"Biko UMUNNEM.... Praise God with me. My Anty got married since 1996 and have not had any child since then..... later on she took in and carried the pregnancy for 3years and 2 months. Just yesterday she gave birth to the long awaited baby(boy)... two days to Mothering Sunday after TWENTY ONE YEARS. My Anty will be called a Mother this year...God of miracle THANK YOU"
Miracle Working God
... Merited happiness
God is good
-D great anonymous now as Vivian Reginalds
with God all things are possible.All glory,honor & adoration be unto his name Amen
with God all things are possible. Thank God for his awesome wonders.
God is Almighty
God of wonders never seize to surprise me... congratulations ma
God is not DEAD
He is a great God...Congrats to her
God never sleeps.
Wow God is good
Congratulatons NNE
God is great,I saw it on Facebook.
Praise God
Praise d lord! So so Happy 4 her
Happy mothers day to her.
Carried the baby for 3 years.. Smh. Good for the mother but why is the chick lying?
God is awesome
Thank God for destroying all those witches dat used to tie person destiny.congratadam
Enter your comment...congrats
Nonsense. Lies from the pit of hell. No one can carry a pregnancy for 3years and still deliver a live baby. This is arant nonsense. Please you all should dissociate God from this devilish liars.
Thank God o
Oga anonymous, I also stayed 3 years in the womb, today I'm a full grown woman. Won't go into details but just because you haven't seen with ur eyes doesn't make it fallacy.
Oga anonymous, I also stayed 3 years in the womb, today I'm a full grown woman. Won't go into details but just because you haven't seen with ur eyes doesn't make it fallacy.
I have seen someone that said she carried baby for 2years,when she is about to give birth the midwife slapped her and she gave birth(she was unconscious when the baby came out due to the hot slap) To crown it all, they told her breast milk can't come out until after 2weeks and that the baby DNA will match with the mum DNA in five years time... My take on it, is that the midwife organized a baby for the woman without her knowing it. During pregnancy sef, the stomach was big but scan saw no fetus.These stories can only be heard in Africa.They will commit there atrocities and cover it up by saying its a miracle. If it's abroad they will like to prove that a woman can actually carry pregnancy for 3 years. Story for the gods.
All thanks to God Almighty
Dear, I know someone that carried pregnancy for 2 years plus and gave birth to a healthy Baby Girl
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