Northern man dragged on twitter for saying certain ethnic groups embarrass Nigeria & the country should be divided | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog





Friday, 31 March 2017

Northern man dragged on twitter for saying certain ethnic groups embarrass Nigeria & the country should be divided

A Northern Abuja based poet, Abdulbaqi Jari took to his twitter handle @Bahaushee, to blame the Yoruba and Igbo ethnic groups for embarrassing Nigeria in other countries. Using some kind of twisted logic, Jari feels the Xenophobia and recent attack against some Nigerian students in India were caused by the Igbos. Twitter users of course clapped back at him. See more tweets after the cut.


NaijaDeltaBabe said...


... Merited happiness

donduke said...

He got what he deserves.

Walata said...

He's a big fool let us divide already fool can't wait

Ladun Liadi said...

I agree with the part about dividing the nation

kisbykay (Travelling Agency) said...

And in a language only understood by the igbos, "kitikpa gbapia gi isi" mtchew!!!

Emeka said...

He is absolutely right, Igbos can't continue to carry them along anymore as Eagles and vultures don't flock together.

Anonymous said...

I wish all Northern people would have the same school of thought. You should start a campaign to educate ur fellow Northerners to buy into this idea. MASSOB and IPOD should donate funds to this dude. No homo but I love you

AOI said...

Truth is bitter, but the Igbos have continued to embarrass Nigeria nonstop. Check the statistics. For every negative story about Nigeria, 95% is caused by the Igbos.

The situation is not hopeless because, on the other hand, for every outstanding & exceptional story about Nigeria, the Igbos account for about 50%.

Anonymous said...

He is a failure....

Anonymous said...

A clown

APPLE said...

The north is Nigeria's problem. I wish they can go their way. Darkness and light can not work together.

Anonymous said...

This dude is correct in some ways. Please lets divide this nation cos abokis been dragging this nation backward since 1960. We dont want to be the same country with abokis anymore. Even with the yoruba allegiance to Awusa, they still wont acknowledge them. Ndi Yoruba hope una dey see una mistake now.

Anonymous said...

Pls we will appriciate itif you tell your brother buhari that we are ready to go.take your nigeria.all hail BIAFRA

Anonymous said...

I agree with him. The igbos and the Yorubas are causing sooo much embarrassment to Nigeria. Imagine if they have access to government like the Hausas do. They will not have to hustle so hard; they will just sit down like the self entitled bigots(Hausas)! who have more access to the countries deep pockets and refuse to develop them selves!

Anonymous said...

Go their way, where would they go, to the desert? When they have tasted small civilization? Mba nu!

Anonymous said...

And the Igbos are the boko harams that are shedding blood and putting Nigeria on the international scene as a terrorist nation right? The Igbos are also the fulani herdsmen whose mission is to steal, kill and destroy ikwa? Kwantinu with your ignorance aboki.

Unknown said...

I certainly agree with him .. We should divide as the name has reached a conclusive damages beyond repair .. No one outside of Nigeria would hear you out as a Nigerian -- Imagine seeing you as a Nigerian is as worse than see an ISIS .. They would give an ISIS home abroad than a Nigerian .. And why?? .. The Igbos has routed our country name beyond evil out there ..

Yorubas are just loud but basically a P-hole .. And as for those who would be happy about the country divided ( The Hausas ) .. They are contented .. Igbos are never same as Yoruba .. always competitive and international stupidos.

Anonymous said...

If only the other northerners will buy into his idea and divide Nigeria, then, we'll see how they will stand, because, it seems like every other part of Nigeria is backing and supporting the northerners, reason they don't want Nigeria to divide.

Anonymous said...

Probably they've found oil in the north, because that is the only thing that is still holding Nigeria together.

Anonymous said...

Probably they've found oil in the north, because that is the only thing that is still holding Nigeria together.

Anonymous said...

Probably they've found oil in the north, because that is the only thing that is still holding Nigeria together.

Unknown said...

I don't blame the almajiri Descendants. The same igbos and yorobas has brought honor to Nigeria, before the independent, after and now, both in academics, sports, science and technology, medicine, banking, literature, movies, etc. Tell me what the northerners has contributed for this fail state? Go to school, No, go and take your bath, No, go and wear your suicide/jihadist vest, YES! Almajiris. Northerners are the problem of Nigeria, 9O% of them are almajiris. let's divide this country for better of our children and unborn children for God sake. They are reasoning with their anus, paedophiles!

FRESH said...

But it's only cos' the other 2 major tribes have alienated them in the scheme of things.They had to go outside our shores to survive.

Unknown said...

Better so we won't have all the dirty Hausa people littering the street of Lagos in the name of begging... dee

FRESH said...

Did anyone tell him the looting by his fathers & forefathers so they can marry plenty wives is the reason other tribes are out there trying to survive?

Unknown said...

Lol...north n south pole isdue all d tym . . smh

Babaa! said...

Shei if they ask human beings to stand up now, goat like you will quickly jump up and join. You better go and apply your stupidity where it will pay off. Stupid ass illiterate.

Unknown said...

North is Nigerias problem no lies....

Unknown said...

Na ya papa do the statistic....95 percent??? Mumu

Unknown said...



Unknown said...

Luk who's talking... Wch ethnic group embarrasses Nigeria more than Hausa/fulani?

Anonymous said...

Please I need help of 18,500 naira to complete my house rent. Please i dont want my landlord to disgrace me my children because my rent have expired for over 5months.where I work I have not been paid for 3month and the little money I get from selling chinchin at my work place is what I use to feed my children. Im a single mother Please i need help this is my email address.

James Chelsea said...

He is OZUU WURU AWU, nne ya na nna ya SHEGE

Anonymous said...

Abokidastupidboi and his friend, Bonaridiot have gone deaf and dumb....No comment from them. Lmao

Anonymous said...

But chill guys, what good has our togetherness done to us? Separation seems to be the way out. My mind though.

Unknown said...

Truth be told,the igbo's are our veey problem out there.

Anonymous said...

Same Igbo's have been wanting out since 1960 yet your father won't allow them go. Idiot of his type.

Anonymous said...

Amen oh Amen. Let Nigeria divide. Biko ohhhhhh. Let us go with out wahala.

Maverick said...

This guy is the most sensible northerner am seeing in recent times, please advise spoke well...

CHERYL (aka FROM GLORY to GLORY) said...


Long live LIB

Anonymous said...

Isn't that just the funniest thing ever? Really? A Northerner finds others embarrassing? Believe me the North is Nigeria's number one problem. If we can shed that burden, it will be a good start. He is do ridiculous, it's hilarious. The level of ignorance even among the educated ones. Smh.

anonymous said...

This is the Best thing an Hausa man has spoken since nigeria got independence, BREXIT!Oh, sorry, NORXIT. Yes, the north seceding from nigeria. When the north finally leave Nigeria, then the whole world will know who is embarrassing nigeria? The hausa/fulani genocide on Christians and minorities, boko haram, illiteracy, child marriage and the likes. So these are not embarrassing? EWU

UJE said...

I guess you do not know how many people clamour for a division. The external problems we have has nothing to do we our unity; connecting your dots, you did see that. However, it has everything to do with the selfish nature of some Nigerians who do not mind to engage in fraudulent activities to the detriment of others, and includes also the inability of the Nigerian government to act or find a solution whenever a problem arises. If only the government had the desire, then such vicissitudes will be well taken care of. Besides, what is needed to garner already compromised respect for the citizens of Nigeria (abroad) depends on the foreign policies established by the government, which could go a long way in ensuring the safety of innocent Nigerians. In every state, there must be a few bad eggs, do not just throw tantrums, rather let's work to ensure that due process which brings and sustains order is conformed to by all.

Anonymous said...

I will reserve my comment...since I don't relate with dead brains..can u imagine...u even get mouth to talk..anyway I don't blame u...u even have made a good suggestion..plz pass it to u malu brothers and lets set the ball rolling..anu mpama

Unknown said...


Unknown said...

The northerners are the root of the problem we are faced in this country, abokina u are so rude and unintelligent to blame a particular tribe for the international crime outside this country. Your leader tagged u to be fantastically corrupt and did not discriminate on that. Come to think of it, i buy your idea on division.

DULLA said...

I am a northerner n I totally disagree wit dis dude. Of d 56yrs of independence,d north has ruled for bout 35-40 n nothing to show for. The northern elite r a disappointment to this amalgamation

Unknown said...

see this stupid COW! Mallam with head like tanker!!! I blame you? Na the goats wey vote buhari for kaduna, kano and katsina I blame... ITI!

-D great anonymous now as Vivian Reginalds

Unknown said...

see this stupid COW! Mallam with head like tanker!!! I blame you? Na the goats wey vote buhari for kaduna, kano and katsina I blame... ITI!

-D great anonymous now as Vivian Reginalds

Anonymous said...

Better ppl talk, this Taliban go talk too. Stupid Hausa cow

Anonymous said...

Can anyone please help me mention one internationally recognized musician, author, scientist, actress, medical doctor, etc, who is from the core north? These morons have been in charge of the country for the greater part of 30 years and all they succeeded in doing was institute mediocrity in the society. Was it not on this same blog that the cut-off mark for common entrance was posted and all the northern state candidates can score zero and still get in - ordinary common entrance! A student from the east will score 288 in Jamb and not get in to study medicine while a complete fool will manage and score 120 and get in to study medicine in the north.

Anonymous said...

Empty vessel. watch sky new and CNN and you will see reporters reporting about famine in north nigeria. igbo haters you think you can survive without igbo people in nigeria.

sholetoga said...

Who's you big head fool . which ethnic group embarrass Nigeria most than these namas ,with their boko haram and dullard president. Which tribe kills anyhow painting the country bad to outsiders if not this hausa fulani herdsmen.
God will punish the hands you use to type this rubbish. The north should go their separate way, the rest of us are tired of their backwardness.
Anuofia........mumu somebody

anonymous said...

To anon :18:37. I spoke with a Learned Igbo man recently and he told me the problem we have in Nigeria today without being partial was caused by Chief Nnamdi Azikiwe. This Igbo man said it was not the yorubas that caused our predicament but Zik. Before Nigeria got her independence, it was only the Southern part of the country that fought vigorously for Nigeria Independence. The north were willing to continue with British rule. And this was at a time when the British were willing to grant all its colonies Independence. Chief Obafemi Awolowo adviced Azikiwe to let the north go their way and let have a southern nigeria instead but Zik refused. That betrayal by Zik made Awolowo to exact his revenge during the Civil War by supporting the north. Awolowo knew bringing the north to join the south will be an unmitigated DISASTER. How True he was. Awolowo had always had Futuristic Vision whilst Zik vision has always being Myopic. Awolowo did to his region what no other politician had done till date. Free Education, Free Healthcare services, state of the art modern social infrastructures and the likes. What did Azikiwe do for his people? Igbo people, answer me.

Unknown said...

Division is the answer, simple.

Maverick said...

Anonymous @ 00.41, you are as a windbag as you are shallow hollow. "I spoke with a learned Igbo man" your mentor, that knows nothing. You have just exposed your ignorance, Igbo hater, your hatred can only consummate you... Which school of taught does that fool you spoken with represent? or was that a coinage of your own stupidity. Do you know what they call betrayal? Go and read history, don't be a blind man being led by a blind..Time to talk has come, even goats have suddenly developed oratory... Today is your day all fool's day, we celebrate you....

Anonymous said...

let the division come quick quick am tired of this stupid Nigeria

Anonymous said...

He is just echoing what this Linda has been encouraging on the wall. Let her leave Lagos and go back to Biafra and see if she can survive.. TWAT!!

Unknown said...

True talk

Unknown said...

Actually, I don't really blame the so called Hausas, we will continue to shift all the faults on Oduduwans Elders, (If you are conversant with my comment, one will notice that I don't called myself a Yoruba because it's a Bastard and Stupid name given to Western part of Nigeria, please kindly verify the meaning of Yoruba in Hausa language. So, I am Not a Yoruba But Omoluabi or Oduduwa simple).
So our Elders don't realize all these mistakes but they keep on rejoicing in foolishness.
A land comprises of multicultural and languages with division of very large three regions, then a set of particular region are claiming that "they're born to rule" i.e Hausas. So what can we say now. Have said earlier that No sign of resemblance between the three regions. So we must divide, simple, 'yoruba' should Stop follow follow and gear-up on time because we Youths can no longer wait and cope with their Lord Lugard knowledge. Thanks

Unknown said...

Actually is right with the level of his knowledge. I don't really blame the so called Hausas, we will continue to shift all the faults on Oduduwans Elders, (If you are conversant with my comment, one will notice that I don't called myself a Yoruba because it's a Bastard and Stupid name given to Western part of Nigeria, please kindly verify the meaning of Yoruba in Hausa language. So, I am Not a Yoruba But Omoluabi or Oduduwa simple).
So our Elders don't realize all these mistakes but they keep on rejoicing in foolishness.
A land comprises of multicultural and languages with very large three regions, then a set of particular region are claiming that "they're born to rule" i.e Hausas. So what can we say. Have said earlier that No sign of resemblance between the three regions. Division is the final answer, simple. 'yoruba Elders should wake up and Stop follow follow because we Youths can no longer wait and cope with their Lord Lugard system. Thanks 

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