Heart wrenching! Body of drowned Syrian child is washed up on Turkish beach | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog





Wednesday, 2 September 2015

Heart wrenching! Body of drowned Syrian child is washed up on Turkish beach

That unfortunately is the body of a Syrian child who apparently drowned in the sea as he & his family made their way by boat to the Greek Island of Kos. His body was found washed ashore this morning.

The boy pictured lying face down in the sand on a Turkish beach as an official stands over him.
He is one of 11 Syrian refugees believed to have died after they drowned trying to cross the Mediterranean on two boats bound for the Greek island of Kos.


Unknown said...

Ummm heeiii God ooo na person pikin be that o!

Auntie linda.....

STERN said...

Breaking down in tears right here..

Eze said...

Islam has ruined this world, see wot an innocent kid is go it through just bcos of a senseless war, every moslem countries and areas occupied by moslems are either suffering, fighting or killing

Eze said...

Islam has ruined this world, see wot an innocent kid is go it through just bcos of a senseless war, every moslem countries and areas occupied by moslems are either suffering, fighting or killing

Unknown said...

RIP little one.

Unknown said...

Choi,so heartbreaking!! I don't knw wat's happening in dis world anymore

aproko manager said...


kemikane said...

The world is.... some places are... and some humans are... making one speechless. again anything can happen.

ary said...

Awww that is sad!!

Unknown said...


Trendyify said...

Awww, too bad, may his sould rip

it is well

Unknown said...

My God... this is heartbreaking

Unknown said...

So sad!

Gospel Ikenna said...

pathetic, and Syria of a country ave a president.... he live to eaten by maggot.... fucking soul.

Blog It With Olivia said...

Eiya, RIP lil angel

#It WiLL OnLy GeT bEttER
#it MusT eNd iN pRaiSE

Darrel tom said...

#throwsawayface #
Moslem sha

This year's mtv music video award was for small children sha
Kim went on stage to do Wat ni?
So happy Queen bey wasnt there Imagine the garbage

Where is oke okoye #

Linda's last son /laura IKEJI'S nephew

Unknown said...

O God why??? My heart is torn seeing this. #sobbing

Unknown said...

hhmmmm #IT IS WELL!

Unknown said...

Oh God ! Such a pity....smh.

Unknown said...

R.I.P little one

Anonymous said...

Oh God. Such an innocent kid

Unknown said...

Oh dear,rip little one

Unknown said...

This is so sad. May his soul RIP....Amen.


Unknown said...

This is so sad. May his soul RIP....Amen.


SilverEdge said...

Does Syrian president Bashar al-Assad realise the pain his people are going through. This hurts so much

Anonymous said...

Really a pity,may his soul rest in peace.

Anonymous said...

Swt Jesus. Please heal the world and let things like this end. Innocent child! It's a harsh world over there.

Anonymous said...

Please try not to post pictures of dead children on your main page. Thank you.

andre kelvin said...


Anonymous said...

Please Know better, Be better, Do better, and have the decency to blur the child's face. Thanks

Unknown said...

Omg *tears*

Lib freak

Unknown said...

This is heart breaking...may his gentle soul rest in the bosom of the lord,Amen.

Anonymous said...

Hof what is happening? I felt to understand,but you know better than us, in you I trust!!!

Unknown said...

This is heartbreaking��.... May his cute little soul rest in peace����

Unknown said...

Omg sorry for there lost.

Unknown said...

Oh MY God!

Anonymous said...

Dis just broke my heart...poor child....sobs

Anonymous said...

May his little soul rest in perfect peace.Amen

Anonymous said...

Dis just broke my heart...poor child....sobs

Anonymous said...

So perfect. My God. Heartbreaking.

Anonymous said...

Why show this???????

Unknown said...

So sorry. RIP.

Black Belle said...

Kai! What a wicked world!

bummyla said...

OMG! May His Soul Rest In Perfect Peace! Amen! http://www.bummyla.com

Unknown said...

Oh my goodness. RIP

Unknown said...

Dis is really sad. May his little soul rest in peace. Linda take note!

Unknown said...

Dis is really sad. May his little soul rest in peace. Linda take note!

Nelly said...

So sad poor child.
Linlin last born.

I B M bolubantin said...

Awwwn...this is the saddest thing I've seen in a long time....so so sad...
I pray the lill angel's soul rest in the bosom of the LORD.

Anonymous said...

why the fuck would you show this!!! linda what the fuck is wrong with you? you are slowly losing it.. behave yourself and practice some common sense

Anonymous said...

Soo Sad!

Unknown said...

God knows best

Unknown said...

A heart of an angel, mind devoids of sins, wasted without motherly touch or whereabout...we can't question God because you are already with him...RIP lil angel!!!

Unknown said...

So sad!..r.i.p little one


everytime i see a child caught in this migrant issue it just breaks my heart.

Unknown said...


Unknown said...

ewwwooo!! very touching R I P dearie

Unknown said...

nawaoooo is well thank God they are still alive,lesson to those that want to go via on controlling ship

Unknown said...

oh my!!! This is heart wrenching

kelly said...

i cried for this little one looked at my baby son and wept, what this little one will go thru when he was dying ,the shout for help ,for his mother hugs and father embrace. may God protect all our little ones from facing such fate AMEN.

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