Dear LIB readers: My GF is threatening to abort our baby unless I come marry her
From a male LIB reader
"Dear LIB readers I have a girlfriend I have been dating for a year now. She said she love me and
she wanna stay with me. We've had several issues in the
past but we are still together. The problem now is that she is carrying
my baby. I need the baby. But I am not ready for marriage now. I told
her I will take care of her and my child because I don't want an
abortion. I love her and I want to marry her. But not yet ready now.
And she is now threatening me to abort the baby unless I come marry her
now. What should I do?
Its all an empty threat. She is just pushing him to do something. If she wanted abortion, she wont even let him know she is pregnant. Impatient guys and ladies. Not ready, yet your penis and pussy r ready and working. Next story please.
I admire your integrity... You must be a good man to even suggest that she keeps the baby, most men won't. But pause for a while, and put yourself in her shoes.. Her aggression is understandable, you are not her husband, and she doesn't want to be another "baby mama"...
My Broda, let her remove d baby. And dump her flaba myt be d last she'll ever carry...God myt be warning her now...but trust d devil to piss in her hrt...
Oloju kokoro so she sweet to gbensh and be a baby factory but not good enough to wife immediately she told you she had taken in? Admitted she is being wicked but the truth of the matter is she is scared you will abandon her. Please do the needful and go to her people.
You want the baby and will take care of her but you don't wanna get married to her, can you at least listen to yourself, do you think it's every lady that wants baby out of wed lock?? My frend choose what you want, either get married to her along wit the pregnancy or simply allow her go for an abortion. Because keeping her and the baby,wit out getting married to her, tomorrow you might wake up and bring your choice of a lady for marriage and that simply make her a second hand by then.
Don't be silly. Go and do something on her head even if you can't do the wedding yet. Stop playing the waiting game with her. That's a woman. Her time elapses in a few years
When u were doing it,did u seek 4 our advice? Now kasala don happen u cm dey ask us. Anyway u men can be corny at times so I dnt blame her. Wot u ll do is 2 go nd marry her simple. Bcos me,I ll not kill my baby bt u MUST marry me ooo
If you are serious then go and meet her parents as well. A little introduction would not be a bad idea. On other note , she should stop threatening you with the termination of the baby, sounds like a desperate measure for her . Overall, go and meet her parents. period
Why won't she threaten mr man U very sick You didn't knw you're not ready when you impregnated her abi? Nonsense Only her will feel the shame of giving birth out of wedlock but you will relax and be poses that u have a baby mama My friend if u can't marry her let her do whatever she wants becos you will not feel the pain as she will feel it
Why won't she threaten mr man You're very sick You didn't knw you're not ready when you impregnated her abi? Nonsense Only her will feel the shame of giving birth out of wedlock but you will relax and pose that u have a baby mama My friend if u can't marry her let her do whatever she wants becos you will not feel the pain as she will feel it
Haba, u are not ready to get married but u are ready to be a Dad. What does dat make her? Baby Mama? When u r ready to settle down, u will go have anoda woman as wife. Do d right thing now or let her be with her plan. D exact thing happened to a friend of mine and she has removed d baby cos d guy ain't ready and d guys father has like 3 Baby mama's.
You want to marry her but you are not ready!!! What is it that you want to be ready for? Money? Ok, do the introduction with the family, make your intentions known, explain to them you don't have money then go do the registry and other things later. The same you will meet another girl in a day and second day you will marry her.
Just imagine! U come across as Immature. She be baby making machine ni? U want the baby but ain't ready to do the needful? Na he goats like u dey give us negative image.
If you love her and want to marry her, now is the time, it doesnt have to Be an elaborate wedding, she is trying to secure her life to,if u dont marry her and u fight she just becomes another baby moma,u may ruin her only chance of getting married if gives birth and u eventually fight ,you also help put her in this decision so u both have to do right thing, i got married under these circumstances we always knew we would marry each other,so wen i got preggers we married howver i lost the;baby but it was the best decision ever,please dont do that we are Africans even if we comit sin let it not be open sin and rub it in our parents faces their friends,my sister gave birth without marriage and no one in the family treats the baby well,compared to the other grandkids, even her own family dont, they abuse that child behind her back, please dont put your baby through that, unless you know u can never marry her then dont?otherwise there is no better time for marriage , yours sin jay
Go and meet her parents and tell them of your intention of wanting to marry their daughter, that way she knows your intentions about her and you can start planning towards that; marriage in the future. Because right now, it would be selfish of you to ask her to have your kid without commitment.
1st u shouldn't Hv gotten her pregnant,am an old school gal I blv in marriage b4 children. If u really love her,go and see her parents,let them knw u r the one that got their daughter pregnant,u shuld do a traditional wedding,if money is a problem do an introduction where both families meet and u pay her dowry.
But this guy is wicked o. You want baby but you don't want the girl since you have money to take care of her and the baby why don't you guys get married. You can't eat your cake and have it.
she shuld try nd undastnd! if u r nt financially buoyant does she wnt 2 suffer? d moni 2 b spent on marriage shuld b used 4 d baby, she is lucky u r one of d few men dat takes care of d consequences of deir actions. try 2 talk her out of it. she shuld kno abortion is a grave sin. good luck
You are not ready should not be an excuse, you are already fathering a child or about to. If you love her and the baby, you need to make a commitment to her and her family. If you were her father, would you take such excuse from a man?
If you love her and want the baby then marry her. The wedding does not have to be expensive cos i know as a man what u are thinking of is money. It seems u are not sure u want her if u do u will not be asking ....
Sorry, but if you're not ready for marriage, then you are not ready for family.
As a single mum, she'll find it more difficult to get a husband who'll be prepared to accept yhe the child. In the meantime, you'll go ahead and marry another woman. Also, the fact that she has your child will mean that you'll always be part of her life, wether she likes it or not; and Pof Okafor's theory still applies.
Go and pay her bride price first since you still love her and want to keep the baby, then you can do the celebration of the marriage whenever you think you are ready.
Mumu boy! U better do marriage with only your family present. Abi you want to do 'Dubai wedding ' ni? If you're willing to keep the baby, marry her legally. Court marriage no cost. ~ceze
Y re u nt ready? Hw cn u hv ur 1st baby outsid wedluk? Even dou u re nt ready mayb bkos of money den do introdutn nd payn of bride price. No any lady dat wnt to hv her 1st baby outsid wedluk, so far u lv her
Before nko? You are not ready to settle down and you were busy having sex without protection,what do you expect? No responsible African girl wants to have a baby in her father's house.You are not ready for marriage but you want a baby abi?. You want to live the kind of life this our naija celebs are living abi?. I advice you see her parents then you can proceed from there because you have the means,unless if you don't intend to settle with her in the first place. Abstinence is still the best option
My dear,what do u even take her for to become your baby mama,what is even the problem with guys?u r nt ready yet,bt u were ready to hv sex with her,u better look for money to borrow n marry her,since u said u can take care of her and d baby,add to d money n pay her bride price,u dnt want her to abort,though I dnt support abortion,bt u want her to give birth outside wedlock,which is even better self? Do a rethink my dear,by d way hw old are u,cause d way u sound,let me nt jst insult you.
My dear,what do u even take her for to become your baby mama,what is even the problem with guys?u r nt ready yet,bt u were ready to hv sex with her,u better look for money to borrow n marry her,since u said u can take care of her and d baby,add to d money n pay her bride price,u dnt want her to abort,though I dnt support abortion,bt u want her to give birth outside wedlock,which is even better self? Do a rethink my dear,by d way hw old are u,cause d way u sound,let me nt jst insult you.
Oga marriage isnt that expensive I understand her to an extent.......u men r bad, you people r hot n cold n she wont risk her future cus of you.i will doesnt fix things actually doing them u hv any idea how many guys promise marriage n then bail? me I support n understand. Biko I lv u is no assurance in any relationship
this is serious issue sit her down& talk sense into her, if she didn't listen, go to her parent/ someone close to her elderly person and explain the situation of things to them, am sure u will find a way out
Hmmmnnnnnn........ Yaa in between the wall and a hard place! your woman is looking at the stigma that comes with being a single mother. I don't blame her one bit.
What are the reasons why you aren't ready to marry her? If it's because you don't have a steady source of income, accommodation etc....then that's understandable.
If you are settled and you are not yet sure if it is her you want to marry, and you want her to go ahead and deliver a child for you....then ma nigga you are selfish! yaa wan eat your cake and have it!
Bro, na sometin dey finally kill peson! .. Man up and marry yaa gurl........ Afterall the fucking without condoms was sweet enhh? lol
Oga!, u re nt ready 4 marriage buh u were havin unprotected sex ,how shallow can u be?? Goan nd meet her parents o even if is just 4 d introduction nd oda minor rites.
hmmmmmm this is serious, bros put a plan and do the right thing dont follow all this celeb u see posting baby pix before marriage, take it now while it hot.
Stop having sex fool! You can take care of her and the baby but you are not ready to settle down? You must be out of your mind. Marry her now or allow the poor girl to do what she wants. Is people like you that tell their baby mamas stories for the gods when you are ready to settle, idiot.
Young man its dudes like you that makes the female folks think most men are irresponsible.if you are man enough to sleep with a woman be man enough to shoulder the are a very selfish are only thinking about yourself and your joy as you said without putting her feelings into you have a single clue on the shame and stigma she's going to suffer?don't fool yourself cos we are all men.there are a whole lot you can start with as regards the marriage with very small amount of money.simple introduction cost nothing.court wedding cost nothing but give her a tangible reason to give you a child period
You better marry her or get out of the way. Why do u wanna increase the number of baby mamas in Nigeria and practically destroy her life. If u cant marry her please find your square root.
Go and loan money in the bank, sell some stuffs as well and use the money to marry her. Abstinence and condom were too expensive, I guess marriage will be cheaper. You are not ready for marriage but needs a child.
Hmmmmm!!! You are not ready for marriage but you can take care of her and the baby. That doesn't sounds so nice to me as a lady. I can tell she is scared and needs a form of commitment from u. I don't blame her. When a guy tells me he is not ready for marriage but he is ready to take care of me and my baby, it tells me he wants the baby more than myself.
Good for the two hoobo,u re not ready to marry but u are ready to have sex unprotected shame to u?so lib are now ur personal advicer when the thing the sweet you u forgot to know the implication and now the container has landed two of u should ofload am that is my advice.
'You promised to take care of her and the baby but u not ready to marry nw', u contradicting ursef bro, if u've the above in mind, i'll advice u do d needful by marrying the lady even tho she has more to lose if she eventually go for the abortion
Good for the two hoobo,u re not ready to marry but u are ready to have sex unprotected shame to u?so lib are now ur personal advicer when the thing the sweet you u forgot to know the implication and now the container has landed two of u should ofload am that is my advice.
See ur mouth like I want the baby, owun toda wun ole. If u aren't ready to be a husband, den I cann safely say u are nt ready to be a father too. You never rily kn wen u r ready, do d needful, dat was wat my husby did in 2012 n now we've 2kids 2geda n no regrets whatsoever
Mr man,if you truely love her.go and marry her.Dont be selfish.When you was fucking her without condom what do you expect?You are not ready to marry but you are ready to fuck woman without condom.
Hmmmmmmmmm. De guy shld go and pay her bride price if he is not financially stable now. She might wickedly abort dis innocent child. Nawa ooo. Some women get mind oooo.
See your moutth,your not ready now but your ready to impregnant a woman,jst go and do anything that will please her,bae you try and understand that your putting your life in danger, pls do not kill your baby, cos is a gift from God
U try well well,she should give birth out of wedlock cos she is a chicken?then afterwards u ll say u don't love her anymore making her life a mystery...y didn't u use a condom if u ain't ready?msheeew..Girl,if u reading this..u r on point!i hail
Don't give in to her threat because you will hate being married to a manipulative lady and both of you will suffer. Leave her with a reply that doesn't show an approval for abortion. You're not ready for marriage but you impregnated her #ShameOnYou.
Mr Man if you really love her and the baby as you claim you would be ready for marriage..... let me ask you ? what does it even take to get married??? if you claim you can take care of the lady and the child then whats stopping you from getting married ... the truth is i think you are not been sincere with your self.... you wan go do wedding for dubai abi? dont u know how embarrasing it is for a girl who is not married to be pregnant people see her has "Animashaun" i like the girl she has a good integrity ....
Seems like u don't no how having a child outside wedlock is for a woman.. If u have d money to take care of her and d child I suggest u find/use same money to go pay at least her bride price. Today u claim u love her wat if tomorrow u say u don't wanna marry her anymore buh u still want to be a father to ur child wat den becomes of her. Ur not ready for marriage den ur having unprotected sex , were u expecting a plasma TV as output?????
The girl doesn't want to bear the disgrace of having a child out of wedlock. Since you love her and want the baby, I'll advise that you go with your parents to see hers and set in motion the process of marrying her. That can be done even if you don't have much money with you. The marriage ceremony can wait till another time, just take some wine and kolanuts to her parents, that would at least convince her to keep the baby.
Go and pay the bride price.You want the baby,you can take care of a baby and mother but can not pay bride price ? are you kidding me ? You want her to take the shame of pregnancy out of wedlock and you the pride of being a father ? You are joking. Go do the needful my friend.
U are very silly for saying u want the baby but not yet ready for marriage,who does that?...anyway judging from your write up above,it obvious your still a kid cos u kinda sound childish...u want her to join d band of baby mamas without doing the needful,may thunder strike that mouth of yours mtcheeew if u love her like u claim then wife her cos truth b told,if she goes ahead with her plan the blood of that baby would be on u both...i even don't blame u sef,i blame that foolish gf of yours that allowed someone as stupid as yourself to sleep with her without a condom...u both clearly deserve each other...silly mofos mtcheeeew
If you love her and want the baby , be a man and marry her....what if she carries the baby and you don't marry her? What's next for her? You are being selfish...
If you love her and want the baby , be a man and marry her....what if she carries the baby and you don't marry her? What's next for her? You are being selfish...
If you love her and you wanna marry her what stops you from doing it now? I get her point, no woman wants to be a single mum, that must be her fear. So if you really want your kid make up your mind. You can't have your cake and eat it, sorry for sounding this way. If you love her, wife her!
If u ave money for her dowry alone den do it Afterwards u collect ur baby and collect ur dowry..Cos d day u won't give her mony after marriage she mght. Abort another one
Just go do the introduction and pay dowry. These are d basics and most necessary, then when u ve money u can celebrate it. After that go to court and get legally married.
U shldnt av impregnated her in d first place, bt anyway d deed has been done. If u allow urself to be trapped into marriage bcos of a child, u may regret it nd d marriage may end prematurely. So talk to ur parents and seek fr dir wisdom and also pray abt it. u just wanna tie here down with ur child and play away match somewhere else? it's truely not fair to her.. and what's the probability u will marry her at the end...u be wicked boy walahi..#umustbeayorubaboy#
Dude if u re not ready to marrry her den u re not ready to be a father, u promise to take kia of her n d baby dat mean u re financially stable sso do dd right tin n marry... n to d lady involve if u av dis babe witout d wedding did man will not marry u, he iss just concern abt hiis baby n nothing foor u
This man is un serious. He wants to eat his cake and have it. Oloshi! You can take care of her and the baby but you're not ready for marriage. What is your excuse? Oloshi!
You sound so impregnated. a girl and you expect her to abort withou you securing her future? She is in it to win my bro. Imagine she has the baby and you guys end up not getting married? She still loves you, if she doesn't, she wouldn't ask you to marry her.please do the right thing...meanwhile what do you mean by being traditionally stable?
It's her choice if she doesn't want to be a single mother. If you need a baby, wait till you're married then. What's to say you won't take the child from her today and then marry someone else tomorrow?
U people shuld tak d responsibility of u takin her to her parents, with urs too, do a form of introduction, marriage can really cost less I mean vry less, then wen ur ready u can do d party, if u love ur baby go out of ur way for d unborn baby, u wuld't regret it, she hs her pride an ds wt she's protecting, an if she's working she shuld help u, u guys can put heads together an jst to a little thin Asin traditional right,
Please go and see her people, do her introduction, if possible pay her dowry in a low key. for she has already made up her mind. please dont loose that baby.
Y are u not ready 4 marriage if u can take care of her and the child u should be ready for marriage bro, what she is trying to do is bad, but sometimes I do not blame girl for she could give u the child and in a year later u would not want to marry her again. What then? If u truly want to marry her just do the needful
Dzzz dude is not bnn nice.ur not ready 4 marriage yet u got her preg ,nd u claim 2 love nd want 2marry her.hw manyy yrs lera wud dat be??ever child deserve a legal parnt.stop paintin d innocent lady black.
You should state the reasons why u not ready for it cos u'r financially unstable or you are not just ready for it cos u deem urself too young for it?..the only genuine reason u'd present that would buy my support is if ur monthly wage can't sustain you guys and cant even afford to finance the wedding
Mr man I don't understand what u mean by saying that ur not ready now,u don't need to do a flamboyant wedding just go with ur parents and pay her pride price since u claim that u love her.the wedding can come later whenever u guys are ready
The young man is so stupid and daft in mind. How can he said that what he want for now is the baby and not the mother. And the lady in question had already aborted for him before. I will advice the lady to think more than twice before marrying the young man. Am disappointed in the man. People like him are making ladies to stay away from you. He's an idiot of the highest order. Nonsense.
My dear, when u knw u re not ready, u should hv protected urslf, all she wanted is an assurance 4rm u, if u truly love ha, take d first step by taking ha to d registry if u knw u don't have enough money 4 traditional n white wedding.
Since you are ready to take care of the baby, why not just go ahead and go to the registry and marry her. You don't have to do the white wedding now. I don't blame her. It's people like you that will have baby mamas all over the place before you finally feel that you're ready to marry. If you were not ready, you should have zipped up.
First there is no trust in the relationship well 2 curt the story short u have 2 marry her cux if she goes ahead 2 have the baby u will put diz ur so called gfrd to second choice which u have already show us here without knowing it buy telling her she shud keep the baby but not ready 4 married hmmmm dnt u think u ar the problem here boy. U ar nt ready 4 marriage but ur johntommos will not allow u 2 be. #thinkwisenow
Both of you are not serious. When you know yu are not readey for marriage why did you impregnate her. She too is a dump. When she know you have not married her legally, why did she surrender her body for sex. When they tell you to abstain until you marry you will call it religious things, now they katakata burst after you think you have enjoyed yourself you are now us innocent people to advice you. My advice, arrange for a family introduction, let the family know that she is pregnant for you and that they should support both of you in prayer till you finalise marriage arrangement. For the lady, after delivering this baby ZIP UP, until he do the needful concerning the marriage. I sensed you thought you could trap him with pregnancy. You see your life outside. This is from Wise Bayo
Yes the girl has a point. She ain't ur baby mama, but wanna b ur legally married wife. Even if u ddon't have d money to do d complete marriage, @least go and pay small thing on her head. Men these days like to do d end of d day, dey'll just take care of only d child and ignore d mother. Damn!!!
You've got no choice, u have to be ready. If u love her as u claim, then go do the necessary thing and take her in. Men with this their I'm not ready of a thing, but u were ready to take her to bed.
When you were busy having unprotected sex with her you didn't know you were not ready for marriage...Really hate it when guys always shy away when it comes to marriage but never shy away when it comes to sex....My dear am no advocate of an abortion but sin na sin....Premarital sex in itself is sin so yes,don't preach to her,You should ve thought of that first....My take is if you so badly want that baby as you claim and you love her as you claim too,then go and do the right thing "marry her" so she can have that baby honourably. Am sure if she was certain you'd marry her later she'd be calm but who knows tomorrow when you're eventually 'ready' and prolly have more money you may suddenly realise she's not good enough for you and then she becomes your baby mama...So freaking stand up to your responsibility and do the right thing or let her abort the baby,PERIOD#And please no stupid preaching on top this my comment o , thanks
I don't think you should marry her.. why on earth would she threaten to kill her own child? I don't think it's right to threaten anyone to settle down..
Do the needful,what do u mean by u ain't ready?didnt u realize that there is a reaction or result from evry action?when. U were having sex u never knew pregnancy will emerge. Guy abeg at all at all na eem bad pass.go and pay something on her head atleast. That's my candid advice take it or live it.
If you are ready enough to sleep with her without condom then you should also be ready enough to marry her now. I don't support her going for an abortion cos she was also silly for engaging in unprotected premarital sex. Guy don't look for a cheap way out go marry her even if its only traditionally.
Oga u sound financially stable to me so go and pay her bride price and marry her stop this excuse of nor being ready is it when she's had 4 kids for u that you'll be ready or when u no longer see the beauty in her a beg park well jor
I don't not support abortion except on medical ground. So girl, do not harm your baby because he or she could be your world later but bros do the needful. I don't understand this "am not ready for marriage stuff". Change in situation can bring change in plans. So if you really love her as you claim please go and do the needful so that peace will reign.
oga o! some girls are stupid and heartless how can she threatening to abort a pregnancy shes carrying atleast she should think about the pains nd moreso it is a sin to kill......guy i dont think shes the right woman for you.
You have no excuse mr man go and marry her…the issue is not taking care of her and the baby… that already has been established…do the right thing and get married to her….its as simple as that u can't escape this one….and if the baby means that much to u and u claim u love her then what are u waiting for???
You simply want the baby and not the mother. If you can take care of the baby and the mother like you rightly said, what then is stopping you from marrying her? I for one don't support abortion but do the right thing.
Do d needful and marry her nah, even if u dnt have d money just do kinda small intro/trad and u guys will be managing una selves till u get money and she shld be able 2 support u too.
Imagine the extent some ladies will go in other to answer MRS...threaten to kill ur unborn...I pity u... Bros,btw flavor & Wizkid, who b ur role model? Cox ur response is so immature... Bros,if u don't wnt ur heartless gf to abort the baby,thn do the needful..Abi u wan form celeb mama here n there...
U should have taking precautions and use a condom; now ur saying not redy to marry her bt she's done abortion for u b4. Den go and marry her u must nt fnsh d whole marriage ryts. U can Jst pay her bride price den wen she delivers u cn cntinue d remainin ryts.....from sunnynaija Visit my blog for relationship advice, news, gossip and stand a chance to win recharge cards Evry Friday Visit and win recharge cards every Friday when u comment and air ur views on any post...
R u mad?...u just said u love her and would love to marry her,must you be prepared for everything?...u were never prepared to love bub when you guys started dating u loved her then y should this be planned too? Well anyhow u want it Buh believe me only few girls on earth wanna be baby mamas and your girlfriend is definitely not one of them....period!
R u mad?...u just said u love her and would love to marry her,must you be prepared for everything?...u were never prepared to love bub when you guys started dating u loved her then y should this be planned too? Well anyhow u want it Buh believe me only few girls on earth wanna be baby mamas and your girlfriend is definitely not one of them....period!
U r funny, u av money to take care of d mother and ur child, buh u dnt av money 2 do even if it's traditional. u should understand d lady does nt wnt 2 av ur baby out of wedlock so go see her parent and do sometin even if it's jst paying her bride price 4 now den wen u r fully ready u can carry on d whole tin. My opinion tho
U r funny, u av money to take care of d mother and ur child, buh u dnt av money 2 do even if it's traditional. u should understand d lady does nt wnt 2 av ur baby out of wedlock so go see her parent and do sometin even if it's jst paying her bride price 4 now den wen u r fully ready u can carry on d whole tin. My opinion tho
If you can afford to take good care of her and the baby and u also claim to love her,den I see no reason y u shouldn't marry her.u want her to be a baby mama.Men sha!
No body should force u into doing what u dont want to do, it is sad that she is trying to bully u into marrying her, for me that was her plan from day one, n believe me if u marry her una go get plenty wahala cus obviuosly u will blame her for forcing u to marry her
You didn't tell us what is holding you back from settling down now. What do u mean u are not ready now? Do u consider the trauma she is going through. Font support abortion but old try to engage her by doing TM.
Do the needful and go and marry her. if ur old enough to have sex then y aint u old enough to marry her, and besides u say u wud take care of her and the baby which means ur capable abi? then just do the taking care of them while ur married, theres really no difference except that this time u put a ring on dat finger and a label on ur relationship.
Guy, if any babe forces you to marry her because she is pregnant for you then you are ruined. Because you did not enter that marriage willingly and forever your relationship will be tainted with power plays and insincerity. Especially if you don't have Jesus, then there will be infidelity and all sort of bullshit. Since you are keen on keeping the child, inform your family and her family. But guy, insist and stand your ground. NO MARRIAGE TILL YOU ARE READY! Personally a woman that can play that card should not be married. How do u even know its yours sef?
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Simple as ABC...
Go and marry her if u truly love her even if it is in small way u do it.
Hmmm dz one is difficult oo
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Why did you not use condoms initially? Anyway, Since you've made up your mind, marry her already. Even if it's introduction.
Go nd marry her u don't need much money to get married
Prick no get shoulder,u put d head,d rest ENTER.u had better marry her cus wen em dey sweet u,u nor know!
Its all an empty threat. She is just pushing him to do something. If she wanted abortion, she wont even let him know she is pregnant. Impatient guys and ladies. Not ready, yet your penis and pussy r ready and working. Next story please.
That girl wan use my guy head
Its either u marry her,or u allow her do whatever pleases her!
I admire your integrity... You must be a good man to even suggest that she keeps the baby, most men won't. But pause for a while, and put yourself in her shoes.. Her aggression is understandable, you are not her husband, and she doesn't want to be another "baby mama"...
My Broda, let her remove d baby. And dump her flaba myt be d last she'll ever carry...God myt be warning her now...but trust d devil to piss in her hrt...
Oloju kokoro so she sweet to gbensh and be a baby factory but not good enough to wife immediately she told you she had taken in? Admitted she is being wicked but the truth of the matter is she is scared you will abandon her. Please do the needful and go to her people.
Tor! This kind of lady...don't marry her o. #myadvice
Marry her noni, wicked dude, u want 2 turn her 2 ur baby mama. Oniranu. Y aint u ready. #happyweds
Marry her joor, how do u expect her to be a baby mama? U re so selfish biko. Go ahead and get married, hoha
Do d rightful, marry her, u won't die!!!!!!
Foolish boy, so she should be going around with d tag ''baby mama'' because ur not man enuf to do d needful?
Mumu dey reign!
You want the baby and will take care of her but you don't wanna get married to her, can you at least listen to yourself, do you think it's every lady that wants baby out of wed lock?? My frend choose what you want, either get married to her along wit the pregnancy or simply allow her go for an abortion. Because keeping her and the baby,wit out getting married to her, tomorrow you might wake up and bring your choice of a lady for marriage and that simply make her a second hand by then.
Don't be silly. Go and do something on her head even if you can't do the wedding yet. Stop playing the waiting game with her. That's a woman. Her time elapses in a few years
When u were doing it,did u seek 4 our advice? Now kasala don happen u cm dey ask us. Anyway u men can be corny at times so I dnt blame her. Wot u ll do is 2 go nd marry her simple. Bcos me,I ll not kill my baby bt u MUST marry me ooo
U love her,why not marry her.. u want to play a fast one on her right,guys and their warri sense..... mschewwwww
Why didn't u use a condom??? Since u are not ready
If you are serious then go and meet her parents as well. A little introduction would not be a bad idea. On other note , she should stop threatening you with the termination of the baby, sounds like a desperate measure for her . Overall, go and meet her parents. period
Why won't she threaten mr man
U very sick
You didn't knw you're not ready when you impregnated her abi?
Only her will feel the shame of giving birth out of wedlock but you will relax and be poses that u have a baby mama
My friend if u can't marry her let her do whatever she wants becos you will not feel the pain as she will feel it
You are not ready to get married now buh you are to screw her..rubbish!
Why won't she threaten mr man
You're very sick
You didn't knw you're not ready when you impregnated her abi?
Only her will feel the shame of giving birth out of wedlock but you will relax and pose that u have a baby mama
My friend if u can't marry her let her do whatever she wants becos you will not feel the pain as she will feel it
Haba, u are not ready to get married but u are ready to be a Dad. What does dat make her? Baby Mama? When u r ready to settle down, u will go have anoda woman as wife. Do d right thing now or let her be with her plan. D exact thing happened to a friend of mine and she has removed d baby cos d guy ain't ready and d guys father has like 3 Baby mama's.
Shutup my friend!
You want to marry her but you are not ready!!! What is it that you want to be ready for? Money? Ok, do the introduction with the family, make your intentions known, explain to them you don't have money then go do the registry and other things later.
The same you will meet another girl in a day and second day you will marry her.
Awaiting your feedback!
U hav 2 be ready, don't mak her a laughin stock
Just imagine! U come across as Immature. She be baby making machine ni? U want the baby but ain't ready to do the needful? Na he goats like u dey give us negative image.
just feel like floggn dis guy..since u knw u aint ready 2 marry ha..y did u screw ha? U beta go and pay ha dowry orrrrr
If you love her and want to marry her, now is the time, it doesnt have to Be an elaborate wedding, she is trying to secure her life to,if u dont marry her and u fight she just becomes another baby moma,u may ruin her only chance of getting married if gives birth and u eventually fight ,you also help put her in this decision so u both have to do right thing, i got married under these circumstances we always knew we would marry each other,so wen i got preggers we married howver i lost the;baby but it was the best decision ever,please dont do that we are Africans even if we comit sin let it not be open sin and rub it in our parents faces their friends,my sister gave birth without marriage and no one in the family treats the baby well,compared to the other grandkids, even her own family dont, they abuse that child behind her back, please dont put your baby through that, unless you know u can never marry her then dont?otherwise there is no better time for marriage , yours sin jay
If u r not ready pls keep ur manhood where it should be.
Lol ! Not ready for marriage but ready enough for unprotected sex eh ? Marry the girl jor
Go and meet her parents and tell them of your intention of wanting to marry their daughter, that way she knows your intentions about her and you can start planning towards that; marriage in the future. Because right now, it would be selfish of you to ask her to have your kid without commitment.
1st u shouldn't Hv gotten her pregnant,am an old school gal I blv in marriage b4 children. If u really love her,go and see her parents,let them knw u r the one that got their daughter pregnant,u shuld do a traditional wedding,if money is a problem do an introduction where both families meet and u pay her dowry.
Go and marry her period! Y r u not ready now? But was ready 2 have unprotected sex
Goan marry her
But this guy is wicked o. You want baby but you don't want the girl since you have money to take care of her and the baby why don't you guys get married. You can't eat your cake and have it.
she shuld try nd undastnd! if u r nt financially buoyant does she wnt 2 suffer? d moni 2 b spent on marriage shuld b used 4 d baby, she is lucky u r one of d few men dat takes care of d consequences of deir actions. try 2 talk her out of it. she shuld kno abortion is a grave sin. good luck
Calm down,bc is not easy for her too...just go and see her family if u love her
If u really love her n would want her as wife, do d needful n have ur baby. U ain't getting younger n stop complicating ur sins
You are not ready should not be an excuse, you are already fathering a child or about to. If you love her and the baby, you need to make a commitment to her and her family. If you were her father, would you take such excuse from a man?
If you love her and want the baby then marry her. The wedding does not have to be expensive cos i know as a man what u are thinking of is money.
It seems u are not sure u want her if u do u will not be asking ....
Go prove to her pple u will marry her so dat it will not b a shame to her family
Loool, "I need the baby" like say Na bottle of origin.
Sorry, but if you're not ready for marriage, then you are not ready for family.
As a single mum, she'll find it more difficult to get a husband who'll be prepared to accept yhe the child. In the meantime, you'll go ahead and marry another woman. Also, the fact that she has your child will mean that you'll always be part of her life, wether she likes it or not; and Pof Okafor's theory still applies.
Go and pay her bride price first since you still love her and want to keep the baby, then you can do the celebration of the marriage whenever you think you are ready.
work out with ur plan girl
U sef try manage do small introduction nah
Mumu boy! U better do marriage with only your family present. Abi you want to do 'Dubai wedding ' ni? If you're willing to keep the baby, marry her legally. Court marriage no cost. ~ceze
Y re u nt ready? Hw cn u hv ur 1st baby outsid wedluk? Even dou u re nt ready mayb bkos of money den do introdutn nd payn of bride price. No any lady dat wnt to hv her 1st baby outsid wedluk, so far u lv her
Before nko? You are not ready to settle down and you were busy having sex without protection,what do you expect? No responsible African girl wants to have a baby in her father's house.You are not ready for marriage but you want a baby abi?. You want to live the kind of life this our naija celebs are living abi?. I advice you see her parents then you can proceed from there because you have the means,unless if you don't intend to settle with her in the first place. Abstinence is still the best option
My dear,what do u even take her for to become your baby mama,what is even the problem with guys?u r nt ready yet,bt u were ready to hv sex with her,u better look for money to borrow n marry her,since u said u can take care of her and d baby,add to d money n pay her bride price,u dnt want her to abort,though I dnt support abortion,bt u want her to give birth outside wedlock,which is even better self? Do a rethink my dear,by d way hw old are u,cause d way u sound,let me nt jst insult you.
If u really love her n would want her as a wife, then stop compounding ur sins. Do the needful n have ur baby. U ain't getting any younger
My dear,what do u even take her for to become your baby mama,what is even the problem with guys?u r nt ready yet,bt u were ready to hv sex with her,u better look for money to borrow n marry her,since u said u can take care of her and d baby,add to d money n pay her bride price,u dnt want her to abort,though I dnt support abortion,bt u want her to give birth outside wedlock,which is even better self? Do a rethink my dear,by d way hw old are u,cause d way u sound,let me nt jst insult you.
Oga marriage isnt that expensive I understand her to an extent.......u men r bad, you people r hot n cold n she wont risk her future cus of you.i will doesnt fix things actually doing them u hv any idea how many guys promise marriage n then bail? me I support n understand. Biko I lv u is no assurance in any relationship
this is serious issue
sit her down& talk sense into her, if she didn't listen, go to her parent/ someone close to her elderly person and explain the situation of things to them, am sure u will find a way out
#Commenting thru Glo 4G LTE
Hmmmnnnnnn........ Yaa in between the wall and a hard place! your woman is looking at the stigma that comes with being a single mother. I don't blame her one bit.
What are the reasons why you aren't ready to marry her? If it's because you don't have a steady source of income, accommodation etc....then that's understandable.
If you are settled and you are not yet sure if it is her you want to marry, and you want her to go ahead and deliver a child for you....then ma nigga you are selfish! yaa wan eat your cake and have it!
Bro, na sometin dey finally kill peson! .. Man up and marry yaa gurl........ Afterall the fucking without condoms was sweet enhh? lol
On 2 the Next!
Lol...see me see trouble brother u go marry her oooo!!! Bt on d serz tho y wud u wanna v kids outsyd wedlock? If y rily want d kid den marry her..
Baby mama no be title,jus close ya eye marry her!
Oga!, u re nt ready 4 marriage buh u were havin unprotected sex ,how shallow can u be?? Goan nd meet her parents o even if is just 4 d introduction nd oda minor rites.
Mally long as she is not side chick...Mally her and God will provide
hmmmmmm this is serious, bros put a plan and do the right thing dont follow all this celeb u see posting baby pix before marriage, take it now while it hot.
My friend go n do d needful. Our society isn't fair 2 ladies having babies outside wedlock. No b u go carry dt shame n's d lady.
Stop having sex fool! You can take care of her and the baby but you are not ready to settle down? You must be out of your mind. Marry her now or allow the poor girl to do what she wants. Is people like you that tell their baby mamas stories for the gods when you are ready to settle, idiot.
Young man its dudes like you that makes the female folks think most men are irresponsible.if you are man enough to sleep with a woman be man enough to shoulder the are a very selfish are only thinking about yourself and your joy as you said without putting her feelings into you have a single clue on the shame and stigma she's going to suffer?don't fool yourself cos we are all men.there are a whole lot you can start with as regards the marriage with very small amount of money.simple introduction cost nothing.court wedding cost nothing but give her a tangible reason to give you a child period
Why cribbing her when you have no plan for marriage.
You better marry her or get out of the way. Why do u wanna increase the number of baby mamas in Nigeria and practically destroy her life. If u cant marry her please find your square root.
Go and loan money in the bank, sell some stuffs as well and use the money to marry her. Abstinence and condom were too expensive, I guess marriage will be cheaper. You are not ready for marriage but needs a child.
Hmmmmm!!! You are not ready for marriage but you can take care of her and the baby. That doesn't sounds so nice to me as a lady.
I can tell she is scared and needs a form of commitment from u. I don't blame her.
When a guy tells me he is not ready for marriage but he is ready to take care of me and my baby, it tells me he wants the baby more than myself.
the man set no dey serious.if he really want both of them he should make a step,he doesn't need to have the whole money in the world to start a home.
Good for the two hoobo,u re not ready to marry but u are ready to have sex unprotected shame to u?so lib are now ur personal advicer when the thing the sweet you u forgot to know the implication and now the container has landed two of u should ofload am that is my advice.
'You promised to take care of her and the baby but u not ready to marry nw', u contradicting ursef bro, if u've the above in mind, i'll advice u do d needful by marrying the lady even tho she has more to lose if she eventually go for the abortion
Good for the two hoobo,u re not ready to marry but u are ready to have sex unprotected shame to u?so lib are now ur personal advicer when the thing the sweet you u forgot to know the implication and now the container has landed two of u should ofload am that is my advice.
See ur mouth like I want the baby, owun toda wun ole. If u aren't ready to be a husband, den I cann safely say u are nt ready to be a father too. You never rily kn wen u r ready, do d needful, dat was wat my husby did in 2012 n now we've 2kids 2geda n no regrets whatsoever
Go marry am na, Idiot, u want baby you no want marry her now. go pay bride price jor.
I dunno...marry her na,wat r u waiting for,probly shee is feeliin insecure and she does nt wanna b jes som baby mama!
Mr man,if you truely love her.go and marry her.Dont be selfish.When you was fucking her without condom what do you expect?You are not ready to marry but you are ready to fuck woman without condom.
Hmmmmmmmmm. De guy shld go and pay her bride price if he is not financially stable now. She might wickedly abort dis innocent child. Nawa ooo. Some women get mind oooo.
Trying to abort our next president????noooooo,go and pay her dowry
See your moutth,your not ready now but your ready to impregnant a woman,jst go and do anything that will please her,bae you try and understand that your putting your life in danger, pls do not kill your baby, cos is a gift from God
U try well well,she should give birth out of wedlock cos she is a chicken?then afterwards u ll say u don't love her anymore making her life a mystery...y didn't u use a condom if u ain't ready?msheeew..Girl,if u reading this..u r on point!i hail
I mean our future president
He's not ready for marriage hut hes definitely ready for a baby. ..#beatsme
Don't give in to her threat because you will hate being married to a manipulative lady and both of you will suffer. Leave her with a reply that doesn't show an approval for abortion. You're not ready for marriage but you impregnated her #ShameOnYou.
Hnmmm you aint ready for marriage and you want the baby! Another baby mama n papa ish. This isn't how God said it should be. Lord help our generation.
Don't be pressured into any marriage no matter the situation
Mr Man if you really love her and the baby as you claim you would be ready for marriage..... let me ask you ? what does it even take to get married??? if you claim you can take care of the lady and the child then whats stopping you from getting married ... the truth is i think you are not been sincere with your self.... you wan go do wedding for dubai abi? dont u know how embarrasing it is for a girl who is not married to be pregnant people see her has "Animashaun" i like the girl she has a good integrity ....
Seems like u don't no how having a child outside wedlock is for a woman.. If u have d money to take care of her and d child I suggest u find/use same money to go pay at least her bride price. Today u claim u love her wat if tomorrow u say u don't wanna marry her anymore buh u still want to be a father to ur child wat den becomes of her.
Ur not ready for marriage den ur having unprotected sex , were u expecting a plasma TV as output?????
Yo nikka u already love her n want to marry her...........go ahead and make it real, there's no. waiting for nobody. Get married to her already
I wunt blame at all, cus I have seen wat som ladies go true I dz kind of situation...u love her then tie d darm nut
U Kud pay just her dowry now. When u are fully ready 4 marriage, then u do the traditional ceremony and White wedding
u go on and do the much u can and keep yr baby cox girls dz days .....u really can say.....they are so mean,i tell u ooooo
The girl doesn't want to bear the disgrace of having a child out of wedlock. Since you love her and want the baby, I'll advise that you go with your parents to see hers and set in motion the process of marrying her. That can be done even if you don't have much money with you. The marriage ceremony can wait till another time, just take some wine and kolanuts to her parents, that would at least convince her to keep the baby.
Go and pay the bride price.You want the baby,you can take care of a baby and mother but can not pay bride price ? are you kidding me ? You want her to take the shame of pregnancy out of wedlock and you the pride of being a father ? You are joking. Go do the needful my friend.
But you are ready to get her pregnant right?
Looks like folks are fuckin without condom these days despite the threat of annihilation from HIV/AIDS. The human spirit is really at its lowest ebb.
Marry her you were ready to fuck nd get her pregnant your even ready for her to have a child but not to marry her abi?foolish man
U are very silly for saying u want the baby but not yet ready for marriage,who does that?...anyway judging from your write up above,it obvious your still a kid cos u kinda sound childish...u want her to join d band of baby mamas without doing the needful,may thunder strike that mouth of yours mtcheeew if u love her like u claim then wife her cos truth b told,if she goes ahead with her plan the blood of that baby would be on u both...i even don't blame u sef,i blame that foolish gf of yours that allowed someone as stupid as yourself to sleep with her without a condom...u both clearly deserve each other...silly mofos mtcheeeew
Wettin d make u no want marry self?
If you love her and want the baby , be a man and marry her....what if she carries the baby and you don't marry her? What's next for her? You are being selfish...
If you love her and want the baby , be a man and marry her....what if she carries the baby and you don't marry her? What's next for her? You are being selfish...
Marry her if you love her
If you love her go & see her parents wit small money then promise her later pls don't abort de baby
If u love her go see her parents wit small money then promise her to come later
D time wey u d fuck her toto e d sweet u come d find advice.Abeg,park well jari
Do something on her head let her b assured that u won't runaway when she gives u the baby period.
If you love her and you wanna marry her what stops you from doing it now? I get her point, no woman wants to be a single mum, that must be her fear. So if you really want your kid make up your mind. You can't have your cake and eat it, sorry for sounding this way. If you love her, wife her!
U knw wot 2 do jor! Come n pay den u'll hv ur baby(happiness)
If u ave money for her dowry alone den do it Afterwards u collect ur baby and collect ur dowry..Cos d day u won't give her mony after marriage she mght. Abort another one
Just go do the introduction and pay dowry. These are d basics and most necessary, then when u ve money u can celebrate it. After that go to court and get legally married.
Taa..grow up...wife dat gurl already...if u need money come around...lets help u.
U shldnt av impregnated her in d first place, bt anyway d deed has been done. If u allow urself to be trapped into marriage bcos of a child, u may regret it nd d marriage may end prematurely. So talk to ur parents and seek fr dir wisdom and also pray abt it.
Whatever happened to okpu nnabuenyi? Go and pay her dowry and do the rest later that's if she is really preggie.
...Mama J...
Lindy nwa, he should man!. Since u decided to do wot married people do then complete d process. u just wanna tie here down with ur child and play away match somewhere else? it's truely not fair to her.. and what's the probability u will marry her at the end...u be wicked boy walahi..#umustbeayorubaboy#
Dude if u re not ready to marrry her den u re not ready to be a father, u promise to take kia of her n d baby dat mean u re financially stable sso do dd right tin n marry... n to d lady involve if u av dis babe witout d wedding did man will not marry u, he iss just concern abt hiis baby n nothing foor u
Oge marry her now,which lady will want to give birth without being married.
This man is un serious. He wants to eat his cake and have it. Oloshi! You can take care of her and the baby but you're not ready for marriage. What is your excuse? Oloshi!
Phew! Can you imagine.
Y do I feel this is Bonairo Snag? Did you ask us when you impregnated her? Marry her already.
Let her go ahead your conscience is clear
U had better go marry that lady, and stop flirting. OAU we need a break to vote.
Soo u are not ready 4 marriage but u are ready 2father a child. Abeg go n marry her bcos tomorrow u will live her after she have d baby
If u can take care of her and d baby, u r very ready for marriage... go nd do the right thing nd save the innocent child
Then go by marry her.
You sound so impregnated. a girl and you expect her to abort withou you securing her future? She is in it to win my bro. Imagine she has the baby and you guys end up not getting married? She still loves you, if she doesn't, she wouldn't ask you to marry her.please do the right thing...meanwhile what do you mean by being traditionally stable?
It's her choice if she doesn't want to be a single mother. If you need a baby, wait till you're married then. What's to say you won't take the child from her today and then marry someone else tomorrow?
U're stupid I hate men dat reason diz way.
You should have considered all these before anything. You can go ahead to marry her,u dnt know how God works.
Guy if that baby get aborted then you are finished..Yes! This is a threat from me..just keep pleading with her..
Marry her
U people shuld tak d responsibility of u takin her to her parents, with urs too, do a form of introduction, marriage can really cost less I mean vry less, then wen ur ready u can do d party, if u love ur baby go out of ur way for d unborn baby, u wuld't regret it, she hs her pride an ds wt she's protecting, an if she's working she shuld help u, u guys can put heads together an jst to a little thin Asin traditional right,
You guys can go to the registry if ure not ready for the big event.
So all these use condom advert everywhere, no play reach your side.
Akuko uwa. Go and do the introduction to her family jor since u still want to marry her. Gf biko dont abort baby o
Dis guy is a nitwit and d girl is a boffun
Please go and see her people, do her introduction, if possible pay her dowry in a low key. for she has already made up her mind. please dont loose that baby.
Y are u not ready 4 marriage if u can take care of her and the child u should be ready for marriage bro, what she is trying to do is bad, but sometimes I do not blame girl for she could give u the child and in a year later u would not want to marry her again. What then? If u truly want to marry her just do the needful
Go and pay her bride price,in tat way she will feel accepted.
Dzzz dude is not bnn nice.ur not ready 4 marriage yet u got her preg ,nd u claim 2 love nd want 2marry her.hw manyy yrs lera wud dat be??ever child deserve a legal parnt.stop paintin d innocent lady black.
You should state the reasons why u not ready for it cos u'r financially unstable or you are not just ready for it cos u deem urself too young for it?..the only genuine reason u'd present that would buy my support is if ur monthly wage can't sustain you guys and cant even afford to finance the wedding
Mr man I don't understand what u mean by saying that ur not ready now,u don't need to do a flamboyant wedding just go with ur parents and pay her pride price since u claim that u love her.the wedding can come later whenever u guys are ready
The young man is so stupid and daft in mind. How can he said that what he want for now is the baby and not the mother. And the lady in question had already aborted for him before. I will advice the lady to think more than twice before marrying the young man. Am disappointed in the man. People like him are making ladies to stay away from you. He's an idiot of the highest order. Nonsense.
marry her now.. baby mama syndrum
u are quiet selfish bro
My dear, when u knw u re not ready, u should hv protected urslf, all she wanted is an assurance 4rm u, if u truly love ha, take d first step by taking ha to d registry if u knw u don't have enough money 4 traditional n white wedding.
Since you are ready to take care of the baby, why not just go ahead and go to the registry and marry her. You don't have to do the white wedding now. I don't blame her. It's people like you that will have baby mamas all over the place before you finally feel that you're ready to marry. If you were not ready, you should have zipped up.
First there is no trust in the relationship well 2 curt the story short u have 2 marry her cux if she goes ahead 2 have the baby u will put diz ur so called gfrd to second choice which u have already show us here without knowing it buy telling her she shud keep the baby but not ready 4 married hmmmm dnt u think u ar the problem here boy. U ar nt ready 4 marriage but ur johntommos will not allow u 2 be. #thinkwisenow
Both of you are not serious. When you know yu are not readey for marriage why did you impregnate her. She too is a dump. When she know you have not married her legally, why did she surrender her body for sex. When they tell you to abstain until you marry you will call it religious things, now they katakata burst after you think you have enjoyed yourself you are now us innocent people to advice you. My advice, arrange for a family introduction, let the family know that she is pregnant for you and that they should support both of you in prayer till you finalise marriage arrangement. For the lady, after delivering this baby ZIP UP, until he do the needful concerning the marriage. I sensed you thought you could trap him with pregnancy. You see your life outside. This is from Wise Bayo
Marry her evn if its just according to the native law or let her have the abortion,u are not ready for marriage but you are ready to have a child???
D time wey u de hammer her toto why u no come ask us for advise?
I will advice you to go for mini introduction if you don't have much to do everything now....
Yes the girl has a point. She ain't ur baby mama, but wanna b ur legally married wife. Even if u ddon't have d money to do d complete marriage, @least go and pay small thing on her head. Men these days like to do d end of d day, dey'll just take care of only d child and ignore d mother. Damn!!!
Have got no advice for you bro
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You've got no choice, u have to be ready. If u love her as u claim, then go do the necessary thing and take her in. Men with this their I'm not ready of a thing, but u were ready to take her to bed.
If u hv sm money go wit ur family nd consult her family
Since you want her and the baby then Marry her. Problem solved
brother, marry the sister na, wida you? U wana be Dangote first bah....
If u can tke care of her and her babi nww den Wats stoppin u Frm gettin married to her
When you were busy having unprotected sex with her you didn't know you were not ready for marriage...Really hate it when guys always shy away when it comes to marriage but never shy away when it comes to sex....My dear am no advocate of an abortion but sin na sin....Premarital sex in itself is sin so yes,don't preach to her,You should ve thought of that first....My take is if you so badly want that baby as you claim and you love her as you claim too,then go and do the right thing "marry her" so she can have that baby honourably. Am sure if she was certain you'd marry her later she'd be calm but who knows tomorrow when you're eventually 'ready' and prolly have more money you may suddenly realise she's not good enough for you and then she becomes your baby mama...So freaking stand up to your responsibility and do the right thing or let her abort the baby,PERIOD#And please no stupid preaching on top this my comment o , thanks
I don't think you should marry her.. why on earth would she threaten to kill her own child? I don't think it's right to threaten anyone to settle down..
Come Poster u were not ready for marriage but u were ready for sex
...mtcheww...u better get married to her....or u lose ur baby simple and short
Go marry her!
Do the needful,what do u mean by u ain't ready?didnt u realize that there is a reaction or result from evry action?when. U were having sex u never knew pregnancy will emerge. Guy abeg at all at all na eem bad pass.go and pay something on her head atleast.
That's my candid advice take it or live it.
If you are ready enough to sleep with her without condom then you should also be ready enough to marry her now. I don't support her going for an abortion cos she was also silly for engaging in unprotected premarital sex. Guy don't look for a cheap way out go marry her even if its only traditionally.
Oga u sound financially stable to me so go and pay her bride price and marry her stop this excuse of nor being ready is it when she's had 4 kids for u that you'll be ready or when u no longer see the beauty in her a beg park well jor
I don't not support abortion except on medical ground. So girl, do not harm your baby because he or she could be your world later but bros do the needful. I don't understand this "am not ready for marriage stuff". Change in situation can bring change in plans. So if you really love her as you claim please go and do the needful so that peace will reign.
Ma guy, u av 2 marry r. Kiping a baby is difficult especially wen u aren't married. Lots of side talks. I guess she doesn't wanna go thru d shame
This is really a wicked act
Go and marry her!
oga o! some girls are stupid and heartless how can she threatening to abort a pregnancy shes carrying atleast she should think about the pains nd moreso it is a sin to kill......guy i dont think shes the right woman for you.
I am also in a similar situation right now..this will also help me..
This is exactly what am looking for, go n pay her bride price n take ur girl. You can do wedding even when ur child is 5yrs.
Go marry her, since you said you want to marry her!
You have no excuse mr man go and marry her…the issue is not taking care of her and the baby… that already has been established…do the right thing and get married to her….its as simple as that u can't escape this one….and if the baby means that much to u and u claim u love her then what are u waiting for???
You simply want the baby and not the mother. If you can take care of the baby and the mother like you rightly said, what then is stopping you from marrying her? I for one don't support abortion but do the right thing.
Why won't you?when you are doing it,e they sweet you...go and marry her,even though is one Naira pay on her head.
Do d needful and marry her nah, even if u dnt have d money just do kinda small intro/trad and u guys will be managing una selves till u get money and she shld be able 2 support u too.
Imagine the extent some ladies will go in other to answer MRS...threaten to kill ur unborn...I pity u...
Bros,btw flavor & Wizkid, who b ur role model? Cox ur response is so immature...
Bros,if u don't wnt ur heartless gf to abort the baby,thn do the needful..Abi u wan form celeb mama here n there...
U should have taking precautions and use a condom; now ur saying not redy to marry her bt she's done abortion for u b4. Den go and marry her u must nt fnsh d whole marriage ryts. U can Jst pay her bride price den wen she delivers u cn cntinue d remainin ryts.....from sunnynaija
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R u mad?...u just said u love her and would love to marry her,must you be prepared for everything?...u were never prepared to love bub when you guys started dating u loved her then y should this be planned too? Well anyhow u want it Buh believe me only few girls on earth wanna be baby mamas and your girlfriend is definitely not one of them....period!
R u mad?...u just said u love her and would love to marry her,must you be prepared for everything?...u were never prepared to love bub when you guys started dating u loved her then y should this be planned too? Well anyhow u want it Buh believe me only few girls on earth wanna be baby mamas and your girlfriend is definitely not one of them....period!
U r funny, u av money to take care of d mother and ur child, buh u dnt av money 2 do even if it's traditional. u should understand d lady does nt wnt 2 av ur baby out of wedlock so go see her parent and do sometin even if it's jst paying her bride price 4 now den wen u r fully ready u can carry on d whole tin. My opinion tho
U r funny, u av money to take care of d mother and ur child, buh u dnt av money 2 do even if it's traditional. u should understand d lady does nt wnt 2 av ur baby out of wedlock so go see her parent and do sometin even if it's jst paying her bride price 4 now den wen u r fully ready u can carry on d whole tin. My opinion tho
If you can afford to take good care of her and the baby and u also claim to love her,den I see no reason y u shouldn't marry her.u want her to be a baby mama.Men sha!
No body should force u into doing what u dont want to do, it is sad that she is trying to bully u into marrying her, for me that was her plan from day one, n believe me if u marry her una go get plenty wahala cus obviuosly u will blame her for forcing u to marry her
You didn't tell us what is holding you back from settling down now. What do u mean u are not ready now? Do u consider the trauma she is going through. Font support abortion but old try to engage her by doing TM.
Do the needful and go and marry her. if ur old enough to have sex then y aint u old enough to marry her, and besides u say u wud take care of her and the baby which means ur capable abi? then just do the taking care of them while ur married, theres really no difference except that this time u put a ring on dat finger and a label on ur relationship.
like seriously...... its very bad........BT not to worry bro....she's killing herself
Abortion is a sin,go and marry her! Sinc u could impregnate her,then marry her!
#i am proof that God answers prayers! God is the ultimate! Accept Him today!#
Marry her.
Guy, if any babe forces you to marry her because she is pregnant for you then you are ruined. Because you did not enter that marriage willingly and forever your relationship will be tainted with power plays and insincerity. Especially if you don't have Jesus, then there will be infidelity and all sort of bullshit. Since you are keen on keeping the child, inform your family and her family. But guy, insist and stand your ground. NO MARRIAGE TILL YOU ARE READY! Personally a woman that can play that card should not be married. How do u even know its yours sef?
Then go marry her cz he doesn't want to hv a baby outta wedlock
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