Senator Sani said this while responding to the statement released by Fayose yesterday August 31st in which he, Fayose, described President Buhari as the President of Northern Nigeria. In his response, Senator Sani said
“I recognise the fundamental rights of Ekiti state governor to freedom of expression. I unreservedly condemn his divisive, inciting, provocative and mischievous tantrums and invective against President Muhammadu Buhari. The Ekiti governor is a relic of the old order; he represents the old Nigeria of waste, of hollow ritual of noise and nuisance. Fayose is a man suffering from political depression in the aftermath of the defeat of his patriarch Goodluck Jonathan. He is a hallucinating man of the ancient, yet to come to terms with the realities of a new dawn and new Nigeria.
The Ekiti governor is a man on the loose, ready to use stones, sticks and any object to inflict harm and to be noticed. Fayose failed to stop the election of President Muhammadu Buhari by the use of false, misleading and subversive propaganda laced with lies and deceit and now resorts to firing arrows of hate, smear and distortions. He is a glorified tout, deficient in morals, character and courteousness. His imprudent utterances are nothing but an attempt to incite Nigerians from the south against those from the north. The Ekiti governor’s utterances are unbecoming of a state governor who should symbolise, exemplify and personify national unity and peace.
Fayose’s utterances are farts from a rotten road side beans meal. The constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria guarantees all Nigerians the right to freely express their opinion and criticize the operations of Government. The Ekiti governor is simply on a toxic smear campaign against PMB. President Muhammadu Buhari is not a ‘northern president. He is a Nigerian president out to correct the wrong of the erstwhile sectional president whom the Fayoses of Nigeria supported and collaborated with. Fayose is a weeping and whipping boy of the dead PDP. I call on the APC Governors to appropriately respond to their peer, Fayose and return him to the cesspit pit, where he rightly belongs.” he said
Uhmmmmm lol bring it on jhr
Auntie linda u see am!
Uhmmmmm lol bring it on jhr
Auntie linda u see am!
he finished him
Taa Oga iru beans kpuchie GI onu...u pple hate hearing d truth, usu mia GI onu there
Abeg the Senator should park well joor
Gud I love dis man!fayose own is becoming something else he talks to much knw respect for head for state.God punish d idiot I hate so much.
Heheheheh, this is a total shade, azzin, this man don finish Fayose, patiently waiting for Fayose's reaction b4 12pm tomorrow, there's no jupiter (nothing)that will make him remain mute αи∂ calm for this, doesn't happen so long as Fayose is still alive!
Αи∂ mehn, this man has actually inflicted injuries on Fayose with this...
Waiting for part 2
#iT will ONLY get BETTer
#It MuSt EnD iN praiSe
Fayose is more sensible than those over hyped northerners who opportunities met at their door steps. I don't blame them,they're taking advantage of Igbo/yoruba cat fights to enslave Nigerians. Only if educated Southerners will put their brains and resources together and push these cattle rearers to lake Chad or somewhere in Sudan where they belong.
Very lovely stuff frim Sen Sani.fayose is just a glorified tout and a shame too.mumu be riding around town doing eye service,buying tomato and onion in the market,doing all sorts of shits just to be relevant amongst his local champions circle.Asshole
pow pow pow! serious shots fired by Sen Shehu Sani.
He lost every damn chill and the his choice of words was top notch. he dealt with Fayose in a ruthless manner.
The same Fayose that ran the pathetic advert prior to the election claiming northerners die in office and Nigerians should prevent such occurrence by not voting Buhari.
It hurts him so much president Buhari has refused to react to his tantrums.
He should continue misbehaving
Thank you dear Senator Shehu Sani.
That's why nigeria never go forward. When a wise man come out to expose you guys dirty butt holes, you look for a means to insult him. May fire and brimstone block and castigate that mouth of yours.
Mr sani what ever u wish 2 call mr fayose go ahead nd call him but 1 thing is certain u guys re shying away from the truth,but bear this in mind nemesis will soon catch up with u northern devils. Nd pls help me 2 deliever this message 2 ur northern president tell him 2 remember what happened 2 abacha his will be worst
Hausa supporting their own..... As far as that appointment yield a success who cares.......
Brutal take down. Me likes this man
This statement is as usual full of fire and no light. He is unable to address or attempt to defend the indefensible actions of his brethren and follower northerner. Throwing insults without addressing the crux of the matter is the hallmark of empty vessels.
Sani Onye ara
Na dem sabbi
Pot calling kettle
See his Hausa head
All these insult for fayose...Chaiii . . served him right.
Shet!!! This is too much! Lool
Typical of the hayfeesi gutter dwellers. Instead of responding like a civil man, he resorted to name calling, throwing all caution and all decorum to the wind and failed woefully to disappoint everyone who ever doubt Governor Fayose. He could not dispel any of the allegations.
Because d govt of PMB is favouring u so u will not see anything wrong in wat PMB is doing. Mind u d SS has more than 60 percent of d resources that is sustaining NG yet the have not made it ungovernable like PMB threatened when he lost election in 2011.Pple like Sen Sani cannot be taken serious.
Rubbish Talk……Shehu Sani ‘s utterances are farts from a rotten road side beans meal.....Bastard
To be Sani is not different from Ayo.
Choi! Glorified tout... hmm that's powerful
note!! he did not say fayose's words were not true! note!
In 2014 it was Goodluck vs Amechie. In 2015 Buhari vs Fayose. Political barbaric.
In 2014 it was Goodluck vs Amechie. In 2015 Buhari vs Fayose. Political barbaric.
Cant stop laughing. He deserves to be rubbish than dis. All i expected from people of his position is to preach and promote unity and not saying rubbish to poison the heart of people. Not even him will wait if things get scattered so he beta arrange himself well and pray for a beta Nigeria.
As a senator of federal republic of UNITED Nigeria, i expect you address the points raised by Fasoye than using abusive words. I advice you go and take a course on code of conduct n ethics
Buhari The Tribalistic Hausa Goat!
Dat's Wat he his
Where are people playing into Fayose's hands? This is what he wants!! Attention to himself whilst at the same time deflecting attention away from what he should be doing, i.e. governing Ekiti State. Totally Ignoring him is the best approach to his behaviour
I agree with you Sen. Shehu Sani. Fayose lacks moral and he is only celebrated amongst the illiterates and hungry people who look up to him for a cup of rice. A man who doesn't think before he talks. He thinks with his mouth.
chaaaiiiiii!!!! mokuoooooo! see blow, upper cut and direct lacing!!! Fayose's utterance smelling like fart (mess) **holds nose** from rotten beans. hahahaha!!!!
Shame to the entire North and especially to Shehu Sani who is tactly trying to save his dying political career that incurred the anger of kaduna people against his 2019 guber ambition. Never again will the south sit and watch facts/truth be concealed at our detriment. The original intent of the north have been exposed! No matter how cleverly you may want to use words to cover the already butch plot of the north against the Nigeria state will amount to an effort in futility. Our freedom has come
This man don kill Fayose. In fact i don laugh tire. Fayose go soon enter market naked be dat.
obviously this fayose of a goat looks like an addict I dnt think he should be paid attention to. he looks like he takes ogogoro. stupid old fool with no value for education..
obviously this fayose of a goat looks like an addict I dnt think he should be paid attention to. he looks like he takes ogogoro. stupid old fool with no value for education..
Exactly! Someone need to put this ekiti moron into his place!
I kinda of agree.
JESUS,but why FAYOSE go and sleep,this is like jega and orurebebe
Ok oo. Make we dey see.
All am seeing here is trash
Too much but seriously Fayose needs to calm down.
The war we Nigerians tried avoiding during the election it's fast approaching
Oh Boy!!!... Fayose will respond with "abi eleyi to ya were ni". This malam has used up all fayose's responses mehn!
Lol @Fayose’s utterances are farts from a rotten road side beans meal. Ds pple get mouth sha
Your paragraphs really make sense. he is aglorified tout indeed from Ibadan poly
Chai!! #Trust Gov Fayose To Respond!! we dey wait!
Na their kasala
i don't know why Shehu Sani is insulting Gov. Fayose, isn't it an obvious truth. Fayose is right about everything he has said about Mr. President and i will keep on supporting him till there is a change in the President Buhari's perspective.
i totally agree with the senator that Gov Fayose is a disgrace to Leadership in Nigeria.
Sehu iji ya
Well said senator.
Shet!!!...this guy is sound! Fayose oya!!!
well said,someone needs to shut him up
still don't know why Sen. Shehu Sani is insulting Gov. Fayose, isn't it an obvious truth. Clearly Mr. President is fighting a political war instead of facing the challenges he has at hand. So much for an anti corruption war only targeted on PDP politicians. if Mr. President is fair about the anti corruption war, then he should probe Rotimi Amaechi
I concur.. I so much love this man's reply to the vagabond called Fayose... the man will always remain a bastard to me.. oloriburuku somebody.. dmh
Even if I don't like Fayose,but this smelly utaba mouth aboki should keep quiet,pig
Another. Media war for politician
Another. Media war for politician
About time nigga! About time. 'Fayose's utterances are like farts form a rotten road side beans meal' Damn! Never been said better. Waiting on the nuisance's shallow reply
Trust Fayose to hit back at him.....
Ahn Ahn!! Dats too much unwarranted and unprovoked insults na, coming from a distinguished senatoe of d Northern (sorry!) Federal Republic. But den wat do we xpect from d APC touts, dats bn dia stock in trade. Instead of addressing issues raised, dey launch wild attack like a pack of wolves dat dey ar. Its jst sad dat dey nver address evn a single point raised bfor setting off propaganda and malicious verbal attack. Sad dat evn d youths who shd knw better and see thru ds facade blindly follow ds goons evn to dia death, ignoring basic facts and simple logical reasoning. I weep for ds new 'change'..
Well done Senator, you said it all. Linda take note!
Well done Senator, you said it all. Linda take note!
Lol @ Fayose's utterances are farts from a rotten road side beans meal
Well said jor...
I love you shehu Sanni,you are so spot on Sir!
chaaaiii,finisherrr.fayose has to cry
Shame to that useless,hopeless terrorist senator his a tout because he is saying truth,go and hug transformer,shameless senator,pedophile terrorist worshipers.
This is why i don't have respect to any body that call's him or her self senator or governo in nigeria,because the are lover of evil and evil sponsor.
The idiot is angry because fayose is there to expose there aboki dirty rotten ass.this is just the begining?
May God punish you forever for calling a briliant,interligent and wise man like fayose a tout because hausa's are the highest tout in nigeria.
#sad indeed
YEPA omo this one na drake vs meek mill. NigeriAN political EDITION.
Daddy bokoharam has spoken...idiotic man .northerners are the problem in nigeria..why didn't Buhari concede defeat the other years he failed woefully ..instead he called the almajiris to kill innocent people..Christianity is a religion of peace that's why our father of democracy conducted a free and fair election and conceded defeat instead of him calling on his niger delta militants to bomb back or changing the constitution and staying in power like his Burundi conterpart nkuruziza..mouth making got no action ..
You are the biggest fool at the Senate...
Not too far from the truth
Old men disgracing themselves
New post up http://avikyphoenix.blogspot.com/2015/09/lotd-shine-bright.html?m=1
tank u shir.honestly,it still beats my imagination y ekiti people will descend so low n vote 4 ds goat 2 b dere govfnor.well,na food he take catch dem.fayose,ur days are numbered.do u rememba sergeant koli? d day he returns back 2 ds country,den u will have a sleepless 9t till u die.
I think fayose is right in his statement because with president buhari body language it seems he only belong to north.
Oh my dear shehu sani,god bless U abundantly for dis statement.you couldn't have said it any better.i lol @"fayose's utterance are fart from a rotten road side beans meal"
The senator looks like a real hypocrite. Its written all over his face.
Let d drama continue
Good day everyone
I come in the name of our Lord Jesus christ, im here to tell you to give your life to christ if you haven't done that before now, please, heaven is real and so is hell, all what is happening around the world, the killings, terrorisms, death, accident, bokoharam, Isis and the likes are all what bible described as signs of the end time, its in the bible, in the book of Revelations, theres not a day that we do not hear of explosion, or drowning, or suicide bombings in the news, its because Judgment day is close, closer than we can imagine... pls give ur life to christ , accept him as your lord and saviour, you can do dis by going to a bible believing church and go out when the altar call is being made, that is, the time when people as asked to come out if they have never given their life to christ, and please do not go back to sin, God doesn't want the death of a sinner, Shalom...
God help us all.
Linda Post my Comment
BONARIO NNAGS or whatever your name is, na now i know sey you dey think with your ANUS. Who appointed Godwin Emefiele as the CBG?? About Femi Adeshina, Special Adviser on Media and Publicity, that one na post?? Comot here Idoit!
Do you care for a sugar mummy? If yes, call me Joseph via +2348163018610 for urgent hookup. You must be 18+. Thanks.
his a big fool, i stand with fayose 100%pmb is a northern president nd i dont blame him for defending his country man cow.
If there's anytin mor than a tout dats wot Fayose shud b calld nd it's comon in D Southwest to have touts as Leaders!
More brains to your head sir.Fayose & the likes of FFK are are monumental disgrace to their age grades
Wow..... This is too much na
Well said.
With the way this man has spoken, I wonder who is better! Fayose or Shehu?
Wow! Dat was too much o
This is the best description of the useless Governor I have seen so far!!!
Waoh!!! Looking upto fayose's response..
Well said! And like I said, Fayose is only looking for a way of executing the contract and assignment of 'pull Buhari down' given to by his party, PDP.
Hian, this so called senator just delved deeper into the pit he is accusing Fayose by simply abusing him rather than giving us facts to justify why 98% of Buhari's appointments have been given to a Northerner despite the Nigerian constitution specifically stating that appointments should reflect 'federal character'! #kettlecallingpotblack
With all Shehu has said, who is better between the two of them? Seems to me Shehu is worse! KOLAQ
Very Good I Love this response. The guy has described Fayose very very well. Fayose needs to see a doctor i think some nuts need to be tied properly. Why will a governor make such statements targeted at division instead of statements that will unite the country.I support Buhari's choices so long as they are based on merit, i don't care if all the appointments are from north, south, east or west after all we are all Nigerians.
People should tell Fayose we didn't forget about his Ekiti polls rigging scandal oh! He's indebted to GEJ for not looking into it, but karma will visit
Al dix old men shud go nd sit down nah
***odikwa risky nd tyt***
I agree with senator Sani even though the current realities are not in his favor. A man that sold out cos of 10m (senator Sani) has no right whether old or new order to open his mice infested mouth and spew such trash. Granted Fayose has been out of order but Sani is not much better. He lacks integrity and same has been displayed in the senate. Smh. Shave your hair, maybe there's not enough oxygen in ya brain
Fayose is the dumbest governor I have ever seen in my entire life.empty barrel make hell of noise.jonathan was voted out they are angry.Sai Baba Cary Go with your good work
In boxing, you call this TKO. Acronym for Technical Knock Out!
All you Buhari apologists should please read Chapter II section14(3) and (4) of the Nigerian Costitution before saying crap like 'I don't care where the appointees are from, so far they can deliver'. I don't care too, but it's not about our feelings, it's about a fundamental breach of the constitution by someone who swore an oath he would uphold the constitution! #shikena
I am not a fan of fayose but I must say that this unpopular senator is just clamouring to be noticed. Judging from his choice of words I will easily conclude that he is a bigger tout than fayose.
All the comments made by oshiomole got no response from him. He is definately a tribalistic Nigerian. Kafari! ............... hajia hannatu
Aunty linda post d winners biko
I dy urge.. My birthday z cuming
I need win this money biko
Shehu Sani himself is suffering from psychological Disorientation!
Hummmmmmm.....now someone has the balls to put Fayose in his place.
Everyone is entitlled to his or her personal views and should b respected by others.
Happy New Month!
Job 22:21, Submit to God and be at peace with him; in this way prosperity will come to you.
Henceforth these shall b ur portion's; completeness, wholeness, good health, peace, safety, soundness, prosperity, perfectness, fullness, rest, harmony and the absence of agitation or discord in ur lives.
God bless Linda Ikeji, all LIB reader's and ur household's! Sweet kisses and luv y'all.
Welcome 2d month of September!
Long Live LIB!
shehu sani you are wasting your saliva,the south will remember this attitude of your northern president in all subsequent elections,and the APC will suffer for it,the actions of president buhari speaks louder than the words you have used to insult fayose,if you senator sani is not sentimental towards president buhari, you will know that his appointments thus far have been sectional.
Shehu Sani is here trying to incite other governors to respond to Ayo Fayose's statement. Why doesnt he even tell Buhari to do the right thing by spreading his appointments. Shehu Sani is a hypocrite. You criticised Jonathan very badly even on BBC, yet you dont want anyone to criticise Buhari at all even when he is evidently on the wrong path. God save Nigeria
Shehu Sani you're licking PMB's ass now publicly cos he's now presido and protecting your mutual interest boko haram. You think we dont know youre a boko haram member
They don't really need to dignify him with an answer. He should be left to blab cos that's his hobby
U b hausa.so no p..jonathan can b anytin buh never sectionalised..re we now blind or so stupid dat we dont see d appointments so far is from the north..northerners think Nigeria is d birthright..
Not on Fayose's side but I think Shehu Sani is a bigot.
Well said comrade!! Linda I know u won't post this
Strong bashing on fayoFOOL!
Well said comrade!! Linda I know u won't post this
Proper washing! Put that scumbag where he belongs, in the cesspit yea!
Omo, this is finishing of life. Fayose Rest in Peace
C how foolish u get? U jst 'mumud' urself by urself. Linda abeg dey put ds apc ppl comment o bfor dem carry dia violence trademark follow u..aturu awusa!!
Please has this man been talking on the floor? Hypocrite!
Sani has ditched the camp of the down trodden which he pretended to fight for in the past. A typical nigerian, all those past pretences was to pave way for government appointment or to get a foot hold into the happening club. I never believed you any way because all of you are there for a piece of the action for your selve only. Fayose is saying the truth that all of you cowards are afraid to say to the fulani king and president of the North. Your peace loving Southern Kaduna people whose hope was raised at the inception of your victory had better start praying for another Joshua, they are still being mowed down by AK47 totting cattle rearers. This is what you should be addressing, the wholesale plan to Islamise your people or wipe them off.You are now the spokesman of Buhari because you want to be in his good books, men with out balls, easily drawn by the scent of the Naira, pounds and dollars. My respect remains with Abubukar Umar, the former Kaduna Governor, the only man with honour, who will say it like it is no matter what happens.
This Shehu Sani is another fucking northern bastard that also think Nigeria is theirs. Very arrogant fool.
N ur father is who again?
U get sense sha! Chop kiss
U urself ur father is who again? Idiot...u want to downgrade his comment yet ur bastard self is anonymous as well...asshole let Fayose speak
Fayose wz absolutely correct.
~D great anonymous!
Moment when a nobody fires only blanks at a real shooter..only a foolish dumb ass like him could take this nonsense serious..he his a nobody aboki Northern senator .. Fayose is not his Mate
This novice called Sani, refused to answer the pertinent questions raised by Fayose. He wants to be noticed without a just cause.
Shehu Sani is a hypocrite, a liar and a bigot. These people are just out to deceive people and draw attention away from the main issue.
I just wonder what these northerners think they are, you don't beat a child and expect him not to cry. Fayose aired his opinion and this man thinks he can intimidate him by abusing. At least he acknowledged twice that the law permits anyone freedom of speech, all these abuses are not called for
My dear, Fayose is an absolute disgrace. A shameless and misguided nuisance. Sani is not at ds level to trade words with a pig in d gutter.
Good luck (pun intended) to Buhari and his psychopants like Shehu Sani who think they can hoodwink us with abudive big grammar! You guys better call your president of Northern Nigeria to order before hell is let loose.... Be warned!
Purple rie nshi gbara ikpuru!
Fayose is more sensible dan dis empty vessel
He think being loud makes one intelligent
Yelling like an idiot
Why won't he defend de president of northern nigeria
Sick hausa/fulani idiots
Irrespective of the fact that more appointments will be made by the president which is well known to everyone and even reassured by the APC as per federal character , still the PDP and its apologists who have been seeking means of distabilizing this administration latched on poisonous criticism of the appointments made by the president in selecting members of his core team . Despite all explanations that the president reserves the prerogative of choosing members of his core team, the PDP and its apologists found themselves another opportunity to attempt tearing down this government without care even if it means tearing down the unity of this nation. For mischievious intent, they decided to draw judgement from a piece mill than wait to see the entire gamut. They need to understand (if they care to) that if Nigeria is torn down or goes into inter regional war there will be no PDP or APC. I guess they won't mind the latter as they prefer the nation remain in shambles as long as they're not the ones in charge.
Is that how to make point??? Fayose got it all wrong.i think these type of insult serve him right . He is a governor he has different means of reaching to buhari not pouring insult. Haba!!!
Mr sen. I hve see ur foolishness all hail My fayose I wait for his respond to dis animal.
1. U'r Dull
2. Ur parents r soo poor dt all they cud teach u is stark foolishness n stupidity!
3. Ur Fugly
4. I dnt tink ur father is ur real father. Ur mother lied!
Shehu sani your an animal,real beast.shameless dog.fayose is saying the truth but you stupid hausas have put deaf ear.wicked souls....are you blind can't you see the appointment made so far is there any yoruba,ibo too.thunder fire that your stupid mouth.hausas like power so much I don't know why and they can't never let power go rather they die.buhari knows what he is doing to fix back hausas in all sectors.we are watching but I pity you animals called hausa.fayose nailed it.that's what is trending now on channels,A IT etc.don't you watch TV sani.fayose is very right.he knows what he is saying.go and seal his mouth now aturu,ewu hausa.
all of you that are supporting Cayuse, can anyone of you pray to have fayose as governor of your, what is the truth in what fayose has said so far. he is a governor, can he passed his messages to BUHARI directly instead of doing it on the pages of newspaper . all his ranting since all this day, has it change anything, didn't the PR resident appoint someone from his state. federal character only applicable in ministerial board, ambassadorial and agencies appointment not on people that will work with the prrsident . fayose has being there for over ten month he has not appoint commissioners
Gbamest talk. Chop kisses for that keen observation. Senator Sani ended up blowing hot air without so much addressing the crux of the matter.
this northern guard dog should just shut up!where were you a few months ago before ur fellow herdsman became president?Fayose spoke the mind of several million Nigerians!you are name calling attention seeking typical northern nonentity!Fayose was governor before you left herding your female cows to exploit quota system!idiota!!
this northern guard dog should just shut up!where were you a few months ago before ur fellow herdsman became president?Fayose spoke the mind of several million Nigerians!you are name calling attention seeking typical northern nonentity!Fayose was governor before you left herding your female cows to exploit quota system!idiota!!
Fayose is probably more successful than your father....from your word usage, it is obvious you have an impaired upbringing. I am sure your parents will prefer Fayose over u as their child.
Don't forget that ekiti state has gotten 1 appointment as service chief while kaduna is yet to get. Same stupid fayose thanked PMB during that appointment while kaduna pple are yet to grumble or. Complain about new appointments
This ex convict that Abacha should have wasted. Fake activist. A confirm bokoharam informant. This Shehu Sani of a man how do you want to justify what Buhari has done? How? You think the south is this blind and gullible like your slave serving followers who don't mind remaining in such state for life. Infact I don't know why Linda should be scared of posting people's comments against this aboki people.some prospective posters are so scared to send their comments .wetin una dey fear? If it were an aboki blog they will freely blast us without fear. What a hell men!
Sani go face ur work and how much do u earn?
You r jst plain daft! since 1900.Ewu
Correct,You're smart@EastPrince.
Wetin aboki like for sugarcane? No be the sweetness?
Sometimes I wonder how some people have such kinda powerful positions..
Well done o lere olayinka. I can see you doing your work well here. Pele. Ona ati jeun na ni gbo gbo e. Keep on supporting pesin wey don kolo finish. Oh sorry I just remembered. But for governut fayose, you would still be pounding the streets with your cv from your mushroom school.
Fart from Beans! I don laff tire. Gooder! Every body should face there work and give me a better Nigeria.
Dear Sani, With my childish education i appreciate your level of understanding but remember only those that went good school and think twice like you will understand Baba Buhari's Administration. please do not waste your time talking to somebody that does not have focus and think scattered talk-less of understanding your English grammar. And his objectives among others is to be noticed and attempt to incite Nigerians from the south against those from the north.
Fayose and his supporters are big fools, animals in human cloths,pmb is their president will remain so for another 8yrs...they can go and die for all i care.
Bonario d fulanis man
Some1 makes an argument. Anoda person decides to insult him instead of making a superior argument. Most Nigerians are thrilled by the insults instead of the actual points raised. Well, we in Nigeria get wat we actually deserve.
This guy better shut up
Slave u r smh
Shd i say well spoken
True talk
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