A South African lady, Ingrid MaPhefo Mashigo who according to her facebook profile is self employed, was proposed to by her girlfriend,
Tshepo Maleka and she shared the news with everyone yesterday. She wrote: I sad yes! And of course, everyone had their opinion with comments on her page. More photos after the cut...
WOW! I wish you both the best..It's your life, enjoy it the best way you can
Yes 4 wetin? Just asking tho... * it's well*
Goodluck to both of them.
@Lindaikeji No. I FAN
The wrath of God will visit you soon, Animas
Am just imagining those mouth use in licking their pussies. I just don't get it, with all the discharge, blood and other things from the vagina. I am a lady, but can't go down there even for a man. With all the salty semen. The things people do with their mouth these days is really disgusting.
Useless fellow
Na wa o
No comment then!!!... Sodom in SA... Not funny at all
Wow!! ... Big congratulations to the both of u!!! .... Lukn beautiful
Umu efesos! Ndi ekwensu ji kwara ngwa orû.smh
Maka why...
Nawa oo
Enugu's second shoe designer
And there both ugly lesbians
madness in its highest level.
none of my business though.
Wow may God bless them who are we to criticise them when God created them to be lesbians u can't stop them.
Nigerians fools will now rain abuse on them why they do more than this shame.
#sad indeed
Ok.... Can u shift? #nextnewspls#
Wow may God bless them who are we to criticise or judge them when God created them to be lesbians u can't stop them.
Nigerians fools will now rain abuse on them why they do more than this shame.
I am in support of them yes,many of u are bisexuals and gays why coming here to behave as saint since that they don't disturb the peace of there country they should carry go say freeborn God is with them already
#sad indeed
You said yes to who? A woman? That's disgusting
This is funny
Ugly girls....ProudlyDeltan
stop giving life to events like this. Linda wereydi
Na wa o!!!!! smh this is pretty serious...
This world is really coming to a end. Hissss end time proposal
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They are madt
End time
Nonsense, later they will look for how to have a baby.
Bliss n blossom 2016
LMAO....this world sha!!
Evil spirit is worrying them. Tufiaka
Its a free world but what is sweeter than a woman being with a man?
End time proposal.
End tym tinz
Their clitoris is in trouble
-D great anonymous now as Vivian Reginalds
Two ugly bitch
End time shit
Linda you be lesbian?? Why you like to dey promote homosexual agenda??
As husband and wife or what? Lord have mercy on us.
Nonsense and ingredients! Linda take note!
Foolish girls
Lord have mercy
Said Yes to what?To licking Bloody pussy every month,your nothing but onye ARA!
The white man's culture has come to stay. Uwa mmebi!
Wat da fuck! Arrant nonsense!
Mtcheeew. End time it surely is
I can't imagine romancing my fellow lady when there are able bodied men ..that is outright madness
Congrats to dem. ..
Whatever makes dem happy
But d couple wowo with scope sha
Congrats 2 dem(end tym proposal)
Lindaz in-law(my brother's wife)
Confuse people
Uhmmmmmmmmm.things dey happen
Mtewwwwww nonsense!!!
Congrats to them
I used to judge peeps..not any longer...
They r truly searching for happiness and love and peace....
But is that the right place it is?
Are we now trying to teach God how best people find fulfilment...
The crazy part is that God loves them equally in regards to any greatly anointed men ofnGod like adebogye...
Its crazy when we keep poking our fingers in the face of the ones who love us most and they still love us the same..
God pls 4give me in ways i have challenged your stake in my life..build me up and fight my lustful demons too,am not better than these gals r,its just that am close to giving up like they have..be my strength...
I used to judge peeps..not any longer...
They r truly searching for happiness and love and peace....
But is that the right place it is?
Are we now trying to teach God how best people find fulfilment...
The crazy part is that God loves them equally in regards to any greatly anointed men ofnGod like adebogye...
Its crazy when we keep poking our fingers in the face of the ones who love us most and they still love us the same..
God pls 4give me in ways i have challenged your stake in my life..build me up and fight my lustful demons too,am not better than these gals r,its just that am close to giving up like they have..be my strength...
I used to judge peeps..not any longer...
They r truly searching for happiness and love and peace....
But is that the right place it is?
Are we now trying to teach God how best people find fulfilment...
The crazy part is that God loves them equally in regards to any greatly anointed men ofnGod like adebogye...
Its crazy when we keep poking our fingers in the face of the ones who love us most and they still love us the same..
God pls 4give me in ways i have challenged your stake in my life..build me up and fight my lustful demons too,am not better than these gals r,its just that am close to giving up like they have..be my strength...
For the sake of HIS sorrowful passion, have mercy on them, on us and on d whole world.
But isn't gay marriage legal in SA? Isn't that a sign of acceptance or is that just among the white South African?
May Jesus fine them
Mstcheew ashakasha
I used to judge peeps..not any longer...
They r truly searching for happiness and love and peace....
But is that the right place it is?
Are we now trying to teach God how best people find fulfilment...
The crazy part is that God loves them equally in regards to any greatly anointed men ofnGod like adebogye...
Its crazy when we keep poking our fingers in the face of the ones who love us most and they still love us the same..
God pls 4give me in ways i have challenged your stake in my life..build me up and fight my lustful demons too,am not better than these gals r,its just that am close to giving up like they have..be my strength...
This is rubbish I tell u.end time is near
useless girl
I used to judge peeps..not any longer...
They r truly searching for happiness and love and peace....
But is that the right place it is?
Are we now trying to teach God how best people find fulfilment...
The crazy part is that God loves them equally in regards to any greatly anointed men ofnGod like adebogye...
Its crazy when we keep poking our fingers in the face of the ones who love us most and they still love us the same..
God pls 4give me in ways i have challenged your stake in my life..build me up and fight my lustful demons too,am not better than these gals r,its just that am close to giving up like they have..be my strength...
Exactly, i wonder??
Lol. ..typical end time proposal
Mtchewwwwwww!!! Orisirisi
Two ugly people....na dem.sabi
No b only I sad yess
not a business of nigerians
*****************Buhari u c wetin u cause ba ???????? Lol,,,,,,,,,,, ara gbagbukwaa ekwensu
They can always adopt...wat is wrong with that?
Faggot!! Deliver yourself.
Aru! Tufiakwa!
Hahahahh! Been a while I heard that 'ngwa oru' phrase. Ndi ogwugwu oge indeed
Giving rubbish unnecessary publicity
Years from now, Linda will be remembered amongst the champions of humanity and human rights, what will the rest of us be remembered for? What side of history will you be on?
How u take know d taste of semen???
Linda, I guess you are not promoting this ungodly act? God forbids homosexuality
As in eeh! Ote go!
Is gay marriage now legal in SA
Lol good question... Oya anonymous 6:54 answer
@ 9:29pm, the answer is yes. Gay marriage has been legal in South Africa since 2006.
Yes o! Anon 6:54 please answer. I'm just hearing for the first time say semen get taste and then it is salty.
What god are you making noise about? Stfu
Wat has Buhari got to do with dis...u re a fool I must say...
Good for them
Looooool dont mind her
End time happenings in Africa
..Ekwensu otola gi separate now
Menh dis world is becoming something else how woman go jst sitdwn love another woman like am, say yes wat d fuck menh
Ori awon mejeeji buru bii ti egungun to n le were.
Aunty.... Are u askin me..
It seems Linda is. I have asked her several times but she refused to answer if not for news am leaving your blog,very soon Linda I ll leave your blog.
It's well
How do you know its salty if you hadn't done it before...... And it looks like you didn't even read the content of the story. You just started running your dick mouth and say things that don't concern us...
ARU! SA is the sadom and gamorrah we have in this world #Lindangwanu#
Lindiwe please these kind of stories are not worth it and shouldnt be in your blog.no matter wat,one of you must have something to do with a man.
Lost souls. Where are the harvesters?
Spiritual things
Happening in dis spiritual world
Leave Tayo!!! No one gives a fuck! Good ridiance.
....who knows what a woman needs in bed better than a woman? Gbagbe oro, women are just sweet generally. Can't speak for all men, but I hate them sweats, prickly hairy body n face, the way yall make ur face when u fuck. Rough skin, rougher voice n all them Macho aggressivNess.yuck!
Peeps better get down to some real dicks then wasting those nice pusses for nothing.
Wife and wife
Clearly you've never been properly sexed by a proper man
You are both insane for this act! This is not about judging anyone now but for sure we haven't read any thing of sure in the bible or Quran! Devilish!
Anon 9:10,I will rather be remembered for NOTHING than be remembered for promoting the cause of evil & the spread of satanism.
Hmmmm. They r vexing God that created dick to be inserted in a pussy.
Linda will be remembered for promoting moral decadence and homosexuality
Fucking faggot
No be lie!ngwanu
Abeg wey my darling Onyx, I wan propose ooooooooo... dee
The burden of the religious is the acceptance that all they have been told are all lies, that they are deceived, that they have been used to oppress others, by those amongst them who claimed to have a mandate to protect their spiritual wellbeing.
They are victims also.
Lolz iya tell us na, hygienic indeed
This one na Sodom and Gomorrah
Stupidity to the highest level
God never created homosexuals. If ur parents were homosexuals would u be alive today. Sometimes I wish Muslim ruled the world so there will be a bit decency is just that they are too extreme atimes. We the so called Christians have rubbished everything the bible stood for. Now u r talking rubbish. U better get sense . Oshi
What a terrible life
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