Between Ali Baba & LIB reader ONYX Godwin on instagram | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog





Monday, 24 August 2015

Between Ali Baba & LIB reader ONYX Godwin on instagram

Ali Baba and LIB reader ONYX Godwin argue about homosexuality on instagram. Quite interesting! More tweets after the cut...


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Anonymous said...

A Lot of people say they not care if one person is gay, remember you will soon have your own child, what you do not stop now, is growing like it was growing in the 70s in nigeria nobody tried to stop it

I doubt is a lot of you here you is encouraging gay want to give birth to one

aboveDfray said...

Tom Hanks played a gay man dying of aids in "Philadelphia"...his gay partner was played by Antonio Bandares

Anonymous said...

I still see why it is difficult for Linda to get married, the gay promotion is part of it

ary said...

Godwin just jejely walked into that trap! LOL. he implied that he is not necessarily guy but he hasn't done anything to the contrary.

Anonymous said...

You have misunderstood Onyx question as well. Sorry try again. Kisses

Anonymous said...

Lol.. I really got the fact that it was a question.. Ooh well...good one

AMARACHI (LindaIkeji's Daughter) said...

Hahahaha idiot

Anonymous said...

See how the stupid boy allowed Ali Baba feel intelligent. You could have dragged him though the creches, elementary and secondary school of choking on his homophobic bile.
Apart from the acting, he should realize the lady is actually a transexual. A ho molecular through and through and maybe that made it easier for her to emotionally interpret the character better.
Who cares about onyx 's emotions? Na small boy dey worry am, even gays don't care about his emotions, just as it an be straight and not give a hoot about my bffs.

Anonymous said...

I completely agree with you

Anonymous said...

Oh my God,this is very insightful. Thank you for sharing this!
God bless you for giving me a new perspective on how I bargain so inconsiderately. People are suffering in Nigeria. We need to not make things harder for them.

Anonymous said...

Gay pple never accept they're one until u catch dem with dick in their ass or trying to touch a straight person. I see them a lot @ ikeja mall n. U begin to wonder the kind of world we live. As for Linda, I defend u a lot when pple talk about ur sexuality and support for gay pple. Right now I don't even know where u stand cos the way u support this boy n his way of life, God will definitely ask u one day oooooo... dee

Anonymous said...

Yes, he's implying the gay virgins but like you said he still doesn't get it dat whether or not he's done d anal sex, such feelings alone even for a virgin gay proves one is gay oriented alrdy...why shud I have tender erotic feelings towards my own same sex and not know somehow datz wrong?

Unknown said...

Your ignorance is very alarming.

Anonymous said...

Gbam!!! No telling so many attackg d openly gay are secret or closet gays dat feel most threatened by such...

Anonymous said...

You alone seems to have a clear view of all d issues...

Anonymous said...

Tell her cos even God knows no one, as in no sinner fears God datz why men are just d same all over d world...

Unknown said...

First not errone is a Christian or bliv in religion so ur argument is very lacking. Second frm d above I see ur very unintelligent. Maybe in ur mind ur brilliant at bible pages. Philosophically and scientifically under utilism u would understand dat any part or organ of thr body performs a d can perform more than one function dat argument also is defective and am aware you knw dat d mouth isn't only used for eating lol...I use it yo tear sachet milk also and other aware ur aware Iits used to suck *ICK too. Natural law? Law student wtf r u tlkin biko? Nd cuz smone Iis gay or argues for. Dsnt make them lacking in parenting blah blah...ur just an arrogant pained n sad person dat blivs only ur views n blivs r correct! BYE BYE!

Anonymous said...

onyx Godwin, i understand him, i had friends like him some years back in secondary school. Godswill, Seun (now leaving as a full gay in Belgium), Emmanuel who has been having sex with Thailand and indonesian men and Edem caught having sex with Godswill in SS2 in a nearby bush. Well that spirit controlling this persons is demonic and not what God envisaged for the human race. Defending such act is denying the existence of the omnipotent God.

Unknown said...

Hmmm uv done ur research I see. Ur aware sm girls wait till marriage before sex right? Some gays wait too ok? A d lesbians r gays too...not all lesbians do anal. BYE BYE!

Unknown said...

And what place is that?

Unknown said...

Been gay is biblically wrong. I stand for what the bible says. However most people don't believe in the bible and act against it. Are we to crucify them? No
Please check out my blog

Anonymous said...

Onyx says he came from a polygamous home whc clearly shows no concrete parental care even many monogamous families like mine are somthg else... FaceGod

Unknown said...

Please check out my blog

Real Jewel said...

Onyi, You are not normal. When a man starts behaving like a woman, he isnt normal, and also when a woman starts behaving like a man, its not normal. I grew up in between two boys and was a very strong and tom boyish girl, but am a woman. Is Serena Williams a man, irrespective of how strong ad muscular she is, biko. Onyi Deliverance is your case. Amen

Anonymous said...

Sure u think thru ur anus

Anon said...

I dey fear some of you people these days o

Anon said...

Please use ur brain, so what will the emotional attraction lead to then?

femojie said...

Word 👍👌

Anonymous said...

U r smart

Unknown said...

Oynx dis onyx dat ! Problem

Anonymous said...

I bet u re not as intelligent as d onyx b by age....the actress potray a xter u so despise and not worthy of emulation and yet u celebrate her cos its just an act? Not minding d message its passing across?? Damn.... Think about it...

RETT said...

Totally unnecessary, Oynx is jus looking for cheap publicity! SMH

Unknown said...

Guy how did u develop this ache.. Though u speak the truth but U'V spoken it too much.. Everyday, all day..

Unknown said...

Your a very stupid boy Onyx. Your parents must be so ashamed of u. You really sick. Psycologicaly. Get help. Idiot!! Its not abt all abt sex but emotions. Stupid!! U think you talking to a boy as light headed as u. Foolish!!

Anonymous said...

Ur comment jst got @ me now, it got me some goosebumps cos dis actually happened 2 me yesterday in CMS traffic, a hawking boy told me a car mp3 player was 1,200naira, I bargained for 1k, he didn't sell, so I drove off jst cos 200naira dfrnce but I got 2 where I was going 2 & bought adidas sneakers for 30k. Now am feeling guilty reading diz post. May God forgive me!

Unknown said...

Linda just keep hyping your DISGUSTING Gay Son,who is in every social media seeking for publicity. Upana na ere oku,osi na ona aha nmanu!

Unknown said...

I think am in love with u. Chop kiss,mua. Linda biko find a way to attach d like icon to comments, e go make sense.

Anonymous said...

D best comment ever

Unknown said...

Onyx Ogaga Godwin!! dude is Intelligent!

Anonymous said...

Oga Onyx biko stop hiding under anonymous

Anonymous said...

Oga Onyx biko stop hiding under anonymous

Anonymous said...

Oga Onyx stop hiding under anonymous

Anonymous said...

Oga Onyx stop hiding under anonymous

Unknown said...

I will flaw Alibaba on the point where he said exits are not entrances. The vagina is an entry point for the male organ (and sperm), but also exit for urine and the child.

As for Onyx, u said one should be allowed to have sex as long as they hurt no one. But in essence, man can go ahead to have sex with animals since no one is hurt in the process. Your excuses are not plausible in that argument.

Anonymous said...

Oga Onyx biko stop hiding under anonymous

Anonymous said...

Thank you Anonymous. Oluwakemi or whatever, I see you as the type that will take human life over differing opinions!Are you God?? Homosexuality is unnatural and offensive to those of us that don't buy into the idea, I agree, but is it in your place to condemn it and in such strong terms?
Please stop promoting intolerance and live and let live. It is this kind of ' my way or the highway " orientation that has led us to be dealing with terrorism in Nigeria and all over the world;the Islamic sects forcing other sects to think and act like they do! It is unhealthy and disastrous for us all.
Please stop!

Anonymous said...

So many couples don't like to talk about their ex, some feel its healthy to get that out of the way while others may choose not to bring that up due to some circumstances that might have led to the break up.
We are sometimes obsessed with finding closure. Closure for some people especially singles, can be a process. Every night you see him/her in your dreams, you fantasize about him and then you wake up and realize, you are married to someone else. You are tempted to ask why it never worked out or what went wrong. The truth is, there is no truth, there's his, there's yours and there's something in the middle. If you both had good communication, you two wouldn't have ended up this way. Don't expect it now because he will just keep saying things that might irritate you and if he says something like "I miss you" or "I really did love you" then you will just be mighty upset that it didn't work out.
While you think about the good times you had or how he made you feel, remember the downsides of dating him, how heartbroken you felt with his constant cheating, how flirtatious he was with girls, how disrespectful he was. Think about it this way, if you had married him, would he have treated you any differently? Your life would have been messed up.
Closure is an ending significant piece of one's life, it could be about a relationship, a job or a way of thinking. Asking someone why he/she broke up with you is a fruitless quest. It's possible he/she doesn't even know and if there are reasons, do you really need to know that? Do you! Understand that maybe at some point you both became different, with different understanding and views.
What and whom are you holding on to? Why are you trying to jeopardize your future for something that might have been toxic for you? Keeping in touch with an ex is not advisable because you are at risk of stirring up forgotten feeling for him which can create an emotional strain with your present partner. This usually gets ugly. No matter who broke up with who, an ex has nothing to loose. If you were the one who left to go get married to someone else, chances are he/she is still very much angry or still hurting so for you trying to be nice or friendly towards him or her is dangerous.
An ex is an ex for a reason. You need to be very brutal with your emotions on this especially if you are married, don't let your emotions rule you, let an ex stay that way and remember if you are both ok with being friends, your spouse might not be comfortable with that. You might call it harmless flirting and it could never hurt nobody but trust me it could start a fire. Be wise.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Thank God you saw the stupid in Ali Baba. Things people get sued over in a developed country.

Anonymous said...

He's not. I don't like him too.

Anonymous said...

He's fighting for himself abeg.

Anonymous said...

You are smart! And I hate that the little kid didn't know better to nail him to the cross he made himself. Dumb Ali Baba.

Anonymous said...

What if Onyx is gay, is he going to be the fast gay Nigerian? Y'all should have several seats in an empty stadium abeg.

Anonymous said...

I know so much about fashion and lifestyle yet I studied IT. How come? #shoroniyen idiot.

Anonymous said...

Your comment Chiinonso doesn't exactly hold water, and a more clueless supporting comment below it too. The boy wasn't supporting anything, if anybody supported anything, it would be alibaba himself. The boy asked if alibaba really supports the actor because her main role was that of a lesbian, considering how vocal alibaba has been about his disapproval for that sexuality. Especially since he keeps saying we are Nigerians and we don't accept that here, etc. and the guy turned it into something about anal sex when that wasn't what onyx's question was about. FYI, that show in itself glorifies lesbianism to the core, forget about it being "just a role" or not. To support an actress's role on the show, you would have to support lesbianism to a high degree because the show glorifies the act. You can go and watch the series if you doubt my comments. If it were to be a Nigerian show, he would be speaking in the negative against what it stands for but because it's an American show, he feels it's "only a role". For alibaba to be openly against something and then support something similar because its on an American show by a 2nd generation Nigerian is very hypocritical of him. SIMPLE!..... Just Saying

Anonymous said...

He actually didn't ignore onyx, he if that's what you're trying to say. He even went and checked out his pictures but decided to jump into teeing conclusions. Sick fuck? Really? It clearly shows that the guy you're calling names is way more intelligent than you are.

Anonymous said...

so what do u call girls that does anal? are they also gay? please doing anal doesn't literally makes U gay. its the feeling you have for same sex that makes one gay.

i stand to be corrected thou.

Anonymous said...

Anon 10:06, thank you! I just made a comment above too similar to this, hadn't read your comment yet. People are completely missing the point and the hypocrisy in what alibaba is doing. If you support an actress on the show, then you're supporting the exact thing you've been condemning all this while because the show glorifies lesbianism....... Just Saying

Anonymous said...

Beckys World, GBAM!

Anonymous said...

Now I'm seeing common sense and deep understanding in there latter comments! A lot of people were completely missing the point and jumping on the gay bandwagon. If you're against gay/lesbianism, you wouldn't enjoy the show or support anyone's acting on the show. Alibaba's explanation holds no water at all. Either you support or you don't support the glorification of the act. He should pick a struggle abeg!

Anonymous said...


Femiluv said...

Onyx is intelligent and eloquent.

Anonymous said...

Onyx, i would advice you stop making controversial comments

Mr. Stretch said...

I totally agree with you!! But I will advise he soft-pedals on trying to advocate for gay people! The sexual orientation of this environment is strictly man to woman. Making a case for gay folks here only makes him sound alien and silly!! He should just enjoy his status privately, no need for the bravados!

Mr. Stretch said...

That got me rolling!! Lmao

Mr. Stretch said...

Lmao @ "all hell was let loose"

Mr. Stretch said...

Intelligent submission!! *applauds* @iam_josholic

Mr. Stretch said...

@anonymous12:38 what's there to understand in homosexuality? There are many Europeans and Americans who condemn it too!! It's absolute hogwash discussing gay matters in public!!

Mr. Stretch said...

#truthbetold #nuffsaid

Mr. Stretch said...

You are absolutely wrong!! Kindly check the dictionary for ' sexual orientation'. It's firstly about sex and all the other emotional hulabaloo comes into the fray! Don't let them confuse you cutie!

Mr. Stretch said...

Understand the point people are making. No one is saying you shouldn't be gay, but forcing people to accept what's against their belief is shameful and silly! You can have sex all you want as a man with a man or a cat, but keep it private!! We already have enough on our plates to hand eat!

Mr. Stretch said...

Never hate any tribe, it limits you in every sphere of life!!

Anonymous said...

He's not defending gay.
He's questioning the fact that Nigeria Law against same sex relationship or marriage.
Why should a NollyHood movie feature such scenes, why should a Nigerian blog write about such fact, why should a Nigerian radio or television broadcast such news.
What concerns a christian who is in Church with a Muslim who is in the mosque?WHY are you telling us? How will it be helpful to us and the young generation? Do we need the update and news about Gays and their life style in Nigeria and yunder? Who needs such newsand updates


Unknown said...

Godwin Onyx is speaking Trash bcos he is gay

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