Nick Young responds to Iggy Azalea's cheating allegations, fans slam him | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog





Sunday, 3 July 2016

Nick Young responds to Iggy Azalea's cheating allegations, fans slam him

After Iggy Azalea broke off her engagement with NBA star, Nick Young, for cheating on her and getting his ex pregnant again, Nick Young decided to respond on twitter with the tweets above. Fans didn't appreciate the way he tried to blow off the situation and they let him have it. More tweets after the cut...


NaijaStore said...


Unknown said...

So Linda u really expect me to follow Nick and iggy breakup to the point of reading this tiny Twitter prints.. I really am not that jobless.. Na who dem epp by the way???

F8 said...

Mad mofo

Pretty face said...

Their palava

Anonymous said...

Nick why did you even talk in the first place? you deserve every insult man!

Unknown said...

None of my business

ADeSeWa said...

his wahala

Unknown said...

He really need to grow up...hope his name is in the book of life cos that's the most important thing not enjoyment

LIB REP (中华人民共和国) said...


kaykay1 said...

Gosh... He really irritated me with his post... So because we live in a fucked up world give you the right to cheat to the extent of impregnating the lady... He is lucky I am far from him, if not I would have looked for him and give him a headbutt that'll reset his damaged brain... Idiot having mouth!!!

kaykay1 said...

Stupid man! Still having the effrontery to talk.. He is lucky am far from him if not.. Headbutt to reset your damaged brain... Making excuses for cheating..

NaijaDeltaBabe said...

Not interested

...merited happiness

TONY OBUM said...

BUt why Nick nah why?
WOW!!!! See what your BIRTHDAY say about what and HOW YOU EAT.IS SOOOOOO FUN

Unknown said...



His excuse was so lame, what was he thinking.


Unknown said...

Like he's not even remorseful....dude Using the defense mechanism.

Joyous babe,Linda ikeji first cousin said...

Her headache.

Unknown said...

He's so silly
-D great anonymous now as Vivian Reginalds

Anonymous said...

Women needs to understand something, No successful man can be faithful to one woman! Goodbye!

Unknown said...

Mcheeeeeeeew! Like I care! Linda take note!

Unknown said...

Fuckin' nut case!

Unknown said...



Unknown said...

People get time

Unknown said...

This is not good. I don know how she fel for this he goat

Lib addict#just passing

Anonymous said...

He didn't think. So many celebrities did this. And the fact he followed in their footsteps and not learn from their mistake/s, only for him to come on social media to say this, shows how unintelligent our species can be!. If you ask me it was premeditated. He didn't think he'd be caught.

Anonymous said...

And as for the babymama, she should know better that she deserves more than creeping with this dude. I mean he cheated with her, he probably did cheat on her. Or doesn't need a decent man she could come home to-24/7 or so nd calls hers in all ramification, with decent job/income nd start a decent family!. Well, goodluck to her.

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