Piers Morgan gets slammed for criticizing the Women’s March on twitter, he fires back | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog





Sunday, 22 January 2017

Piers Morgan gets slammed for criticizing the Women’s March on twitter, he fires back

Piers Morgan is being slammed on Twitter for criticizing the Women's march movements. Even though several people blasted him, he got a lot of support and according to him gained 127k new followers. He tweeted:

“Imagine if there were a load of men-only marches today? The feminists would go crackers,” and in another, he tweeted:
“I’m planning a ‘Men’s March’ to protest at the creeping global emasculation of my gender by rabid feminists. Who’s with me?” 
“Let’s be honest, ladies.. today’s Women’s March is just an anti-democratic protest at Trump winning the presidency,” Morgan also tweeted, going on to argue, “One of the main reasons Hillary lost was that she & her supporters exuded air of entitlement to her becoming being 1st female president.” 
So many people started to slam him but he wasn't bothered. He even retweeted some of the backlash he received in response to his missives, and fired back at a number of Twitter users. He tweeted:
“Amused by all the fulminating outrage at my suggestion of a Men’s March, especially from women. Kinda proves my point… Just need @KimKardashian & @emrata to post bird-flipping topless selfies to support #WomensMarch for the farce to be complete.”
Then he went on to blast Madonna, Cher and Lilly Allen.
“What right has President Trump removed from women to warrant this #WomensMarch protest? Why not wait to see if he tries, then fight it?” 
When stated trending on twitter he joked:
“Disappointed to only be trending No7 in USA.”


Unknown said...

And Piers is so right.. why can't they just chill, relax and give him a chance. watch Trump perform before crusifying him for nothing. They're all just crying wolves when there's none. All those celebrities just wanted to flex their muscles at d rally and do little trekking exercise. Nothing was achieved. Mtchewwww!!!

babe said...

The same chance we gave Buhari....lol chai! What a life full of irony

Unknown said...

It just proves that Trump is president, he just proves that he's history in the making, piers is so right

Unknown said...

This piers involves himself too much in politics... It might get him fired again

Anonymous said...

exactly. I don't like him,but imma go follow him

Unknown said...

Why didn't these millions of women that marched vote for Hillary back in November?

Unknown said...

mad man licking trump's ass!
-D great anonymous now as Vivian Reginalds

Anonymous said...

Ahh what do you know. Not shit myob

Anonymous said...

How do you know that they didn't vote for her
After all she did win popular votes but not the electoral votes. Stfu

Anonymous said...

Same way you refused to give your buhari a chance before bashing him from the first day of his election till date. Particularly you. I have been watching you spew trash about buhari. Hypocrite please live your advice to Americans

MyPersonalOpinion said...

I agree with Piers Morgan 1000%.

I am MPO and this is just My Personal Opinion
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Unknown said...

God bless you dear. They forget all the nonsense Hilary and the media on their own did and said. Truth is they forget that in politics and campaigning it's all about drag your opponents through the mud. Their ideas though. Rationality demands they wait and watch his policies first. What they are just agitating after is just his winning. Now are they better..dragging his children into it too? Destroying properties and all.. They are just trying to become what they are against

Anonymous said...

Many lesbians are among them fighting for nonsense.

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yetty k said...

honestly wat piers said is very right.d women only marched cos of trump s presidency.they dont have any other reason

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