Spain finds Guinea migrant hidden behind car engine (photos) | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog





Tuesday, 1 September 2015

Spain finds Guinea migrant hidden behind car engine (photos)

Wow! How desperate are some people to escape the poverty in their country? Two migrants from West Africa entered the Spanish territory of Ceuta from Morocco on Sunday August 30th curled up next to a car engine (can you spot the guy in the engine?) Another one was hidden behind the back seat of the Mercedes-300 car.

Spanish police found the pair during a customs check at El Tarajal, near the Moroccan border. The two men from Guinea got first aid, having suffered from a lack of oxygen. Police detained two Moroccan men who were in the car when it was stopped. It is not clear how long the man in the engine compartment had been inhaling noxious fumes for.

Photo above shows an African illegal migrant clinging on a car as he attempts to migrate into Europe

Source: BBC


Unknown said...

Ummmmmm huh

Auntie linda?

Unknown said...

Ummmmmm huh

Auntie linda?

Unknown said...

Ummmmmm huh

Auntie linda?

Unknown said...

Buhahaha man must survive

Unknown said...

The economy is really bad and frustrating for some pple.....but that's too much of a risk to take nah!

Unknown said...

Omo e be like naija don worse pass as e be b4.
But then, when una show europe you'll all know all this risk you guys took is not worth it!

Unknown said...

Omo e be like naija don worse pass as e be b4.
But then, when una show europe you'll all know all this risk you guys took is not worth it!

Unknown said...

Lol,,,,,,,risk guys take to make t in oda country,,,,,,being desperate aint gona solve t buh patience wil

***odikwa risky nd tyt***

Angie said...

Smh.. They never learn!

Unknown said...

Ummmmm Awoon goons mi lol

Auntie linda ...

Unknown said...

The way people are risking their lives because of Europe I tire oo. If you tell them how the system is they won't believe you. Things have changed Europe is not like before, the economy is deteriorating yet people are dying just to be in Europe and turn to beggars full of frustration etc So sad.

Unknown said...

Ummmmm Awoon goons mi lol

Auntie linda ...

Unknown said...

Nawa oooo

Unknown said...

Chineke m oooo OMjeeezzzzz!!!!!unbelievabl chaiii all 4 greener pasture,y not try to plant green 4 ur plc n water it.....smh

....Am gettin dere...

Unknown said...

Way to survive

Ayodele Jay said...

Wow... c as d guy lobby for the corner. Desperate indeed.

#Blessed child

Unknown said...

Dis is serious desperation. God help us o! Linda take note!

Unknown said...

Dis is serious desperation. God help us o! Linda take note!

Unknown said...

Dis is serious desperation. God help us o! Linda take note!

Unknown said...

Lol! The hustle is real mehn

Unknown said...

Umu Africa!!! Lol

Anonymous said...


Unknown said...

The Hustle gets tougher n we change strategies

Bonita Bislam said...

People can so like to take expensive risk sha

Unknown said...

More kasala here had they been Nigerians

Eze said...

At ur age u hate reading, they said Guinea not Nigeria, u shld be used as a sacrifice to appease the gods

Anonymous said...

Lool. Africans sha.not their fault

Anonymous said...

Linda u tink say dis is possible. Engine ke! U wan make we believe dis ngwongwo tori

Unknown said...

Desperation at its peak....

Unknown said...


Aba is Good Online Magazine said...

Uhhhh!!!!! This act of desperation is to the extreme. Meanwhile, I don't blame them much. This is an indirect product of a failed government in Africa. If their leaders treated them well nobody will ever think of leaving the shores of Africa. May God help our youths....

Unknown said...

hmmm. this life is full of risk.but we all have to go for the calculated risk.. not the once that warrant death or punishment . hustle still continue shaaaa

Unknown said...

Too risky, haba!!!!

Alex said...

No be small matter.

Anonymous said...

Its not worth risking your life for, especially when you are entering Europe illegally, when you might be deported just as you step your feet in Europe. If you must go to Europe, please go through the legal means. At least you will be legal there for some time as you find some other means to regularize your stay. @ Odibe Blessing, where will he plant the green when all the soil has turned to sand dunes? he will wait for ever for his green to germinate in the sand. May God help Africa. Amen.

Anonymous said...

Its not worth risking your life for, especially when you are entering Europe illegally, when you might be deported just as you step your feet in Europe. If you must go to Europe, please go through the legal means. At least you will be legal there for some time as you find some other means to regularize your stay. @ Odibe Blessing, where will he plant the green when all the soil has turned to sand dunes? he will wait for ever for his green to germinate in the sand. May God help Africa. Amen.

Unknown said... by force?

Unknown said...

God will help us

Anonymous said...

Yes o. Just like you are seriously desperate for LIB giveaway....different means, but same desperation. Lol. ( tongue out).

NaijaDeltaBabe said...

It is well o

Anonymous said...

SMH - How can someone hide in the bonnet, will he not get roasted by the heat from the engine? Beats me!!!

Dollar said...

People keep taking risk just to travel to foreign country without papers. People should understand that is not easy for legal migrant talk more of illegal migrant.
People appreciate where their live

Jasmine Joseph said...

Na wa ooooo is it a do or die affair

andre kelvin said...


Unknown said...

Oga...the hustle is real

ary said...

A better tomorrow but this isn't the way!

Blog It With Olivia said...


#It wIll oNly geT beTTer
#iT mUst End iN prAise

Unknown said...

Na wa oo desperate to enta europe

Unknown said...

...May God save his people from this hardship, the issue of migrants needs serious attention by African leaders!

Unknown said...

Na wao ooo,

Unknown said...

Too bad!


Unknown said...

Aha! So risky embarking on such venture. Its well wit their souls.

iphy said...


iphy said...


iphy said...


Unknown said...

This is Na waa

*cute bree*

Unknown said...

Hmmmm! This is ridiculous. Pple risking life for uncertainties.

Unknown said...

things are very bad in Niger but this risk is too much to human life

Unknown said...

Nna...are u ok...

Unknown said...

why take the risk naa haba this is too dangerous.

Unknown said...

Already starting to collect gifts
Dnt say I didn't tell u on time
Or distance didn't let u
I receive cash too
U can send to my bank account
3064314232 okpako promise first bank.. #GM all

#TeamSept7 baby😄😄😄

Unknown said...

This is what happen when you have a failed leadership in a continents that's so blessed with natural resources yet leaders are wack.

abujakenneth said...

What is UN saying about this migrant crises

PLAYBOX.NG said...


Juleslouis said...

OmGod! TF???

Unknown said...

Nah wah oooo

Unknown said...

Hahahah..henry where u go na..I don't miss u oooo

M O said...

she na by force?

yawanow said...

OMG. Really embarrassing for African Countries. Corrupt and greed is our major problem.

yawanow said...


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