Nigerian billionaire, Dehinde Fernandez has died | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog





Tuesday, 1 September 2015

Nigerian billionaire, Dehinde Fernandez has died

Nigerian Billionaire, Ambassador Chief Antonio Dehinde Fernandez has died at the age of 82. Dele Momodu and his daughter announced his demise on twitter. May his soul rest in peace, Amen.


Unknown said...


Unknown said...

May his soul rest in peace.

#sad indeed

Anonymous said...

Huh!! May his soul rest in peace

Unknown said...

May his soul rest in peace.

#sad indeed

Unknown said...

Death respects no body! R.i.p

Anonymous said...

Rip to him

shakur said...

RIP to the dead....

Bonita Bislam said...

May his soul rest in peace.
What now happens to his billions?

Unknown said...

Ummmm sorry o!

Auntie linda u see...

Unknown said...

Ummmm sorry o!

Auntie linda u see...

Unknown said...

Me don't know him ooo..never heard his name

AQO said...

Awww. May his soul rest in peace.

Jesus is Lord.

Unknown said...

May his soul rest in peace. Linda take note!

Unknown said...

May his soul rest in peace. Linda take note!

Unknown said...


Unknown said...

Ouch RIP man...hope ma name is on ya

***odikwa risky nd tyt***

Unknown said...

May God comfort his family by His Holy Spirit. Amen

Unknown said...


Alloy Chikezie said...

May his soul rest in peace.

Your comment will be visible after approval.

Unknown said...


Unknown said...

Rest in peace sir

Unknown said...

In peace may his soul rest.

Anonymous said...

Am so sure he died of enjoyment. This man was one lucky Nigeria that had it so rich and enjoyed every bit of it. RIP

Unknown said...

Rip sir

Unknown said...

May his soul rest in peace....

Anonymous said...

Yemoja of Lagos has passed on.... RIP

Unknown said...

What a big loss! May his soul rest in peace

tianasworld said...

May his soul rest in the bosom of the lord.He was one the richest in NIGERIA or the world.

Anonymous said...

Olodo. Go and collect

Anonymous said...

Dumb question Bonita. He has an ex-wife, current wife and kids.

Anonymous said...

May your soul test in peace .

Anonymous said...

May your soul rest in peace.

May-may said...

Properties will soon be shared.

Anonymous said...

Maxwell Akalonu it means your problem plenty cos how we wan begin explain to you now. All dis people go from their village dey always comment every nonsense for Linda Ikeji blog. Nna men your road far

Anonymous said...

Meaning??? He never claimed to have powers over death. And at 82 he has lived a very fulfilled life. Can you just learn to restructure your life to achieve as little as a decent livelihood? Because this is poverty speaking. SMH

Anonymous said...

One of Naija's finest in terms of class and ego,need I say more. A total recluse!

Unknown said...


Unknown said...

Haba linda, check that english. Has died. Wouldn't it be more appropriate to say he is
dead or he drad. Daddy has went out. Ibon repete.

Anonymous said...

@maxwell you be smally na

Unknown said...

Omg! Dehinde fernandez! I always dreamt of meeting him someday! Oh no! Rip sir!

Olufunmi Jimoh-makanjuola said...


Anonymous said...

He will give it all to you. Duhhh, like he doesn't have family

Anonymous said...

MUMU like you........ cheap BIS has brought out ur stupidity. RIP Sir Fernandez.

emi said...

Lol. Very funny

RichyGame said...

Wow, Ambassador at large, adieu!

ElizabethJ said...

Hmmmm...Fernandez Baba!!! RIP! Sunre ooo

Anonymous said...

Jesus!!! May his soul rest peacefully.

NaijaDeltaBabe said...

May his soul RIP

Anonymous said...

Was a bit of a weirdo by the looks of him but that said, RIP

Unknown said...

Never hear this name b4 now. Well sha may his soul rest in peace.

Unknown said...

Finally abuja big gurls go relax on the need to marry and steal his private island...RIP dear.

Unknown said...

Rest well in the lords bossom...

Anonymous said...

He was the country's original modern billionaire, very classy man too. What a pity!

Anonymous said...

I thought he died since sef.

He's been a recluse for years

Anonymous said...

Matthew 19:24:"Again I tell you, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for someone who is rich to enter the kingdom of God." The so called rich me are irredeemably self. That's the main reason Christ made this statement. Look all round you, people are suffering, yet some have billions in their account with mansions all over the place. It's a shame! How much does a man need to get by in a day? Yet they are busy chasing and accumulation material wealth, and then death comes. Everything is left to the vagries of nature. Material wealth did not give King Solomon peace.Ecclesiastes 1:2 "Vanity of vanities, says the Preacher, vanity of vanities! All is vanity."

1. The pursuit of wealth is foolishness

What does it profit a man to gain the whole world and forfeit His life? (Mark 8:36; Luke 9:25)
Foolish is storing treasure for self; not being rich toward God (Luke 12:21); do not store up treasure on earth (Matthew 6:19-21)

2. Wealth distracts from true priorities

Cares of the world, delight in riches and desire for things, choke the word (Mark 4:19, Luke 8:14)
Where your treasure is your heart will be also (Matthew 6:19-21)
We cannot serve God and money (Matthew 6:24, Luke 16:13)
What is exalted by men (wealth), is an abomination before God (Luke 16:14-15)

Wealth is tied to faith and worry. People who are concerned about earthly possessions and money are not depending on God’s provision (Luke 12:22-34)

Anonymous said...

And what does it profit a man to gain the world but lose his soul? I pray you gave your life to Christ before passing. All the accolades of being Ajinijini Ogun, Olori Ogoni Agbaya are all pointless vanities. Jesus is the way, the life and the truth! Let him who has ears hear.

rhodajc said...

Pls NOT Dehinde is Deinde

Anonymous said...

Millionaire from abandoned property of Biafrans

Jasmine Joseph said...

RIP old man, atleast u were lucky enough to live till a reasonably old age

Olaide Davies. said...


Anonymous said...

He was once Africa's richest man....RiP sir.

ary said...

May his soul rest in peace.

Anonymous said...

Wow! He's dead?? I'm shocked + I never knew he was that old ooo. 82?? Rip!! Mo-1

Blog It With Olivia said...

May his soul RIP

#It wIll oNly geT beTTer
#iT mUst End iN prAise

BLUNT said...

It will be handed over to your dad- jobless girl.

Anonymous said...

Maxwell Akalonun what planet do you live? Mars?

Unknown said...

Rip to d dead

Anonymous said...

Wow! One of the many Nigerian men that live like kings in a foreign land. RIP!

Unknown said...


Important!  Do this tonight if you care about your brain

Unknown said...


Kaycee said...

Upon all his wealth, he did nothing for his community, he couldn't even erect a hospital no school for them.

Anonymous said...

They will hand all over to you. Anumpama!

Unknown said...

RIP to him.

Unknown said...

Ha! Chief deinde. Eyaaa
Rip sir

Unknown said...

May his soul rest in peace

*cute bree*

Anonymous said...

Eeyah dehinde fernandez. May god console ur beautiful wife erelu & ur kids. Yeah he was stinking rich. Thegood ol dayz of ovation magazines.

Anonymous said...

@maxwell how will u know him? Local boy. **tongueout**

I B M bolubantin said...

May His soul Rest In Peace

Anonymous said...

Upon being a billionaire the man did not set up any company or investment in his fatherland Nigeria,he prefer to invest in oyinbo land,denying many Nigerians employment opportunities.

Anonymous said...

His kids of course. Didnt u see one of his daughters d other day on lindaikeji.

She was interviewed in d newyork post once abt her music career (google abimbola fernandez new york post), she had a picasso in her new york apartment. Now dts real money in case u dont know how much a picasso painting costs. I rmmber when i was young there were pics of him in his massive yacht called 'yemoja'. The guy was very quiet though.

Anonymous said...

The man who got his wealth from mamiwater

Unknown said...

Death don't know if you are rich or poor,so make money your conductor and pray for open heaven

Anonymous said...

If you don't know him you must be below 20 or born in the village...Richest Man in Naija that year

Unknown said...

Already starting to collect gifts
Dnt say I didn't tell u on time
Or distance didn't let u
I receive cash too
U can send to my bank account
3064314232 okpako promise first bank.. #GM all

#TeamSept7 baby😄😄😄

Anonymous said...

@Kaycee- September 2, 2015 at 7:10 AM- What about you, what have you done for your own community???? Nigerians are not always the most grateful of people

Anon said...

You go and do for your community, and also for his since your soooo concerned.

Anon said...


Unknown said...

Hahahahaha...this Anons have murdered me..lemme research about him..hahaha..I don die.. Does he have a young daughter so I can search for her on twitter and console her..u know as the Good guy

Unknown said...

Are u serious?

Anonymous said...

I meant to say.....' irredeemably selfish'

Anonymous said...

Bcos he didnt like nigerian politics & politicians.

Taiwo Adegboyega said...


African Visionaire said...

Click for business and finance insights

Unknown said...

82, he tried. RIP

Unknown said...

82, he tried. RIP

Anonymous said...

Olodo, don't you see news headlines on cnn and BBC .......the movie star soso has died. USD your data money to pay for extra grammer classes

Unknown said...


Unknown said...


Unknown said...


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