Rapper Nas' ex-wife Kelis, 36, revealed on stage yesterday at the AfroPunk Festival at
Commodore Barry Park in Brooklyn, that she's pregnant! Kelis, who has been linked with a guy named Michael Mora who ca
lls her his wife on his instagram page, cradled her bump as she shared her happy news with her fans. "I need a fan...I'm hot and pregnant!" She said
Kelis has a 6 year old son Knight Jones with Nas. Big congrats to her. More photos after the cut...
Congrats to her
Old school....congrats
There is a lady in opebi lagos who claims to be the half sister of Nas..she looks like him tho..
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Nice! Congrats
#sad indeed
See how shapeless she'said looking. You can still be pregnant and maintain that sexy physique unno?
Congrats to d both
Children are blessing but people need to have it in a proper way.. Congrats to them in advance
Congrats to her.
Isn't it obvious, or does she have a naturally big tummy?????
Is that d wife or d husband???
#it WILL only GET better
#IT must END in PRAISE
Love the part she said i need a FAN, am hot and pregnant
Love the part she said i need a FAN, am hot and pregnant
Wow, good for her.
Na. Waooo! Preggy don't fit kelly oh! Choi
Is she alright? She doesn't look normal to me. Congrats al d same.
I dnt knw y a big guy lyk Nas got involv wt dis ugly gal,
Linda,am pregnant for your best friend.
Congrats buh dat hair is a nono
She's 36? Well, she looks 45! Anyway, congrats to her.
Congrats to her though.....
Linda, she is KELIS ...
She's famous enough and you don't need to introduce her as someone's ex..
Her milkshake still brings everyone to the yard!!
these people self and their way of life.
Dey luk gud tgeda in a weird way
Congrats to her, peeps popping babies like all over d place
Congratulations to her. Americans be having five kids from different fathers.
I wish her safe delivery in advance and all d best. Congrats!
Congrats to her
...NA ZO
Shut the fuck up!
I used to like this woman's music as a kid...congrats to her sha
What a stupid comment. Most women Just can't help gaining weight when pregnant. It's a natural process.
Congrat to her beautiful !!she has a handsome husband.
I swear! I tire o
Na mugu nah, leave am make him dey blab.
She try, Buh na God try pass. Congrats Kelis.
Stern has no brain! His comments are the most foolish
It's easy for men like him to be blabbing like mere boys...a new life is coming and all Stern and his likes keep thinkg endlessly is sex, sexy, sexiness. Confirmed heartless "PERVERTS!!!"
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