Dear LIB readers; do pregnant women fart so much? My wife is driving me nuts | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog





Wednesday 2 September 2015

Dear LIB readers; do pregnant women fart so much? My wife is driving me nuts

From a male LIB reader
Please I need your advice before I go crazy finally. My wife of two years is finally pregnant now with our baby and it spans four months as we speak. The problem I have now is my wife farts uncontrollably everywhere, anywhere, almost every time. This has caused a big quarrel between us and she keeps telling me she can not control her anus anymore. This is crazy and baffling because I am seeing her in a different light from what I knew her to be.
She farts while i drive,whilst she cooks,during meals on the dining,whilst sleeping and the worst now is while we make love she farts smelly devilish things.i am up against the wall now because i do not think i love my wife anymore!she has messed herself up with this happenings and she keeps telling me the pregnancy has taken all strenght from her and she can not control her anus opening or closing as regards farts!can you imagine the trauma this has caused in our marriage?do pregnant women fart so much?what have i gotten myself into?


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Anonymous said...

how can you be so inconsiderate. if you really love your wife you should understand and deal with the changes going on in her body.

Anonymous said...

It's too funny abeg,am also 4months preg and I dont Fart like that.the thing is pregnancy differs and the way every woman's body changes is different.pls try to tolerate her it's just 5months left.remember she is carrying your child.

Unknown said...

Fart is healthy!

Anonymous said...

Let me laugh first hahaha kikikiki

Blog It With Olivia said...

Lolz, wish I have something to say.... U just have to keep enduring o, know of a woman that usually licks vaseline whenever she's pregnant....been with baby comes with alotta attitude/odd behavior...
So deal with it man....

#it Will OnLy get BettER
#it MUST END in PraIse

Unknown said...

Is he nuts???
of course they fart in double doses!! He should ask momma!

Alloy Chikezie said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Blog It With Olivia said...

Lolz, wish I have something to say.... U just have to keep enduring o, know of a woman that usually licks vaseline whenever she's pregnant....been with baby comes with alotta attitude/odd behavior...
So deal with it man....

#it Will OnLy get BettER
#it MUST END in PraIse

Bonita Bislam said...

Maybe she has pile.Plus women who are about to have their period also do that .So I guess it's same with pregnant women since PMS symptoms is almost same with pregnancy symptoms.Dunno,I may be wrong sha

Unknown said...

Stupid post

Anonymous said...

You are a very big idiot and should be ashamed of yourself. This is when your wife needs you to be supportive and caring not judgemental. How selfish can you be thinking about the impact it is having on you emotionally, what about her!!!! do you think she likes such an embarrassing condition? you better get your head together and start being a HUSBAND (read up if you dont know what that means)

Anonymous said...

You are a very big idiot and should be ashamed of yourself. This is when your wife needs you to be supportive and caring not judgemental. How selfish can you be thinking about the impact it is having on you emotionally, what about her!!!! do you think she likes such an embarrassing condition? you better get your head together and start being a HUSBAND (read up if you dont know what that means)

Alloy Chikezie said...

Hahahahaha this is really funny. Don't know about pregnant women farting. Maybe she should go see a doc.

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Anonymous said...

Lwkmd. Lmaoooo

Anonymous said...

Lwkmd. Lmaoooo

Unknown said...

Hahahahahaha gosh dis is sori sit bt ls enjoy ur bundle of sure she ain't happy abt it nd if dis is d burden u hve to bear afta 2 yrs b happy nd endure bcos she is goin thru more nd pips re dre praying to jst have a child

Toyin Ajibade-Sanni said...

Hahahahahahaha. This is a very funny write up. All I can say is that pregnancy manifest in different ways for different women, if your wife's own is farting, please embrace it and don't love her any less. Pregnancy is not that easy sometimes and will only last for nine months.

Anonymous said...

Lwkmd. Lmaoooo

Unknown said...

Hahahahahaha gosh dis is sori sit bt ls enjoy ur bundle of sure she ain't happy abt it nd if dis is d burden u hve to bear afta 2 yrs b happy nd endure bcos she is goin thru more nd pips re dre praying to jst have a child

Unknown said...

All pregnancies are different...Yes pregnancy hormones can make her take it easy wit her's jst 4 a few months...u can also start farting bk and take it as a joke and within a short time it wld b all ova

Anonymous said...

‎Good day everyone 

I come in the name of our Lord Jesus christ, im here to tell you to give your life to christ if you haven't done that before now, please, heaven is real and so is hell, all what is happening around the world, the killings, terrorisms, death, accident, bokoharam, Isis and the likes are all what bible described as signs of the end time, its in the bible, in the book of Revelations,  theres no‎t a day that we do not  hear of explosion, or drowning, or suicide bombings in the news, its because  Judgment day is close, closer than we can imagine... pls give ur life to christ , accept him as your lord and saviour, you can do dis by going to a bible believing church and go out when the altar call is being made, that is, the time when people as asked to come out if they have never given their life to christ, and please  do not go back to sin, God doesn't want the death of a sinner, Shalom‎...
 God help us all. 

Linda Post my Comment ‎!

Anonymous said...

Lmao u r mad..common Gerrarahia mehn shit,kileleyi laaro kutu? Abeg go n sleeo na so u go manage am sheby na for better for worse una talk..

Unknown said...

Ummmmm like you guys have it through the back too much..

Auntie linda pardon me o!

APPLE said...

Hahahahahahahahahahahaaa…I have never heard of that..hahahahaha..Oga you have to live with it, remember marriage is for better for worst. hahahahahaahaha..

Unknown said...

Ummmmm like you guys have it through the back too much..

Auntie linda pardon me o!

Anonymous said...

Let me laugh first hahaha kikikiki.okay now that's enough.maybe it's something she eats.

snowflix said...

Can't help but laugh @ this post hahahahahahahahahahahaha... the mother's in the house should educate us better I know nothing about this but oga bros take am easy na Shebi na u put am 4dat condition wey she dey now u dey vex lol. Una Pele o... Odikwa egwu na ime egwu #onelovefromsnow#

ary said...

LOL she has MESSED things up with this situation! LOL man you no go kill person!! She should see a doctor, it is not normal!!

Anonymous said...


Unknown said...

Do you do anal with your wife? What does I can't control my any anymore mean? Well carry your cross. I can imagine how you feel but seriously it's nothing compared to what you'll see in future. Do you think you married a doll? She's a human being, but I think she's over doing it though. What she's doing is been complacent because she thinks she has settled in. This is what most women do in marriage and you begin to feel some regrets.

Unknown said... This is Hilarious!! #Doctors/Pregnant Women ngwa Get In Here ASAP!!

Unknown said...

Hahahahhahahahahahaha....just tak it easy man mayb it's her nature it might not be dsame wif other pregnant women....she is not lying wen she said she can't control it...I knw som pregnant women dt alws spit around...and there are stil some who don' deal with it... fart is not doesn't smell devilish if u really said dt I fnk u are a fool..

Anonymous said...

Divorce her now coz of fast...rubbish

Anonymous said...

Men like you are unbelievable now you don't love her, May be she should abort the child so she can become the same person again, what happened to the vow. You need to apologise to her.

Anonymous said...

Can you just imagine ??? You this man you are very very somehow. What nonsense! You don't love her because she dey mess.. Uughhh some men are the evil Abeg. Can't even deal

Unknown said...

This one reason why I can't live with a woman till I get to know her well, I am with you, she will so disgust me if I were you.

Anonymous said...

Divorce her now coz of fart....rubbish

Unknown said...

Hey man..we all fart..u inhale ur fart without why don't u do it for her. She's carrying ur burden in her stomach..she's carrying ur stress,she's carrying Life also and she bears in her womb happiness that's yet to be harvested and felt by u..endure all this and let her think u'r being supportive..she needs u mist now..don't spank or squabble over up dude

Anonymous said...

You are a very foolish n immature human beign,

Chidinma Grace said...

Can u hear urself? U don't love her anymore bc she is pregnant for u? Different women av different symptoms of pregnancy. So deal with urs n av in mind dt its just for d time being. U are such a wicked man, if she didn't get pregnant now, ur mum n u or ur family will accuse her of being barren or a witch. Nonsense!

Anonymous said...

U are just a wicked man just for dis u don't love ur wife anymore?

Unknown said...

Hahahahaha.....You gotta deal with it man... For better for worse.

Durante said...

She no get belle na issues,she get now and dey fart 'you dnt love her anymore.Toh,make belle comot so you will have you beautiful non farting Wife back.pls bear with her and stop complaining.

Anonymous said...

Yes pregnant Women fart like that. You have to be understanding, it happened to me as well. Pregnancy changes a lot in a woman. Even till now my voice is still like a man's voice. It changed when i was 4months gone. Its almost 2years and i havnt getting back my feminine voice. So u should drop your selfish attitude and know that it is not her fault. Afterall, she wasnt farting like that, when u met her, dated her and this two years u were married before she took in. When she gives birth it will stop. Mine did.

Unknown said...

Get over ursef,pregnancy comes wit alot of messy stuffs n only real men can stand by their wives during dat period n yes pregnant women fart alot cos i knw i did n also after two weeks of delivery but my husband always made me feel pretty,pls stand by her n always encourage her.

pumkin said...

U r one meannn man darn!

Unknown said...

U are very stupid to even complain about her being pregnant, are u really matured to get married?

Anonymous said...

Pregnancy brings does all sorts to a woman, your wife's body is going through a phase enduring the farts is the least you can do. I am sure your wife is feeling bad to say the least about the farts. I am sure she will appreciate if you complain less about it. Just think about what she is going through physically.

Richie Beauty Touch said...

lol.... you never know anything. you better get used to it now. for better for worse remember. buy my wife no dey fart when she was pregnant though. this your wife own na something else. please take her to synagogue

Unknown said...

Linda is not a doctor... go online and get your answer. Your wife's problem is normal

Unknown said...

ROTFL! Can't help o...Choi! She said she can't help it so please try and! Sorry...but too funny

Godwin said...

My friend calm down. When a woman is pregnant, so many things change about her. You have to tolerate her and most of all, take her to the hospital to check if all is OK with her.

Unknown said...

I don laf soooo tay I fart my own...kai poster pls thank u for making my day...hahahahaha *farts again**

Anonymous said...

I fart like 200 times a day and I am a man. Whats up with you chief. Was she like this when she was not pregnant? Are you not the cause. See me see Gods grace.
Abeg endure it for another 5 months. Madam, Please fire on.

Anonymous said...

Na Wetin me and my woman take dey play u dey complain about abeg go buy enough airweak for house joor

Unknown said...

She is telling the truth. I have heard that from a pregnant woman.

Pearl Jewels said...

Before getting married sir, u shld knw that a whole lot change in a woman body system, and u shld have been ready for it before tieing the nut, that is marriage. If she says she can no longer control her anus, then it means that is her own way her body seem to be reacting to it. So pls sir wake and face reality and stop looking for an excuse to leave d marriage. If after she puts to bed and God forbid delivery does another change u will still complain, so pls be a grown man and stay there. Are you saying u cannot fart in ur wife's presence, what do you mean sef. Pls apart from the fact that it may just be her reaction to pregnancy, it is marriage not a play ground. If she farts and u dnt like it, simply leave there. Expect. Tougher tins oh, as farting is d tiniest of pregnancy issues.

Unknown said...

Lmaooooooooooooo.... HahahahaHahahahaHahahahaHahahahaHahahaha.... Omo see gobe..... Guy yu just made my day with this post i swear.... #NowPlaying>> jangilover: sheyi shay...

Anonymous said...

Yes pregnant women have more gas. You never loved your wife if her farts have made you fall out of love . Stupid man!!

Cute G said...

Lwfmb. It's so funny till I read you no longer love her. Don't you fart? What's the meaning of you no longer love her. Why don't you just endure till she puts to bed. Will the fart kill you? You better enjoy the fart fun while it lasts.

Unknown said...

Please see your doctor for advise

Anonymous said...

Yes they do depends on her regular meals. You never see anything. Is she a plus size ? She go use mess kill you so. This is not a laughing matter. Some of these girls that will stay with a guy for a whole month and don't fart.u don't know the harm u r causing to ur health.keeping pretending. You will be exposed when you get pregnant. Nothing way man no go see. Linda take very serious note.

Linda babe. said...

You are just a self centered man,, you are not even bothered if its hazardous to her health, all u care is about ur self. Rubbish.

Anonymous said...


Th3 Batiks Guy said...

Nawao Bros. Na you score goal :-D
Grind raw ginger. Mix it with tea, or whatever.
Should help reduce farts by 50%-70%. I know it helps me.

Naughtybunny said...

Lmao... I can only imagine. But d man should calm down abeg. Its marriage, everything happens after I do.

Anonymous Personified said...

Though i can't stop laughing but the poster is silly and not serious. Instead of you to give help to your wife, you are here lamenting. What won't we read on LIB

Anonymous said...

Dont mind the idiot! Some men are just so useless and stupid!

LIVING REAL. said...

This guy u are such an imbecile, am pregnant and I fart very often cause most times I blot, the only way to feel better is to fart, u actually don't have any thing to say so just keep quiet, fool.

Unknown said...

Where were you when the Priest/Pastor said for better, for worse? Go joor!

Unknown said...

Please seek your doctor2s advise

IG said...

Lol. Very silly man. Tho I wud rather think this is just a story to lighten up moods.

ogeee said...

Deal wit it man,pregnancy brings a lot and changes in women

Anonymous said...

haha oga na wa oh! so she dey give you smelly devilish things. not too worry the devilish things will reduce when she put to birth. so enjoy it while it last.

Anonymous said...

YES!! A Lot. Even oyinbo woman dat is pregnant farts a lot too. I know I did!! Just deal with it dude!! Soon all that will be over. Mo-1

Unknown said...

Silly talk #Childish Only if you know that much Gas are accumulated in a woman's body during this period due to higher level of Progesterone in the body,as well as so many factors that lead to bloating etc. Smh

Unknown said...

Wat kind of a man re you dat u dont luv ur wife because she fart or d time wat happen to ur marital vows for better for worse. U ve to have a rethink my friend

Anonymous said...

Orishirishi!!! Lol.. this post made my day!

Anonymous said...

I hope you read the comments, Bloody buffoon, it was convenient to knock her up, but isn't so to deal with the fact that there's a little human growing and marshing all of her insides together, I hope she stops loving you too, cos you obviously do not deserve her, worthless fool.

Unknown said...

This man is crazy. .different symptoms for different women in pregnancy. Deal with your own and this is the time to even show her you really love her..Yes it's uncontrollable .she can go as far as even begging people at the junction for food.thank God it's just farting .pls enjoy the Farr while it .last. its just for a while. Pregnancy is not forever

Anonymous said...

mr man... becareful with what you say!!!! you put it in there; so bear the farts... some women even belch like pigs while pregnant and they are still married to their hubby... mtcheeww... abeg keep quiet o jare.

LIB chairlady said...

It's unfortunate some women get Married to Boys instead of Men... I pity U sis cos ur Husband is a Boy

Anonymous said...

I tink ur insane. Don't u kw pregnancy comes wit diff tins?? My dear bear it jor, mtcheeew

Anonymous said...

U r an ignorant and immature person. U should seek medical help for ur wife, instead ur are complaining, who got her pregnant, whose baby is she carrying, pls grow up and get educated about pregnancy.

andre kelvin said...

@chidinmaGrace Preach!!!

Anonymous said...

hahaha... This is really funny.. well, you have to endure it.. it'd only be for a while and don't allow fart consume your love for your wife.. look at it like a funny symotom... lol

mimz said...

Listen to him "I do not think I love my wife anymore" Shame on you! Was she like that before? What's wrong with people! In a few months na you go dey broadcast to the world , i am now a father. Mscheeew!


***adult content***

This man is an idiot, a very XXXL idiot....

Unknown said...

U don't love ur wife cos she farts????are u for real???its a phase she's passing thru and u can't even bear with her.haAaaaa,some men are mean sha....shes carrying ur baby for gods sake,what kind of man are you sef??pls cover ur face in shame and gerrout of here.mtscheeeeew

Anonymous said...

Dear poster, i'm sure you also have irritating habits that your wife is putting up with.
You can never carry pregnancy because you are a man! Don't you think she is embarrassed herself? She is the one who has to put up with the drastic hormonal changes and now your resentment. It's your child she's having, the least you can do is be supportive of her. Don't be mean!

Anonymous said...

Lol U are such a funny man,well every woman has her own issues with pregnancy,as for me I fart a lot too even after given birth 6month ago I still U should please let her be,if she wasn't behaving like dat when u first married her den u should knw it is a phase dat will pass when she gives birth.DONT U FART?

Unknown said...

You see, this is why we say marriage is not for boys!! Listen up,and with a pen and a paper :
1. The 'for better for worse clause' clause in marital vows in not there to make the vows sound interesting. It is what it is!
2. Women out there don't know how their bodies will react during and after pregnancy - some of them will not believe what will happen to them. Am not saying this to scare u, just the research truths. Loss of memory, occasional seizure, depression without a cause, kneel/ankle dysfunction etc just to name a few.
3. She might have experimented with anal sex in the past, maybe with u sef, which has weakened her anus. When u marry somebody, u marry the baggages too!! If you like divorce her, the next might even be worse.

The solution : WORDS!
Words have more power than u know. Tell her she's got incredible power to control anything, including her week anus. Tell her this every morning and night and watch miracles happen

Anonymous said...

You could have tried to take her to the hospital since it started.
its obvious you don't love her.
you could have tried to help instead of hating her
its your baby she is carrying for Gods sake.
Be a man and visit your doctor. Hian!

Anonymous said...

Farting is a symptom of pregnancy. It does not happen to all pregnant women but it does to a lot. Trust me, i have three children and i know what i'm talking about. My sister in law drove her husband crazy with farting. But he understood because he was used to it (they have four kids). Please bear with her, it's something she can't control.

Anonymous said...

So ro niyen?

Oskirin said...

pls carry her 2 ur mum till she born if u can't cope with her weapon of mass destruction(acodin 2 u)

Unknown said...

Lmaooooooo.... I don't even know what advise I'd give #DealWithIt

esmeralda said...

You are a big idiot. Mtchew. You just ruined my perfect day. You are so immature. She doesn't deserve a fool like you.

Unknown said...

You are a fooooooool man

Anonymous said...

I had such experience during my pregnancy but my husband and I laughed over it! Guy na wah for u oo! She's not doing it purposely na! Learn to bear with her be considerate Abeg, selfish man its only for a while.

Unknown said...

Hahah this is hilarious, must be something she's eating.

Unknown said...

If you are not Experience please don't talk

Anonymous said...

Lol..dats all I ve got

Marshall Matters said...

Lmao... abeg make you try dey wear oxygen mask... make she no kill you before you see your pikin..

Anonymous said...

Your wife is right, and you are ridiculous!!!

Faith ilens said...

Just becos ur wife farts..doesn't mean u shouldn't love her..u should accept everything she does,cos u dnt know what she is going through

Helen Sunshine said...

Eeyaa, has she been farting like this before she got pregnant? If not, take it easy with her, you know, pregnant women with different symptoms which are mostly uncontrollable. Better still, consult your doctor. All the best!

Anonymous said...

U ar such a funny idiot. Does farthing has anything to do with love? U better ask urself and be honest with urself, "do I even love my wife at all" hubby really loves me..he calls me oniso of federal republic. My dear, u better embrace ur wife despite her orisirisi.

Anonymous said...

Are you sane at all? Jus listen to yourself...... Rubbish!

Sincere George said...

Foolish useless man!!!! Jst imagine wat ur saying Bcoz she got pregnant for u, plz go seat your fucking ass down.

Unknown said...

But man how will you say you don't think you love her anymore..
Maybe you should probably close up the hole...Lol

Anonymous said...

I shame for you, Its your wife's pregnancy reactions that your discussing and your even saying u don't love her, Am ashamed...
God for wait small make you mature before giving you a child.

olubanke said...

you dont say thEse things about pregnant women and not get a hit, she herself is not finding the stage easy. she wants her body back, she wants to enjoy her life too, she want to be able to control the fart, the spit and the throwing up. so if you know you need a healthy wife and baby, you have to keep encouraging her, some things in pregnancy are not just easily controlled. i use to burb at almost every minuite when i was pregneant but i had to do it. MY FRIEND, IF YOU KNOW YOU WANT TO BE A FATHER, ENJOY THE MESS...... said...

You shouldn't sound discouraged cos. This is just a for a short while.If she cud am sure she wud stop the fart frm coming but obviously it's her condition.I realy dnt knw why little thing like dis dis days puts u men off and the fact that you tend to forget so soon what these women hav been tru just in d name of love.Love is unconditional,excpt you neer loved her b4 cos true love never dies or withers.You should be supportive rather than complain if she were in ur shoes she would over bear just in the name of love.Common grab her she is ur most valuable asset and stop dis ranting.

Anonymous said...

Dude, you sound stupid. Love your pregnant wife. She's carrying your baby ode

daamii said...

Oga r u lookn fir excuse to play outside? Devil has given it to u nd u will receive ur punishment, poor woman!!bt she would have tolerated u if she was in ur shoes,women we dey God's hand

Anonymous said...

she is carrying your baby for crying out loud and you are saying you don't love her anymore. That to me is wicked and demeaning. Am in my 2nd trimester and I fart, pee a lot and snore heavily at night as well. These are sysptoms I noticed while in my 1st and 2nd trimester. the worst you can say to a pregnant woman at this stage of her life is not to love her, you have to accept her the way she is and bear in mind that this is temporary. As soon as the baby comes she will be back to her normal state.

Aikayboy said...

Dude u hv a problem not her. U hv got to learn how to deal wt that. I hv 2 beautiful daughters and my wife's pregnancies are not d same. The first, we had sex from first day of d pregnancy till d ninth month. The second we stopped having on d forth month, even d thought of sex irritates her. Pregnancies comes wt different behaviours. Saying u don't love her anymore is harsh and wicked. I think u should reverse that word hate and start loving her more cos she ain't stop farting until ninth month. Learn to deal wt that dude.

Mo'dele said...

You come across as deeply shallow Mr Man. Google pregnancy symptoms and you'll find that flatulence is a symptom of pregnancy. If you ever loved her, you'll bear with her especially as she's carrying both of your child. Pregnancy takes its toll on different women in different ways. Some women are on bedrest for the entire period, some can't even cook or bear the thought of sex at all. Yet yours is still cooking, having sex with you and reasonably healthy and fit and you're complaining about mere farts?! Grow up Mr. It's your type that won't want to change diapers or babysit your child because it's "messy".

Unknown said...

Symptoms differs....take her to hospital for solution or STFU.

Helen Sunshine said...

Eeyaa, has she been farting like this before she got pregnant? If not, take it easy with her. You know, pregnant women with different symptoms which are mostly uncontrollable. Better still, consult your doctor. All the best!

Anonymous said...

God bless you for this comment. Fair weather man. Mtchew

Helen Sunshine said...

Eeyaa, has she been farting like this before she got pregnant? If not, take it easy with her. You know, pregnant women with different symptoms which are mostly uncontrollable. Better still, consult your doctor. All the best!

Anonymous said...

on the dinning?!!!! no naaa that wont werk for me charliee, and its devilish and smelly darnnnn, she has to be locked up or remanded abi? ode oshiii no b u put belle der so u want to divorce ur wife bcos her farts smell? dude b sensible naa, there are ways ard all dis ish na guy, yall will eat separately, buy a car and get a driver (i don dey pity d driver already) for her and put a tv and bed in her room so she can killing her self. abt d sex, hmmmm am against cheating on ur wife especially as she is pregnant so i think u'll just need to buy a gas mask lol. arrange urself guy b4 thunder fire u and dat ur mouth wey u dey use chat shit

Anonymous said...

Lool..really funny

Alabamanorft said...

Ure just one idiot on the planet earth. Imagine you saying you do not love ur wife any-more just because she farts every now and then. Man, u did not love originally, if not, such trivial issue should not make you feel less love for your wife.. Ure still a baby that needs to be put through marriage class.

Anonymous said...

on the dinning?!!!! no naaa that wont werk for me charliee, and its devilish and smelly darnnnn, she has to be locked up or remanded abi? ode oshiii no b u put belle der so u want to divorce ur wife bcos her farts smell? dude b sensible naa, there are ways ard all dis ish na guy, yall will eat separately, buy a car and get a driver (i don dey pity d driver already) for her and put a tv and bed in her room so she can killing her self. abt d sex, hmmmm am against cheating on ur wife especially as she is pregnant so i think u'll just need to buy a gas mask lol. arrange urself guy b4 thunder fire u and dat ur mouth wey u dey use chat shit

Jojo said...

She's pregnant ok, this is the time she need u more. More positivity will give her unimaginable strength, she's still that lively beautiful lady u married ok. Try laughing when she does that, try to see it nothing, she will pass that stage. It's not easy but u will get tru it ok. Keep loving and bear in mind that reason for all this is cos of the seed u planted in her and it's growing to be born. U will be a father soon. Don't ruin ur happiness cos of nothing. Just laugh it off k? Wish u both d best and enjoy ur marriage. Add a little fun to d whole thing by releasing ur own when she does that, may be her ass might just take dressing. Lmao. Pls v fun n enjoy ur marriage. U v no problem at all.

Anonymous said...

on the dinning?!!!! no naaa that wont werk for me charliee, and its devilish and smelly darnnnn, she has to be locked up or remanded abi? ode oshiii no b u put belle der so u want to divorce ur wife bcos her farts smell? dude b sensible naa, there are ways ard all dis ish na guy, yall will eat separately, buy a car and get a driver (i don dey pity d driver already) for her and put a tv and bed in her room so she can killing her self. abt d sex, hmmmm am against cheating on ur wife especially as she is pregnant so i think u'll just need to buy a gas mask lol. arrange urself guy b4 thunder fire u and dat ur mouth wey u dey use chat shit

Unknown said...

Lol. I don't want to believe this story is true though. No sane person can be this stupid

Faith ilens said...

You should love her despite the situation

Unknown said...

Super story...

I call dis story for d birds in d air. Biko she is discharging d blessing's of pregnancy. So u should live wit it.

Unknown said...

Super story...

I call dis story for d birds in d air. Biko she is discharging d blessing's of pregnancy. So u should live wit it.

Anonymous said...


Alabamanorft said...

Ure just one idiot on the planet earth. Imagine you saying you do not love ur wife any-more just because she farts every now and then. Man, u did not love originally, if not, such trivial issue should not make you feel less love for your wife.. Ure still a baby that needs to be put through marriage class.

Unknown said...

Super story...

I call dis story for d birds in d air. Biko she is discharging d blessing's of pregnancy. So u should live wit it.

Unknown said...

Super story...

I call dis story for d birds in d air. Biko she is discharging d blessing's of pregnancy. So u should live wit it.

pamela said...

Cos she farts a lot that why you don't love her any more and she is carrying your baby?may God forgive you..please linda help me tell laura that I find it difficult to comment on her blog, always telling me to select some stuff to show am not a robot,which after doing it won't still post. Please I will be very happy if she rectify it. Thanks and post my comment o

Anonymous said...

U should support her in all and know its not easy for her too. And be prepared cos it can get worse when she starts taking drugs. Also read up cos from google its normal. And happens.

pey said...

Lmaooooo ok lemme b serious u sound so heartless and childish u re a disgrace to fatherhood a woman is carrying ur child and all u do I complain about something she doesn't do often b4 she got pregnant, I bet she's not comfortable either, this is the time u re supposed to show her love and affection pls grow up and get a grip smh

*Minxy* said...

You need to calm yourself down and show more love and support towards your wife. You think being pregnant is a walk in the park? You have no idea what her body is going through. Was she like this before pregnancy? No! That life she's carrying inside her body was made by God, yourself and your wife.
It breaks my heart to read that you can say you don't think you love your wife any more because of pregnancy symptoms. I think you need to get help from God. Examine and search yourself.
Yes pregnancy can take it's toll on the husbands too but hang in there and be thankful to God that you both can have a child naturally and not pay millions for IVF and ovulation kits and pills. Mr "I don't think I love my wife anymore" how about you go seek forgiveness from God and start treating your wife like the queen and super hero that she is and stop being an ass. What's your own superpower? Her's is to bring life into the world.
Get a grip on your self and be a real man.
You better watch yourself before you wreck yourself.

Anonymous said...

This story must be from a child. Oga you weren't mature enough to be married. I feel sorry for your wife; she made a grave mistake by marrying you.

Unknown said...

Like seriously, u r a funny man n u r not a strong man as well. How can u even stop loving her when she's carrying ur child? Boy, go start loving that your wife pls. Advice from a man like u n a dad. Ps: my wife was peeing like no tmr when she was pregnant n spitting like a snake

Tee said...

Some men are jst so foolish n insensitive
Jst imagine d foolish talk dis imbecile is spitting outta his mouth..
U tink she likes to embarass herself by farting? Do uknw d changes pregnancy does to sum1?
U shld be grateful d poor woman is able to carry a child n deal wiv it u fool..jst negodu! Lord pls neva let men like dese come my rily pissed @dis post
Not even funny 4 does of u dat are very childish n laffing
Wish i cld see ur wife n give her a big hug..foolish idiot!
Falling outta luv 4 ur wife cos she farts??omg!

Becky fluffy said...

Hahahahahahahahha.cant just stop laffing..but seriously it's no big deal..all u need do is to sit her down n u both talk abt it..n probably find a way of helping her control herself..and not u saying u no longer love does'nt make good

mommie Jay said...

Abi oh! Imagine the insensitive man saying he doesn't love her anymore. I feel like slapping the man sef. Childish man. Mtshewwww.

Anonymous said...

Thank you. Thought I was wrong for thinking such.

Anonymous said...

Haw haw haw haw haw haw haw...Abii na advice u dey give or mockery....wetin? Meanwhile, the guy dey duck him wife through anus that's y she fart uncontrollable. U can't eat ur cake and have it

Anonymous said...


*Minxy* said...

In early pregnancy, before a woman's uterus is big enough to crowd her intestines, pregnancy hormones are hard at work. The increase in progesterone slows digestion, providing more time for gas to be produced. A woman's body responds by removing the gas with burps and farts. This gas can also lead to a feeling of bloating, especially after a large meal.

As her uterus enlarges, her intestines are shifted and crowded in her abdomen. This slows digestion even more. Her expanding uterus also pushes on her stomach, which can increase a feeling of bloating.

As if this weren't enough, the muscle-relaxing effect of pregnancy hormones leaves her less able to control the passing of gas. Before pregnancy she might have been able to hold her gas, but now her muscles don't respond as well. This can lead to some embarrassing moments.

DUNGA said...

if the story is true then this man needs to be flogged... dumb fuck. i for write pass this but na waste of time.... stupid prick

Unknown said...

Hahahahahahah royal priesthood u no well ooooooo, well I agree with u, she is discharging the blessings of pregnancy, I dunno why he is even complaining he should know that pregnancy comes with different symptoms

Anonymous said...

Lol r u sure u r nt pregnant @ willy? Search yasef

Anonymous said...

Your just so dumped..Gosh!

Anonymous said...

OMG!! Your such a dick head.Must you comment? Hiss

Anonymous said...

Guy just b patient biko. I preggy as well and there is the tendency to fart more often due to indigestion and excess gas. FYI, my hubbby hasn't sent me packing.
Nonso E

Anonymous said...

Awwwww!! Well said.

Unknown said...

Husband Love your Wife... #Non-Negotiable command from God.

Unknown said...

Smile, u all have said it all.

Anonymous said...

Mr man, you have no iota of love for your wife...I deduced it from the first line of your pathetic write up "after two years she FINALLY is pregnant"! Are you for real? Is like two years is way too long for a woman to get pregnant! She is even disgusting to you now because she farts. The farting is not why you think you don't love her, you never did! I'm pretty sure you would have left her if she hadn't "finally" gotten pregnant. What happened to for better for worse? What if her system does not go back to her pre-pregnant state and she continues with the farting after birth? Whereas there are people who have never witnessed their partner fart and feel they are not being real or pretending. You don't even have any empathy for her! You think it's easy to be pregnant? You don't even deserve the child that is responsible for the change in your wife! Your cup of tea, please people have more relevant issues...


Anonymous said...

Truly!!! To think he is a married man is unbelievable. He sure is still an adolescent.

Anonymous said...

Dear poster, I hope you are reading the comments. If I knew you in person, I'd slap you across the head. The comments have said a lot. I hope your wife doesn't see this and know it's you because she'll loose all the trust she has for you. If you consider leaving her for farming caused by "your" child, what would you do when life throws tough things at you. Have a heart. Be human. I wish her the best.

Anonymous said...

You are right. I fart a lot just before and during my periods. Really stinky fart that I have to run out of my own room!
I feel sorry for this man though. His wife should learn to quickly walk away from him when a fart is coming. I hate bad smells and don't tolerate my husband farting around me either.

Anonymous said...

Lol ds just made ma day. I just cnt stop laughing. So funi sha. One advice. Let ha go c Doctor

Anonymous said...

Honestly.. He still has a peanut brain coz a mature married man wouldn't think the he did.

Unknown said...

Ode! Like you too don't fart. You think you also do not have some disgusting habit someone will have to put up with in the name of love?
Na wah for you o.

Anonymous said...

She need to drink water every morning and night please stop eating oily andcold food

SMURF said...

U guys didn't fart when u were dating? Are you that couple who doesn't fart, burp, or use the toilet when the other is present

Unknown said...

its normal

Unknown said...

Hahahahahahaha! Awwwww darling, just be by her side dis period. Different pregnancies with different ish. Am also very sure she is more embarrassed than you are, trust me. This is part of "for better for worse".

Anonymous said...

Hahaha.....i just want to laugh.hahahaha. you must be a jester

Unknown said...

what do u know?

Anonymous said...

Maybe she is a housewife cos I don't believe she will be farting like that at work. And if she works, how does she handle it at work? Better not to lose your husband's affection cos he will go out and find other girls.

Anonymous said...

U hav to endure her, pregnancy is not easy. Am pregnant and I spit lyk snake. God will help u.

Henriesspace said...

Ure just a big fool, what has fart got to do with knowing someone ... Did u not hear that she's pregnant ?? He should thank God it's just farting that he has to deal with , what about women that stay admitted in the hospital for the whole 9months of their pregnancy and the husband has to pay hospital bills .. Pple just know how to take the grace of God for granted

Unknown said...

dude you should burn in hell... shame on you..

Olufunmi Jimoh-makanjuola said...

Lolz......stupid man

Unknown said...

Guy take her to hospital nd do check up. Dats ur cross.

Beautiful butterfly said...

I have never heard of pregnancy causing women to fart sha!!

Anonymous said...

I'm not even pregnant yet and I fart like 1million times in frnt of my bf.i fart almost everywhere. And somtyms I wonder why someone can stand it that much. I realised that he loves me regardless. For everything I complain abt or he sees that is wrong with me, he does he's research and contacts d ideal Dr. That is Wat a real man should do .not open book of lamentations on lib.

Anonymous said...

how can you say her farting is making you stop loving her! what kind of husband are you.

Unknown said...

Looool @peeing like no tmr n spitting like a snake.....hehehehe. Ur a clown!

Anonymous said...

I also farted a lot when I was pregnant. Pregnancy comes with a lot of things and she needs your support now so stop complaining.

Anonymous said...

This dude is a self-centered n annoying. Dude!!!!! Put ur self in her position. Maybe then u'll clearly get it. Cus i know if it wr the other way round, u'd expect her to understand. The pregnancy causing such changes in her is urs. So suck it up n deal wiv it. What if she was peeing constantly n spitting saliva uncontrolably? U'd strangle her, right? ?Love/marriage isnt only for the good times dude.

Joan said...

Diz moses u no go kil me 4 Liboooo. I don laff so tey follow u fart. Lmaooo

Anonymous said...

She is even lucky the gas comes out, mine will just be there rumbling plus serious constipation. It's so not comfortable, I drank a lot of gestid, ate a lot of cabbage, used ginger 4 my tea. Mehn it was one bumpy ride, Oga support your wife jare. Remember you have your own flaws too.

Unknown said...

Lol... What will i not read on LIB...

Unknown said...

hahhahahahhahahahaha! Pregnancy palaver. Pls manage her, its part of pregnancy

Anonymous said...

I'm 4 mths gone too and I fart like shit been like that in all my pregnancies but I try to ctrl mine esp wen I'm wit hubby.i can fart anywhere! once hubby perceives mess outside he wil jus look in my direction n I go jus straighten face.he hates it but he knws it's jus a phase dt will soon pass.oga leave dt tin jus pray for d woman to deliver safely.if anytin happen to her u will b praying for dt mess sef

Unknown said...

Mr Poster, you are a selfish, ungrateful person! You said it yourself that it started after she got pregnant for your baby, your child! You dare to say you don't love her anymore? Do you think she's enjoying it? How wicked can you be. You think it's easy to carry a human being in your tummy for 9months... Will it kill you to endure it for 5 more months or better still seek medical help instead if running to a gossip blog to rant like the child you truly are. Gosh! Your type disgust me. You said she 'finally' got pregnant after 2 years instead of you to be grateful to God you are here typing rubbish. May that mess choke you there idiota

Anonymous said...

Am 5months preganant also and i fart alot cos i dnt really go toilet but the doctor said its ok since i do fart. Do not make her feel bad because she fart alot you dnt
even know what is passing through and u r there copmplaining that she fart alot. you jst have to endure.

Unknown said...

....Another reason I dont support anal sex!
Well dear poster give your wife all the love n encouragement she can get, am sure if she could she'll avoid this. Safe delivery to her.

Anonymous said...

Complacent? You don't even know the half of pregnancy.

Anonymous said...

Disgust? Most of us don't ask our mothers what they went through when we were still in the womb! It's about time. Pregnancy is no joke

Anonymous said...

As a woman, reading this post just makes me appreciate my husband!

Anonymous said...

Oga husband it is normal. If u really love this woman as you claim to, her farting shouldn't be any ish at all. My wife is pregnant and she does too, I don't take out on her, as matter of fact she even feel for me for enduring such moment with her. Brace up oga!

Anonymous said...

this is the first time am commenting because i just cant ignore this... dear husband how can you be so selfish,you honestly don't have the right to complain about temporary disorders during this period, you are not sharing her pains so therefore,the little inconvenience u feel now... please enjoy it. thank you

Anonymous said...

Oga I have just one word for u, ure very very very wicked. May God deliver u,i f I was God il make sure you nvr get to see that child until you apologise and make serious sacrifices. Do you know what it means to be blessed with d fruit of the womb. U need to give ur life to christ seriously

Unknown said...

If you claim to love her dis is the time to prove it. A woman's body undergoes so many changes during pregnancy. Linda take note!

Unknown said...

If you claim to love her dis is the time to prove it. A woman's body undergoes so many changes during pregnancy. Linda take note!

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