to wonder if the beggar wuld do something fetish with my alms).
Finally,I feel greatly satisfied & happy these ways,at the end of the day am still giving onto God,cause watever I give to the least of brothers,that am giving onto Him.
God be praised !
Na wa... religion is truly the opiate of the masses! I love my church, I love my bishop... What about I love God?
Linda abeg keep doing your thing. NO MAN BORN OF A WOMAN IS ABOVE REPROACH! I feel you on this one. Private planes in a country where over 80% of people live below the poverty line is EXCESSIVE WEALTH. Not hating, just stating.
When they have soup kitchens and free schools and offer FREE seminars to people on improving their lives, not just prosperity preaching and guilt trip preaching, then maybe I won't be giving them dis kain eye again.
Sha it's God that knows their hearts, but their way no pure
Some pple are accusing linda, and some are condemning her. What I can say is search the scriptures like Jesus said, and in it you will find life. The Holy Spirit ministers to each and every one of us to our own understanding. From all indications, Linda reads and studies the Bible. Some of us, with all due respect, don't. Jesus said that on the last day He will not recognise some people, that they will say they did so many things in His name; but Jesus will still send them to a place where there will be gnashing of teeth. If you feel that she is attacking Bishop Oyedepo alone, then, there might be sthg you know that some of us don't know yet. Please search the scriptures and in it you will find life. And please help and assist the poor when you can, because Jesus said that the poor you will always have with you; it is His word. Like I said again, with all due respect, search the scriptures and in it you will find. God will bless us all in Jesus name Amen.
hahaha... I left naija 10years ago and now live in the UK and I am always amazed at the ignorance of Nigerians. You don't have to be rude or insult Linda, all you "GO/Bishop" followers (by the way, I attend Jesus House (Redeem) church in London), so no haters here. i have also attended "Bishop" church in London a few times, also headed by his son. Please, please, please, there is nothing wrong with the following:
Linda speaking the truth as it is
Linda putting up Bishop's pics on the blogpost
Linda mentioning names
The truth needs to be told and people need to think objectively about the craziness of naija pastors and churches. Linda was specifically talking about excesses, not just having enough. Expensive universities, private jets, glorifying rouge politicians/leaders etc. these are no nos. Modesty is the key here. It is about empathising with your followers, being a leading and shinning example of Christ to everyone and not depicting the life of "pop stars", "politician" or even "business tycoons".
Linda, I know God's annointing was on you when you wrote this article and I am sure the angels are smiling.
If i should tell you how MANY of this nonsensical pentecostal (ESPECIALLY) churches i have been to,and how many attempt to bleed me dry because my papa get serious money,and once they hear like that..GBAM...they start to gravitate towards me and my siblings like flies that they are.
I can assure you that a dime of mine cannot enter their pockets,we all used to pray that my mum would see the light and quit funding this crazy peoples lifestyles AS SHE WAS JUST DEPLETING MY INHERITANCE O...and i made it clear back then that i do NOT want to see any one of them in the house in Lagos when i am around to visit my mum or else.
And mummsy knows me..she warns them to STAY AWAY that her POSSESSED DAUGHTER IS AROUND.
THANK GOD she woke up around the time a pastor told her he needed to build a luxury apartment complex and the holy spirit directed him to my mum....
You go to a church and all they do and hammer on is PROSPERITY,WEALTH,RICHES,you see the glaring difference between the haves and have nots..when you are told that those that have £2000 to donate should stand up so they can be blessed with a special pact with their "daddy"..i.e. G.O.
These animals prey on peoples emotions,use psychological blackmail,twist the bible to suit their greedy shit,sweet talk people,INFACT i suspect a lot of this churches are undercover CULTS where the congregation do not even know they are been hypnotized.
How can you explain a pastor telling someone that GOD TOLD HIM TO HAVE A LOUD BIRTHDAY PARTY??AND HE NEEDS MONEY TO FUND IT.
How do people explain pastors who NEED to drive fancy cars,build fancy churches etc....and the people need to fund it.
Abeg before i go off on a rant and a tangent.
Or the socialising with thieving leaders and reserving special seats for them in church?
You cannot even imagine how many churches are out there by which i have questioned their pastors and i was "CURSED"--hahahahaaaa...
Years down the line,i am STILL living my FAB life on a very FAB lane.Totally blessed,two beautiful kids,healthy,wealthy and SMARTTTT.
My oyinbo husband never ceases to be amazed at what goes on.
If i should tell you how MANY of this nonsensical pentecostal (ESPECIALLY) churches i have been to,and how many attempt to bleed me dry because my papa get serious money,and once they hear like that..GBAM...they start to gravitate towards me and my siblings like flies that they are.
I can assure you that a dime of mine cannot enter their pockets,we all used to pray that my mum would see the light and quit funding this crazy peoples lifestyles AS SHE WAS JUST DEPLETING MY INHERITANCE O...and i made it clear back then that i do NOT want to see any one of them in the house in Lagos when i am around to visit my mum or else.
And mummsy knows me..she warns them to STAY AWAY that her POSSESSED DAUGHTER IS AROUND.
THANK GOD she woke up around the time a pastor told her he needed to build a luxury apartment complex and the holy spirit directed him to my mum....
You go to a church and all they do and hammer on is PROSPERITY,WEALTH,RICHES,you see the glaring difference between the haves and have nots..when you are told that those that have £2000 to donate should stand up so they can be blessed with a special pact with their "daddy"..i.e. G.O.
These animals prey on peoples emotions,use psychological blackmail,twist the bible to suit their greedy shit,sweet talk people,INFACT i suspect a lot of this churches are undercover CULTS where the congregation do not even know they are been hypnotized.
How can you explain a pastor telling someone that GOD TOLD HIM TO HAVE A LOUD BIRTHDAY PARTY??AND HE NEEDS MONEY TO FUND IT.
How do people explain pastors who NEED to drive fancy cars,build fancy churches etc....and the people need to fund it.
Abeg before i go off on a rant and a tangent.
Or the socialising with thieving leaders and reserving special seats for them in church?
You cannot even imagine how many churches are out there by which i have questioned their pastors and i was "CURSED"--hahahahaaaa...
Years down the line,i am STILL living my FAB life on a very FAB lane.Totally blessed,two beautiful kids,healthy,wealthy and SMARTTTT.
My oyinbo husband never ceases to be amazed at what goes on.
If i should tell you how MANY of this nonsensical pentecostal (ESPECIALLY) churches i have been to,and how many attempt to bleed me dry because my papa get serious money,and once they hear like that..GBAM...they start to gravitate towards me and my siblings like flies that they are.
I can assure you that a dime of mine cannot enter their pockets,we all used to pray that my mum would see the light and quit funding this crazy peoples lifestyles AS SHE WAS JUST DEPLETING MY INHERITANCE O...and i made it clear back then that i do NOT want to see any one of them in the house in Lagos when i am around to visit my mum or else.
And mummsy knows me..she warns them to STAY AWAY that her POSSESSED DAUGHTER IS AROUND.
THANK GOD she woke up around the time a pastor told her he needed to build a luxury apartment complex and the holy spirit directed him to my mum....
You go to a church and all they do and hammer on is PROSPERITY,WEALTH,RICHES,you see the glaring difference between the haves and have nots..when you are told that those that have £2000 to donate should stand up so they can be blessed with a special pact with their "daddy"..i.e. G.O.
These animals prey on peoples emotions,use psychological blackmail,twist the bible to suit their greedy shit,sweet talk people,INFACT i suspect a lot of this churches are undercover CULTS where the congregation do not even know they are been hypnotized.
How can you explain a pastor telling someone that GOD TOLD HIM TO HAVE A LOUD BIRTHDAY PARTY??AND HE NEEDS MONEY TO FUND IT.
How do people explain pastors who NEED to drive fancy cars,build fancy churches etc....and the people need to fund it.
Abeg before i go off on a rant and a tangent.
Or the socialising with thieving leaders and reserving special seats for them in church?
You cannot even imagine how many churches are out there by which i have questioned their pastors and i was "CURSED"--hahahahaaaa...
Years down the line,i am STILL living my FAB life on a very FAB lane.Totally blessed,two beautiful kids,healthy,wealthy and SMARTTTT.
My oyinbo husband never ceases to be amazed at what goes on.
If i should tell you how MANY of this nonsensical pentecostal (ESPECIALLY) churches i have been to,and how many attempt to bleed me dry because my papa get serious money,and once they hear like that..GBAM...they start to gravitate towards me and my siblings like flies that they are.
I can assure you that a dime of mine cannot enter their pockets,we all used to pray that my mum would see the light and quit funding this crazy peoples lifestyles AS SHE WAS JUST DEPLETING MY INHERITANCE O...and i made it clear back then that i do NOT want to see any one of them in the house in Lagos when i am around to visit my mum or else.
And mummsy knows me..she warns them to STAY AWAY that her POSSESSED DAUGHTER IS AROUND.
THANK GOD she woke up around the time a pastor told her he needed to build a luxury apartment complex and the holy spirit directed him to my mum....
You go to a church and all they do and hammer on is PROSPERITY,WEALTH,RICHES,you see the glaring difference between the haves and have nots..when you are told that those that have £2000 to donate should stand up so they can be blessed with a special pact with their "daddy"..i.e. G.O.
These animals prey on peoples emotions,use psychological blackmail,twist the bible to suit their greedy shit,sweet talk people,INFACT i suspect a lot of this churches are undercover CULTS where the congregation do not even know they are been hypnotized.
How can you explain a pastor telling someone that GOD TOLD HIM TO HAVE A LOUD BIRTHDAY PARTY??AND HE NEEDS MONEY TO FUND IT.
How do people explain pastors who NEED to drive fancy cars,build fancy churches etc....and the people need to fund it.
Abeg before i go off on a rant and a tangent.
Or the socialising with thieving leaders and reserving special seats for them in church?
You cannot even imagine how many churches are out there by which i have questioned their pastors and i was "CURSED"--hahahahaaaa...
Years down the line,i am STILL living my FAB life on a very FAB lane.Totally blessed,two beautiful kids,healthy,wealthy and SMARTTTT.
My oyinbo husband never ceases to be amazed at what goes on.
If i should tell you how MANY of this nonsensical pentecostal (ESPECIALLY) churches i have been to,and how many attempt to bleed me dry because my papa get serious money,and once they hear like that..GBAM...they start to gravitate towards me and my siblings like flies that they are.
I can assure you that a dime of mine cannot enter their pockets,we all used to pray that my mum would see the light and quit funding this crazy peoples lifestyles AS SHE WAS JUST DEPLETING MY INHERITANCE O...and i made it clear back then that i do NOT want to see any one of them in the house in Lagos when i am around to visit my mum or else.
And mummsy knows me..she warns them to STAY AWAY that her POSSESSED DAUGHTER IS AROUND.
THANK GOD she woke up around the time a pastor told her he needed to build a luxury apartment complex and the holy spirit directed him to my mum....
You go to a church and all they do and hammer on is PROSPERITY,WEALTH,RICHES,you see the glaring difference between the haves and have nots..when you are told that those that have £2000 to donate should stand up so they can be blessed with a special pact with their "daddy"..i.e. G.O.
These animals prey on peoples emotions,use psychological blackmail,twist the bible to suit their greedy shit,sweet talk people,INFACT i suspect a lot of this churches are undercover CULTS where the congregation do not even know they are been hypnotized.
How can you explain a pastor telling someone that GOD TOLD HIM TO HAVE A LOUD BIRTHDAY PARTY??AND HE NEEDS MONEY TO FUND IT.
How do people explain pastors who NEED to drive fancy cars,build fancy churches etc....and the people need to fund it.
Abeg before i go off on a rant and a tangent.
Or the socialising with thieving leaders and reserving special seats for them in church?
You cannot even imagine how many churches are out there by which i have questioned their pastors and i was "CURSED"--hahahahaaaa...
Years down the line,i am STILL living my FAB life on a very FAB lane.Totally blessed,two beautiful kids,healthy,wealthy and SMARTTTT.
My oyinbo husband never ceases to be amazed at what goes on.
If i should tell you how MANY of this nonsensical pentecostal (ESPECIALLY) churches i have been to,and how many attempt to bleed me dry because my papa get serious money,and once they hear like that..GBAM...they start to gravitate towards me and my siblings like flies that they are.
I can assure you that a dime of mine cannot enter their pockets,we all used to pray that my mum would see the light and quit funding this crazy peoples lifestyles AS SHE WAS JUST DEPLETING MY INHERITANCE O...and i made it clear back then that i do NOT want to see any one of them in the house in Lagos when i am around to visit my mum or else.
And mummsy knows me..she warns them to STAY AWAY that her POSSESSED DAUGHTER IS AROUND.
THANK GOD she woke up around the time a pastor told her he needed to build a luxury apartment complex and the holy spirit directed him to my mum....
You go to a church and all they do and hammer on is PROSPERITY,WEALTH,RICHES,you see the glaring difference between the haves and have nots..when you are told that those that have £2000 to donate should stand up so they can be blessed with a special pact with their "daddy"..i.e. G.O.
These animals prey on peoples emotions,use psychological blackmail,twist the bible to suit their greedy shit,sweet talk people,INFACT i suspect a lot of this churches are undercover CULTS where the congregation do not even know they are been hypnotized.
How can you explain a pastor telling someone that GOD TOLD HIM TO HAVE A LOUD BIRTHDAY PARTY??AND HE NEEDS MONEY TO FUND IT.
How do people explain pastors who NEED to drive fancy cars,build fancy churches etc....and the people need to fund it.
Abeg before i go off on a rant and a tangent.
Or the socialising with thieving leaders and reserving special seats for them in church?
You cannot even imagine how many churches are out there by which i have questioned their pastors and i was "CURSED"--hahahahaaaa...
Years down the line,i am STILL living my FAB life on a very FAB lane.Totally blessed,two beautiful kids,healthy,wealthy and SMARTTTT.
My oyinbo husband never ceases to be amazed at what goes on.
I am not even saying they should not own private jets, if it is more cost efficient on d long run , why not.But a lot of comments here just show that some people follow their pastors and not God.I cant believe people are saying Linda is placing a curse on herself because she called out this men of God? Wow, are these men of God Jesus or what? or does Linda herself not have direct access to God?If these Men of God can call people out and say all sort of things, then we the "congregation" too can call them out on their bull shit.I can tell you a lot of the MOG are selfish and God himself has said it that in d last days there will be false prophets, so we definitely know that amongst some of these men,false prophet boku.If you all like, dont go and work out your own salvation o, be blindly following your pastor and be saying crap like Linda is heaping burning curse on her head and how she will "je iya eleyi" and how one woman hissed at what a pastor said and closed her womb!!!NONSENSE
I have never commented on this blog bt since linda posted I have been reading the comments and to say the least I am disappointed with what people have been saying.
I see nothing wrong in what Linda has said. First of all, she said she is not judging so why are people making noise leave her and God to that. Linda my sister, you are entitled to your opinion and I respect you very much for voicing it out. God understands your intentions when you posted this and He is the best judge......Keep speaking your mind ma sister.
Now to all theses bloody hypocrites that have turned pastors to mini-gods get a life and understand something before you come and be making noise like you have memorised the whole Bible.
Some people are commenting and using sentiments.If you want to argue use facts and stop arguing like you in high school.Some nicompoop stated that Linda is bald because she doesnt tithe?er...wtf?What does that have to do with anything!You really must be on a limited edited of crack.All i can say is that CRACK is WHACK!And you probably need Bishop or whoever the heck your pastor is, to lay hands on you.
Linda, this must be the best article that you have put up in a while. We all need to study the Bible in spirit to be able to decipher the messages.
Has anyone noticed this? Anytime a religious article is typed online, there are always so many responses.
Please read what Pastor Tunde Bakare says about tithes. He is not my Pastor but he speaks a lot of sense.
It’s the fourth to the last comment titled - Q: What is the position of Christianity on tithing because some argue that it doesn’t have a place in Christianity?
I also found this interesting and as usual there are different rejoinders to it;
This one says tithing isn’t scriptural;
With regards to judging - “Do not judge so that you will not be judged” Matthew 7:1; so many people get the real meaning completely wrong. This is especially true since the context makes it clear what Jesus meant by these words. When Jesus said that we should not judge unless we are also judged, he was not saying that we not to judge if the behavior is sin or not. What he was saying was giving us a caution to make sure that we are willing to be judged by the same standard of judgment. This verse is not a warning against judging an action. It is a warning against self-deception and hypocrisy.
Bursting forth with the words, “judge not” should in no way intimidate anyone from deciding if something or someone is sinful or not.
There are numerous portions in the Bible that says we should judge, rebuke and correct.
1 Timothy: 5; 20 (similar to Ephesians 5; 11) – them that sin rebuke before all, that others also may fear.
Matthew 18; 15 and Luke 17; 3 (similar to Leviticus 19; 17) – take heed to yourselves: If thy brother trespasses against thee, rebuke him. If he repents, forgive him.
Ezekiel 33; 8 – when I say onto the wicked, O wicked man thou shall surely die; if thou dost not speak to warn the wicked of his way, that wicked man shall die in his iniquity, but his blood will I require at thine hand.
The Bible makes it clear that we can judge but not judge wrongly.
Who are all these "Anonymouses" leaving similar comments/warnings to Linda on this blog. I'm pretty sure it's only one deluded person.
I always come on this blog but this will be the first time I've been moved to leave a comment. Someone said you're sowing seeds of disobedience in the hearts of the innocents. Can you imagine this rubbish?
There is currently a debate in England about the merits of private transportation for their Prime Minister and you're telling me that these pastors need to fly privately? Even CEO's of investment banks these days think twice about flying privately. What happened to first or business class?
The main problem with Pastors acquiring such vast amounts of wealth is that it insulates them from the suffering of the very people that they're meant to be serving. What would you know about the average Nigerian when you don't even have to see them at the airport?
I find it absolutely disgraceful, absolutely disgusting and the people that support this nonsense are just as stupid. Someone is on here saying these people have other businesses or they get these things as gifts. If you think in that way, then you miss the point. Children of God are not supposed to lust after material things like common people do, that's the whole point of seeing things in a spiritual way. When you're spiritual things like jets and expensive clothes don't really matter anymore.
Are these pastors spiritual?
Christ spoke about the leaders and pharisees of His time because He had the authority to do so, to discern who was who and He had the annointing to do so as well.
You can see the bile this has generated and my major concern is for you. 1. Because this is a very spiritual matter with heavy consequences for all the statements made here. 2. You are NOT an authority in this matter.
See it's always important to let God be the judge of all especially when it comes to the shepherds He has chosen. Is he not seeing the buildings, the jets, are you saying that it is not under His authority and blessing that many of these churches have grown tremendously? Will you do the cleansing for Him and chastise the church by yourself??
It's a matter of time. Any pastor that is not doing the will of God will be handled by God himself the way He deems fit and it will be CLEAR for all to see and learn from it.
Till then you and everyone else seriously need to desist from judging what you're not an authority on. THE CONSEQUENCES ARE DIRE.
I maintain my place that you don't have the authority because 1. You haven't been able to relate relevant scriptures that will clearly show what God's mind is on this issue. Take for instance, your admittance that you did not even know Tithing was bibiical and in the sciptures. Obviously you haven't done enough bible study to judge men of God correctly. Even if and when you have, you have not be annointed to do so, annointing to fight God's cause is another deep matter which I won't delve into for now.
So dear, I love you and I hope you've been able to see how this may expose you on spiritual fronts you are not equipped to handle. I pray God to extend His graciousness to you and forgive ignorances and I hope you'll be WISE enough to sincerely make that prayer by yourself and for yourself RIGHT NOW.
The church is not a collection of saints. It's a collection of sinners, some saved by grace and working out their salvation, others still in their sin and unrepentant, others there for funny motives. Christ knows all these. Leave Christ's bride for Him to clean up the way He deems fit and to choose whom He may for the clean up, if He so decides.
Salvation is VERY personal. Strive to know Christ intimately for yourself and let Him guide your heart, including which Church to fellowship with (despite any shortcomings), cause fellowship is His command.
God bless you.
Linda Ikeji, i really see u are enjoying this. my advice to u is that do not remove the picture of Bishop Oyedepo from your blog in fact, don't publish another post throughout this year again,since u started your blog ville u have nt bn dis popular allow unbelievers like u to continue to encourage u to your own destruction. at least u are now more famous than before. LOCAL CHAMPION. U want to be popular by all means blogging, ushering and now an author i can see u do not need money at all at all and yet u are soliciting for sponsors. all those who are encouraging u is for your own destruction.
Christ spoke about the leaders and pharisees of His time because He had the authority to do so, to discern who was who and He had the annointing to do so as well.
You can see the bile this has generated and my major concern is for you. 1. Because this is a very spiritual matter with heavy consequences for all the statements made here. 2. You are NOT an authority in this matter.
See it's always important to let God be the judge of all especially when it comes to the shepherds He has chosen. Is he not seeing the buildings, the jets, are you saying that it is not under His authority and blessing that many of these churches have grown tremendously? Will you do the cleansing for Him and chastise the church by yourself??
It's a matter of time. Any pastor that is not doing the will of God will be handled by God himself the way He deems fit and it will be CLEAR for all to see and learn from it.
Till then you and everyone else seriously need to desist from judging what you're not an authority on. THE CONSEQUENCES ARE DIRE.
I maintain my place that you don't have the authority because 1. You haven't been able to relate relevant scriptures that will clearly show what God's mind is on this issue. Take for instance, your admittance that you did not even know Tithing was bibiical and in the sciptures. Obviously you haven't done enough bible study to judge men of God correctly. Even if and when you have, you have not be annointed to do so, annointing to fight God's cause is another deep matter which I won't delve into for now.
So dear, I love you and I hope you've been able to see how this may expose you on spiritual fronts you are not equipped to handle. I pray God to extend His graciousness to you and forgive ignorances and I hope you'll be WISE enough to sincerely make that prayer by yourself and for yourself RIGHT NOW.
The church is not a collection of saints. It's a collection of sinners, some saved by grace and working out their salvation, others still in their sin and unrepentant, others there for funny motives. Christ knows all these. Leave Christ's bride for Him to clean up the way He deems fit and to choose whom He may for the clean up, if He so decides.
Salvation is VERY personal. Strive to know Christ intimately for yourself and let Him guide your heart, including which Church to fellowship with (despite any shortcomings), cause fellowship is His command.
God bless you.
Lol, all I can say is WOW!
The one most disturbing thing to me about this issue is how people are sooo afraid about the man's picture being up here. SO WHAT??
He's just a MAN, you said so yourselves. MAN OF GOD, not God!!!! People saying he changed their lives, nawa oh. When he dies, he'll return to his Lord naked, just like you and me. With absolutely NOTHING! None of the riches he accumulated up here on earth!
Lool, I'm sorry but I am just very amazed by this type of mentality.
You do write good articles, however on this one, I have a contrary opinion. I think u'v just put yourself in a position of getting some readers misled and planting a wrong seed of thought on tithe and some popular men of God. Its the heart n motive behind it that matters and its what God uses in blessing you...not who you think deserves your tithe.
The truth is this will be a trivial issue if one is truly blessed, financially bouyant and directed by God (HolySpirit) .
I digress. Uploading a picture of Bishop Oyedepo in private jet with a subtle intention of labelling him what u wrote about is just not right. This is a man who has paid his dues...do your research and get facts right.
Are there 'pastors' or 'rogues' who in the name of God mislead their congregation for personal financial gain..of course yes! But if you know God for yourself, the conviction will truly guide.
k..just joking...
my people ..the key word is EXCESSIVE WEALTH....
naija and religion...SAD..VERY SAD...
WHY DO WE KEEP USING OLD TESTAMENT WHEN IT COMES TO MONEY....the woman that gave her last coin was the biggest giver ....JESUS SAID IT...
LINDA.....you are the child of the most high God... he will never forsake u...please keep praying to him...he alone gave u wisdom to write this....
The last time I wrote on an article similar to this on my blog, I got similar responses. The main problem is that people have refused to think for themselves, so all those who call themselves MOG now play on their psychology. God is within all of us,so we should search for him within us. The funny thing is that this so called MOG,live abhorrent lifestyles, the sooner we accept this, the better
seriously, these commenst disgust me. what is wrong with us?
are we so blinded by religion we fail to see the true essence of it??
people are here defending the pastors, but how many of u have actually picked up a fight because of all the blasphemy going on around the world? huh?
linda said she's never paying her tithe to the church again NOT she's never going to pay again.
you claim that linda shouldnt judge, although u are all judging her! the same bible tells you to judge not, lest ye be judged! innit?
we should learn to be tolerant of other people's views please. its things like this that cause wars. Linda has spoken, why dont you go type up your own rejoinder instead of coming here to insult her, including body insults. that is LOW! SHAME ON ALL OF YOU.
linda used the reference to the oyingbo children as a comparison point, God says take care of the orphans and the poor and the churches and pastors who know this WOrd more than any other person are rather living in splendour than do these. that was the only thing she was trying to point out.
some of you say the pastors might be spending their money, tell me do any of them work?? they are full time pastors so how, pray tell me, do they earn this money??? they are DEFINITELY spending tithe money! and dont no one tell me they get their income from their schools, how did the school come into existence in the first place?? GOd's temple is not a place for business but for worshipping and worship alone!
if you dont agree with linda, pls say so, state your reasons and go no need for insults.
i saw someone said God said the poor will almost be amongst us, is that YOUR excuse for not helping them??
Linda da nka le ooo. Linda, u don cause wahala. I never knew Nigerians can talk this much. Kai, naija can talk. I don read comments tire.. Linda, I pity u oooooo. Sorry, my sister. Don't mind us jare. U should know us now, ur fellow naija people. But always remember one thing, WE ALL LOVE U WITH THE BOTTOM OF OUR HERATS. Keep up the good work.
God said give 10% to the Church.... I don't think he meant give 10% to help purchase a rolls royce for a man of God... neither do I think he meant just give it even if it goes to buy a weave fior the girlfriend og a MOG.... People, God gave you brains use them. Use the Bible as your guide as well as your conscience!
I will take 10% of my money and give to God Children in the name of God, but I will be dammed If I give my hard earned money to a so called Fake Church.... Remember! A building , pastor and congregation don't make it a Church!!! WELL DONE LINDA!
In Ghana When Oyedepo was here, they used to carry 200,000 usd every wek from Ghana to Nigeria... until a part of the Ghanaian congregation questioned why all the money should go to Nigeria...Winners Church broke up in Ghana OVER MONEY!!! Imagine this happening in Jesus's times!
Sowing and tithing is basically for your own good, its not a must, give or not God will not lack and a pastor who is truly called by God will not lack.
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