Read this deep and controversial article about God and Ebola | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog





Monday 25 August 2014

Read this deep and controversial article about God and Ebola

UK Guardian columnist Michelle Hanson wrote this article that has sparked quite a debate on social
media about God and why He saved an American doctor and let 1,200 Africans die of the Ebola virus. The writer, who said she gave up on God many years ago, wondered how God works. Find the article below...
"Lucky Dr Kent Brantly, the American doctor who has recovered from Ebola, having been given a dose of the experimental antibody serum Zmapp, whizzed home to the US, and given another dose. He is now thanking God for saving his life. Through the medical team and drugs, he admits, but ultimately, it seems, God was in charge. And he chose Brantly, not the other 1,200 mainly west African people who have died horribly, which seems a bit picky." Continue...
It must be lovely for Brantly to be so sure of things. I tried, aged 10, to work out whether God was around or not, but couldn't. "What was his actual shape?" I wondered. And how could he be everywhere, all at once? How big, for example, was his toenail? Did it cover Ruislip, where I lived? I imagined him constantly on the go, distant enough for an effective overview and able to home in on catastrophes and act. But it was very hit and miss. Would he be on the spot when you needed him, like Brantly did? On and on I went for years, trying to believe in him. I even went camping with a tremendously religious youth organisation, but despite the prayers and observances, even the devout did some frightfully rude things in their tents. And there was no divine retribution. I gave up on God, for ever.
Millions didn't. They seem to be obeying his instructions to the letter, which isn't doing the world any favours. But at last, a bit of good news. The Jehovah's Witnesses are mellowing. They have a new tactic. Instead of just knocking on doors, they're also allowed to stand beside their literature, smiling, near shops and stations, letting us approach voluntarily. Marvelous. It's a shame they didn't do this years ago, when my old friend was a Jehovah's Witness. She was terrified sick of being sent to knock on our door. Luckily it never happened.
If only all religions would take this hands-off approach and let us all believe whatever we like. No pressure. I hope that one day, that will happen. I would say "Please, God," but I can't.


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Anonymous said...

1. God's a spirit. There's no need wondering about how large His toe is cuz He aint got one. 2. He does what He pleases. If she can't get along with that, then she should sWerve.

Ekiran wale said...

We all clearly need a precise understanding of who God His. Jesus Christ is the true revelation of the nature and character of God Heb 1:3, He went abt doing good and healing people Act 10:38, Even jesus said I and the father are one (John 10:34) and this has to be in nature and character. God shows no favoritism( Rom 2:11, Eph 6:9, Acts 10:34, Col 3:25) regardless of race, status or financial prowess. A large number of people that Jesus healed were unbelievers, God does not want anyone to die of sickness or diseases but live. That is the nature of our God. The more we stay close to the old testament about learning the character of God, the more we miss it, because it contained man's perception about God which were wrong descriptions most of the time. God is Love and love is not sparing the lives of a race above another. Stunted economic, technological and infrastructural development in most African countries is responsible for that death toll, man is largely responsible for whatever happens to him positively and negatively. They took responsibility immediately for him, they battled Ebola and they conquered. It's a lesson that we must all learn. moment. To care and love one another even if we are 160000000.

Anonymous said...

God knows better, He can't be questioned...#BiafranSoldier

Anonymous said...

God know's best and he can't be questioned, enjoy the second half of your life ma'am( a second chance I guess) #BiafranSoldier

Anonymous said...

This same idiot will not allow us to believe what we want to believe, but rather will want to force us to believe that homosexuals are born like that. Such a stupid fellow.

Anonymous said...

Don't you find that a reason to doibt the God u serve? Somehow he blesses those who doubt his existence with intelligence and they are living well and care about themselves and then you, who believes so much in him that u will curse anyone that tries to question that belief, you who believes he cursed with ignorance and your people kill themselves and are plagued with diseases and have no hope of development..isnt that such a pity? And somehow u still think you are better than her....lmao...Africans and religion and not asking questions...and they wonder why they are the way they are...

Anonymous said...

I pray God opens your inner spirit-being eyes so that you can get to understand God better. You cannot use your human perceptive faculties to comprehend the awesome, omnipotent, omnipresent & omniscience, omniscient phenomenon called "GOD" !

Anonymous said...

Let us all pray for safety, period!

Anonymous said...

Watin ppl no go talk

Anonymous said...

Very well said

Anonymous said...

Every man to his choice and beliefs. If Brantly chooses to believe in God, that is his business. If you are a Christian, you will just accept that you cannot reason all the whys out. If you are not a Christian, you will almost have proof that there is no God just by reasoning things out. No need to hate.

Anonymous said...

No need to break your head. NOBODY HAS PROOF of how the world began; neither Christians with their Bible(and other religions with their Holy Books or sacrifices) nor Scientists with their Big Bang Theory. But it is a free world, choose one, all or none. We don hear dis kain matter tire.

Anonymous said...

First off, this article is fair enough if you're an atheist looking for a bite sized read perhaps but it doesn't really do the topic any justice. But I must add, Ms. Hanson has only pointed out one of the most harmful bullshit that holds society especially like ours back. As for those expressing suboptimal IQ by slamming her opinion, I just smh....

Dr Kent is a medical doctor, a missionary one. A DOCTOR who believes more in a mythical being and the power of prayer than his own PEERS who saved his life through a rigorous course of treatment.

He should be thanking those doctors, the government which decided to bring him home, and his parents for conceiving him in America. If he was born in Africa, he would be dead.

As it stands, he's an ignorant, selfish nutjob who believes he is more important than 1,300 other human beings and that god chose him above all else.

That is disgusting as he gets an orthodox revolutionary treatment, recovers appreciably and recommends 'praying for the people of West Africa and Liberia"

Well, as Jomo Kenyatta said:
“When the Missionaries arrived, the Africans had the land and the Missionaries had the Bible. They taught how to pray with our eyes closed. When we opened them, they had the land and we had the Bible.”

Anonymous said...

The god of money was well at work and continues to be. While very far from perfect the US has infinitely better distribution of wealth and money to its citizens. In Nigeria only a very small few have wealth. This is what happens with no social welfare in place. You can travel to have your babies, to do surgeries or for checkups, but in cases like this probably only the level of Dangote and co have a chance of getting into countries like US and UK. Even the millionaires they will turn away! So sad. The Lord our God help our country to change for the better

Anonymous said...

So who created God? Something can't come out of nothing. While others are busy pushing the frontier of knowledge we are here believing in what we can't know? That's why we look unto others to save us from sicknesses like ebola while we pray to a God that has abandoned us and moved on!

Anonymous said...

Very Christian of you! Why d abuse? It makes you feel good?


Madam writer ur aim of writing this article is to put disbelieve in peoples heart. sorry u have failed bcos am sure my redeemer liveth.

Doctore of ForexMarket said...

We have all been given freewill. Now the western world are developed and can brainstorm to find solutions to pressing issues, they can find counter solutions to their problems but we Africans can't our leaders and our entire system is so corrupted we can't even put our health in consideration. The western world have already created a miracle system for themselves so they don't need to fast to get answers to their prayers, unlike Africans, so don't be astonished when a white man gets healed and you are all dying horribly.
Secondly if this was a setup like most people think then don't you think it's only logical that any white man that contacts the disease will be cured with the right antidote. After the antidote was announced Fortune stock rose with 50% the next day pure macroeconomics, the "ebola scare" has cost Africans over $34 billion and still accounting due to inactivity. Stocks have fallen. The cooperates have already invested shares and stocks of these countries and have/will make a fortune. Economics thats all I see. GOD IS JUST WATCHING, TAKING RECORD. Even when he intervenes his ways seems natural. like our first lady would say DarisGod, sure there is. God Bless

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Anonymous said...

This article is neither deep nor controversial.

1. The current outbreak has a 50% mortality rate; meaning 50% have survived. So while over 2,000 west Africans have died, over 2,000 have survived. Also, a white, mlae Spanish priest died. The author's attempt to play the race card fails.

2. When your 8 year old self cannot understand God's toe, and your adult self uses that as a reason to reject the existence of God, one must assume you haven't given the issue much thought.

3. The article is at best a lame re-hash of the weakest of atheist arguments: that a loving, almighty God cannot exist if there is suffering in the world.

4. Why are the author and those who support her argument so angry? The man healed thanked everyone and God; is he not allowed to do that? Why is his gratitude to God such an offence to you?

Anonymous said...

With the 4500 religions on earth it's almost sure at least 4449*are going to hell.

Anonymous said...

My problem with Nigeria as a whole is the level of hypocrisy. If you havent for one second thought maybe there's no God then you dont have a brain. Religion is totally confusing as your faith depends on your family/Geographical location. And to think that most of us are practising an imported religion is more confusing.

I believe in the supernatural,I believe theres a bigger force out there than I can fathom, I believe my soul and spirit will live beyond this body. Do I believe in God?am still figuring that out as much as I hate to admit it.And that is the honest truth!

Unknown said...

despite what ds writer thinks, God still remain God nd thus has d final say. ebola or no ebola, God is God and i will forever adore him.

Naijarian said...

Linda, by posting this, seems to me that you're asking similar questions. The truth is that no one can say for sure that there's a God and no one can say for sure that there's no God. What I can say for a fact however is that God as described in the Bible and Koran and all existing religious books don't make no sense. For instance, the doctor thanked God for saving him. Watched his press conference then and the only thing that came to my mind was - "how come he allowed you to be afflicted in the first place?"

When one studies and reflects on the bible, one cannot but see that there's no way the stories there can add up. From talking snakes and donkeys, people living to nine hundred and something, people surviving in the belly of fish for 3 days, the tower of babel, if we only had adam and eve, where did the other races come from to the stories in the New Testament which were not written by the disciples themselves and which conflict with each other. Same with the Koran where Mohammed married a small girl, women are ordered to wear the hijab so that men will not see the shape of their breasts and get tempted, women are locked up for the same reason, God is going to give each man 72 virgins in paradise... So many stupid stories in both religions...

Unknown said...

God is alive and he is present in our live I just wonder why some don't believe he exist when u have an encounter with him then u will know it. As for me he is every thing and he works in a mysterious

niffyt said...

My Goodness guys don't thrash God please. His ways are not our ways

Anonymous said...

when men plaque themselves with their own devices, they turn to attribute it to the gods.

Anonymous said...

u must believe, as long as u dont believe God cant work for u. this doctor ever since he was critically ill, asked God for help and he came through for him. what u should be asking is how deep is your faith. Many Liberians turn to juju houses for healing power when sick. pls Leave God alone.

Anonymous said...

God works in mysterious ways...he can do what he wants when he wants...whether you believe him or not doesnt change the fact that he is and was and will always be God...i believe in God.

mia. E

Anonymous said...

Just you said, the writer of the article has a grudge with God. She has given up on God and the purpose of the article is to ridicule God and those who believe in him and also to incite people against God because he doesn't fit into their narrow minded way of thinking.

People who in their mind think they are wise enough to judge and advise their Creator should know that until they accept that the ways of God are fare beyond our understanding and that death in the eyes of God is not the end of life and that it is only God that can transform tragedy into triumph.

Those who have lost God because of some personal experience want everybody to hate God.

I have not seen God, he has not spoken to me but I have seen his work and care in my life since I was born and now I am of age. God has shown that he is there and what I am today, it is by His Grace.

So let us not be deceived by those who cannot control their breath and who only by the grace of God are existing refuse to acknowledge the Lordship of God in their lives and use tragedies to spoil the minds of people that there is no God.

Anonymous said...

It is also appalling to read some comments that Dr Kent is thanking God for surviving and not grateful to the doctors who save him or that he feels God loves him more than the 1,300 Africans who died.

Ignorance of Ebola is not an excuse. For God to intervene, he uses people. Did Dr Kent not go to assist those who were infected? But he could help them all, he didn't have Zmapp or any other effective drug? Did the other doctor given Zmapp die? Who are we to know whose time is up and who is given a 2nd chance? Are there not people who have been infected with deadly diseases and survived and others die?

Think about it... some people conclude that life is not fair... where are the answers... free will? Free choice? Accident? Coincidence? God's special intervention.... THINK. There is God Oh

Anonymous said...

This writer has bellowed everything which I sometimes ask myself.. if there is a God... Y this, y that? why are you nigerians still too judgemental? She is allowed any belief she wants isnt' she. Some of you commentators without using your head are busy judging without exactly reading and understanding her write up. The American's are alive today because they the American's managed to develop a drug called Zmapp to save their fellow americans, America thrives today because they do not underbelly everything they do with "God this, God That", that's the secret to their growth and that's why they are thriving.. Dr Bran wasn't saved because he foolishly believed in God, he could have stayed in Liberia and died of Ebola but because he was rushed to America and Zmapp was tried on him... he survived... us Nigerian's need to come off our sanctimonious bullshit and think outside the box... God will never and has never come down from heaven to save the earth... that my dear friends is a myth that will never ever happen... Us as Nigerians need to open our eyes, develop our potentials, do away with religion (because all over the world, religion is the only true enemy in the world)we need to use our heads and believe in God... but all these our wholehearted belief that God This, God that, i'm sorry to burst y'all's bubble folks but God ain't coming down from heaven anytime soon to solve our problems. Sorry!!!

Anonymous said...

at first to comment . gbam you have said it.

Anonymous said...

at first to comment . gbam you have said it.

Unknown said...

don't ever stop doubting God,even the Muslims with all their prayers they end up saying...O my God

Unknown said...

God's ways and our ways are not the same and will never be the same. Kent Brantly had faith and was focused on the one who had power over Ebola Colossian 2:14 what Jesus paid for we are not permitted to have, as for me and my family Ebola no fit near me Psalm 91:10. Anyone that says there is no God is lying, There is God oooooooo.

Anonymous said...

Wait ...wait..wait....Are you Questioning HIM???....nah it cant be. i dont want to believe you are questioning him. WHO THE HELL ARE YOU TO QUESTION THE MOST HIGH.

Unknown said...

if we say God can heal, let us prove to the world by healing the sick in Jesus Name, if we say we believe in His Word, let us bring to existence is reality, that is how the world will believe that there is healing in the Name of Jesus, where are the Sons of God? Where are those that are called by His Name? If you say you are the Children of Abraham, then do the works of Abraham, if you say your the sons of God, then do the works of God, here on earth, let men see. many of us have been good counselors enough, is time for us to be miracle workers. I challenge the body of Christ today, the world have heard enough of our noise, they want to see a prove.If the writer of this article has encountered Christ she will never speak thus, and it is the responsibility of God's Children to expose her to that reality, yet we are there sleeping in Sin, i do not blame her, i blame ourselves, we should be ashamed, the world is looking for solutions everyday, where are the God's Generals? If you tell a person not to visit a native doctor, do u have a solution handy for such, because he/she is desperate for a solution. wake up ye Sons of God, or in the times to come, you will be shamed, times where sicknesses like Ebola will torment men

Unknown said...

this woman haven't heard about the Spanish priest and Liberian doctor that took the zmapp and still died??? if she did she'll understand the God factor. coming from someone that already gave up on God, its a personal issue btw her and God, she shouldnt drag the ebola issue into it.

Anonymous said...

You have terrible grammar.

Anonymous said...

God never promised everyone immortality. Clearly in Genesis he says that because man has eating from the tree of good and evil then they would have to die. That's for starters. In another note, this doctor went to Africa feeling it was Gods calling for him. He contracted the virus, was saved due to remarkable medicine, and states that God played a central role. Science and God do not contradict each other. God is not able to be fully seen in all his might and glory. Yet who can argue with a man who was knocking at deaths door, who is also a trained medical doctor in the science of Man? Perhaps we were not meant to be given a water tight argument for the existence of God but were meant to be witness to a water tight man against whom in the end no argument could hold? Take people at their word. He is a devout believer and a medical doctor. If you don't think that's powerful then I don't know what to tell you. God can save the Africans when God fearing people like this doctor and the team that saved him can find a vaccine to cure them. If not for this God fearing man then what would become of the rest of the Ebola patients? Don't you think credit is due here?? God bless everyone.

Anonymous said...

What is not garbage then? Is it only science? Science has caused many tragedies. Does that mean we should ask why science won't save those Africans? Why won't you give God a fair chance?

TruelyTopaz said...

so i wonder who wakes her up every day!
He is God! He has the final say.

this lady should really be grateful she is living and recognise there is a God..

casper said...

Wisdom is too high for a fool....everybody is free to believe or disbelieve.after death we will all know if there is God or Satan,heaven or Hell,Angel or Demon etc.but to be on the safe side keep your lips sealed till need to dig your grave with your

Anonymous said...

Haha. You're doing exactly what the guy is saying. Maybe he's right.

Anonymous said...

I love your comment.

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