Photos: Newly Installed PHCN pole suddenly breaks & fall... | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog





Wednesday, 2 September 2015

Photos: Newly Installed PHCN pole suddenly breaks & fall...

Photos show newly installed PHCN pole that suddenly broke in the middle and fell down today somewhere at Alapere. More pics after the cut...

Photo Credit: @jayichide


Unknown said...


Thank God it didn't fall on any one and wht a shame dat dis type of tin is happening when it could hav b avoided.

Unknown said...

Hmmm! Hope no casualties?

Anonymous said...

Everything be falling in Nigeria ok o
~D great anonymous!

STERN said...

Good it didn't hit anyone

NaijaDeltaBabe said...

Lol. Someone is after dem in dat area

NaijaDeltaBabe said...

Lol. Someone is after dem in dat area

ary said...


Unknown said...

Something like this has happened in Zaria b4, in Katsina State poles has fallen few days after installation. The problem is from the manufacturers who uses tiny wire instead of iron rod.

Trendyify said...

Whats with all these bad news everywhere? Na wa o

it is well


nigeria go better

Anonymous said...

Under the new dispensation, the supplier of the substandard pole, staff of the purchasing department of the Agency of government that accepted the pole and the engineers that allowed it to be put up should be sanctioned!

Unknown said...

Made in china....

Unknown said...

Flimsy people with flimsy materials

Unknown said...


I B M bolubantin said...

Thank GOD phcn staff are there to handle the situation

Anonymous said...

That's why it's better to patronize EEC poles. I think their factory is somewhere in Akute. They were the pioneer pole manufacturers in Lagos state before different competitors started manufacturing substandard poles..... Marketing tinzzzzzz..... Lol.... But seriously patronize them

Anonymous said...

Buhari should probe the contractor

Unknown said...

Obviously substandard. Naija *smh*

June said...


Anonymous said...

Why are we still installing electricity using poles in Nigeria in this day and age? Has nobody ever heard of underground cable?

Unknown said...

Thank God it didn't fall on anybody o

Anonymous said...

God help naija

Anonymous said...

God help naija

Unknown said...

Thank God no life was lost. Linda take note!

Unknown said...

Thank God no life was lost. Linda take note!

Unknown said...


CHRIS SKYE said...

9ja made said...

Wen u use fake materials on something this is the result u will see. Thank God no life was lost.

Mihearty said...

PHCN only knows how to collect money. They should better be careful to avoid harming someone

Unknown said...

Hope it didn't injure or kill someone o. It is well o.


Unknown said...

ThankGod no casualties,May God continue to protect his pple.

Anonymous said...

Thank God nobody was seriously injured. On another note, it's suddenly breaks and falls, not "fall". Little details, Linda. Little details. @otomokpo1039

Anonymous said...

No reinforcement in it.

Anonymous said...

No reinforcement in it.

Preye said...

Op no life was lost

Anonymous said...

Why won't it break when they are using less material and looting the country

Unknown said...

where in alapere?

Oyinade said...

E eya, thk God no one was hurt sha....

Unknown said...

Thank God it didn't fall on anybody

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