Chevron Nupeng members block entrance due to non payment of dues | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog





Monday 24 August 2015

Chevron Nupeng members block entrance due to non payment of dues

Chevron Nupeng contract staff have reportedly been on strike for almost a month now due to non payment of dues and inconclusive close of contract. They held a peaceful demonstration this morning, blocking the entrance to the premises after management of Chevron Nigeria Ltd allegedly seized their equipment. More photos after the cut...


Unknown said...


Unknown said...

No money in d system! People aren't smiling

Unknown said...

Hmmmm. Good

Unknown said...


ary said...


Anonymous said...

~D great anonymous!

Unknown said...

As long as its peaceful, definitely I don't hav any problem wit it except it goes otheswise. I wish them all d best.

Trendyify said...

This non payment seems to be everywhere, the question now is where is the money?

It is well

Unknown said...

A whole chevron,why we pay before the month end.shame to them since the have started emulating nigeria useless governos in owning workers.

#sad indeed

Unknown said...

A whole chevron,why we pay before the month end.shame to them since the have started emulating nigeria useless governos in owning workers.

#sad indeed

COLLIN said...

Wharris my business

Unknown said...

Ehya sorry for them.....

Anonymous said...

Hmmmm! Working as a contract staff in Chevron is simply put - SLAVERY! What are theses workers asking for? Their money.

Anonymous said...


Unknown said...

Management please pay your workers! Its not as if there's no money.


Unknown said...

Na wah oo.. it is well

Bonita Bislam said...

I support em.Its unfair for workers to work without being paid their entitlement. It's wickedness.
The one I find very irksome is the salaries owed by govt.Its like a stab to the heart knowing fully well the money belong to everybody & it belongs to nobody

Anonymous said...

This is injustice and unfair labor practice which the presidency and relevant authorities should strive to end casualization and pay that which is due our fellow citizens

Anonymous said...

Wickedness in high places... I hope the presidency looks into this abnormal Blackman practice & address it...

Anonymous said...

Wickedness in high places... I hope the presidency looks into this abnormal Blackman practice & address it...

Unknown said...

Why na,?

Unknown said...

Blocking way of entrance how does it prove peaceful protest?

Unknown said...

I wish them all the best in resolving the issue. Linda take!

Unknown said...

I wish them all the best in resolving the issue. Linda take!

Unknown said...

I wish them all the best in resolving the issue. Linda take!

Unknown said...

I wish them all the best in resolving the issue. Linda take!

Blog It With Olivia said...

Good for them
Protest αи∂ get what u want

#IT will ONLY get BETTER
#it MUST end IN praise

Anonymous said...

I have strong evidence to support above fact that chevron Nigeria limited owes contract workers. James

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