Lamar Odom was also in a bitter custody & child support battle with his babymama | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog





Thursday, 15 October 2015

Lamar Odom was also in a bitter custody & child support battle with his babymama

It had been revealed that Lamar Odom was scheduled to appear in a New York City civil court next week in a bitter battle over custody and child support with his ex- partner Liza Morales. This is also now being portrayed as one of the things that made him go over the edge.


Unknown said...


Unknown said...

Hell shit. Problems everywhere. ...

Unknown said...

Its well wit his soul and I pray he scale thru in IJN.

Kayode Odusanya said...

Men! How do people lay their hands on these kinds of documents? Nothing is private anymore.

Are You a One Minute Man?

Unknown said...

More revelations!

Unknown said...

Hmmmm.....OK naa

Nathaniel Adedeji said...

Hmm, Lamar is in deep poo
inside an Agege night club where young ladies dance completely naked and practice live sex on stage

Unknown said...

Fuck tha that child support.... Criminals... #NowPlaying>> listen: peter clarke..

Blog It With Olivia said...

Sp many things are coming out

#iT wiLL oNly gET beTTer
#It MuSt eNd iN prAise

Maye73 said...

It's only God that can save him from this sickness and issue. Sure he was seriously depressed.

Blog It With Olivia said...

Sp many things are coming out

#iT wiLL oNly gET beTTer
#It MuSt eNd iN prAise

Davido's driver said...

Randy man hope he doesnt have aids too?


Poor Lamar, I wish him quick recovery.


Anonymous said...

This drugs/brothel scandal will further reduce his chances of winning the custody battle. No judge will grant custody of a minor to a parent or guardian who is known to be into a drugs and prostitution lifestyle.
Despite the over $50 Million fortune to his name, yet he is not a happy man because there is obviously a big void in his life that only Jesus can fill. May the Lord save him. Amen.

aproko manager said...

Na wa

ary said...

Look how they are dissecting this man's life!!

Unknown said...

Nice way for the Kardash to cover up their deeds.

Anonymous said...

Drugs don't work

OSINANL said...


Unknown said...

I'm gexing dis Lamar's case is what we will be seeing for the next couple of days, abi no be so??? Linda take note!

Unknown said...

I'm gexing dis Lamar's case is what we will be seeing for the next couple of days, abi no be so??? Linda take note!

AppleofGod'seye said...

Tot u all were blaming the kardash for his woes!I wish him a quick recovery thou.

Unknown said...

It is well with his soul

Unknown said...

~D great anonymous!

Unknown said...

Dem sha wan kill dz guy.. na wah ooo

Bonita Bislam said...

His own headache abeg

Anonymous said...

Lamar Odom is worth 52 million dollars so why can't he support his children

shescute said...

Oyibo people sha..person never die them don dey share property

SMURF said...

Jesus, Hollywood don't chill, once u spill all ur gist is out in the open even the private ones

Anonymous said...

Linda I tot u had reputation to maintain.. Pls stop putting dumb stuff on ur blog! He was having fun wen this happened.. So U wan to tell me dat custody battle made to take Viagra? Use ur head plz!.

dansignature said...

oh father in heaven please keep him and let him live, i pray for second chance for you man

dansignature said...

oh father in heaven please keep him and let him live, i pray for second chance for you man

Unknown said...

Oh so it's no longer Khloe, ,pls they should let this man be..too bad he brought this on himself, blames shouldn't be apportioned ..God help him

Unknown said...

Oya o! U see asif everybody na saint, it's d kardashians dis, kardashians dat, I don't remember him having a child wif khloe, linda even u ur judgement n it's not fair, ya'll don't knw d real story it's wat d media posts dat we gt to read! N d media can b bias...n I don't remember his babay mama being a kardashian!
D man has llots of issues! Admit it!

yawanow said...

I pray he recovers.

Unknown said...


Unknown said...

Oh,I feel for this man,quick recovery IJN amen. TIMLEYIN BLESSING

Unknown said...

U see... And people are busy calling out on kardashina..pls Lord heal Lamar.

Juleslouis said...

This is d woes of being a celeb. everyone knows your business.

Anonymous said...

It doesn't change the fact that they deserted him when he needed them the most. He was depressed and alone plus some people haven't forgotten the kardashians for what they did to Kris H.

Anonymous said...

This is the Kadashian spin!

Oge Nsimah said...

It's only senseless and judgemental fools....that keep shouting kardashians this kardashians if it's because of drugs he is having issues with his wife....I just wish there will be second chance for him ...

Unknown said...

What have they done to him and where you there when it was happening g?????

You don't have to comment trash.

Unknown said...

And the Kardashians are the cause of this too? That guy lacked responsibility! Nobody should blame Khloe or her family for his problems.


Unknown said...

And the Kardashians are the cause of this too? That guy lacked responsibility! Nobody should blame Khloe or her family for his problems.


Anonymous said...

Lord please restore Lamar's health. He deserves better, he loved Khloe and was devastated with the divorce drama.

Anonymous said...

The Kardashians are trying to take the heat away from themselves because of the reports that their latest portrayal of him in the last episode drove him into this. I'm sure the Kardashians have paid the media houses enough to help them push this story across. It is well with Lamar.

Anonymous said...

See wahala when penis and vaginal dey cause I beg make una suffery for woman matter ooo

Unknown said...

Pls do u live with dem to b sure of dis? How did u knw d family deserted him, khloe had bn rooting for him ,last week's episode she was telling kim it's non of her bizness if she Still checks on lamar!

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