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Thursday, 5 February 2015
When a lady follows a man to a hotel room - Read the story that's got Nigerian twitter talking
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«Oldest ‹Older 201 – 286 of 286Some foolish guys cant just hold back! Even if she follows u to ur hotel room does it mean sex! U guys r just so foolish n locked up thinking with small penis!
What if she actually wanted the sex but the guy started out rough handling her. That is enuff to put her off the sex sef. The guy needs to learn how to respect a lady no matter how much money he has to throw around.
Well I am a man, but I pity some men who spend their money on a girl only for the sake of sex, stupid act.
Am not in support of a guy hitting a lady but Ladies I dnt knw how u guys think oh! Some of u think from there anus,what was she thinking wen she followed him to a hotel in d first place,why didn't she go home or stayed back at d club,so what d guy reacted cuz of the insult,I mean as a lady if u are insulted wunt you react? So I say both of them are wrong.
@Chinwendu well said,u just said my mind.
Gbam u spoke well,wat u won't eat don't use it to smell ur noise!
Tell them,all this I never chop girls,gud question wat if the girl is a ritualist?can all the ladies ansa dis question?
The daftest thing yet..
When a girl decides to chop a mans money in the club and then followed him to am hotel, then she should be ready to give him the tin as well.
This anonymous guy should be traced. he's clearly a RAPIST.
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Hahahahahahaha and that is why you are anonymous and will remain so throughout your fruitless life my dear... Rape a person and Bear the consequences of it. silly move following a total stranger to anywhere at all, but still a crime to assault her for whatever reason! It is a completely petty and lesser than scum kind of thinking for a man to think that a woman owes him "sex" For spending any amount of money, how about asking for your money back if you so feel conned? Why decide by yourself that she must pay through sex? And then either beat her up or rape her? YOU ARE PETTY AND LOWER than SCUM if you are in this school of thought. I Can only laugh at you. Lol
Was she blind wen he paid for the hotel room? Y acting up if u didn't want sex with him wen u were there till he paid for d room? She doesn't ve any right to insult his mother. Wat d guy did was wrong too but I guessed it was cos he couldn't control his temper anymore.
Are you saying that one should not cross the street because they might get struck by a car? The whole thing might be a set up and this dude fell hard for it. MEN, be careful. The one thing that can dirty a man's rep forever is being tagged a rapist and believe me many women will take advantage, delibrately luring men into a situation where they can cry rape just to ruin reps...
Lol. He will learn to think with his head next time. ..
What a dumb and stupid comment from the so called pretty girl, so a girl that drinks and smokes with a TOTAL stranger, then follows him to a hotel was raised well? Gush! i now understands what being raised well really means.
There is no good reason for a man to hit a woman, no matter what she did.
Haba, Bonario! I didn't expect this from you at all. there was no contract for sex and believe me, if the girl made the statement about this man's mother while they were having sex, he would totally agree with her...
Honestly why would a lady follow a guy she just met at the club to a hotel room? By doing so it also shows her mother didn't raise her well. If that dude was a serial killer now or a borderline sociopath shebi na dead body we for de talk about? The guy wouldn't have hit her tho', he was wrong about that. Look at the bitch claiming attempted rape when she walked with her both legs into d room with him. Mtchewwww! Thirsty gurls everywhere in Nigeria!!!!!!!!!!!!
That man is more than stupid. Did the girl in question call you. you decided to spend on her when she never asked for it and now you want a repay like she begged you too. I pray he gets fired at work because he is such an irresponsible boy. Even if he spent all that he claims, it still does not give him the right to lay her or worst of it HIT her. Stupid MAN.
Dude,your friend deserved every bit of what he got. The girl was wrong for following him to the room in the first place. He was wrong for assuming because she followed him to the room, she wanted sex. Maybe she simply wanted to sleep after all the flexing..When will you guys learn that not all women whom you spend money on reciprocate with sex? when did sex become the same value with money..with 39,000 for that matter? I hope he learns and does better next time...
For those of you guys that are saying she deserved it,may God allow your sisters to fall into the traps of men like you....**He-goats***,even if he spent 100k on her that doesn't give him d right to hit her.if he wanted a call girl to sleep with,he knows where to find them.I guess he tried something stupid before getting insults from the girl because she can't just start insulting him for nothing ..
Anonymous @February 5, 2015 at 9:33 PM
That was not rape! you can say he molested her but did not rape her. I don't support violence of any sort especially towards the female gender, but from the above story, the molestation was justified as it was a counter reaction from her insults.
Na dem no
Good for him,,,
Your friend is an idiot and also a fool, hes a disgrace to real men. They should allowed him to sleep in cell atleast for a night then he ll wise up
Linda, U no wan post my comment?. Abi make I no dey comment again????.
na craze de worry de bitch, afta all d spendin chopin n drinkin, she no won fuck God ponish am smellos.
The gal also is an idiot. then go carry her do ritual one day
Egbami o, did i hear someone say "innocent gal" which innocent gal follows a man she jus met in club to an hotel. Ojukokoro will kill the gal. shes a candidate for ritual if shes not careful.
Y allow him spend on you when you know you will not give him what is looking for.
Lol but never hit a lady it not gentleman like but some deserve beating sha just saying
these young girls of today think they can play smart and get away with dont go to a cclub and follow a stranger to a hotel room and expect him to preach the psalms to you.ask her this question if her boyfriend knew where she was that night? a reader has said like mind called,like mind came. that he hit you was because you were there in the first place.there is nothing like a free lunch.she put herself in a compromising situation and well the guy deserved the night in the cell though .
Good for him,i pity his girlfriend.
because she followed the man does not mean he should take advantage of her. we all know she a hoe trying to earn a living. the guy would have add the 17k and 22k and give her from dere they roll togeda anytin can still happen cos na naija we and the bad 1s get married to the gud 1s.
Ladies never follow a man or complete stranger to a hotel and expect nothing in return. Men should learn not to hit or rape a woman coz what goes around will definitely come around sooner or later.
Both got what they deserve.
because she followed the man does not mean he should take advantage of her. we all know she a hoe trying to earn a living. the guy would have add the 17k and 22k and give her from dere they roll togeda anytin can still happen cos na naija we dey and the bad 1s get married to the gud 1s.
All I can do right now is LOL LOL LOL LOL!!!! Na wetin fit the man be that. She gree enter room, must she sleep with you because you spend 39k on top girl head? You come beat am, true true him mama no raise am well. But the babe get mind sha LOL LOL LOL
I am a woman and I don't in any way condone violence against women.i wish however that women would respect themselves. I agree with @osa Daniels, what did she think will happen after she let the spend so much on her and even take her to his room. If you don't want sex,dnt take his money,He is not your father. I really wish women stop making themselves seem like victims in these situations,when u knew what u were doing all along. And for men,well, be sure of what u ll get b4 u start spraying money. Spend on ur wife and family intead and plsss,stop harassing women.
I love ur analysis,so on
Oh yeah,deres no word such as foolishier,foolishiest,jus saying,still cool tho
Ashewo no cost...haba!
Maxwell the rapist!
Real men don't hit women. That said why did she follow him to the hotel? Did she think they were going to read Bible there? Mr man because you spent 20k you think say you don spend? Keep your dick in your trouser!
bobo no wan fall
U went to hotel room with man, i wonder what she expect. To do meeting. Lolz some girls thinking.
Nigerians we judge before knowing the do we know what happened? His friend said so... Therefore it must be true? Hw did d friend know? The guy told him.... Therefore the guy must b honest.isnt it obvious from d story that the guy is trying to cover his ass? Did he inform his friend as soon as it happened?or when he got arrested? B4 diving (cos we no longer jump) into conclusion maybe we need to hear the girls version.
@onyx u & ur childish comments, sometimes its better u shut up. #Hiss
@bona nice comment. #ThumbsUp
You can blame neither of them. But if i must blame anyone, i will blame the man. If the girl refuse to do, then collect your money aand send her out. Why risk the kind of disgrace that will follow later on. Guys, be wise.
Lmao. Anonymous 8:50am wnt jst kimme
Na wah o, one those days gone bad.
Lets call a spade a spade and nt a garden tool! If she was nt intersted in sex why lead him on from accepting the date , dinning and subsequently following d dude to his room? Any guy I d house who doesn't see anytin wrong with d girls action is either gay or needs his brains examined? Am excusing d ladies cos ladies r known to mean "yes" when they say "no"
Ebere stop talking crap, if u like follow a man to his hotel after chopping and flexing and expect that u ll nt be devoured
Micwilson, watch what you say. You can actually get arrested for that comment you just posted (hope you know that).
why did she follow him to a hotel and even allowed him to book the hotel room?what did she think they where going to do in the hotel room? nobody should hit anybody for any reason and all of you shouting here so,na only GOD know wetin una go do if na una face this kain one is perfect.
He shouldn't v punched the gal. Dats Y ashii dey game lolz
Chai! Klub life sef!
D guy go don hapi die dat 9t say im flexing go complete with d girl..
Make una repent o!
The girl got what she deserved, sje should tnk her stars dat she wasnt even raped..why will she follow a hungry male stranger 2 his hotel room, even after choppn his money
under no circumstance should you hit a woman. Dont care much about any other part of the story. Why follow a stranger to his hotel? if you dont want to hit why not go home
Which kind chicken brain 'Lib Synd..' get.Maybe 2morrow u chop man money 4 club, follow him 2 hotel room & expect him 2 watch u lyk tv.Common sense no common
Bitches should know their place. If I will punch a guy for insulting my mum, I will sure as hell punch a lady if she does the same. Thats gender equality.
Why follow a hunter 2 his camp and not expect him 2 massacre u.Common sense
Hmmmm, is it by force? Na wa oooo
Yea well, you don't punch a lady. Regardless of what she did/does, it's better to just walk away.
I am truly afraid for generations yet unborn with the kind of mothers that are being spawned these days,so the fault is not her going to a hotel with a complete stranger,but that he wanted to fuck her after a night on the town? its ok to go to hotels with strange men as long as u suddenly develop morals and refuse him sex at the end? when did things get this really sad.
maxwell ura fool o.
Why can't men simply build friendship. That I smile with you does not mean sex. That I come to your home does not mean sex, neither does going into a hotel with you. Why can't we all just get along and be kind
Seriously! Like I would have kicked her out so fast her head would spin. Bitch,you wan give my guy blue balls come curse im mama.she will enter ritualist hand one day, bloody runs girl and anybody that supports her is also a runs geh too,harlots.
Mrs Annon.. if u tell ur parents dat u visit strangers (men's) hotel rooms, I hope they will be proud of u.
Common sense is not common at all
Other guys made their point but you??? Utterly repulsive response.
I got NAUSEA reading your comment.
Am a lady as well and am foing to blame both sides. Firstly,the guy matter what has no right to hit the girl. The best thing he can do is send the girl out of theroom if he knows he can't saty with her without fucking her not to d extent of beating her. And secondly, the girl too, am sure she's d one with the highest fault, you met a guy in a club someone you have nt seen before, you following him to the hotel room shows you are a whore and it shows you were in d club to look for men to hook up with buh when you know the guy is not your taste, then you shouldn't have followed him to the hotel room, now on getting there he want to jave sex with you. Were you not expecting something of such is gon happen? Smh. What are you even expectin? He should start praying for you? Lol when he's not an impotent. There's no way it's not gon happen. Some foolish people here are telling us that she followed a guy he didn't know from Adam to a hotel room and he did not touch her, am sure hez a wood. We Ladies should please grow up and stop acting like some kind of cheap hoes.
Am waiting for your curse and abuse. Itz nt so new to me. The truth is bitter
The girl is lucky, this guy is a real gentleman and did not give her permanent mark for her to remember. Next time she should not follow men to a hotel room. What did she expect. To watch Telemundo together. Nonsense, a woman should not lead a guy on. Why did she not politely tell the guy she won't follow him into hotel room. Does that look like his living quarters. Please Men should not always be blamed. Ladies do not lead men on and dump him half way. Haba! Sorry jare Mr Man! Wasted time, when some other girl would have enjoyed your company better! Pele ojare!
Hehehehehe true dat
Hmmmnnn na waaaoooh
Abi. Oga ju
Spot on dear, you are so right ladies need to have some dignity, make our money and pay our bills so we be treated right. Or if you don't have much live within ur means. This abuse thing over coins is becoming more annoying by the day. But I sincerely think there is more to the story than what has been revealed so far.
It's the lady's fault, I'll tell u why. No 1. She's not a baby 2. She's not a novice. If she did not want sex she shouldn't have followed him to the hotel if all she wanted to do was to talk dem for don talk for car, if na sleep she wan sleep she for go house but na awful kill am she wanted to sleep free hotel imagine nonsense or else she for no let guy waste money for hotel if she knew she wasn't ready for sex nobody can tell me that she didn't know that it was bcos sex he went to get the hotel room.
You are a retarded fucktard, it's broke niggas like u dat rape ladies up nd down Bcos of change like 39k..... foolish idiot, that is how u will be thrown in jail nd left there forever.
Very useless guy. He obviously wasn't raised well. Is 17k money? My foolish husband has given 20k to one stupid university babe he's toasting and they've still not slept together. And that idiot is flexing for 17. ... cheap as* guy
It's the ladies fault abi? That is why there will always be useless men. HAve you asked yourself how a gentleman behaves or should behav in this situation? You spend 17 cheap thousand on a babe and you automatically think you can sleep with her. Why you no go road carry woman??
he is stupid to have touched her! he should have been made to stayed in that police net for couple more weeks.
She deserves what she got cos she should not ve followed him to d hotel room at first.
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