There has been a lot of 'talk talk' in Naija that former soccer
star and UN Ambassador John Fashanu got involved in a shady deal with some business partners who later granted interviews speaking ill of John, they basically said Fash the cash deceived them into parting with a lot of cash for a Tyre Protector business deal...long story...
A bitter Fashanu this week granted an interview saying his partners, Titi Onyekweli and Kayode Thomas were only out to tarnish his image "But they are not gonna succeed" he added
Here him...this is interesting...
"Both of them have been threatening my life. Four months ago in central Lagos, Titi roughened me up, but I told my security men not to touch her, that I am a man and could take her beating. I raised my hand for her to beat me and when she was tired she let my shirt go. I don't have any problem whatsoever with Titi. She says she wants her $27, 500 back but that is not correct because I never did any business with her. Apparently, she gave the money to Kayode when they were going out and now that he has left her to marry someone else, she's transferring her aggression to me"
Tyre Protector, according to John Fashanu, is the no 1 sealant in the world. It is non toxic, improoves fuel effectiveness, protects tyres against punctures and blow outs and it's environmental friendly

The scandal with this story is the talk of town now, but like I said before it's a long story...the short version is, John collected money from some people, these people are now alleging that the business did not go according to how they agreed...their claim is that John collected money from them and promised they would be the only ones with the franchise in Naija only for them to find out he also collected money from other people...
But we've all heard the guy...he said he's not guilty...end of story!
It's no longer news that one of Naija's best actresses Liz Benson is now an evangelist. She recently granted an interview and here are excerpts...
When she got born again
"I got born again in 1996, then people looked at me strangely, because alot of people didn't believe that I could give my life to Christ. I met alot of rejection, shock and disbelief"
On being ordained an evangelist
"I was ordained an evangelist last year in Calabar, by Dr Emma Isong of Christian Central Chapel International, now I go from place to place, preaching. I thought I was moving around with acting before but this is awesome. I never wanted to be a preacher, pastor or even an evangelist, but it happened, glory be to God"
Will she quit acting?
"No! Never! I liken what I'm doing with now with the case of Esther in the bible. God positioned me in the bible for a purpose and the purpose is for the upliftment of the gospel. I'm still going to practice but it is going to be structured to give the gospel of Christ enough room to go around.

"I haven't received any revelation yet that I should pastor a church. So all I do now is just go around and win souls for God"
Her experiences
"Things changed for me in 2004. So, I stopped doing things that I used to do before. That was when the holy spirit decided to get my attention. This was when I started experiencing near-death experiences , like the robbery, tanker accident, my second daughter's hospitalisation, but God took me out of that"About John, I love him, I don't care what they say...he GOOD man! Liz Benson, I'm happy she found God. We all need to find him...
What you got to say? Say...!
Another evangelist? hehehehhe, just what Nigeria needs, anyway, its a good thing, since she knows so many "big boys", perhaps she can start her soul winning from that area? Good luck to her!
oh wow i never believed it when i heard she was an evangelist until now.. good on her though
never heard the john news till now... i dont really care though.. none of them pay my bills.. john or titi or the tire company... lol
Men, this is some interesting news. Liz is one actress I've always respected. Now she's an evangelist? Well it's not that so hard to believe ... she has never portrayed a "bad girl" image, unlike some other actresses I know. I wish her the best.
Re the John story, All i will say is you really dont know John. There are two sides to this story. You are too intelligent to base your opinion on one side.
Is that John's kid? Who's the chick with him, the baby mama?
John ain't guilty until proven so...Titi should take her case through d normal channel-Court of Law instead of resorting to street brawls... that's very unlady like!
Liz is such a cool and beautiful lady ..all d best in her new callings....
lol,but everyone knows titi onyekweli is a cowgirl now.cant be trusted with anything.and john na longer throat go kill am.
fash is always in one shady deal od the order.nonsense
Liz is now a preacher? I don't know how to take that news. Good for her I guess
Is fashanu married? Dat his wifey and Kid?
My friends brother in the UK actually lost serous cash to that suave thief. He just tried to be extra smart and it slapped him in the face. This company in the UK makes a tyre sealant and is looking to get distributors in Nigeria. In steps John as a go between who carves up Nigeria into zones and collects franchise fees depending on what states you want to distibute in. Nothing wrong with that right? Well actually the company NEVER AUTHORIZED HIM TO SELL ANY RIGHTS. Yep. They are so sure of thier product they didnt need any fees, just a committment to order minimum amounts of product. The shit hit the fan when they tried to meet the partners in Nigeria and Fash got embarrassed big time. Well its going to be nastier when all the duped parties actually get thier act together and sue him together. Last I heard there where attempts to do just that. Mutiply this story times about six duped parties who didnt know each other from Adam prior to this deal! Ill get the address of the company so you can ask them.
Fash has always been like that hes not trsut worty. I was supposed to be a part of the "TEAM" but backed out bcos of his behaviour. Hes fun of making people to believe hes good. But hes otherwise.
John is a very sly guy. I think he filed for bankruptcy in the UK and moved to naija.Ever since he moved to Naija what exactly has he achieved? I think you need to ask Kojo Williams to tellyou a bit about John. Tyre sealant ko tyre sealant ni. What h appened to his so called sports product (Admiral or whatever he calls it) and what happened to his airport duty free chain. Does he think naijas are stupid? if he is owing anybody he better go and cough up their money before he loses the credibility he has left. Liz evangelist abi.? A yoruba adage says "on the day of the death of an elephant, you'll see different types of knives.
John Fashanu has been pronounced not guilty in this matter. You can go to http://www.saharareporters.com/www/report/detail/?id=346.
It was written by the MD of the man that owns the franchise.
Whilst this is a nice blog, I will like to make a suggestion that you should not really write things that you cant substantiate or have no evidence about. It does incalculable damage. Your article favoured John but the comments hear reek of so much hate & this is a shame as this man is not guilty in this instance.
The problem I have with John Fashanu is the way he is carrying the boy in the picture. John's hand is th wrong place, you can tell from the look on the boy's face that he is not having fun.
Praise be to God, God is always ready if we are, but, God can do all things, but, one thing He can't do is to force you to Himself. yet He loves you. Please come to Him b4 it' too late. God bless nd continue to strenghten Liz nd beleivers. Amen
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