"They need to hurry please because he has blood coming out of his nose, white stuff coming out of his mouth," she can be heard saying."The manager of the brothel then spoke to the operator and told them that Lamar took some sexual performance enhancers and confirmed he took cocaine on Saturday. Listen to it after the cut...
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Thursday, 15 October 2015
Lamar Odom's 911 call..'there's a white substance on his face' says caller. (listen to it)
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Enough already, we hope he pulls through dis. Linda take note!
Enough already, we hope he pulls through dis. Linda take note!
Enough already, we hope he pulls through dis. Linda take note!
I wish him the best. My prayers are with him.
Dis is so sad!
I wish him the best. My prayers are with him.
It goes to show dat he was a junk only u take crack cocaine only u take viagra no b die u wan die
Kardashians confuse any man they have affairs with.Evil spell.
Linda, the black Kardashian
It is saddening how this man's life has become a spectacle in his hour of great need and it goes to show you the way the world works, no one will remember you when you are troubled, no one will pick your call or be the shoulder to lean on. Mess up once and you become the new topic on everyone's lips. #MakeTheRightDecisions
This is too bad
As my people do say "Wht is sweet in d mouth can also b bitter in d stomach". I wish him speedy recovery and all d best.
Wish him well
#iT wiLL oNly gET beTTer
#It MuSt eNd iN prAise
Yeye man.
Listen to wetin biko...... How e take affect my life ni.... F*** you odom, you f*** your life up nigga so bear the consequences alone...... Jor oh
Shameful way to end. In a brothel!!!
Chai! Chukwu okike abima will be disappointed
How's this news?
~D great anonymous!
Bhet y? If only he knew
He should pls wake, God should pls save him
Sad. Hope he recovers.
STOP ALREADY!!! The guy is fighting for his life and all the world and the press is concerned about is bashing what's left of his dignity? Bad enough his career was wrecked. Bad enough his marriage was wrecked. Bad enough his reputation is down the drain, but haven't we had enough news on Lamar's tragedies? If we're so concerned for him, lets leave the trash or the mess of his life for now and focus on praying he gets better. These stories of drug abuse, sexual binges and stuff is not helping the image of the fellow. Whoever releaased this clip has gone too far and I don't think LIB should publish this either. Its too much.
this is one hell of anoda successful set up by the kardashians. destiny eaters, killers and destroyers, una cup go full. making the men in their lives miserable. kanye i think dis is a wake up call
why wont ppl wake up and smell the cofee? this idiots known as kardashians just need men to help them make babies then after squeeze them out like tissue papers. Kanye is going down too buh so sad he's blind to it. though they r not using drugs for his own buh dey r doing it in anoda way, so as not to make it obvious.
God please save him. For his kids, not for the kardashians.
Linda where is it?
Imagine the precious life given that devil can Never give but wants to take..
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May God just av mercy on U,maybe give u a sec.chance dts if U will amend
Too bad, he can't survive witout khloe and yet he didn't treat her well..
So please people should stop blaming Chloe and the Kadarshians for Lamar's predicaments
Jst like kendall said, Pls don't go Lamar, it'll b too devastatin
So dude wants to use his own hands and kill himself......
No one should be blamed for this. Lamar chose this path of life.#prayforLamar
Its clear he had intended to end his life but was found by that lady. God doesn't want him to go just yet. I hope he makes it. And why are they all wearing black like he's already dead
Pls get well lamar
I pity Tega and Kanye they are next in line. Kristen Jennar has a way of destroying men.
I'm sorry but i've 0 pity for this dude! He's probably tired of life self...
Warapa de do d guy una say na drug enhancing pills.biko make una say d truth.every sign she said he was displaying re signs of epilepsy.
Pray he recovers....get well soon Lamar
Nawah! Say no to drugs people.
Uve said it all.
Woman and alchohol....
Lol @ Tega. No be only Tega na Osaro or Apkos
Lmaoo you sound so unintelligent
Thank you! Now I know I'm not insane for thinking thesame
It's a concoction of all the crap he took over the weekend with no food, what a life. ...viagra, brandy, cocain and Crack, , why won't the body die.
God bless you the discerning one, leave nigerians to drown in spiritual blindness and deafness which is getting worse bcos of the love of money and social media fame
And you anon 2.51 are so spirit dead and undescerning may Heaven help u and rest of the blind in the world
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