According to MTO, the couple have called time on their long time relationship. The Congolese-Spanish professional basketball player is almost 26 and Keri Hilson is almost 33 and according to reports Keri Hilson wants to settle down and Serge isn't ready. A source told MediaTakeOut..
"Serge and Keri Hilson aren't together anymore. She wants
to get married and start a family but Serge isn't ready. He complains
about her neediness and clinginess. She tries too hard to please him and
his family but they are just not into her, she even speaks their
language, cooks their food but he is a traditional man and his family
wants him to marry an all born and raised partially African girl plus
they say she is too old for him.

She has been trying to get pregnant and it isn't working. Poor
thing,everyone on her camp has told her to let go but she has hopes and
is hanging on, he is famous and rich and she isn't getting any better
offers or men better than serge. She loves the celebrity life and the
status of dating a celebrity. smh it's sad plus he is a man whore he is
currently in la and keeps a flock of women.
Dating her from day one was a thing him and all team mates were doing
- trying to date celebrities remember James harden and Trina? Kevin
Durant and Latoya? it was like a bet type thing who's gonna have the
most famous chick.
Serge even went on a date with Khloe kardashian before James harden snatched her.
Like it's not normal for dem
You have done your path Keri, maybe she should give up. If he is not ready, there's nothing she can do to change that.
I sorry for her though..... #NowPlaying>> magawu: tm9ja....
Hmmmmmm,its sure not Easy to get a GOOD Man.
***adult content***
DAT second pics, Keri look sad
Hmmmmm pele oo bt I don't believe it since its MTO
Not news
It's Hollywood.. Where. People marry and break up anyhow
Ewwww Keri sorry pls come make I marry u na. :-)
See beefing o
Nice one.
#sad indeed
Nice one.
#sad indeed
Wow she should give up
I tell u the truth, there iÅŸ nothing you can do to a man Who iÅŸ not ready to settle down with you to change his mind.... So move on.
I don't knw y Linda gets her news from MTO. They don't print anything other than lies, I don't believe it.
This has been the story of their entire relationship. Keri wants to settle down and Serge doesn't. Your last story about them outside of his eggplants were about the same commitment issues. Get a clue, Keri. I'll leave it to you to file a complaint against Keri for claiming she's younger than you, Linda. Lol. Seriously, she could be Serge's moms.
There's no worst feeling as to knowing u care for sm1 αи∂ d person doesn't care....
They didn't knw she was older in d first place okwaya?
Oh pls!
If they don't want her, she shld opt out then, not like its †Ñ’ξ end of †Ñ’ξ world,
Men! Those creatures doesn't value who really cares, until they meet d devil in form of woman,
#it WiLL OnLy Get BettER
#it MuST eNd IN PrAiSE
There's no worst feeling as to knowing u care for sm1 αи∂ d person doesn't care....
They didn't knw she was older in d first place okwaya?
Oh pls!
If they don't want her, she shld opt out then, not like its †Ñ’ξ end of †Ñ’ξ world,
Men! Those creatures doesn't value who really cares, until they meet d devil in form of woman,
#it WiLL OnLy Get BettER
#it MuST eNd IN PrAiSE
MTO and fake stories.
After all the fufu keri don pound finish.
As d saying goes, a broken r/ship far better than a broken marriage.
This is exactly why men shouldn't be trusted and also why girls should learn to stop dating guys they are older than. The needs can never be the same. Guys don't ever see the sacrifices most girls make just to keep up with them. A reputable girl , such as Keri hilson stoops so low to learn your language, food and culture and at d end of the day, she is termed "desperate". smh! Which celebrity will do that? Sometimes, it is hard to tell what a guy really needs because no matter what you give, or do for them, it is never enough. It is just a thing of shame that most guys don't appreciate what they have. Move on Keri_! You will be just fine. Not like You aren't fly enough already.
This is exactly why men shouldn't be trusted and also why girls should learn to stop dating guys they are older than. The needs can never be the same. Guys don't ever see the sacrifices most girls make just to keep up with them. A reputable girl , such as Keri hilson stoops so low to learn your language, food and culture and at d end of the day, she is termed "desperate". smh! Which celebrity will do that? Sometimes, it is hard to tell what a guy really needs because no matter what you give, or do for them, it is never enough. It is just a thing of shame that most guys don't appreciate what they have. Move on Keri_! You will be just fine. Not like You aren't fly enough already
God ll provide better one jare....
Awww sorry Keri babyyy!!!
She only makes braids these days. Always uploaded videos of her speaking their language and making foo-foo. I disnt know he was so young. Haba
Poor Keri, wish Her the best
She should ve known better,holding on to a relationship like this would be hard,
1 real born African man will hardly marry a lady that is far older than him,
2 a celebrity for that matter
Nawa oo miss Keri my bae,serge Y nah?
Awwww and I love keri to a fault.
Okay....wish her all d best tho....
Rosie Said........These "Oyibos" (I mean Whites and Blacks) behave like all they live and breath are men........Can't they live their lives without the attachment of a man all the time.(No matter how dead beat the man is)Hiss....
I'm not surprised, na their way. Linda take note!
I'm not surprised, na their way. Linda take note!
Her perfect man would come jare , she should let go, mstchww, dis kynda things pain me, n m sure she would av seen a gwd guy, buh shut him out...
Keri is worth more than serge so for that part said that he has money more than her that is trash talk. And they havent broken up they still strong. Saw them this morning together at our neighborhood walmart. They are good. Serge is a good man n she is a good woman. I see them everyday. She basically lives in okc now. Very close to me.
Keri is a beautiful don't need a celebrity dear..why not look for a low key proffesional who will treat you like a queen
God punish u..this fine girl na u dey style for ni?ha na wa oo 33 yrs old!! sad
Move on with ur life keri now b4 is 2late. I believe u ll fine love again who ll marry u
epele o
Eyah, keri take heart o
Keri is beautiful, I feel sorry for her.
Keri leave Serge? With that ferrari super car that guy is parking in his trousers....If I hear!!!
Awwww really feel her pain, but wrong pp who won't live 2 a life time always misbehave #pray u find a better and God fearing spouse#
Awwwww really feel her pain but wrong pp who won't live wit u to a life time always misbehave #pray God grants u a better spouse#
If the news is true, I wish Keri all the best because she went the extra mile. I hope Serge finds the type of woman he deserves. She wasted so many years on him mean while he knew from the gate she was not wife material to him. She was just able to fly around and hold a place for his future wife. Let him go and work on your career may God send Keri the King she deserves and bear his sons and daughters. This is why people don't date outside their culture because of this mess.
If the news is true, I wish Keri all the best because she went the extra mile. I hope Serge finds the type of woman he deserves. She wasted so many years on him mean while he knew from the gate she was not wife material to him. She was just able to fly around and hold a place for his future wife. Let him go and work on your career may God send Keri the King she deserves and bear his sons and daughters. This is why people don't date outside their culture because of this mess.
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