
Mother of seven, Deaconess Eunice Olawale, was butchered to death by some unidentified persons while preaching in the morning at Gbazango community in Kubwa satellite town in Bwari
council area, Abuja in the early hours of today July 9th.
Narrating how he got to know of her murder, her husband of 16 years, Pastor Elisha Olawale, said
"Two of my sons who are footballers went to the field to play. They just came back to tell me that they heard some footballers saying that they butchered a woman preaching the gospel early this morning. When they told me, I trekked down. When I got there, I didn't see anybody but I saw blood on the ground. I then asked a policeman about a woman who was butchered to death. He said yes its true and they have taken her to the police station. When we got to the police station, my wife was at the back of the pickup. They removed her head and two legs. We have taken her to the mortuary"he said.
holy jesus
Chai! God of mercy pls help the the Christians in this country, what is happening in this country? Do they waant we christian to run away from this country. RIP woman of God.
Chai! God of mercy pls help the the Christians in this country, what is happening in this country? Do they waant we christian to run away from this country. RIP woman of God.
Omgoodness. I know this man ooo and that means I know the woman. In fact they had given him rider before back in April 2013. My heart is with them. May Jesus the prince of peace grant you the fortitude to bear the loss.
This message to wicked bestard. If the economy no gree unaa make you go hug transformer. Awon oloriburu ku
May the almighty God that called you out to preach to the people and they turned their back against you and kill you fight ur battle, may they never give unpunished. may her soul rest in peace.
says, Genevieve.
What is going on in this country why all this religious murdering and we have a Govt in place?
This one has entered HEAVEN STRAIGHT UP! !!!!!!!! I ENVY HER.
Rip!Straight to heaven
Buhari and his guys at work.
This is terrible. Why would someone do this. Christians seems to suffer more in this country
Terror every where... Even in the capital city.
Doing the God's work
#RIP to her
And the children is left to suffer.
So sad. May her soul rest in peace
This is very sad. My heart bleeds for her loved one's. RIP.
Na wa. Cruel world
Christians will die like fowl this Buhari tenure..it is clear Pa Buhari is not interested in protecting Christians or criticize his Muslim brothers...every citizen should get a gun or weapon for regular protection from now...judge situation of things urself..from Herdsmen to BH to shitty economy...
The wicked will not go unpunished 🙏🏼
The wicked will not go unpunished in Jesus name 🙏
Under President Buhari, see how Christians are gradually being killed on a daily basis. Who knows how many that are being killed and the media isn't aware of them? Islamizing the country gradually and some Nigerians will say "Leave the President out of this"... His inactions gave rise to this incessant killings in Nigeria
Oh no why ar dey killing dis woman for nothin sake. Rip
Dis iss sad,rip to her
Nawa oo..since these man took seat Muslims rr jes killing people anyow..mtcheeew
Sorry my brother wicked world.
Why are people so heartless
What a world?
May God save Nigeria from Muslims killing.
#sad indeed
A Lot of ma people in dis blog will attack me wen I say stuffs about muslims, trust me wen I say dey ar animals, vampires, religion dat understands one ting,taking of another man's blood, dey say islam is a religion of peace, Fuck mohammed ! N his bloody followers !
Still thinking what will make someone kill his or her fellow human being,hmmmm what a world we live in,may GOD protect us all Amen.
Rest in peace madam!God will destroy dem one after another on d last day!fuck u if u hate ma comments ! Am damn angry !
Linda I want to fuck your pussy from the back
9ja police! Na police station dem dey carry dead body go! Dey will never change their method of operation! Still living in archaic times. D*ckhead!
My condolence to Mr. Olawale & his family.
Where is aboki the warri boi
Na wa oooo what a wicked world we live in
Who told you people that it is Muslim that killed her?, let the police finish investigation then we will know the true culprits, just don't point fingers yet, it is not stated whether it is the Muslims. Gbazango in kubwa is mostly dominated by the Christians and other tribes. Lets hear the truth when it is out before we condemn whoever.
This shouldn't be happening
Hold on people. This one is obviously ritual murder. You may find out that it is people similar to her (I refuse to call them Christians) that may have done it.
My heart bleeds
That Emma Nyra that came out she is safer in Niger to United States..
Can you see what the stupid northerners did now..??
Christian are just so stupid.......dis rubbish aave been happening 4 too long, retaliation is the best solution. lik d blacks to the whites. Linda if u lik don't post it......rubbish
...first it was an igbo woman beheaded and butcherd in kano, among many unreported cases, today it is a yoruba woman.
Buhari has one agenda and that is to islamise nigeria.
I pity the Yorubas who are still been decived by their politicians.
As for us the BIAFRANS the promise land is in sight.
You guys don't even practice Christianity as the Bible says and you're here insulting Islam @freeborn
Another country worst than Sodom and Gomorrah
I purchased a gun to protect myself....I can't wait for the useless Government . I love my life.
Lord have mercy.may her soul rest in peace
Fools especially those from the West that voted buhari, see what you are now experiencing in the north. Christians can no longer preach again and worship their God. In broad daylight, in the capital of the country, a Nigerian citizen cant be free to express his or herself. The total legalization of ISLAMISM in the whole country has begun and anybody found worshipping a different God then their Allah must DIE. WOE BETIDE BUHARI
shes in heaven enjoying with jesus while they are there suffering..may her soul continue to rest in the lord in jesus name
Jehovah Nisi, the Lion of the tribe of Judah, the Consuming Fire, the Man of war, the One who is mighty in battle, arise and deal with the perpetrators of this evil. You fought for your people against Egypt; Father, do it again in Nigeria and take all the glory in Jesus' name. Amen. Enough is enough!
Diabolical behavior. RIP woman
This is so sad,well the Islamic agenda is here with u. A pastor and mentor accepted being the tale and not the head."VP" Christians in the north be ready for this just the "change". May her soul rest in peace.
Heavenly Father!!! Vengeance is Yours! You will repay...
Let me tell you people how this is going to play out. "They" would come and say, the people
Let me tell you people how it is going to play out. "They" would release a statement and say, the people who did this are not real ...... Fill in the blank spaces.
Some arrest made will be the end we'll hear from the police on this murder because their terrorists sponsors will not want the case to see the light of the day
The problem with Christians, especially South Western Christians is that they don't understand the wiles of the devil or they do but don't want to believe it.
Because of their hate for the Easterner, they are willing to support the Extrimist Northerner because he comes out in his "I am not corrupt, I live in a mud house, I don't steal outfit". But we all know better! Yet this same man who they love so much will do nothing to stop the systematic annihilation of Christians, especially those in the North.
Now brothers, you do not have to believe that there is a God somewhere,,that does not stop His existence. His signs are all over the earth! Same way, you do not have to believe in an agenda to turn Nigeria into an Islamic country by force, but the handwriting is vivid on the wall.
As a christian, especially in the North or any area dominated by people who do not share your faith,please don't go out at 5am to do morning cries alone, especially as a woman. It is not safe! Apply wisdom. It is profitable to direct. The days are eveil and the heart of man is desperately wicked.
Forget this police has made some arrests, nothing will happen to those who do this will of their god up there.
Condolences to the family.
Stupid comments from uneducated people,so because there is a mosque around and probably some of them had issues wt her, so u have all drawn conclusions? Mmmhhh I guess all the heinous killings in the south on a daily basis is also committed by Muslims. Bigots
It's really sad and sickening. Dis madness has got to stop. Linda take note!
All these things can't but happen. It's just the holy scripture coming to pass. #Endtime signs.
Christianity is under siege in this country.
To those who fell for the lie that a man can become a moderate, born-again democrat at 70, the joke is on you. Can't teach an old dog new tricks.
Why can't our Muslim brothers tolerate the presence of Christians around them,on Friday I came back from work, and just in front of my gate was a Muslim man praying and wt did I do, I waited patiently for him to finish b4 driving into my house. why can't we live 2gether as brothers pls.
You are the biggest fool
muslims n wickedness n to think thhey rre all goiin to hell gives me piece
Na Waoh for these Hausa people! They derive pleasure in killing
Who else would be heartless to cut of a mother's head with her leg, apart from our Moslem brothers who fight Mohammed jihad wars for him. Rest in peace to the lady,
Honestly some thing need to be done urgently, how can they be killing other people in the name of religion even in the capital City of Abuja, soon Femi Adesina will come out and talk one rubbish, Nonsense and its Cos those who dose it before go free
As innnnnnn!!! I envy her ooo. May God protect my mother who is also a preacher of the gospel Amen
When people of the opposite religion speak this way then you know the hatred can never stop,You Christians,did it occurs to you that this could be a ritual killing because of the hatred the Christians have for the Muslims your not even following the right up,they said her head and legs were cut off,they didint state if they left those parts of the body behind or if they took them,the main problem is our media,but u Christians can't even hide the hatred see the comments comming from u people,then I fear peace is far away from both religions,immagine a Christian folk saying we jst finished our useless ramadan no muslim ever condemned ur fasting but because ur blinded doesn't mean others are,get ur facts before conclusion...
Islam, God forbid
#Islamiccountryloading thanks 2 yorubas who put us into this mess called CHANGE. RIP woman.
May his gentle soul rest in peace Amen
May his gentle soul rest in peace Amen
This is really barbaric!Since they have been doing things like this in the past and getting away with it,that is why it will continue.Vice President Osinbajo, you are there as a Christian and Buhari is planning to Islamise Nigeria? Christians are not safe in the North due to harassment and possible attack.While we protect them in thier mosques in the south, they attack our people preaching God's words in the North.You would all give accounts of what you did to God and how people of your faith were butchered but you kept silent for political reason.God is watching.May her soul rest in peace.
Abuja is not a northener,its neither a state as well.its a free place for all culture and religion.
This is the hand work of those barbaric muslim's and their stupid mentality of winning soul for their allah.the same method buhari is using on us forcing us to follow his own pattern not minding thatt we already have one we know
Ritual killing and they didn't take anybody part,see suleiman I accept u are not part of d muslim's doing d killing but whether u like it or not ur brothers are evil and this their idea of turning all of us to muslim's won't work
Some dullards!! Wen did Jesus say if u die ur going to heaven straight !!!..myb some persons got tired of her preaching .
See as u dy dzplay ur stupidity..fool
Anon @6.03..Thnk u!!..n dz fool@Osinanl...wen dy come 4 u
Tell dem o..why wuld some preach in d same place for million of tymes..u won die?
Hell dy wait for u
See as u dy dzplay ur stupidity..where did Jesus say if u die is Heaven straight?????..did u knw if she sinned b4 coming out..merely by hr thoughts?.
Go sch u no gree
@anno n chucks..so u wont go to hell ba??..just chckd d Lisr of those going to HEAven..ur name no dy ??...idiots
See dz excuse for a human being@favour
Judge not!!...Christain indeed
I DNt knw why some so called Christains r doing.did dy tell u it was a muslim????or Buhari???...U dnt preach in a place whr dy dnt want..if u preach once n dm no hear..wash ur hands n sandals n go !!!!..but no ..all dz holier dn thou christains...make una continue..
Sad...RIP ma.
It will be my pleasure if u all remain chritains bcos if u turn to muslims who will go to hell? U dont expect d devil to be alone!! Fools like u, is it not for ur own gud if buhari islamises nigeria...ve bin quiet on dis blog reading useless comments from pple like freeborn, stern and co...una for kuku say na buhari kill d woman himself..u dont read to understand, u jes read to draw conclusions and point fingers..illiterates, ingrates, bunch of useless fellows..imagine somebody insulting mohammed (SAW)..u are doomed dear. i would never insult jesus cos we muslims blive in him bcos he was a prophet and not God..u christains should better go back to ur bible and re-read... stop d hating cos u're wasting ur time...linda its ur problem if u dont post it.
Exactly! This Northern, Muslim beasts murder people and still get away with it! This has got to stop
Na me talk am!
Long Live Lib!!!
So sad! May her soul rest in peace
U are d stupid fellow....how is it for our good if nigeria is islamised? Muslims are animals in human Form and ur Buhari is inclusive. Fuck u.asshole.
Buhari needs to do something fast about this killings of christians. Nigeria is a free country and anybody is allowed to serve whichever religion they choose to believe in. I live in Lagos and it is the loud speaker in a mosque near my house that wakes me up at 5am every morning. The loud speakers in the mosque are so loud that it disturbs our neighbourhood when the muslims are using it to preach. The muslims make so much noise in my neighbourhood when preaching. So why should they stop other religion from preaching? I dont know what Mohammed taught muslims, but i know that you dont have the right to take somebody's life that God has created. It is only God that has the right to take a life that he created. May the wrath of God be upon all those killing christians just because they are not part of your religion. I curse you this day in the name of Jesus which is above every other name. It shall never be well with you and your generation. I am so angry in my spirit right now and when i degree a thing when i am angry in my spirit, it shall come to pass. Things will begin to happen to them but there will be no solution. Go and mark it down. Your end has come in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Amen!
If I have not had some Muslim friends, I will say they are evil.. Some of them are very wicked. Killing is Notting to them. So bad. Christianity is the true religion,we do not discriminate. May God help us in this country.
Maybe we should just divide this country. Muslims should stay in the north while christians stay in the south. With this, there will be peace. This is the only way that peace will rain
Maybe we should just divide this country. Muslims should stay in the north while christians stay in the south. With this, there will be peace. This is the only way that peace will rain
@Anonymous 9:44AM it is in tbe new testament in the bible. It is written there that if you are killed because you are preaching the gospel, you will go straight to heaven
That she was killed while preaching doesn't mean it was a religious rift there by killed by muslim(s). Let's question d where about of the missing parts of her body (head and legs) couldn't it be for retual purposes that can be pepetrated by Christian or Muslim. Pls let's stop instigating violence and pray for peaceful co-existence and harmony in this country. May God expose d culprit(s) as her soul rest in peace.
That she was killed while preaching doesn't mean it was a religious rift there by killed by muslim(s). Let's question d where about of the missing parts of her body (head and legs) couldn't it be for retual purposes that can be pepetrated by Christian or Muslim. Pls let's stop instigating violence and pray for peaceful co-existence and harmony in this country. May God expose d culprit(s) as her soul rest in peace.
Christians can preach anywhere they like as long as they are citizens of Nigeria. They should be free in their country to serve whatever they belief in. If christians are not supposed to preach in a particular location, then the country should divide. Muslims should go to the North while christians stay in the south. This nonsense just has to stop!
What about muslims that are gay people. Their women will cover their faces but will go to night club at night to fornicate. Blood hypocrites. Alfas are juju idiots doing charm to steal people's husband. If it is mohammed that told them to kill, the mohammed is stupid and a fool
You are a fool and your stupid mohammed is a bigger fool. I can preach anywhere i want to preach as many times as i like because i am in my country. If you dont like it, then let Nigeria divide. Let muslims go to the north and let christians stay in the south. Idiot!
@Anonymous 9:52AM you are a fool. Before she started preaching, she must have prayed to God for forgiveness. And the bible says if you are killed because you are preaching the gospel, you will go to heaven. Na you need to go school. Idiot!
Mohammed is a male prostitute and an idiot
@sueiman mansur what about the killing in Kano? If they didnt catch the people, i am sure you would have said it is ritual too. The abduction of Ese Oruru is not a muslim, it is ritual abi? Please if you dont have anything to say. Shut up!
@Anonymous 10:34AM you lie. Buhari can never force me to be an Islam. America plus UK will join forces and fight the stupid muslims in Nigeria if that happens. Useless people. All they know how to do is take lives. They have no brains. Fools. Animals. I am so angry and irritated right now and can kill any muslim that comes my way. Rubbish!
For this that just happened, i will not support Buhari again. I will not also support PDP because they are looters. I will now support APGA. This is really barbaric and annoying
For this that just happened, i will not support Buhari again. I will not also support PDP because they are looters. I will now support APGA. This is really barbaric and annoying
@anon 9:46pm you should be ashamed of yourself. You Muslims claim Islam is a religion of peace, yet you choose violence when you come across other religion, its a pity. There are Muslims in the East, West, yet we Christians haven't killed them, bcos we that isn't what our Bible teaches us. Love one another, even as God loved us, not kill one another.
God help us in this country
Eva Da Diva...
Jihad is the gospel of Islam, which has to do with killing, destruction and stealing, just as Jesus said of the devil. So any person or group of persons that is actively doing these wicked things, is seen to be the devil.
It's quite unfortunate that we live in a country where there is no justice and security. God help the less privilege and all citizens.
Kia christains have sufferedone in this country. I worship a dead powerless god called Mohd. Who sends his foolish followers to kill on his behalf. Abeg who is Buhari. An old sick man that would make it. Do you see how Barrack jugs down the stairs of his private jet. You all Muslims are brain washed fools. Time is coming for all ur ends soon . I promise you fools
See this stupid Muslim talking about fornication. If you tie a tree with wrapper your men would want to sleep with the tree. Sex slaves and pervert. Sleeping with little girls and several women in the name of marriage.
I love people regardless of their religions, but I'm sorry to say that it's unfortunate that we Christians have degraded the incomparable and most precious provision of God's redemptive work for us anytime we say to a Muslim or any other non-christian "we serve the same got in different ways" simply bcos of some hidden selfish reasons of ours, thereby nullifying John 14:6 and we will still come and say we're Christians. Christianity isn't just religion, it is a reality of life that starts here and proceeds to eternity....if u still believe that we all serve the same God u ain't a Christian yet, then this woman died for nothing going by ur judgment...Christians, awake, look up your redemption is near....my condolences!!
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