His works on breast work includes Natural Breast Augmentation (which involves using Cohesive Gel and Gummy Bear implants), Breast Lifts, Breast Reductions and combinations of these.
Dr. Emeka’s Body Contouring works includes Laser Liposuction (Smartlipo), Brazilian Butt lifts, Waist Cinching, Fat Transfers and Body Contouring. He also does Facial work including Liposuction of the Chin, Fat transfer to the face, Eyelids and Fillers/Botox.
Recently, he did a successful 'Mommy makeover' in Lagos (tummy tuck and breast reduction/lift). The client was home on the fourth day, ‘cooking in her kitchen’ on the seventh and would be back to work on the fourteenth day. “A ‘Liposuction’ was carried out on a young male executive 9 days ago.
He went home on the day of the surgery, was in my office day 2, was driving himself and off of medication day 4 and back at work on day 7. His wife had a tummy tuck a year ago....also in Lagos” Dr. Emeka Onyewu. Dr. Emeka is offering the same quality surgery and post-surgical care attainable anywhere in the world right here in Lagos; bringing 19 years of experience, training and state of the art equipment. He understands the need for privacy and offer customized consultations in private settings (Office, MedSpa or client’s residence.)
At the moment, Dr. Emeka is available for consultation at Oasis MedSpa. For more information, please contact oasismedspanigeria@gmail.com or visit www.oasismedspang.com. Tel no: 08180822222 (For bookings)
Naija babe don finish here o
Infant some babes go use dier last penny do surgery
Not interested.
See woman wey IYanya wan marry Handwork... So she wants to bring all this nonsense to Nigeria.. God go punish all of uns
Only God knows the thousands of naira he will charge
Plastic bodies will start roaming around in Nigeria, issorait !
Order for your beautiful bedspreads @ 5671CDBE. Delivery available nationwide.
That's good
Wow! Nice one
Issokay seen, thanks for sharing! Linda take note!
Issokay seen, thanks for sharing! Linda take note!
Issokay seen, thanks for sharing! Linda take note!
Husband...im interested oh...lol.....just small touch here n there. C
Ladies are you seeing this?
There goes Nigerian females too...*sigh*
OK naa..no need to go to US again to see dr rey. Its live here in nigeria. We are advancing gradually. Meanwhile,does he offer sex change? Cos I might decide to become a man someday if I no see husband to marry.
So that's where rukky Sanda got her new body from, that explains it. Waiting for the Nigerian version of botched, because quarks will soon spring up.
Warning!!!! Nigerian ladies u re Beautiful d way God created u. Don't do anytin stupid 2 ur body, it all has complicated side effects n it wil neva make u more beautiful. I will definitely age as Ure grow older it's designed by God. No one wil live 4eva no matter how much u try a botox, face lift, Tommy tuck, ull end up looking more ugly Dan ur real age. Being natural is staying healthy, doing exercise n getting plenty of sleep. Don't b DECEIVE 2 increase anoda persons wealth n draining urself both physically n financially. A WORD IS ENOUGH 4 D WISE!!
Yanya come get ur woman....mrs onyewu come get your man
He's welcome
Lmao! Really? To do what exactly??? Who in their right frame of mind Is gonna go under the knife in this country!
Our worst nightmare is finally here, fake boobs has come to stay
The guy head be like O sha.I hope this surgery is not Aba made because his patient's pictures look Damn ratchet!
Before anybody goes running off to Dr. O because he's US trained, google him to see what his past patients say about him. See if anyone is suing him for negligence and all that stuff. Sometimes bad doctors run off to their home countries to do there what the US won't allow.
Advertorial! Takers should be careful o. We don't have stringent malpractice legislation here.
Naija don de go faaaaar,oasis med spa just stole my idea of owning 1 of d best plastic surgery facilities and spa in naija,mke dem clear Road 4 dem ooooo I literally look up to them.
Am sure this was where Rukky went to do her boob job filled with chemicals
Lolz lagos babes oya oooooo dis man is going 2make 2much money oooooo
Google him he has very low ratings in the USA. Proceed with caution!
No Thanks...I love My God Giving Manchester n Assnal bikonu!!!
For real?
Lol, i was happy to see ds. Now al dos lepa wud go get job done and act like it's natural yl bashing d Kardashians online. Gud o
His rating is actually below average. No market for him in U.S. and as usual, Nigeria with no medical regulatory body becomes a dumping ground for mediocre doctors. Na una sabi o! I don't want to hear stories that touch the heart later.
Na wa for you oo...smtg wey don dey Nigeria even before you were born sef...
What's wrong with the patient's pix? I was even impressed against my better judgement. Hater.
This is where did her boobs surgery
I hope we r all safe???
What re u typing?
~D great anonymous!
OMG!! No his not in Nigeria? You must be kidding me! Oh WOW! His patients have lots of complications! I know a friend who went to him! Proceed with caution or get BOTCHED!
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