Master P thrashes Kobe Bryant, says Lamar shouldn't have married Khloe, warns her new BF James Harden | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog





Thursday, 15 October 2015

Master P thrashes Kobe Bryant, says Lamar shouldn't have married Khloe, warns her new BF James Harden

Rapper and record label executive Master P was cornered as he came out of a grocery store by TMZ crew and they asked him what he thought about Kobe Bryant and the Kardashians visit to Odom in the hospital. Master P thrashed Kobe Bryant, saying he was not there for his former team mate Lamar Odom when he needed him the most and is now showing public sympathy.

He said Odom had a huge heart and would do anything for anybody but his so called friends turned their backs on him when he needed them most. That none of them stepped up for Lamar when it counted. He also said the biggest mistake Lamar made was to marry Khloe and warned Khloe's new BF, basketball player James Harden to watch himself or he'll be the next victim. Read full report after the cut...

From TMZ
Master P is coming out swingin' at Kobe Bryant -- saying Kobe's public display of emotion over Lamar Odom is an ACT ... because he had the chance to SAVE Lamar, but didn't step up when it counted. Master P was charged up in the video -- saying he was "like a mentor" to Odom and personally knew how serious Lamar was about wanting to return to the NBA.
He says Kobe was also aware of the situation and could have used his clout with the Lakers to get Odom back on the squad, but instead did nothing. "If Kobe was his friend ... Kobe, like, owns the team. He could've got the man back on the team ... that's all he wanted."
P also goes off on the NBA -- saying Odom was "blackballed" from the league over his decision to be on "Keeping Up with the Kardashians" ... because at the time, the NBA wanted nothing to do with them. As for Khloe, P says he truly believed Odom loved her -- but made a mistake in marrying her because "he didn't realize what he was getting into." He concludes with a warning to James Harden.


Unknown said...

I second this statement of his. Those kardashian bitches are contagious to evry guy dey dealing with. I hope Kanye watches himself befor he wrecks himself.

APPLE said...

I agree with him. Any man that enter's that family never comes out well.

Unknown said...

Na wa o inside an Agege night club where young ladies dance completely naked and practice live sex on stage

AbokiDaWarriBoy said...

Enough biko... everyone is using lemar to grab cheap attention! If they truly care about him,simply be by his side,pray pray and pray to God to heal him,all this kachin kachin's ain't necessary atall!

#LordSandra said...

He's making a point. People only show interest when hey hear you about dying. Kobe Bryant go take a sit please and stop bin hypocritical.

Get well Lamar

Unknown said...

He made his personal choice aand decision moreso he is old enough wht is good or bad.

Unknown said...


NaijaDeltaBabe said...


#LordSandra said...

He's making a point. People only show interest when they hear you about dying. Kobe Bryant go take a sit please and stop bin hypocritical.

Get well Lamar

Unknown said...

He knows wht is good or bad for him and I wish him speedy recovery.

NaijaDeltaBabe said...



He couldn't have said it any better.
Now the Kadarshians are pretending like they care, when they made Lamar feel rejected.
I pray he recovers from this.


Unknown said...

Correct man! Gwaba fa

Blog It With Olivia said...

Exactly, if James isn't careful, he will end up that way

#iT wiLL oNly gET beTTer
#It MuSt eNd iN prAise

Blog It With Olivia said...

Exactly, if James isn't careful, he will end up that way

#iT wiLL oNly gET beTTer
#It MuSt eNd iN prAise

Unknown said...

Dia buz

aproko manager said...

Na wa

Unknown said...

Hmmm,this is about to get real . TIMLEYIN BLESSING

Kayode Odusanya said...

People need to avoid the Kardashian ladies...Everything is a business to them. They are cold blooded. But why is Master P firing shots at Kobe? What he himself...why couldn't he also help Lamar if he claims he was Lamar's mentor?

Are You a One Minute Man?

Anonymous said...

Truth well said, Master P- Beeks

Unknown said...

What now happens to Kanye West? The Kardashians have been official declared badluck, but Kanye is still doing well

I'm out ***CATCH ME IF U CAN***

Unknown said...

well, we wish him quick recovery
Discover The Shocking Truth About Aspirin

Bonita Bislam said...

I see everybody blaming either Chloe it Bryan but no one is blaming the Lamar guy.Did anyone force him to marry the Kardashians or did anyone force him to do drugs? an adult should be able to take responsibility of his actions mbok

Unknown said...

Master P thank you for saying what many people are afraid to say. Those family are evil, see all the men who have associated themselves with that family. Kris Humpris is no where to be seen, Ray J. Isn't doing too well, Lamar is fighting for his life, Tyga can't rap no more always following that Lil girl like a fly after sh!t. Or is it Kanye who's been acting strange & weired. I pity that James of a guy. He better listen b4 its late.

Unknown said...

Master P thank you for saying what many people are afraid to say. Those family are evil, see all the men who have associated themselves with that family. Kris Humpris is no where to be seen, Ray J. Isn't doing too well, Lamar is fighting for his life, Tyga can't rap no more always following that Lil girl like a fly after sh!t. Or is it Kanye who's been acting strange & weired. I pity that James of a guy. He better listen b4 its late.

Unknown said...

Master P thank you for saying what many people are afraid to say. Those family are evil, see all the men who have associated themselves with that family. Kris Humpris is no where to be seen, Ray J. Isn't doing too well, Lamar is fighting for his life, Tyga can't rap no more always following that Lil girl like a fly after sh!t. Or is it Kanye who's been acting strange & weired. I pity that James of a guy. He better listen b4 its late.

Unknown said...

Master P thank you for saying what many people are afraid to say. Those family are evil, see all the men who have associated themselves with that family. Kris Humpris is no where to be seen, Ray J. Isn't doing too well, Lamar is fighting for his life, Tyga can't rap no more always following that Lil girl like a fly after sh!t. Or is it Kanye who's been acting strange & weired. I pity that James of a guy. He better listen b4 its late.

Baddest Puta said...

Man said what others were afraid to say, but I don't think he's correct

Unknown said...

Hmmm,so his trying to tell james to run for his life cause kardashians girls are on a mission to destroye men.
Tyga hmmmmmmmmmm who knows who might be the next victim.

#sad indeed

Unknown said...

Hmmm,so his trying to tell james to run for his life cause kardashians girls are on a mission to destroye men.
Tyga hmmmmmmmmmm who knows who might be the next victim.

#sad indeed

Unknown said...

I have a feeling that everything he is sayin is the truth so fuck kobi bryant....

Juleslouis said...

Well, i just hope Lamar doesn't die.

seyi crown said...

Kardashian's female are oloriburuku slut...the only thing they give to men that stay with them for long is heartbreak, headache, frustration infact they do nothing but ruin their west sef don start his owm madness small small


Unknown said...

Why are people trying so hard to bring down the Kardashians??? Linda take note!

Unknown said...

Why are people trying so hard to bring down the Kardashians??? Linda take note!

Anonymous said...

Lamar wl pull tru...LIBERS, wait n see.

Unknown said...

Why are people trying so hard to bring down the Kardashians??? Linda take note!

Unknown said...

There must something wrong with the Kardashian family. Why is everyone being warned from them.

Busy Fingers.

Anonymous said...

Useless statement, people will judge there fellow human indiscriminately. Lamar please get well soon.

Anonymous said...

Shut ur trap mouth

Anonymous said...


Unknown said...

That is it, sometimes life changes,

Unknown said...

Like seriously

Unknown said...

If Kobe did not show sympathy they will talk, now he is showing concern people are still judging him, you cannot pls humans sha na wa!!!

Anonymous said...

Lamars father was also a crackheadso nobody should blame Chloe for anything. Chloe was d one who made a mistake marrying him after just weeks of meeting him. His best friend died of a drug overdose recently too.

Pero omo Senator said...

Those of you supporting this fish brain, are you people alright? Is Lamar a child? Is Khloe taking drugs. Did she initiate him into it?
This one of the reasons the lady left him. Khloe fought and covered up for this man. Even when he cheated, she held on to him.
You call yourself lamar's friend but you were not there for him. YOU ARE MAD

Omolewa said...

Lamar I so pray you pull through because as much as I love the Kardashian if anything happens to you I will not be happy. Think of your kids Destiny and her brother. Lisa where are u?

Anonymous said...

Bam! the dude has said it all. harden u betcha take d hike! kanye same goes 4 ya

bomi said...


AbokiDaWarriBoy said...

It's very funny how people judge and conderm the kardashians, the last time I checked, the kardashians never forced any of the men to marry them! Aside exposing their body, the girls don't do drugs nor get high so what's up with the hullabaloo??? Na long throat they carry d men go wer dem dey! So world people should let dem be!

Unknown said...

Anonymous u are stupid for asking him to shut up.

seyi crown said...

West is not doing well, he as lost a lot...and his running mad


Unknown said...

Master P keep quiet biko,what did you do to help him?why didn't master P come our publicly to say something before it got to this stage? everyone of his friends were part of his problem. Everybody is now showing love nonsense.Kanye West should be very careful with what he doing too.

Unknown said...

U always talk from ur ass this geh. None of Ur comments ever makes sense. Must u comment on every post?

yawanow said...

My only prayer is for Lamar to recover from this.

Unknown said...

Too bad all dis is happening to Lamar...

Anonymous said...

He's right!

Anonymous said...

I totally agree wit Mr p....dat family ar devilish.....pple should desist from them

Livvsreamblog said...

Keeping up with kardashsian only on E!...FUCK those bitches and E!

Unknown said...

Come shut it for me.

Unknown said...

If I'm not mistaken that family is cursed. If you mistakenly came across them your life will be filled with regrets and pains.

Anonymous said...

I have seen families like Kardashians in Nigeria, they father is no more, they momma rule the house, if you dare marry one of them, you doomed. They wrap up men like sh*t. Marrying the Kardashian was a mistake. Kobe couldn't do much though. Odom was a grown ass man, he should hv known.

ajiletemedia said...

Dos bitches family,i even hate to read or hear abtt dem,dey ar devil 1st family.get well soon Lamar odom,we still need u guy

ary said...

Damn right slicker

liz swt 16 said...

God plssssssss don't let Lamar go

bummyla said...

LORD have mercy! There are iota of truth in what he said!

Anonymous said...

Just like the Kennedy family jinx there is now the kardasian jinx
Wow...seen their father the head dat has no head now n all the men in n out of their lives
It's terrible oh

Ehi said...

Why u nor go ask am to shut up. U'all r d same angels of darkness. Part of it is y u anonymous

Ehi said...

Why u nor go ask am to shut up. U'all r d same angels of darkness. Part of it is y u anonymous

Anonymous said...

What is Kanye doing well?his clothing designs that look like rags or his music that is now wack?apart from the yeezy sneakers,nothing is going on well for Kanye.check his net worth before he married Kim and check how much he's worth now.check how much Kim was worth and how much she's worth now then you'll know Kanye is becoming broke and Kim is getting rich on his failure.

Anonymous said...

U ppl are sick

Anonymous said...

Thank u my dear for meaning sense

Anonymous said...

I don't expect to see your comment in issues like this OK? As a mallam what do u know? From pics I can tell your class, very low starting from the way you dressed in cheap cheap aba made so pls shut up. And hey its Lamar.

Anonymous said...

What is there to agree? Soo easy to blame women for the problem of men. That woman. Went out of her way for him. He had the chance to make a change and. He didn't forget khloe sef what of his children? This guy is a fool he should go and face his family issues. You cant help someone who doesn't want to be helped. The guy is a drug addict. That is why he is where he is.

Anonymous said...


Unknown said...

Namsense! The other two friends of Lamar that died, was any of them married to the Kardashians?

Anonymous said...

I wonder where Linda got her thrashy journalism from honestly. I just watched the interview and masters P didn't say anything against Khloe or the Kardashian for that matter. All Linda does nowadays is to copy and paste other bloggers especially tmz and Perez Hilton. 90% of what Linda says is unverified.

Anonymous said...

@ Anon. 1.15pm. You should STFU. I
totally agreed with both Master P and Kolawole. There is no man tgat is in that family that is normal (1) Rob Kardashian is having emotional breakdown. Bruce has changed to a woman and now being called Caitlyn (3) Scott is having addiction problem and last but not the least Lamor is OD. You tell me if you will ever allow any of your son or Brother to marry any of those whacky women? Give me a break!!!'

Anonymous said...

@ Anon. 1.15pm. You should STFU. I
totally agreed with both Master P and Kolawole. There is no man tgat is in that family that is normal (1) Rob Kardashian is having emotional breakdown. Bruce has changed to a woman and now being called Caitlyn (3) Scott is having addiction problem and last but not the least Lamor is OD. You tell me if you will ever allow any of your son or Brother to marry any of those whacky women? Give me a break!!!'

Anonymous said...

Women always taking the blame for men's stupid decisions.

Bet Linda won't post this. Anything to paint the Kardashians black. Those women are doing a lot of good too.
Give credit to them where deserved too.


Unknown said...

First of all, i'm not a fan of the Kardashians. Second of all, I still maintain that the Kardashians are not responsible for Lamar's condition. We are talking about an adult male here for heaven's sake.


Unknown said...

First of all, i'm not a fan of the Kardashians. Second of all, I still maintain that the Kardashians are not responsible for Lamar's condition. We are talking about an adult male here for heaven's sake.


Anonymous said...

I don't no why Nigerians go to church, believe in God but are not spiritual. Can't u people see that there is something awfully wrong wiv that family. All the men in the house are messed up including their own brother who doesn't want to have anything to do wiv them or their father who turned to a woman. That family is messed up. All of them. Just Look at the first born girl. The boyfriend just entered rehab. They suck life out of men. That is who they are. Vampires in human form. I don't expect u corrupt and blind people to understand. Only the spiritually inclined will understand what I just typed.

Anonymous said...

Aoouch! Think say na only me see the cheap cheap cloth and coloured aba shoes sef. Lmao!,@ anon u jus made me laugh

hrm paul ojeih said...

Guys ya all should take it easy. Lamar dies khole is 50m richer shi shi we no go c for niaja. Odom lives shi shi we no go c so make una stop una insulting just saying. But if yall all still wants to beef den fuck yall all retards

Unknown said...

Xo xo xxo true 2 be a lie

Unknown said...

I trust kanye west dem no fit wreck am........dt one na ghost......

Unknown said...

Anon come and stop people from reading it... the truth still is weither Master P said it ornot... the Kardashians are BAD NEWS.. family built for the media...

Unknown said...

Shameless fools always looking for someone to hold responsible for their fail lifes.
And who are you if I may ask pls?

Unknown said...

Humans..the same people always admiring their nice figures re here criticising..Am not a fan of any Buh how are the kardashians the cause of this?Were they the ones who gave him the over dose reload?

Anonymous said...

People just come here and talk straight out of their ass. First of all what does Kobe have to do with this , friends or not this dude is a grown ass man you are responsible for your actions. Is it Kobe that is suppose to be getting him help , so Kobe has no life or others stuffs to deal with. There is so little one can do for a drug addict if they are unwilling to change. Secondly , as much as I careless for the Kardashian's. Khloe truly loved the dude , and it these same individuals that would say something if she stayed with him while he was still a junkie. Saying she was there for the money not love. Eyin Aye.

Unknown said...

Wen I look at d kardashian women, I get more convinced dat all dat glitters is not gold. D problem wit some men is dat even wen they know dat a lady and her family are bad news, they still go ahead to plunge into dat family. I can't deny d fact dat d kardashian women are beautiful and famous but d truth be told, they live a very fake life. Any man who lives wit such women only ends up fraustrated and sad. D very unfortunate ones die before their time. It's high time people realized wat attributes dat bring about true and long-term happiness. I just wish Lamar a quick recovery. He will not die in Jesus name.

Anonymous said...

Shebi its Khloe that has been feeding him crack since he was young abi?
An old man chooses his lifestyle and others are to be blamed for it. #smh
Now they will say Kourtney drove silly Scott to drugs and alcohol.

Please reason carefully before y'all spill. Some of your families are worse off just that they are not on international TV!!!!!

Unknown said...

Aboki 'condemn'.
Anon 2:39 pm- best comment.
~D great anonymous!

Anonymous said...

..kwakwakwakwakwa, someone with sense have definitely said the truth about this aboki today. low class ghetto ass, unintelligible one eyed man. his fellow lowclass mates be calling him handsome, nigga u r ugly as fuck. fine face, u nor get, fine body, zero. lol

Anonymous said...

GOD BLESS U ANON 2.50 NIGERIANS Amaze me with their so called love and relationship With GOD yet dead in the spirit to see or discern. ..this family has sold their lives to darkness and any man that follows and eats their deadly fruit will surely die..all the men including tyga are dying in their career and all areas of their lives

Anonymous said...

That governor of oyo states daughters and wife are the same

Anonymous said...

Well said Lanzo!!!!!

BLUNT said...

May Amadioha visit you! Who is a fish brain? My Percy Miller? You're a cow dung.

Unknown said...

One man meat another man poison. So his personal choice to do or undo. Its well wit our souls and we should b caution wit our choice.

Anonymous said...

the kardashains are destroyers men eaters marine demons yes that is the truth wise men run or if you must chop clean mouth and run they are demonic anyman that enters there one bad news or the other kim almost wrecked rayj's career her ex husband chris said it all they are full of trash.I pray Lamar gets well those bitches need deliverance there love for fame moneyand dick in a demonic way is disgusting time will tell the wicked never end well obviously.

Anonymous said...

they are men eaters it is easy pissy to decode they do voodoo too kanye might run mad the devil dont find new tricks its d same old same,kanye is known for temper so it has to be madness or he assaulted kim.those girls have an evil desperate mum wicked woman dangerous scorpio the love for money,fame and power and she got it wrong after those girls father died or even before he died/divorced if you say they are not evil wait and see kanye has chopped his that is why he is acting different like he loves,a leopard cant change its skin its d same kim and the kardashians men eaters but time will tell just watch as it unfolds.I pray Lamar gets back.

Anonymous said...

you are right and a scorpio woman go and discover they are bad some are good if they fear God but Kris is a wicked woman if she dies kim is finished and all them girls are history.

Anonymous said...

well-said Master P,nobody stood by him and nobody showed him love when he needed love the most and that's why he went to brothel to get love

Concerned Citizen said...

This is my candid advice, the kardashians are a hardworking family. Much as they are criticized, there are definitely good things to learn from this family. This is a family that stick together no matter what, look at the family vacations and family dinners, its a great way to bond with your family whether u have money or not. Yes they are not perfect no matter what. However, my advice to the men that desire to get involved with the Kardashians, stay away from the cameras. in Nigeria, there's something called "SEE FINISH". There's alot more that comes with being a man, if u desire to maintain your pride and ego as a man when involved with famous persons like the Kardashians, "STAY AWAY FROM THE CAMERAS" (and by cameras i mean the reality TV).

Unknown said...

I can't believe alot a ppl r blaming dis family's hypocritical! No1 knws d story it's only wat u read or wat u hear,Ave gotten close to d fam to knw wassap???

Anonymous said...

@Anonymous 2:29, what's wrong with Kanye?

Anonymous said...

Let not play the blame game here. odom is a good guy and a nice ball player. if you google about his life of odom before he entered nba and before he met the kardashian(pls keep in mind, i never like them kardashians), odom family has series of problem with drugs which had an influence on him. He might be grown to make his decision but when you grow up around drugs, you might end up being a drug addict. let just pray for his fast recovery and say NO TO THAT DAMN DRUGS.....PERIOD.

Unknown said...

People have their opinion let them say it bt I kind of agree with masterp with lemar having a good heart but dont agree with the part where kardashians are responsible for lemars down turn I still believe that up until today khloe still loves lemar.

Anonymous said...

Everyone seems to have forgotten the OJ Simpson situation... They all collectively need to go to church and pray hard, this may just be the root of the problem . Kris has never mentioned anything about those kids, Sidney and Her Brother - Nicole Simpsons children - despite being so-called besties when she was alive. Those children have disappeared into the air, one a chef, the other a waitress in hiding, whereas Kris could have helped them. Kris was most likely the one that made Kim sign off on that tape for release or else it would have gone away quietly. Kris is money hungry and so is every one of them. It's an American tragedy? Maybe. Khloe (Sweet girl and I mean that) needs to leave that young boy alone, let him go because it isn't going to work anyway and with all the backlash he too has definitely started developing cold feet. Master P should put his wooden teeth back in his Ponmo mouth and go take care of his family problems. Stupid opportunist.

ola said...

-kanye-Rag clothing line
-scott-drug n alcohol abuse
-robert kardashian-dead
-bruce-already a woman
-lamar-brain dead

ola said...

-kanye-Rag clothing line
-scott-drug n alcohol abuse
-robert kardashian-dead
-bruce-already a woman
-lamar-brain dead

ejike capable said...

Bia lanzo why attack her, take ur time afo anu.

AbokiDaWarriBoy said...

Lmfao... wow! Here are some pained souls, you hatin on me shows I'm existing on this blog. Continue licking my ass.. more pix are loading, so save the comments for that day. CONFUSE FANS.

AbokiDaWarriBoy said...

Lmfao... wow! Here are some pained souls, you hatin on me shows I'm existing on this blog. Continue licking my ass.. more pix are loading, so save the comments for that day. CONFUSE FANS.

Anonymous said...

The Klaptrashians have a curse on their heads. Any man that gets into a relationship with any of them end up somehow

Unknown said...

Lmao I can't help but lol....the comments cracked ma ribs like wah???? So aboki all u wanna be remembered for is snap photoshooped pics and send to linda? U need a decent jab ma dear! Take it from me. Contact me I'll be glad to help. Yea willy said so! U never can tell. And for ur info aboki, nutin like fan here cos u ain't kanye west nwanne

Anonymous said...

Those with discernment have rightly decoded.
You attract what you got.
A troubled person will also attract another trouble person.

Please pray for Lamar IJN.

I know their mum zeroed in on Bruce and they started dating..

The rest is history. Jesus Christ is the only way. Lord.

Anonymous said...

Wonder why people hate this family so much. Same people hating on them all over the world are the ones that watch their shows. Since when has being hooked on cocaine or whatever shit Mr. Odom uses become a Kardashian thing. His father is a drug addict, his friends died from the same thing. Shey na khloe cause am ni? Human beings never take responsibility for their actions. America needs to check their drugs and guns. These are their main problems... loads of people dying each day as a result of both. I go soon hear some mumu men here go soon blame khloe for Bobby Christiana death too. Y'all better call a spade a spade and leave that poor family the hell alone.

Unknown said...

Those bitches are bad news wrapped in human coats

Unknown said...

Lol lol.

Anonymous said...

Loooool poor family. I agreed with you up until that silly statement. The Kardashians are far from poor, literally and non literally. They really do have a curse on their heads. Maybe using 'curse' is the wrong choice of words but they definitely have bad karma surrounding them. They too attract desperate men!! There's no denying that they need to become in tune with God.

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