LIB reader responds to Iyabo Ojo's take on infidelity | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog





Sunday, 22 January 2017

LIB reader responds to Iyabo Ojo's take on infidelity

LIB reader, Chioma Nwigwe responds to the post on infidelity written by Iyabo Ojo. Read what she wrote: "Hello Linda, Great job on your blog. I noticed you posted @iyaboojofespris post on infidelity  on your blog, this is my response to it. I think our young people should know that they deserve better".

Dear @iyaboojofespris 
"With all due respect, I beg to differ. I'm so sick and tired of constantly seeing men portrayed as these helpless animals that lack self control! I simply do not understand why men do not feel insulted by these statements. No human being, male or female is born a cheat. Our society has brainwashed us into constantly glorifying this theory and many men have come to believe this as true. Cheating is ALWAYS a choice. We must come to a point where we make a decision to raise men who understand the value of morality, faithfulness and loyalty. 
As a woman, single or married, you have men throwing themselves at you on a daily basis. We feel everything men feel and are even generally more emotional which makes us susceptible to manipulation. Yet for the longest time, the majority of women have selflessly MADE A DECISION, to CHOOSE their families over a few minutes of gratification. The number of women who are making those choices today is declining, and while I DO NOT support it, it is a direct consequence of being neglected and taken for granted.  Men MUST realise that cheating is simply MAKING A DECISION to choose those few minutes over your family. 
Madam, If for any reason you have found yourself in that position and you have made a CHOICE not to walk away, that is ok, no judgement whatsoever. But we must stop demonizing women who are strong enough to know that they deserve better. And we must stop corrupting the minds of young people for goodness sake! The society MUST STOP glorifying rubbish. Instead of justifying and rationalising immorality,  we must commit ourselves to raising sons who understand that values are still respected even in today's world where decadent behaviour is applauded. USE YOUR VOICE RIGHT OR DON'T USE IT AT ALL! "


Ohiren Erimiakhena said...

Gbam!...well said.Very Nice.

Anonymous said...

#useyourvoicerightordontuseitall# I second the motion

Unknown said...

Concise, articulate & brilliant!!

Unknown said...

Well said....thumb up girl

Anonymous said...

You're on point, but we all have a role to play.

Anonymous said...

Very well spoken...God is not mocked..the scriptures cannot be not paint wt is wrong right just to fit into the society....let the scripture be our mirror....who am I to judge? But we should live according to God's is really a choice..cos is accepted by the world doesn't mean is right in the eyes of God......I just had to comment on the above,i strongly agree with her.....

dazzy said...

Well said chioma.

Unknown said...

Whoever you are. God bless you.

donduke said...

Great talk I like it. It us written bring up a child in the way of the Lord and when he is grown he shall not depart.

Dr David Chux.O. said...

Chioma Nwigwe is lying to herself. The main difference between men and women is biology and hormones. While I will never support anybody cheating whether male or female, we must continue to understand that men are naturally under by far more sexual pressure than women,by far! Men are sexually harassed on a daily bases by sexual thoughts caused by very provocative dresses from women, a matter most can't handle. It is natural and their is nothing anybody can do about it. Women see sex and love as the same thing but men see sex and love as two different distinct things. In addition, men see sex as an important exercise they must engage on to keep them from getting mad by the deluge of sexually charged thoughts. So a cheating man who loves his wife dearly is just like any other loving husband on a sexual therapy. Women take note.

Anonymous said...

Dear poster, u ve said it all.. dt Iyabo ojo of a woman is so dull.. so men cn cheat and it's allowed but when women do, it's a problem. Dts why u guys tolerate al sorts of nonsense cos u don't want to leave d man..when it comes to cheating, there's always a choice! Stop promoting nonsense.

T-Tops said...

Word! Very well said ..........

Anonymous said...


Mama fifty said...

I concur to what Chioma said, the bible says oh men u are inexcusable. Infidelity/immorality is a sin not gender right,is high time we proclaim it to ears of men/boys

Anonymous said...

U r on point Chioma. May God bless U. If they lyk let dem keep on applauding d helpless animals called MEN...dey also knw d truth

Anonymous said...

Well said lady, you are absolutely right;however, I have this weakness as a guy when I see a beautiful lady with sexy eyes, supple lips, luscious breast, flat abs, toned tighs and apple bottom ass. To top it off, she has nice set of pearly white dentition and fresh breath. Her skin glows from the reflection of the sunlight and it feels velvety when in contact with mine. Darn, I can go on. If I am lucky to have her contacts, I can't resist but trust me, I always try my best to have self control. Anyone who knows how to overcome this temptation should give me tips because life is tough.

Anonymous said...

Ode, go and sleep with d naked mad woman down your street all in the name of "provocation/nudity" get yourself some self control boy. Preach the right thing and stop making excuses for your weakness.

Unknown said...

Mr "important exercise" I pray you don't sleep with one that ll give you hiv, hepatitis or their likes one day.

Unknown said...

@Dr. David Chux, I totally agree with Chioma, men can be responsible, men can be reserve, men can be faithful and truthful . Whether biological or hormonal you can choose to be among the men who understand what good morals are . Men are not born to be cheats, they only lack discipline and self control (Those that cheat) . @Iyabo. This is one of the uninteresting accient myths , it is your choice . Stop selling it to our minds.

Anonymous said...

Waaaawu. Clap for your self.just ask yourself if what you just typed and published here makes sense. how many faithful men are roaming the streets naked and mentally unstable.

Ceasermua said...

I don't know you but it seems you are not alright with yourself.

Unknown said...

Abegi ojare this one na too much oyinbo.write something wey go easy for person to read and understand

Unknown said...

Chioma Nwigwe God bless you real good.

Anonymous said...

Is your brain functioning at all? Did u read what you typed before posting? u cheat! A lot I wanna say to u right now BT then again, I really don't ve ur time.. if u r married, I pity ur wife.. stupid!

Anonymous said...

I agree with her, and I am raising my son the right way, I don't blame iyabo,as a yoruba woman their life source is men, so they will stay whether he cheats or not, and then end up getting treated like trash

Anonymous said...

What kind of silly pressure,men have hormones,women have hormones. You don't have better things to think of instead of having stupid,lustful thoughts when you see women,abi? Please remove that Dr title from your name,embarassing the medical profession upandan,that's if you are one sef!

Anonymous said...

U know it has been scientifically proven than men with extremely low level of intelligence that cheat, if u probably find it difficult to stay with one woman I am not surprised by ur comment trying to justify it.

Anonymous said...

Thank you very much writer. A cheating man is not bad and loves his wife dearly while a cheating woman is bad and according to my fellow Yoruba people will kill her husband. Like how dumb can people reason? This is the type of nonsense we tell our children and they end up in bad marriages. Thank you again for being on the 'sane ones'

Anonymous said...

I've indeed seen men who claim to love their wives but still go ahead to cheat on them... Aunty Iyabo says they do love them and d women should be grateful their cheating husbands 'respect' them Enuff to keep their cheating and lying activities away from home. Aunty, what they are actually keeping away is their Ego from getting bruised by having to beg and say'am sorry' if and when they finally get caught.They cheat because they are selfish and want to have it all.The word of God I read says love isn't selfish. That to me says it all. There are men who have refused to go down dat road not because they arent tempted on a daily to do so , but because they know that beyond that 5minutes period of fleshy gratification, there's a lifetime of damage , regret and hurt..... Don't put in d minds of growing girls who look up to you that they have to put up with this in trying to save their marriage. Don't give them a false sense of what marriage or relationship is or is not. NO ONE HAS THE RIGHT TO HURT ANOTHER BY BEING UNFAITHFUL AND BREAKING THE VOWS THEY MADE BEFORE GOD AND MAN TO UPHOLD. NO WOMAN AND CERTAINLY NO MAN

Anonymous said...

Olodo smh

Daily diet tv said...

Men have more testosterone than women. Testosterone is a sex hormone. I wish it wasn't that way sometimes. Also, if u are ready to divorce feel free. Its a free world hun.

Interior Design said...

Madam if you carry this thing we carry everyday you will understand the difference between man and woman.I don't support infidelity, but most women are not fulfilling their marital responsiblities,don't joke with this thing oh its not easy to control it.

Anonymous said...

Jesus came to the earth as a form of MAN never did i read in the bible that as his nature he slept with so and so and cheated, he had other natural urges like hunger, anger etc. i hate women who justify these bullshits they are equivalent to my vomit. I can and would never tolerate a cheating man. I know my worth. Thank you for this wonderful is refreshing to know that there are still sane women here.

Anonymous said...

You are a bastard!! I hope your wife gives you sniper to eat and die. You are using up valueable oxygen. Son of a bitch! Pray you dont come across a woman like me.

Unknown said...

Chioma nwigwe or whatever she calls herself should fuck off mehnnnn.. she needs to get some marital advice from her mum on how she married her father. We women need to go back to our drawing board. Infidelity is not the worst crime in a union.. the bible said dat we should be submission to a man, meaning we are under him, we are not on same equilibrium with our spouse. His duty is to love us because God knows it's in men nature to cheat but then he warned them to love their wives and always remember home. A man duty is to provide for his family. We're only help meet. Westerners don corrupt all our women in believing they're on equal pedestrian with women. Women always pray for your husband. Cheating is inevitable!!!! Just dat some men are highly coded n have respect for their wives but some are just wicked!!

Okorie Gideon Akachukwu said...

Being faithful to one partner is not as difficult as people think

Anonymous said...

Biology - Women are more emotional than men and therefore should be way easily manipulated. what do I do- I make a choice to stay faithful.
-sexual harassment? On a daily basis I have men coaxing me with sweet words, gifts, money name it! In the case of cleavages and scantily dressed women for me it's biceps, cute face, financial responsibility and the bulge in his trousers I get basically the same effect, just because I don't have a tell tale erection, doesn't mean I don't get turned on and wet. But once again this "emotional fragile and lesser being" picks family over an orgasm.
- I am a woman and I love sex! Trust me I can have casual sex with someone for 6 months straight and still have boundaries. Easy as pie, the girls the men sleep with you think they all love them? (Lol) don't be naive.
I think I'll rest my case here cuz after the few points the rest of your essay ceased to make sense.

John said...

Arabirin. Dey there and be deceiving urself. It all shows ur level of understanding and knowledge.

1.Humans share 98% of our genes with animals...monkeys and pigs. Now have u seen a monogamous monkey or animal? Unless they are in cages. However, nomatter how many animals are in a colony, the females only mate with the strongest or alpha male ( the husband ). So if animals are like that...what makes you think humans will be totally different?

2. Monogamy is never our thing. Not even in the Bible. David has multiple wives and he is still.the apple of God's eye. No man in the entire Bible have just 1 wife. Abeg...if I decide to marry just 1 wife, the best you can hope for is a little cheating once in a while.

3. You can never understand how men feel because you are a woman. See ehn, i can sleep with a woman today and not even remember her again 2 days from now. A lady will.remember the face of the guy that slept with her 20 years from now....unless ofcourse she is a prostitute.

Bottom line is, this thing works in the opposite in marriage. Its as hard for a man to keep to his wife alone as it is as hard for the wife to sleep with other men and vice versa.

So arabirin. If you like, leave ur husband because he cheats on u. You will never find a man that will not cheat once in a while...the hormones are too much...we are made to be with more than one woman by default.

Incase ur wondering. Yes i am married and yes i love my wife. Also yes, i have cheated a few times. So what?

Anonymous said...


Unknown said...

Its not about biology or warreva, it has to do with individual mentality&decision to say no to rubbished acceptance despite his or her original circumstance.

Anonymous said...

Oga pack well, wat stupid hormones?u men can com up with som irrelevant xcuses wen It comes to cheating.ur hormone does not appreciate only one woman , has to to be numerous.n d even talk about women n all this dressing up watever , hav mentioned joor.if u lik cloth a woman with iron,men will still chase after her.

Anonymous said...

Even I I woman should giv herself . I completely for 365 day,u will still cheat.

Anonymous said...

Jesus is God. He is not here to spread his genes but to save us. So that doesn't count.

24 said...

I hope u continue to meet women lyk Iyabo Ojo who Ll Olwys continue 2 mk xcuses 4 men lyk u. "Sex is an impt xercise..." ow bout u go 2 d gym u fool

Anonymous said...

All u women here on this blog are just mere stupid , delusional and living a world of deception,lieing to urself and living in denial... I ask tho question whenever this topic arises...who wud u prefer to cheat, ur dad or ur mum...genuinely tell urself the truth...women lie to themselves alot and that's y men lie to them as well bcos their brains can't just accept the reality of life...has anyone ever seen a female animal chase a male animal to mate...dont that tell u the difference between male and female...God has his reason y he made it so

Anonymous said...

Cheating is bad,but some women would wish to have a cheating,yet luving husband..una jus de jurge,d very faithful men sef have their own issues big time

LadyBillionaire said...

Nnenne shut that trashtrap! You are the epitome of foolishness. I see ur avatar is of a graduation....what sch did you go to? School of imbeciles? Would a man cheat if he loved his wife? Cheating is inevitable? Your brain didnt develop with d rest of your body? U have the mind of a fish! Go back to sch joor and dont come out without a degree in common sense!

Anonymous said...

Nnenne thanks alot...u will surely hv a blissful marriage...leave all this delusional fools that are deceiving themselves... If ur husband is very very rich and he is the sole provider, dump him the moment e cheats of u...foolish people

LadyBillionaire said...

Look at yhis anumanu! God said go and have dominion over the beasts of the earth...but no, you joined them ode! King David and his son had lots of women who made them turn from the Lord albeit temporarily, God got angry remember? Idiot! Thats d part of the Bible u would pick from! Ezi gbote anumanu ki ibu! Love doesnt cheat fyi! Monkey! Better go join them since they are your reference points!

anonymous said...

Not true, not every man I have friends that are cheating simply because their wives are feeling so comfortable and refuse to fulfill their Marital responsibilities. Imagine your wife refusing to have sex for months, I agree with Chioma but women too need to learn not to make it easy or give their partners an excuse to cheat

Anonymous said...

I hope u won't mind if your wife cheats on u too, i don't care what a man does, they don't make me, but trust me if he cheats, I will also cheat ad then we forgive each other or we both quit the union. Trust me I will remarry in 3 months.

Anonymous said...

Gbammest!!!! U have said it all...women deceiving themselves since inception

obiora said...

You are silly! I guess the Bible you are quoting wasn't also brought to us by the westerners!

Unknown said...

My only annoyance is that this trash is coming from an Igbo girl.
Nnenna Biko park well

Unknown said...

That's not true!!
In the New Testament monogamy was preached. Tenderhearted book of Titus 1&2

Anonymous said...

So what is the difference between a man and a dog. So God created you to sin, God said " alright love cheat its in your nature" God is perfect and cant stand sin. Why are you making an excuse for it. Pray for wisdom

Anonymous said...

Chioma, as a Feddy girl, I must tell you I'm proud of you!!
Why can't we raise our boys differently?
Everyday I receive messages telling me a 1001 do's & don'ts I ought to abide with as a lady.. Yet I have never read even a line addressing the male folk.

Good to go girl!!

Anonymous said...

Infidelity is so bad that Christ even gave it s tge only reason to divorce. Our problem is that we think sex is just sex, it isnt. If you can endure it good for you but dont put another person down for walking away. Ask yourself, if I cheat on my husband will he take me back? Men think they re entitled to everything they want or desire. Do you think women dont want to sleep with some guys-no strings attached. We do but we have learnt self control because our parents told us to ckose our legs but tell the boys to sow his wild oats

Anonymous said...

Who ever u are I must commend u for saying dis. PERFECT

Wendy Bello said...

I couldnt have replied any better. Thanks

Anonymous said...

You dont love yyour wife enough oga. Love is not selfish. Look at how you are comparing yourself with a monkey, dog nko? If the sex means nothing to you in the first place, why so it? Because you think its your right. Ngwanu david cheated and slept around, did you ever see God praise him for it, he took davids child instead. Lastly, when your wife cheats on you pleasseeeeeeeee remember she loves you and its just sex. #receivesensefromthealmighty

Anonymous said...

Go and drink malt my dear. Your school fees was not wasted

Anonymous said...

There's justification for cheating, it is a choice for both men and women

ary said...

Well said and I must add, anyone who calls herself feminist, MUST never be caugh thinking in the of Iyabo. That is a no no

Unknown said...

Nice talk

Dr David Chux.O. said...

Thank God some people here understand what I am trying to say. No amount of self deception will change the truth. Men are under more sexual pressure than women, that is a fact. That translates to what we see in society these days. There are brothels and Hotels littered everywhere with women for men to come and do the needful. Show me one single brothel where women go to tend to their needs. None! Let us stop deceiving ourselves. Let us first identify the problem before we can start the attempt to arrest it. If not we will keep missing it. How many women enjoy sex sef? Facts don't lie more than sixty percent of women have never experienced orgasm in their entire life. Now almost every man experiences orgasm regularly. Most ejaculate frequently in a single sexual encounter. Their is not debate about this issue if we are willing to tell ourselves the truth.

Anonymous said...

Madam Chioma Nwigwe,try to understand the message before throwing the writer out of the bus. The lady never eulogised cheating or cheating men. She was only warning people to brace up and not expect too much from men cos they cheat which is very TRUE.Now, men naturally cheat and i cant explain why. Had a friend who's dad never missed evening meal with his family yet at his burial a woman showed with two children who were a splitting image of the man so madam abet park well and stop looking cheap publicity and from this platform as the publisher thrives on controversy. Our parents were polygamous and still had mistresses, the western culture that we so emulate supports divorce, the women leave the marriages ,move to the next one and still get cheated on. So how many will you divorce? Abeg by this your article it shows that you obviously don't read to understand,you just read to respond.Iyabo Ojo is not wrong in her own way because cheating is not an excuse but not only men cheat. Women are serial cheaters too so it cuts both ways.Next time make your responses objective and not judgemental it's gives away your emotional state. JUST A THOUGHT!! ONE LOVE

Anonymous said...

Oloriburuku yibo, at least Yoruba parents do not sell their daughters for money as in Igbo culture of marriage. And Yoruba girls are not the asewo in Italy like the Isobo wayo girls. Out-a-here!

babatunde g. said...

The writer is saying truth !!! but it difficult for a man to stay with one partner in his entire life without cheating. I dont know how you will do it because am married and i do cheat once in a while though i dont like it but i just have to do it.

Unknown said...

There's Nothing more to be said. She hit it in the head, bud and ass.

Am still in awe of this resoponse. "VERY" well said.

Anonymous said...

Go to the root of the problem. Our society was never monogamist. The native law and culture permits, allows and not just condones but encourages monogamy. The foreign values we adopted brought foreign rules which is making the society confused today. There is no concept of cheating in African native beliefs by the man. Only a married woman can cheat under our rules.

Unknown said...

Hahahaahah.... The gospel of John 22:1-3. You Don find trouble ooh. Well you made a few "factual" points but then again, all you have said comes "AS A CHOICE" but also with very dire and deep consequences.

As a fellow man, I'd say do your best and CHOOSE not to cheat out of love and respect for your spouse, children and also your dignity.

Just my thoughts. Not judging cause we only human and the flesh sometimes is weak.

Anonymous said...

Wow, just wow. Uburu gi dikwa obere

Anonymous said...

Haaaaaa!! Don't wait ooo as soon as you see him cheat ! Leave home immediately , don't wait whether you have children or not .... Just Dump him as Linda rightly said! IN THE END. .... I mean by 2025 kwanu the population of women that would have left their marriage in the name of a cheating Husband would have quadrupled my point....... Y'all should get used to it or remain addicted to your Dildos...

Anonymous said...

I m curious, why men have still not changed despite hearing church sermon everyday? You solemnly think a man a success in his own right will stick to one Woman?

Anonymous said...

And pls
.. Pls... Pls the only men that don't t have what it takes to cheat are the ones struggling financially

Anonymous said...

Lol, Who are these Men cheating with fellow men??? That means its equal proportion abeg ... It certainly means all these women are dating more than one man at the same time then women should be culpable and reprimanded equally abeg

Unknown said...

I totally agree.a wise woman once said that mothers are contributing to a larger percentage of breeding boys instead of men..we focus more on building our daughters as wife material while we neglect our duties to train our sons to be better men who have respect and value women just as the way they want their mother to be respected...we have to start raising men instead of boys.enough of the male stereotype that goes around in Nigeria that it is a mans world..women we have suffered enough

Anonymous said...

Well said chioma you're in my head!!as for the creature that made mention of hormones....are you well??? So you think women don't have hormones that go haywire when they see a cute face,biceps or erection?? Ewu

Unknown said...

If you're against Chioma's opinion, you're either stupid or cursed.

Unknown said...

If you're not in support of Chioma's write-up, you're stupid. How can you read a write up as nice as this and still have objection(s)?

Wild flowers!

Unknown said...

If you're not in support of Chioma's write-up, you're stupid. How can you read a write up as nice as this and still have objection(s)?

Wild flowers!

Anonymous said...

Anon 10:33,shut the hell up,we all know Yoruba ladies are the biggest ashewo(s),atleast the Igbos know how to stay married,but Yoruba ladies are for better to stay,worse to go,they will be in husband house and still jump up and down,looking for where the grass is greener,most Igbo ladies are loyal,with proper family values and are industrious,unlike most of you Yoruba ladies who are totally dependent on men

Unknown said...

Madam nene George.go back to your bible again because I think u v read it upside down..yes the bible acknowledges that we should be submissive to our husbands but we were also made to understand that the marital bliss is a gift from the lord and that bed shouldn't be defiled.therefore whoever has gone out of that union to cheat on the other has commited a grave offense and that is why the bible says that on that ground u can seek divorce.God has not made man to be the boss of women but to be her helper,her mate .a woman is not made to be trampled on by men.we r meant to be cherished and. Loved because we are weaker beings in terms of our emotions but that does not excuses any form of maltreatment from men..knw you worth my dear.....our mothers were treated with the uttermost disrespect and they couldn't voice out their frustrations due to cultural wey dey talk sef,why don't u go back to the primitive way of dressing or would u dare tell me now that u r a proud virgin..or u want to claim that u those men that disturb u wth their jeeps and flash their money around u don't make u feel important...face it girl u r not holy mallam so stop this hypocrasy and believe in your power as a woman.that doesn't make u less submissive...look at the likes of alakija,and other women of substance who are doing well in their respective fields but yet maintain their homes and v lovely independent children...madam don't be primitive be wise

Unknown said...

Anon 08:09 why point fingerd at yorubas,so it doesn't happen in other tribes?

milliondollar said...

Gbamest! Is amazing the way society even christains have accepted some things without actually refering back to God's teachings.. what is good for the goose is good for the gander. If you can't handle your wife cheating why then do u believe she can handle yours? Do to others as you want them to do unto you..

Anonymous said...

Nnenne youre a fool!and lack self respect and self worth,even the bible permits divorce on the grounds of infidelity,and I'm sure when God gave the commandment 'thou shalt not commit adultery' he wasn't referring to women snap out of this stupidity before you end up with a cheating partner who gifts you with Hiv!

Unknown said...

Not all men cheats the temptation is there no doubt.. But one must learn to control is manhood and not d other way around

Anonymous said...

Anon 9:13, can you see how delusional you truly are?!!! Get a freaking source of livelihood and stop being totally dependent on a man!

junia said...

Well said Chioma. Men keep deceiving yourselves.

Anonymous said...


Thank you for pointing out Biology. That is only a part of it.

What I strongly disagree with is men not being able to control their sexual urges because they see provocatively dressed women.

That one is another story for another day.

In my 20s, I used to say there's no excuse for cheating. All you young girls & women running your mouths upandan, abeg go have an honest conversation with your male friends.

The truth can be a very bitter pill, especially when you want to be married (long-term) and have children.

The best thing for couples to do, is face it head-on and NOT leave it as the giant elephant in your relationship.

Even men who are wholly committed to God are tempted sexually. The only thing that can keep a man OR woman is the love for God.

And I tell my man all the time, darling tell me when you see a chick you're really turned on by to the point of wanting to cheat.

I may not like it but at least I'll listen to you express yourself. Is it the way she walks, talks? Her perfume? Intellect? Figure?

Getting those thoughts out is waaaay better than being consumed by them. Gives it less power and he will be less likely to act on it.

As for me, I have the capacity to cheat. Realizing that helps me avoid relationships with men who bring that out of me.

True talk.


Unknown said...

i totally agree with her. i couldnt have said it better. its high time we stopped justifying men's unfaithfulness and recklessness! mshewwwwww

Urhobo lady said...

Point of correction. Its Edo girls that are in Italy not Urhobo

Unknown said...

I should frame this and hang it on a wall. Well said. "Cheating is a choice"
We should bring up our sons better.

Anonymous said...

As a woman, I love and enjoy sex. I want to cum at LEAST 5 times before my man does. And while I love sucking dick, you better eat my pussy like the best ice cream in the world.

My problem is finding the right combination of what I need in a man. I need a man that can keep up in terms of stamina. I need you to wear out that pussy every damn night. I need a man who is emotionally available - that will keep me faithful.

Too many African men marry young, right after school. So of course, you can't meet my emotional needs because you're already married. I'm also not interested in being the side chick or mistress.

As for the issue of brothels: sex toys.

Anonymous said...

As a woman, I love and enjoy sex. I want to cum at LEAST 5 times before my man does. And while I love sucking dick, you better eat my pussy like the best ice cream in the world.

My problem is finding the right combination of what I need in a man. I need a man that can keep up in terms of stamina. I need you to wear out that pussy every damn night. I need a man who is emotionally available - that will keep me faithful.

Too many African men marry young, right after school. So of course, you can't meet my emotional needs because you're already married. I'm also not interested in being the side chick or mistress.

As for the issue of brothels: sex toys.

Unknown said...

@ Dr. Chuks o, don't say Chioma was lying to herself.
It was very well spoken.
All she was saying here is that we should not keep supporting immorality.
Apart from this, as a puplic figure, you should know what exactly to say, sieve it before you say simply because if you ever nee
Or wat to use your voice you should use it well.

Unknown said...

-D great anonymous now as Vivian Reginalds

Anonymous said...

What about the daughter men are cheating with??? All these Ikoyi and Lekki celebs don't have husband, they all rather prefer someone more matured I.e age and financial weight ..... My question remains WHO ARE THE MEN CHEATING WITH??????

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

All said and done, the fact still remains that it's in the nature of men to cheat than women, and it takes only te grace and fear of God to overcome these temptations. (ladies out there)

Anonymous said...

And a married man can therefore not cheat?

Anonymous said...

He cheats, u break-up/divorce, only to meet another that probably will love u less and cheat, then you'll end up like many "rabid feminists" schooling other women on how to hate men. Break-up/divorce ain't always the solution" Don't ask me coz I don't know what it is.

That your man is having an affair doesn't mean he stopped loving you...

Shampepe said...

Nnenne abi nnenna, you must be brain dead to have spewed this rubbish here, nonsense! Go and pick your self-esteem from the gutters where you kept it.

Shampepe said...

Nnenne abi nnenna, you must be brain dead to have spewed this rubbish here, nonsense! Go and pick your self-esteem from the gutters where you kept it.

Anonymous said...

"Meet The Isobos, The Igbo Speaking Tribe Of Obubra LGA of Cross River State (Photos)"


Never knew that Urhobo were Isobo people ooo. Was that what you mean by correction? Sorry!

Unknown said...

Will still cheat on my lover tho.

Anonymous said...

Nature made it that in a span of 9 months, a woman can only be pregnant for only one man, however in a span of the same 9 months a man can impregnate multiple women. To butress my point if you are in a business of animal breeding you will be a total fool to go out and get 20 male cows and one female cow, but a logical and smart business person if you get 1 male cow and 20 female cows. Your cows could grow to over 50-70 within 2 years. Nature or the supreme being cares less about this "Cheating shenannigans", once natures' business of breeding continues to grow. However because of sexual enjoyment, the breeding goal of nature is being sabotaged by today's science through condoms and other reproduction control methods.

Anonymous said...

I totally respect Iyabo's comments. It's her model of the world. Dr David chux O's response implying that men are naturally under pressure more than women owing to what ladies wear, is equally an expression of his model of the world. And I think that instead of behaving like mindless beings, men can learn self restraining techniques. The hallmark of a true man is self-discipline.
As for women, I often wonder who men cheat with. Could it be with their grandfathers or fathers? Hell, No! It is with fellow women. Rather than addressing ourselves and be our sisters' keepers by saying "No" to all unhealthy advances from the male folk, we keep ranting idly. It's a shame that as females/mothers we have not been able to deal with our own issues, thereby denying ourselves the capacity to wield respectable voices in the society.
It never ceases to amaze me how we have transformed into a society lacking conscience and values. Just like some writer put it earlier, this scourge is prevalent among the people we look up to. Which brings me a popular female public speaker whose private life is the very opposite of what she shares on her platforms. Only recently she changed her name from IniOnuk to Ini Abimbola. Hardly do her audiences know that she stole into the peaceful marriage of a lady young enough to be her niece, making away with her husband, a man much younger than our "powerful" speaker. What baffles me is her temerity. She still stands before crowds to peddle principles that do not agree with her life. What can a home breaker teach others?
What lesson or legacy is she leaving to her grown up daughters? I don't get it. I simply don't. I think it's high time we started doing proper checks on people we bring on our platforms to influence people's thinking. If care is not taken, we'd end up with hypocrites like this woman and our society would be the worse for it

Anonymous said...

Ode... That the advice you give to your daughter Abi.? For your info check the reason for divorce in countries that are not African

Anonymous said...

We should maintain our virtues despite th decant in our society.

LadyBillionaire said...

@anonymous 10 03 shut up dia!

Fearless! said...

i saw that post and i restrained myself from commenting. I love this response and it almost feels like I wrote it. Women should STOP encouraging men to be unfaithful!

Kate said...

Well said

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