I like to give you guys what you want. You guys asked for a more mature dark skinned 'hottie', well, here's one. His name is Olakunle Lawal from Ise Ekiti. He's in East Field College in Texas studying Global Business. Ola was in the U.S military that's where he got his tattoos. Oh, and he says he only dates older women. Interested women can...urmm...Google him. Lol
1 – 200 of 300 Newer› Newest»linda hook up with him na.
Linda biko is he a Mechanic? No cursing pls, I can read just asking. Oya linda post
Who is this ridiculous looking yoruba guy???? Linda when we said we needed more macho guys,we weren't referring to all these ijebu-ode,ise-ekiti guys abeg!! He looks like all these ppl that carry block and cement!!! Pls post macho-looking hot igbo guys!! I no dey use this one for anything!!! I am....UNSHABLE PUSSY
I see ur blog is turnin 2 a dating site. Kip it up as news no dey again na. Mtchew!
Not hot enough...
Oh Linda!! I've just lost my appetite!
Olakunle Lawal you are the man of the moment...Lina rating
See what u re missing
Ha ha ha
He's so married with kids
Hmmmmmmmm... This one na real akpobi. Chai. If he catch woman, na to throw am gbi for bed and break her waist... #sweating profusely# Our sugar mamas can like to start googling him asap! #firsttocomment#
Not fine facially jare,..I can go to gym and carry weight too
Dis guy looks like a road site mechanic... LMAO.. Linda or lindo U call urself, U go soon tell M̶̲̥̅̊ε̲̣̣̣̥ why U No d̶̲̥̅̊ε̲̣̣̣̥γ̲̣̣̥ post ma comment.
Luks lyk a mechanic to me tho' 6/10
Ok naa. Tatoo tinz
at his age he's datin older women. Goat.
Hahahahaha I was just laughing looking at the pics. Hottie indeed. Maybe he is hawt down below but definitely not up
He's okk sha, he looked like ǎ̜̣̍ road side mechanic initially.
I see them they RUN #in tupac voice#
LoL...no comment..
Good 4 him
Its he a welder? Lol, he no fyn jare!
He's cool
Linda I think you meant "mechanic looking guy" of the day.
Abeg he is not a hottie, he just over built! Next pls. 'Ms Bee'.
Linda wetin b dis?dis guy b lik who don take Skunk!see face honhoyin..hmm dis one nor get six pack,na round pack e get.hehe see hm dirty tatoo.orisherishe
Not overly handsome and not a pretty faced dude but still OK, and with an cool athletes body.
Crap!!! @omosexyD
I give it to his body and nothing about his face...Linda next time look well before you post hottie of the day, it has to be all round hot!
Ouch! Is he a mechanic?
This guy looks old he's just there thO
Texas? ..... this just keeps getting better
Linda biko what is this,I'm not even attracted at all ...@bladadash
Sex with dis guy will be war.....he looks more like a brick layer. Reminds me of Iyanya thou he is taller than iyanya. Nothing spectacular abt him. Just there.....
He's not so handsome jare.Only physically built.bt a normal average guy.
~»Dis1 no hot oooo....Luks like mista macho.
Rocking bod. Face too strong. Will pass
hehehehe If this guy handle you under 5seconds,u go call am rape.
If dat head touch u during lovemaking,dem go ask u weda u visit panti.
~BONARIO~says so via NOKIA3310
Its a no 4 me
Fine Ekiti boy n Yankee
No I won't be ur cougar
O gbele gbele o
Linda u sure u never find husband so wt all these fotos???
Black cofee..knw sugar...knw teaaa,Ola u don kill me finishhhhhhhhh..wow daz so very very hot n strong OMG..linda c wot we call men,linda please can u Help me tell him I love him(meemee).s
Linda,this one hottttttttt.
e be like say me sef go vex send u ma pics too o.... All this oppression don too much o
Hian.....what's fine about this one naw....he dates only older women kwa?older than this old one?....why is his head flat on top like that...abeg Linda you sure don't know hot black guys.....do you know Morris chestnut,Taye diggs,Lemar Obika and the likes?....that's dark but hot hot
Yhew!!! WTF is dis pls take it away
Lin lin, wat can I say.......*lips are sealed*
Chai, Aunty Linda, mbanu!This one no follow na. Legodu his stressed out eyeballs.like mr.mmechanic near my house.where are the abs? He's busy flexing biceps. Who can't do that? We want naijs dark skinned mature guys dt RESIDE in naija. Thanks in advance
Linda wetin b dis, we asked for a handsome dark guy not a macho weight lifter. Bbm not intrested face biko
He's hot nice body I lov it
Am proud to be omo ise ekiti
You can find him on nairaland
LMAO! Who is this bozo?! Damn! I can imagine how libers will finish him, may even drive him to suicide
But o'boy, u no get mirror for ur house?
Bouncer lawon sha...Oga o
Waoh linda of life he's so hhhhmmmmmmm.me dey trip oooooooo! *wats wrong wit me? I am straight jor! But he's hot anyway.....
Linda I tot ur term HOTTIE was abt goodlooks starting from d face.
Pls wat is dis?dis guy is ugly no offence
linda linda, dis guy looks..........
No need to comment cos u won\'t post.
Hmmmmmmmm, so uglyyyyyyyyyyyy
Uhhhmmmmm, I'll pass on this one. Not my type
This guy dey smoke igbo. Look im eye? I no want......We never start, i don dey fear
Lmaoooo! Linda u no go kee person,ppl will still mouth wash this dude
Errmmm,1 question...warris dis??abegi jor,dnt like d muscle,tattoos..mcheew,n d face-worwor..all in all..no thanks!
Lin Lin, hahahahah Lib reader wil stil have complains abt dis one *LMAO**
Dates only older women!
Wahala dey!
Abeg there's nothing hot about this dude joor *rme*
His face is not inviting oo! Me no like this one!
Linda u no get eye for better thing. He has a hot body alright but his face has problem, chei see as him resemble monkey. His not my type either since he prefers cougars. Pls we need a guy who is the complete package
Aunty linda we asked for a dark skinned "Hottie" and not a bouncer!
Too much muscle everywhere...make e no go squeeze squeeze me ooo when we dey make out...haba...first to comment
LMAO chaii bikko Linda dis 1 na die
Naa waa o,see flexing!!!u sure say dis guy no waa marry n ifnt he go get steady baby,as he dey usa naa fone love or bbm tinz abeg bring sombody wey dey naija...........me gbadun d last pics sha,oders mtcheeeeeew
He's ợ̣̣̝̇̇̇κ̣̇. @ least мåħñly ήǿƮ 2 cute Doh. Macho all †̥ħ ε̲̣̣̣̥ way bawse....
Gengen!! Let's the comments starting rolling,popcorn n teem drink things!!
Nawa o...lynda sisi,dis na ur own definiton of Hottie?...me I no dey o!
Naijadeltapikin... Who will google ds one with tatoo all over s body come onnn ₪☺ b me Ooº°˚˚°ºoo =))º°˚˚˚°ºнaĦaнaº°˚˚˚°º=))
Linda....lol.I swear u dense,dis dude is a fu*kn negro...!shiit,he's definitely matured!,u crakn a nigga up here ..lozx.
Hahahahahahaha Linda chai,i ga egbu Mmadu here,this on hot,this one he is looking for older women,Biko na ggolo im be,abi older single girls,okay,he is oka sha,not bad
Now dats wat I call sexy...a guy should have some ruff edges....not all diz banky w kind of beauty, men making up like women....linda pls more of diz.
Naaaaaaaa JƱڪτ̲̅ not it, thumbs down. But the last pic is ok.
These pics are from nairaland Linda
Which kind LIB reader sef????
And you know it !
Linda u r mad o! Who is dis one na...looks like a criminal or better still a tout. Bouncer of the day, if I hear say na hottie. If na play make u stop am!
Linda, u no well ooo se u want ur people to finish dis guy with their bad mouths. Y you bring dis ugly guy as hottie of d day
Linda,ur wicked!!! Ur indirectly sayin,there are no dark handsome guys.hw can u call dis 1 hot? I know ur jus bin sarcastic,so I'll hold my lips and not say my mind,am tempted 2 sha...
Dates only old women ke? With the way this dude is lookin he mite as well date ma great grand ma cos he looks d same age as ma grand pa.
lwkmd, lin lin,immediately isaw d pic i started laughing even b4 readind d comments. linda 'was dis na'?hottie ko,coldie ni
Dates only old women ke? With the way this dude is lookin he mite as well date ma great grand ma cos he looks d same age as ma grand pa.
Oh c 'mon dis guy aint cute @all...he jst has d physique .a hottie shld be able 2 represnt all round joor
He looks like a mechanic
This 1 ix not hot abeg,he has packs ontop stomach nd his face ix*lip sealed*looool d guy doesn't wanna kill younger women dts y he goes 4 old nd xperienced 1ce,he ix a boss.
Bia linda somtin dey do u 4 head. We say dark handsome dude, not dis.. U no get heart?. Wats fine about dis 1..
G.I Joe 3 i guess.. Lol
Is he related to Gentle jack!!! #notinterested# guez he must be a bouncer!
Ada Anambra
This isn't "hottie" to me! I'll pass #not interested#
Do u understand english sha, Linda. or ur def of.sexy is wierd.
Well he sure cleans up NICE!!!
The looks like voltron...mshwww @bladadash
Abeg who be dis bouncer?nt hot at all....NEXT
Na wa o, if not for d name en......d bros look veri veri igbotic o.....I like d one pack sha
Laff wan tear ma belle. Lindoski!!! Dis guy no b am ooo.oya older ladies apply sharp shaarp
Lol. All of una nor well. Plus linda u sef dey colo, plus u dey smoke igbo too. I just had a good laff.
Is he a mechanic
Those of u dat likes d guy n just condenming him becos others re condenming,God is watching u oo. Abeg me I like,nobody will look 4 ur trouble if u have dis type as boo
I see he is working the corporate agbero look...issorait
NAwa oo Linda, u do dis one oo, dis one NA cold of d day oo, not hot at all
*Faints and wakes* Bouncer or no bouncer... For me a hottie is a guy that can hold it down in bed. No be fine face go make me sing halleluyah and shoot me within d stars. After fine face and no action in bed... What are marra? Y'all know that are fine face and a well endowed urrgghh.. Hmmm.. Hmmm... Is like a pin in a haystack. Linda, dish me this dude! I can already imagine the way those arms go stroke me till I confess!! Hehehehehe... Choi! Lin! Lin!!!
Hehehehehehe.....Linda this one get excess muscle jor pls older lady apply sharp sharp.
Biko You have all these men in your archive and youre not married?? Cold catch me for you oo Linda. You sure say amadioha no dey use your picture fan body??
hahaha,your first post on this blog,you started from the bottom :)
hi everyone. my name is linda ikeji, im 26 years old, i am from nkwerre, imo state. i am a graduate of english from the university of lagos. i finished in 2003. im christian/catholic. im fro a family of 9. i have five sisters and a brother. im the second girl, second child. im 5 '8', pretty..or so people have told me..i no im pretty..lol. im a model, been modeling for eight years in nigeria. in 2004, i started my own company called blackdove communications...why the name blackdove? it was inspired by silverbird..a name and a bird. it so happens that my name favourite colour is black and favourite bird is the dove..so viola! i run a modeling agency and im also into events management..mostly beauty pageants and fashion shows. done a few myself, the problem with this country is lack of sponsorship..anyway, thankfully this year i really discovered my true passion..my magazine. fm&b magazine. how many of you have seen it? i did a formal launching on the 25th of june this year..unfortunately i havent been able to release the second edition..which by the way has been ready for a while now..its just been difficult raising money to print it. the magazine business is really capital intensive..but dont worry, you will see the second very soon and if you loved the first edition, the second will simply blow your mind..its packed and more mature than the first. i have a website for my mag..its fmbmagazine.com...but pls dont check it now..its under construction, i'll let you know when to go check it out..i was inspired to start my blog after i saw bella naija's blog..how many of you have seen it? the gal is a dynamite..thanks for inspiring me bella..enough said, dont want to bore you.if you want to know anything about me, feel free to ask me...and yes im single...searching? maybe lol. today sunday 26 2006 marks the beginning of lots of fun for us..i promise to give you the best..make sure u visit this blog atleast everyday..God bless you all..linda
I'm sure half the ladies insulting this dude will say yes if he approached them for a date! you babes think fine men like Idris Elba are just roaming the street like that? Linda, Nice, hot body but the dude's face is erm...
i'll pass..this z no hottie abeg!
I like black guys but really this one no b am at all. He is so dry up n muscle up! No freshness n he likes matured woman! I don hear! Hello mr show off,I no vote 4u! Byeeeeee!
*yawns........moving on!
the guy is ok joor, linda dnt mind them Lolzz
Linda why do u alway put people dat don't like in Nigeria as ur hottie or beauty of de day?is it dat dere are no beautiful people live in Nigeria??? Na wa for U
Lwkmd hei! Dis one Na farmer O̲̣̣̥ooº°˚˚°º . Pls Linda tell him my church wants security men. Qualification: able-bodied...
which single girl wants dis kinda man??? Mtcheeew
hex too huge...
no like ....
more of a bouncer
Abeg Linda,dis guy no try at all.His whole luk screams "bouncer".Pls enuf of all dis ajebos n yankee guys sef.Abi naija guys no fine again
Abeg lindoski!!! Who b dis joganut
Lol. I couldn't stop lafffffin, from the 1st to the last comment. Chai libers won't keeee me
Lindy lindy...we will fight ohh...I don't like this hottie,this one nah coldie.Oya sharply bring out hottie for us before we vex
Linda, u r a wicked gurl... I know u had a laugh, a loud uncontrollable laughter before u decided to hang this dudes pix up on the wall...
I rebuke every spirit of insult n curses, dude! I av refused to insult u! Go n sin no more.. Fugleh!
You call am bouncer I call am conductor
Dis is not it oo,u just brought a bodyguard,his face is urghhhhh....pls their are beta dark skinned guys pls,nd hope those tatoos nd muscles aint to impress cos it dint work for me.NEXT!!!
this dude is hot.... More news, gist and celebrity lifestyle here at www.gistyinka.com
Linda dis 1 no folw 4 hottie o! Linda e b lyk say u dey fall 4 am. Imagine d mumu say e dey go 4 older ladies, na hu tel am say d younger 1ce wnt am. C as e b lyk brick layer
Linda this ones eyes no correct he go steal my money how many kids does he have please I no want this package of trouble
Yaaaaaassss! Finally My type! Tall, dark, and sexy as f*ck!
Linda do people have to tell u before u post dark skin men? U are dark skin urself, so for u to be saying that u are posting his pic because it was requested sounds silly. Biko post 'em all: dark, medium, light....every build, ethnicity. Represent everyone that reads ur blog.
Ola fine boy, u like older women? How old r u baby? I can be however old u want me to be daddy! *wink*
I'm an igbo girl and i find yoruba men so sexy! Their smooth chocolate skin and the way they carry themselves....*fans self* #okbye.
E. Shu go and apply 4kidnaping or boko haram sqauared...na tis kian 1de tear pussy....see d guy face sef....
Warris this eehen Linda? So not appealing. If this one comes on top of me na die be that
Ewooo no be only texas ,he his from opi_iweka or Aba ngwa. Greedy guy wey want older women bcos of their money.linda abeg u no try for dis one @ all.....yaaki is dis ur own definition of hottie abeg we wan see your bobo ,upload his pixs sharply make we see oo.
LwKMD!!!! Ya'll crackin me up here ooo...
ds LIB readers eh! No one can satisfy u guys, una see handsome and disagree dt he's nt hot, ds is wht u guys requested 4 and u pple ar complaining, u pple ar jealous
E be like armed robber...hian
One burger away from obese
Coldie u mean
Like seriously Linda, I have lost my appetite right now n I hope he didn't pay u to put up his pix as hottie of d day.Abeg u fall our hands seriously, apologise ooo
He looks like YAW the other version of YAW ,he is taller, dark skinned and macho but them head na the same...........just my thots oooo buh he is no hottie
Lol linda warris this? Hottie?? Na wa Oº° u dey vex .
Linda I haff run away o!.. Which kind truck pusher be dis?.. Abeg I did no dey there o!..
Abegggggg oooooh,waris dis hian,mba mba mba I no dey oooo not my type dats all
Linda respect yasef na! Post my comment na!!
Lmaooooooooo!!! Chai! Lib ppl wii not kii me! This guy don enter am today! Lmaooooo!!
I just kent! I kent! Lmaaaoooo!
Linda you are strongly advised to apply... I can see something bulging out in front there & I know you like big "pipes".
Finally linda...dis blog Ȋ̝̊̅ƨ̣̣̣̇̇̇ becoming boring..
Fuck all y'all.
Lobatan!! Worris dis naa? I love Linda tho! *Rolling to Nnewi*....buhahahahhaha..sebi all d fair, cream cuties no satisfy una.. its u pple dat av bin screaming for older, darkskinned guy...Lmao! Here u av it!! Lwkm!! All u horngry cougars can hop on him naw..
linda i lyk him bt i tnk i luv u more so have him
post my message
Dis guy is not hot @ all he looks like someone that works in Alaba Market!
Linda abeg dis one u sure say heen no be mechanic sooo
Chai!!!....who be dis!!! Dis chairman done fuckup,he for neva snd pics make he just dey usa jeje
Jonny Bravo!
Looks like an ibo man, surprised that he is yoruba! Anyway, this shows why single ladies plenty for naija. We dey look for perfect man.Either hottie go be too fair, too short ,too much muscles, face no fine ...etc. Na when he don marry all these women eye go dey chook.
God dey sha.
He looks more like a mechanic to me; especially in d 3rd and 1st pictures. Will definetly pass on this.
Too much muscles and tattoo, linda abeg this 1 no be small thing ooo
Linda has killed me!! Hw wld u call dis hotie? Have u suddenly gone blind.abeg show us fresh guyz jor
You see? That why i always say Igbo Guys are the cutest in the country. Although iam nt Igbo. WTF is this?? He looks like a King-Kong Gorilla. Well, Ladies, its up 2 u. Am outta here. * puffs out weed *
I love macho men....very hot
so many dreamers on this blog...continue running after what you would never get or at best if you get, it's gonna get you killed.This guy should be good enough for any reasonable lady...bunch of childish idiots!
Lol @ he only dates older women..
Linda this guy looks like a muscula r sickler now.. He's got a boring look,there are many handsome darkskinned sexy naija guys,this isnt one of them,he might be some ladies' preference but certainly not mine
U made my day
Still laughing .....
i don't like him. a no no for me.
Its ovious linda love heavy guys expecially heavy downlow... Lol wink wink
Ugliest hottie of the day so far!!! *Spits*
Dis wat I'm talking about, a real man @ last... No photoshops, no editting, him in all pureness... Bt, d tatoo's a turn off :(.
...in oda news, Linda u nid floggin som tyms. So afta typin msgs, u won't post abi? Hand will meet u 1 dy! Beta post dis 1. Mstcheeew!
His upper body is a turn off.
Plz am 40yrs.,how do I apply...hottie!
Is this a joke
Anonymous 7:34 lemme help u rephrase it by saying the guy is facial challenged! #clears throat# dats all!
lindaaaaaaaaaaaa how is he a hottie? na wa for ur taste o. are u that desperate for a man? u better post my comment.
Linda u don fuck up. SMH for u.
Linda biko na insult abi u no just like d guy i sure say no be mechanic LIB women dey like at least make i compliment one tin nice suit
Its ovious linda love heavy guys expecially heavy downlow... Lol wink wink
Linda which kind life? Ẅђα† is this now? Who asked for a bouncer? And to think that d guy is full of his empty self,see his mouth like" older women"mitcheeeew. Onto the next one. Not hot @ all.
Hahaha, linda abeg we want someone like Lance Gross, google him, he's a total babe...
I can't believe this. It was okay with the young boys. But this grown azz man competing for hotty of d day?
I don laff my belle tear. Older women who wan tear their kini shld apply..Roflmao.
As in ehn! Too much muscle and tattoos.
Its ovious linda love heavy guys expecially heavy downlow... Lol wink wink
Hahahaha! Laffs @Bouncer!
He looks good. Well "maintained" but looking for older women? gigolo alert
But linda wetin b dis!dis boy b lik monkey!u 4 don leave hottie of d day empty nw!
I just puked!
calabar lonishan jawe.......NEXT¿
Nice physic and well build body but his face is nut fine so I give him 60% hot.
Yoruba dem ugly dude, c as ringworm full em body, go maintain joor hottie ma foot
Lin lin. You self. What?
Nice physic and well build body but his face is nut fine so I give him 60% hot.
Me Likey *big grin*
Abeg make room and provision for two.
He looks dirty and irritatin. We need clean corpreta guy jor abeg carry dirty tin comot
Like, u speak my mind... Is this a joke?!
Who let this ape out? Whoo whoo whoo whoo
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