According to a report by Us Weekly, despite showing public support for their step-father now turned step-mother, Kourtney, Kim, and Khloe are said to be fighting with him in private. The fight is mostly about the way Caitlyn has antagonised his ex-wife, Kris, who is the girls' mother.
"There's not a lot of love for Caitlyn. Vanity Fair was the start of the downfall. It came out and they looked like idiots, they first saw the article on Twitter! The Kardashians were furious once they realized she took jabs at Kris, a lot of times she wasn't very nice. They are so incensed that they may be done with Caitlyn for good. Everyone has turned their backs on her.' Close family sources told Us
"So much so that communication between the stepfather and the stepchildren has nearly stopped. Texts halted as Caitlyn distanced herself at her secluded Malibu estate. Caitlyn has this aura around her that she is better than them. The bad blood has led to a cease in communication,' a Kardashian confidant explained to Us.
Next pls *yawns*
Good for them...
Cait never see anything, she/he was wrong, shouldn't have said bad things about Kris, in as much as Kris is something else herself, she doesn't deserve to be dragged to d mud (quoting Khole)
#it WiLL OnLy Get BEttER
#IT mUsT eNd In PrAISe
I like these girls.if the article is true,I'll hug them if I can.
If you fight with my mom,you fight with me.I know all the sacrifices my mother made while my father gallivanted around!Way to go girls if its true.
What kinda family are they???? They look lovely outside but so much hate on d inside
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Der cup of kunu.nxt plssss
To be honest they even tried by hiding their dislike for their mutant mum/pa from the public eye.C'mon this is the Kardashians where everything they do is for show off.This transgender ish just came like a bolt from the blues & they never liked it.
I wonder what the hell I'd have done if my old man tries it.Thank God he's rocking the stone age ideas
Shey he turned himsel to a woman..he should be behaving like one ni. Women talk a lot, so he's exercising that part of his feminity.
Mumu person!
Bruce Jenner d devil can't wait to spank your ass in hell.
Good for the she-male...
Nice post You can get more.
Linda, u and ur hilarious comment "Stepfather now stepmother"....
Lord help and save those in d act of transgender least their souls end up in hell.
Okk oooo
good for him/her . fameless dad/mum. Mtchewwwwwwww
She will soon fade off
Cursed family
Drama again
Lol when d bitches gets bitched.
BTW I was nice n abit accepting to Caitlyn abi whatever her name is simply cos my girls gave him all d support.
Don't bite d finger that fed u Mr
Nna not again........
That what d suppose 2 do bcos dat man/woman is a disgrace.
Their Problem.
Heroic Indian Woman BEATS Up her Molester In A Street Fight
Gud for them
Their cup of tea.
Cheap stunt to get pple talking.....ain't buying it!
Their own cup of tea
Dats vry good...dey shld leave him
Change is constant and also good. So make dem adjust. Linda take note!
Change is constant and also good. So make dem adjust. Linda take note!
Change is constant and also good. So make dem adjust. Linda take note!
Karma. it's not always about these people. Caitlyn is the new jawn and they are very jealous. Did she lie? Kris isn't a nice person.
Wetin concern me serves him right
So Wat has that got to do with me?
Here I am extremely broke n u r bring up this lame gist? U ve time for this people sha
Linda's last son
So Wat has that got to do with me?
Here I am extremely broke n u r bring up this lame gist? U ve time for this people sha
Linda's last son
Oluwa is working
How does this news concern me?
Teeheee....their cup of tea!
useless and stupid family, the kardashians are among the high profile satanic agents worldwide.
Step father turned to step mother good for them
If the lke make them kill them self for all i care.
#sad indeed
Bruce is just a selfish being.
Something I have learnt is that most people that claim to love or show friendship to others on social media are actually with little or no love in real world with the person they have been claiming social media close buddy.
The kardashians/Jenners are no exception, all these closeness they show on TV and social media might be for popularity ; the sisters might not even be close as they want people to believe.
In as much as I don't like Bruce, but the primary cause of this problem might likely be that the kardashians are now threatened by jenners popularity and not because of kris.
This power tussle might break them apart or even make the public know that their closeness is a play act to quench their ever fame thirst.
Obasara haa there
see this nonsense shim!!!! abomination
Dats dere business
The man has a loud mouth abeg
Please don't go to hell. Choose heaven, surrender your life to Christ and live for Him.
this is the beginning for it! it aint seen nothing yet, in a while it will hang itself bcos all it seeks is attention and it wasnt getting it anymore after it left the Kardashians. and by "it" i mean d abomination dat calls itself bruce or caitlyn! done and outta here!
Exactly. I expected that from them since the transition thing. Good for Bruised Cat Jenner manwoo
'bab blood '
'The bad blood'
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