Some of you might find this pictures offensive. I'm sorry about that. But I think we all need to know what's happening in other parts of the world. We all need to know how our fellow human beings live like animals. While we are thinking of how to get that new ride, new home, new clothes, these people are thinking of how to survive from day to day. Thinking of when their next meal will arrive, wondering if and when they'll see their families again. And hoping for a better tomorrow. Below are some pictures from war torn Uganda.
A woman being shaved before being raped
I usually don't like to load up sad things but I believe some of us need to wake up and start counting our blessings. And what better way to do it than to see how other people live?
There's been a civil unrest in Uganda since 1979, after dictator India Amin left power. It's sad to see people live this way, right?
From today onwards, count your blessings instead of counting the little things you don't have. Trust me, millions of people in war torn countries will trade places with you anyday. You are lucky. Always remember that.
The bastard shaving that civilian's pubic thinks he's a cool guy, he is an animal and i hope he recieves his punishment. H e thinks he's a big man cos he has his friends with him. i hope he's bn killed during war,if not i hope he suffers painfully b4 he ides..and to the other bastards who held her down and watched may they all die slow and painful deaths cos she could have bn their sister,mom or wife!
The bastard shaving that civilian's pubic thinks he's a cool guy, he is an animal and i hope he recieves his punishment. H e thinks he's a big man cos he has his friends with him. i hope he's bn killed during war,if not i hope he suffers painfully b4 he ides..and to the other bastards who held her down and watched may they all die slow and painful deaths cos she could have bn their sister,mom or wife!
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