He said:
“This is a blatant lie! In fact, the reverse is even the case. I can’t even remember the last time I spoke to her; it probably was sometime last year. I have never called her since this controversy started. But she has been the one calling me. I have a lot of evidence to prove this.”When he was asked if there was any chance of them ever getting back together, he said:
“I would rather not talk about it. But I have to tell you that in a few weeks, things will unfold".
How is there coming back our business? Pls mind ur business and face ur own home.
But why? I would have loved you reconciled..Toyin was always flaunting Johnson then, she was really proud of him..How I wished they settle and live together as one again
Mumu talk.
Where is the then love
Who really cares?
-D great anonymous now as Vivian Reginalds
After printing love on ur shirts, are you two still in love or fighting? Sense people, men who hav lost their power
After printing love on ur shirts, are you two still in love or fighting? Sense people, men who hav lost their power
From your reply it shows you are still a boy not a man.. you need to grow up.
Oga relax, let go the noise when it would happen,all what we would hear would be a different story, so calm down and forget d rumour for now
So who is calling who is now news or something to grab abt? It's crazy how lovers turn monsters overnight
This guy should grow up already please.... Why all this rubbish.... Dick head with pride issues... What is bad if u tried to reconcile with ur wife? Boy in man's body
........ Liber maniac...... M
Abeg he shld go and sit. Smewhere,he is just a drama king
We've moved on,you should too
This guy is so immature...Even if she has been calling you,why make it seem like you do her a favour taking the calls or you can never call her cos she is old,gone,and forgotten then finally say in a few weeks things will unfold..Pls get a life..If you love or loved her you will always protect her image from the public eye no matter what allegations you hear cos in the end she is a reflection of you....#Getwisdom...
Na dem sabi
Like I care! Linda take note!
She should use her senses, else that childish boy will still play a game on her, leaving her heart broken.
Na them sabi.
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Celebrity and dere social media wahala.....
this guy is so childish
...merited happiness
Na una dem sabi... linda BIKO...
Hmmmmmmmmm I wish they will get back together,I hate couple divorcing.God pls help them and every couple dAt are apart,come together.Amin
Adults behaving like toddlers. U neva called her but she has been calling you. Keep marking your score sheet, douche bag.
So what?
See that's what u face when u marry an imbecile! Toyin is so unfortunate with love, and I feel so sorry for her. Or may be she always fall in love for the wrong reason. As for the fool this interview u granted just depicted how foolish u are. Toyin is bae as for me I love her deeply #NoHomo
Una don belle full abi? If una like make una split or spit is non of my biz
Tor! If they come fine. If they don't come back, fine.
premature mates
Shut up...a lady left her husband and jumped straight into the hands and bed of another man immediately and u want the husband to tk her back just like dat.if adeniyi was ur son or brother would u av adv8sed him otherwise pls lets reason with our head .he made a mistake like any other man and he publicly accept and rectified it and even apologise to his wife publicly so what do u expect him to do .kill himself.abeg toyin cannot stay in a mans house she likes sex and she likes to distribute toto..adeniyi should look for a cool girl without controversy and who is not in d industry and keep his relationship off social media
Feeling like what? An important person abi? I thought you were more mature than this.Even if she called you,must you spit it out. "Enu o bo". Is there anything bad in her calling you. Were you guys nt friends at a
time, lovers and than spouses. I think for her to have
called you it shows she's more mature.
Mr. Johnson grow up!
Alero said so
He should go nd sleep under oshodi bridge. What will unfold in a few weeks? U want to propose to another woman or marry another?
Lib addict#just passing#
Exactly what the man should have told the person asking him. It's none of our business but this Adeniyi Johnson is damn too petty and immature. If not for my respect towards marriage, I think she's better off without him. So what if he seeks reconciliation first? Who e help? Mstcheeeeew. Ego rubbish
Toyin please marry a man and stop marrying boys
Men are more matured than boys. A real matured man will never talk trash like this. Boys will always mess you up when you marry them. Toyin please look for an ideal man to marry.
Well said.
Adeniyi Johnson if that's ur really name, without toyin nobody knows who you are. Hat off to toyin despite all u AV done she still calls you ..... Toyin heart is so pure
if you lose her you lost something great. Toyin God will perfect all that concern you. Amen
Adeniyi Johnson if that's ur really name, without toyin nobody knows who you are. Hat off to toyin despite all u AV done she still calls you ..... Toyin heart is so pure
if you lose her you lost something great. Toyin God will perfect all that concern you. Amen
This boy is ain't serious. I won't call him a Man because his sense of reasoning is very low. when u see a man and a boy u won't be told the difference will be seen.
says, Genevieve.
Come this anon, what is ur problem...mshewwwww people like to talk anyhow sef...wether ur adeniyi Johnson sef I dont know.
Stupid guy very immature
Dem no serious, small pikin dey worry two of them... dee
Madam anon,def.you're toyin's rival bidding under anonymous.stupid being.story teller..she jump into anoda mans bed.idiot
Ur felling lyk God just bcuz she call u abi? 4ur small mind abi...ur lucky dat she even get de tym 2call u. Better think lyk a man.
Adeniyi,grow up
Mad man.
So what point is he trying to prove now? U dint talk to her since last year,,,,, so has dt reduced fuel price?
U broke her heart to an extent that she ran into the next open arms she saw not minding who it was.
I know it's coz she was trying to heal,,,, av been there b4
At your age you can't even keep a home n u av d gut to still talk. No be you start the whole drama? Excuse me.
Simple English they don't understand. He debunked a story punch said. Definitely toyin has been lying he used to call her and he said no he has not. So how is that a crime. People grow up. Toyin fucked seun egbegbe so u pple see no shit in that. If niyi is ur family will you advise him to go back to toyin the pig. Man cheated on u nxt thing u jumped into another man's bed. Only chat oooo. Fuck u toyin
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