ANTM cycle 1 winner: Adrianne Curry (2003)

ANTM cycle 2 winner: Yoanna House (2004)

ANTM cycle 3 winner: Eva Pigford (2004)

ANTM cycle 4 winner: Naima Mora

ANTM cycle 5 winner: Nicole Linkletter

ANTM cycle 6 winner: Danielle Evans (2006)

ANTM cycle 7 winner: Caridee English (2006)
Of all the winners of America's Next Top Model, who do you think deserved it the most? I'll go for cycle 3 winner Eva Pigford. She has striking features, a lovely physique and a very unique look. How many of you remember her in Jamie Foxx's music video 'DJ play her a love song'? Yeah, she was that very sexy vixen in that steamy video, kissing and touching Jamie all over. I also hear her modeling career is doing great. Later, I'll investigate these girls and tell you all how far they've gone in their careers since winning ANTM.
i lovvvvvvvvvvvvd ev. naima was also very cute. but i rilly dint like adrianne. she has issues with the ANTM crew and she spoke bad of tyra on E. but i still wishd yaya da costa had won.!
My absolute favourite ANTM is Eva, the diva! Talk about tomboy turned stunner.Who can forget that killer walk? and Eva has an edge, streetwise and ambitious but a soft interior. Yaya was pretty but she took herself too seriously and looked down on everybody else just because she was better educated.
Oh Puh-Leez. Nicole Linkletter is so gorgeous! She is a natural beauty..and not a made-over tomboy. CariDee English is also very pretty in a blonde way.Blonde models are a little cliche but she can pull it off.
I love eva too. I think she's been d most successful of d winners so far.
the best r caridee & jaslene
Omg, Naima is AWSSOMMMEEEEEEE,, but for that cycle i think Brittney was REALLY good too! but Naima is so SWEET.
My favorite winner is CariDee English. I also wanted Joanie to win instead of danielle in cycle 6.
i think Bre or Nik should have won over Nicole... they were better.
My favorite ANTM winner is Yoanna, Naima, and Caridee. I just wish Shannon won instead of Adrienne(Cycle 1), Nik won instead of Nicole (Cylce 5), and Joanie won instead of Danielle (Cycle 6).
i liked nicole shes my fav cause there is sumthing different about her and i like caridee she was fun to watch and did good photos and how can u not love eva the diva!!!!!
one day im gonna be one and im gonna be on top. congrats to all the winners before me but make way cause Gabriella is cumin through!!! i think danielle is my favorite because she is humble and pulled through even tho she got sick. U ROCK!
i rilly think that all the winners deserves it!!! except for jaslene, i rilly dont like it at all, because she talked bad about natasha and i think everybody deserves just a little of respect!!!
but i definitly loves America`s next top model!!! also loves tyra banks.
my favorites antm are caridee, nicole and yoanna!!! tey are amazing
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