Question for the ladies... | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog





Sunday, 2 December 2012

Question for the ladies...

What would you ask your man if he asked you to ask him anything?


★★PRINCE CHARMING™★★ said...

LIB GURLS!!! Where you guys at? Start the ball rolling, I wanna sit back and read the comments of the ladies, it sure would be revealing.

Anonymous said...

I'll ask him if my pussy is as tight as he needs it

Anonymous said...

I'd ask him "have you ever been with another man"?

Anonymous said...

Are you truly happy...boring

Anonymous said...

See your life, Linda!!!!
You wan use us reply your bobo......I no dey house.

Anonymous said...

Do u REALLY luv me?

Anonymous said...

A big huge bag of cash(USD).
Asking him for his heart/love/loyalty is just a waste of the one request.

Anonymous said...

Do to me what Kanye West did to Kim.(Destroy my wardrope). Hehehe

Anonymous said...

Hehehe! Lol ok!
Are you in-love with me?
How much are you worth?
Are you a virgin?
Can you perform on bed?
Who is you father? And his status?
who is/was your ex?
Are you a single parent?
Are you hot tempered?
What is your blood group?
Lool I'm done!

Billie Jean

tookuit said...

Baby can u be faithful and never cheat on me? Hahahaha!

Anonymous said...

I will ask for a my own company. Because ...never say never.. They do promise they will never leave, for better or for wrs. Its only God that can promise and not fail. So if he leaves me in future, I have something to hold on to and to sustain myself and my kids.

Anonymous said...

Id ask him if he enjoys our regular anal sex

Anonymous said...

i will ask him if he truly luv me nd hw does he feel wen u r wif him.chizion say so am chillin wif my guy churchillw

Anonymous said...

I would ask him to Compare and contrast the nigerian 1954 constitution with the european perception of diplomacy with regards racism.:|

Anonymous said...

Can I have a destination wediing like say, zanzibar?

Anonymous said...

What do you and your friends really say about women?

Anonymous said...

will ask if he sees a future with me,cos whats d point dating a guy and u not even sure he wants to spend his whole life with you.

Anonymous said...

will ask if he sees a future with me,cos whats d point dating a guy and u not even sure he wants to spend his whole life with you.

Anonymous said...

linda is like dis question is particularly made for me cos my man ask me time without number and i keep saying love,all i want frm him is love.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I'd ask him to marry me.

Anonymous said...

I will ask him to if he truly L♥√ me

Queen Bee said...

Hahaha....dese questions can only come from a Billy Jean!!
By d time u done asking dese questions ma'am,d man would have been 10000km far from u,running away!!..lmao...

I will ask, if I go down with AIDs will still love mi?


D most reasonable question so far,I pray he answer u sincerely.

~BONARIO~says so via NOKIA3310

Anonymous said...

You no dey tire? Where do you get the time and energy to fuck everything u c? Mtcheeeeeew

White Pearl said...

Wld ask for a trip to paris and a jeep ..*wink*

Anonymous said...

Would it kill you to help me around the house?

Anonymous said...

Could you stop calling me like every hour to ask "baby where r u?" Jeez

Anonymous said...

Can I have my ring back since you don't wear it anyway?

Anonymous said...

What's soooooo special about that your fone that you hide from me?

bumble bee said...

Well all the questions I ve in mind,doubts etc,I've asked him,so hav nuffin to ask #lucky me

Anonymous said...

Could you shave your armpit already? I know the celebs wear it but nigaa plssssssss

Anonymous said...

I would ask him for his fone for an hour. #thatisall

Jungle Justice said...

LMAO!!! Oleojukokoro! Ask as par information not ask for as par request! U sure got me cracking a rib on this one!

Anonymous said...

I would ask him, if he dies would he state in his will, I wud get the lion share of all his properties (˘̯˘ )

Anonymous said...

Can you please wear two....yes dear, two condonms when you do your "runs"...yes I know about them even though you keep telling me if I do runs I get to go. I want to be alive for the kids at least they love me unconditionally

Anonymous said...

I'd ask him if he's wasting my time! Cos really I'm tired of chasing away other suitors cos of him. *straight face*

Anonymous said...

Have you ever raped a woman? The last thing I need is to be married to a beast. Men keep talking about women with bad pasts yet you will shrivel up when u hear what they did years past. Jehova !!!

Unknown said...

I'll ask him what's his view on women.(dis question btw is a trap).Am tired of d"Nigerian men's mentality".

Anonymous said...

I will only ask him to put my name in all his properties anyoda thing can com afta

Anonymous said...

I would ask him how exactly my pussy tastes in his mouth! *amrra*

BLOGLORD said...

I want the best of him now and always, plus plenty vac trips all over the world, plenty spoils, plenty love..

Franklin toh bad said...

Anonymous 8.48 pm lmaooooo! that's a really good one :-D

Anonymous said...

Bona darling I asked an ex that. He balked and started telling his friends that he thinks I am desperate. Bad question I tell u. Most nigerian men are insecure and not like bold ladies who they tag as brash.

MsM said...

I know wat my gf will ask......#a ring#

Jungle Justice said...

I'll ask him to tell me the things he considers unforgiveable.

Anonymous said...

I would ask him to give me all his money, property, everything. Yes and let no1 come here to preach to me abt love.

Anonymous said...

I'll ask him 2 f***ck any gurl wif big bom

Anonymous said...

Would ask him to sincerely tell me wat he likes and dislikes about me. And we can compare notes on him too. Cos i know we r not

Anonymous said...

I would ask him if he is happy with me.

Anonymous said...

Guy ℓi̶̲̥̅ke̶̲̥̅ say u no get sense o. Ladies n u still d 1st 2 comment. Well maybe u 1jobless he-goat.

Anonymous said...

Will he GENUINELY be there for me if my enemy gets ill.....Cancer, AIDS or not fertile?

Anonymous said...

Lwkm I know ryt!

Anonymous said...

Wat is dis boi cald....bona fish..feelin lik on dis blog sef?...wu made u cments inspector?....c ur 1833 ''halfway in'' hairstyl on ur plaintain head......atuk ikim ufok

★★PRINCE CHARMING™★★ said...

@Annonymous 8:33PM, I feel you gurl! That's the million dollar question, and that's a question I think every matured minded girl should ask, except you are just looking for fun or playing along with the dating train. And then if a guy starts flipping up from such a question then you should read the hand writing on the wall

Anonymous said...

Abi ooo. Sum men can die with dia fones oooo. If dey go 2 d toilet d fone goes with dem. Dey make it sooo damn obvious dey r hidin sumtin. Oma Baby

Anonymous said...

Anon 8:26 Lammoo..ur a clown.

Anonymous said...

Darling! What difference can u make? I would like u to make me the happiest woman/wifey on earth by being the best man/hubby on earth. Is that too much too ask? I know its difficult but just do ur best sweets. I want to smile even @ d point of death. *wink*

Anonymous said...

Nothing... Cuz he will not answer truthfully so why bother?

Anonymous said...

E reach to ask. The amount of married men my single gay friends in lagos have screwed is alarming. Even newly weds. D men swing both ways now.

Anonymous said...

Love love love ur ansa hehehehehehhehe

Anonymous said...

My dear u shldnt wait 2 b asked dat uestion b4 u ask ur man 2 wear 2 condoms during runs. Dats so irresponsible. Annd how can u still stay with a man dat defo cheats on u n he knows dat u kno dat he cheats, disrespect of d highest.

Anonymous said...

If he secretly loves it when I stick my finger up his asshole! He says he doesn't like it, but then he can cum from just that.. Hmm

Anonymous said...

i would ask him if he can forgive me if i told him i was disvirgined by a marrid man

A.B.M said...

I will ask him to give me his ATM card with his pin

Anonymous said...

Anonymous 8:26pm you are just a clown i swear down. LMAO

Anonymous said...

Linda, this question has no head or tail. What would I ask? No need to ask cos I already know. He loves me very much. He would do anything for me. He wants to spend the rest of his life with me. blah blah blah. Making a request on the other hand, ehn en, I am there. I have a very very long list sef. A private jet is number one. lol

Anonymous said...

These questions tho!!! Don't have a man atm, so can't think of any qstn atm. Bt dese qstns r funny!

Anonymous said...

If I am wasting my time

Anonymous said...

i will ask him wht he sees whn he looks into my eyes

Anonymous said...

i will ask him wht he sees whn he looks into my eyes

Anonymous said...

Yurk! The the "female"? (Get it?)

Anonymous said...

True! They'll run away and insult you before they do so!

Anonymous said...

Wise up! Stop chasing other suitors away cos this your present bobo is obviously a lose! (Sorry to say)

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I will ask him 2 give me d lion share*bianca versus ojukwu*from his will*wink*

Anonymous said...

Wil ask him 4 an apple laptop

★★PRINCE CHARMING™★★ said...

Mr/Ms Anonymous 9:25PM; you certainly need attention, did you read my comment or are you a learner? Abi is Linda mad for posting my comment? Just bring more of the base less hate comments rolling for all I care. If you are not new on LIB you would know such comments of your kind fly like wind here now so it doesn't have much taste again ok?
PS: Your calling me names just defines what kind of person you are. Who takes note of faceless folks like you hiding under anonymity and hating here? Come with a face and insult next time. Mtcheew!

Anonymous said...

Why do guys lie a lot and why can't they be faithful. Even down to pastors. SMH.

lewa said...


MJ said...

Linda sis,what would you ask him?lol.Visit/Follow my blog

Anonymous said...

Hehehehehehehe!asin ehn, will it?

Anonymous said...

Haha! Tell mi about it!

Anonymous said...

Why do guys lie a lot and why they can't be faithful.

Anonymous said...

I wounder oo. Men re all liers, u will never know their mind

franni said...

Hahaha! :D

franni said...

Hahaha! :D

franni said...

OMG! Lol

flores patricks said...

I would ask him to let me ask 3 more questions:D

franni said...

Hahaha! :D

Anonymous said...

Ewu.. Jam jam u don comment already... Jobless idiot

Anonymous said...

can i have ur fone for a day? and the pin to everything dat concerns u especially ur bank card.

Anonymous said...

if i slap ur mama next time she comes to my house unannounced and uninvited would u still love me? :D

Anonymous said...

Wat is dis tin wit people attacking people here n insulting odas 4 no reason? Are we as Nigerians getin more developd n learned or more stupid? @anonymous9:25, u sure dnt hav 2 insult,u hav downgraded urself already

Cecilia said...

Babe, the guy don waka before you finish the kweshion sef =)) =))º°˚˚˚°ºнaĦaнaº°˚˚˚. S

Cecilia said...

Black eye balls I guess. S

Anonymous said...

Lol, guilty as presumed!

Anonymous said...

Well said! Some people are just downright tastless! Even anonymity cannot conceal that so just ignore the character.

Anonymous said...

Tell me immediately if I err and I will apologize instantly.
Note: these are 2 promises,
1. for you
2. for him

Note, not love and properties, etc

Anonymous said...

Looool! True man! Just said same some days ago! Wheeww!!

Anonymous said...

Wow! I thought I was d only one who did that!

shouldisaymyname said...

I'll ask him to forgive me...because my fiance and sugar daddy just found out about him...and hell is about to break loose

deji said...

i will ask him if he had a former love and who it is

deji said...

i will ask him if he had a former love and who it is

Blues O'blues said...


Anonymous said...

I will ask him, will he b dere for me all d time with full support?

attitude said...

Chop knuckle my sista !!!!

Anonymous said...

I will ask him-why don't you take me out.

Anonymous said...

Ha that's just the question am gonna ask my man when he gets back from work tonight. Lazy fuck!

deczylet said...

I will ask him how much he earns!

Anonymous said...

Cus she is married and understands the meaning of submission huh!!!

Anonymous said...

They swing both ways,do they play cricket?lmao

caramel said...

Ild ask him if he's born again *angelface*

Anonymous said...

I would ask him if he ws given an option btw 100mil n Me, who he wld choose. Am sure I already knw d answer *smh*

Jungle Justice said...

Buhahahahahahaahahahahahahahahaaaaaa! Written like a true war veteran who has earned her battle scars in the battle field of love! Some men dey lie shaaaaaa! It comes naturally to some men.

Anonymous said...

I wld ask him to do a fone swap for JUST a week wif me. *straight face*

Anonymous said...

I'd ask him for jst alwys say d truth no matter it maybe,cos my life is inlove nd I dnt have a spare.the truth wld help solve a lot of my problems.

ammah said...

I will ask him to go to hell

Anonymous said...

Don't ever lie to me.

Anonymous said...

Lolssss @ history 302

Anonymous said...

His ATM n pin....

Anonymous said...

Lolssss @ history 302

nenye AD said...

His phone for α̩ day ( ˘˘̯)

Anonymous said...

Why do you keep doing it if he doesn't like it? You trying to turn him gay?

Anonymous said...

Too much information!

Anonymous said...

I would tell my hubby to go head and have sex with a bursty and big hips babe while I watch.

Anonymous said...

stay with me forever and prove the critics wrong that you are too old for me. Age is just a number.

Anonymous said...

i will ask him to buy me a car,finish.

Unknown said...

i feel u girl!

Unknown said...


Anonymous said...

I ll ask him to buy me a Dog nd i ll name it after him.

Anonymous said...

anon are very rolling on de floor.....

Anonymous said...

I'll ask him to pound yam for me.

Anonymous said...

@ anon 7:13: submission my ass.that's totally crazy

Anonymous said...

*sigh* I won't ask him anything cuz I don't think guys like to be questioned unnecessarily.

Anonymous said...

Its simple. I will ask him if he's willing 2 go all the way wit mi irrespective of his mum nt supporting wat we hv. (If only I cn kw dis)

Just Me said...

Honey, why do you always act like a jerk???

Therese I. said...

A car!

Anonymous said...

That's only if ur d only bianca to his ojukwu!

Anonymous said...

Me sha I'll ask him to join illumnati so d@ he'll av

Anonymous said...

I'll ask him if he think Osama Binladin z rili dead(~_^)

Chichi Taichi Okere said...

If he has regular anal sex then i think d best question u can ask him is 'baby,what's ur sexual preference?' As u're aware both sexes have assholes...*ijs

Anonymous said...

Dat may turn around to hurt u..wat if ur ex remembers u dat week?

Anonymous said...

I will ask him if he has plans marry me.. and trust me if the answer is not an outright 'of course yes!", I'm on the run....

Anonymous said...

@9:18am duhh!! If she fingers his asshole n he cums chances're someone else already turned him gay

Blogtoto said...

I'll ask him if he'd still date me if another guy fucked me senseless the way he does all the time? Oya,ova to u omode pelu kini gbangba

Anonymous said...

I will ask him to make the word of God to be the compass of his life. That would make me very happy.

Anonymous said...

I'm rolling on the floor! Chai! Crazy peeps! I will ask: how are you? Sincerely how are you? Happy, fulfilled? Etc

tara said...

askn him if he sees d two of u together is d best question to ask.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Why do you take me for a fool?

Anonymous said...

I do ask him, if he truly love me and wat could make him doubt my feelings

Anonymous said...

I recognize there is a sudden change....Please tell me what do you think it could be.
Headache, tired, or cheating on me?

Please answer questions from one, two, three.
Do you love me? Lost Interest? Are u cheatin'? *floetry in motion*

Anonymous said...

I would ask him if he has a babymama and a baby somewhere that he forgot to mention.

galore said...

i will ask him that,,,baby,,can u pls Suck my Pussy while i sleep like a Baby?

Anonymous said...

Ask him if u can dildo his ass or use a strap-on?He might say no to form initially but i bet he'd secretly enjoy it

Anonymous said...

Na wah o...u dey busy gan!Urs is a tripartite vagina

Anonymous said...

U need not have bothered to comment at all then

Anonymous said...

Na wah o...u dey busy gan!Urs is a tripartite vagina

Anonymous said...

Ask him if u can dildo his ass or use a strap-on?He might say no to form initially but i bet he'd secretly enjoy it

Anonymous said...

I L♥√ع soo much α̲̅πϑ I wil lyk 2 spend d rest of my days wt u,, plsss ♍αkέ m Ɣ٥U̶̲̥̅̊я woman 4 life

Anonymous said...

Ode ni e!

Anonymous said...

how can ur pussy b tight wen he scrol u day nd nite

ubongy said...

I'll ask him this question "baby, if i draw the tattoo of my ex boyfriend on my breast how will you feel when sucking the breast and the tattoo is starring at you"

Anonymous said...

@ galore.....yipeee, atlas someone asked what I love most. Honey pls can u suck my pussy lemme moan n sleep off? He knows I'm damn crazy abt orals so he'll quickly go down low. #smiling# said...

if he will forever love me, respect and cherish me

Anonymous said...

if he will consider penis enlargement or better still use a dildo because ike obere amugi agwugom.(Ur small penis don tire me). AMAKA PH

Anonymous said...

if he will consider penis enlargement or better still use a dildo because ike obere amugi agwugom.(Ur small penis don tire me). AMAKA PH

ejura ocholi said...

lolzzzz very funny ques....

Anonymous said...

if he will consider penis enlargement or better still use a dildo because ike obere amugi agwugom.(Ur small penis don tire me). AMAKA PH

Anonymous said...

I will ask him to change my wardrobe nd give me his ATM nd pin! Me na warri girl I no de slag ooo! No money no pussy

Anonymous said...

i go ask am wetin him like about me wey make still dey with despite the fact say i dey cheat on him and him know.

Anonymous said...

If my pussy is as tight as he wants cz he last girl he dated was a virgin, me i don waka small b4 I met him.

What his parents, folks and friends really think about me.

I when he's planning to put a ring on it, I on tire for all this hints here & there

Anonymous said...

I'll ask him: will u love me as Christ loved the church and gave Himself for it?

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