Now that Major General Muhammadu Buhari (rtd) has been chosen by the Nigerian people, it is my duty as a patriotic Nigerian to help him succeed even though my candidate was Pres. Jonathan, a man to whom I will always be loyal and appreciative.
Looking at the personalities he has appointed to his transition council, I am wont to believe that General Buhari needs to expand his circle of friends and advisers.
As a military strategist, the president-elect must be familiar with the principle that the people you use in subduing an opponent are not necessarily the same persons you will need in rebuilding the territories you took. I may be using military terms, but I am sure General Buhari is aware that politics is war by other means and therefore many of the rules of war and peace apply to politics.
The General will be best served if he thinks of what is best for Nigeria rather than what is best for his party, the All Progressive Congress (APC), and its chieftains.
He must remember that in Nigeria’s subjective politics, it was his person that the people voted for not his party and he should therefore serve the people the dish they are angling for.
And what are the expectations of Nigerians from General Buhari? Definitely not business as usual.
The president-elect ran on a promise of change and while that change was not really defined by its chanters, Nigerians defined it as a change in their situation.
To borrow from the famously potent prayers of Mountain of Fire and Miracle members, the Nigerian masses defined change as a situation where wealth and power must change hands from the elite to the masses by fire by force and they see General Buhari as the enforcer angel that will bring about this change.
With this type of expectation, Buhari’s honeymoon period with Nigerians will not last very long if he does not take drastic steps to adjust Nigeria’s economy to the realities of falling oil prices and a dearth of buyers for the Bonny Light Sweet Crude.
To put things into perspective, when the United States started buying less and less of Nigeria’s oil, we looked to China as an alternative buyer of oil but it has since come to light that whereas America spent $101 billion on clean energy between 2012-13, China spent $125 billion within the same time frame.
The above data should alert Nigeria and other nations that look to China for oil markets to the fact that China is even ahead of the West in the search for alternative to fossil fuels as a source of energy.
Buhari may wish he did not win the 2015 elections when the reality of our economic situation sets in.
In his December 2014 Channels Television interview, Buhari said he was going to “stabilise the oil market”. The General will learn soon enough that today’s oil market is a buyers’ market.
And the General’s choices are limited because he cannot (unless he is extraordinarily brave and politically callous) do the obvious and sack civil servants. Yes, he will eventually have to reduce the over bloated federal civil service, but before he can do that, he has to build up political capital by reducing the overhead of the Executive and persuade the Legislature to follow suit.
Austerity measures must start from Aso Rock. This means that luxurious multi car convoys must be reduced. The presidential air fleet has to go, by way of being auctioned off or sold to local airlines. Estacode allowances must be slashed and the president’s entourages should be lean while non-essential foreign travels should be banned.
The president-elect should not underestimate the big difference these small changes can make and their capacity to buy him enough credibility with the labour unions, the kind of credibility that will see them accepting cuts in the federal workforce and reduction in pay and entitlements.
A small change like flying commercial instead of by private jet saved Britain a whopping £200,000 when the thrifty British Prime Minister, David Cameron, flew to America to meet President Barack Obama on a regular BA flight.
Nigeria is in for very desperate times if we do not tighten our belts while our major foreign exchange earner is facing global challenges.
Russia, a nation that many will say is more prepared than Nigeria for the shocks occasioned by the drop in the price of oil devalued its currency by 11 per cent in just one day.
While Russia is taking these steps, the world is watching to see if Nigeria will continue to spend hundreds of billions annually sponsoring its elite on pilgrimages to Mecca and Jerusalem.
I mean, no economist will get why a nation with over 60 per cent of its people living in poverty at the best of times, will spend almost 1 per cent of its annual budget sponsoring pilgrimages for its elite who can afford to go to the Holy Land on their own dime.
I for one do not get it. A pilgrimage is meant to be a sacrifice of a believer. How is a pilgrimage still a sacrifice when someone pays for you to go? The Nigerian government is sending people on holidays not pilgrimages!
I daresay that the money being spent by the Nigerian government to airlift pilgrims to both Holy Lands is enough to educate all the almajiri in Northern Nigeria. Wouldn’t God and humanity be better served if we looked after the less privileged in our midst?
General Buhari has his work cut out for him and he does not have time to be bitter about who said what, when and where. He must let go of any desire to pay any of his traducers back whether they be from the last 16 years or as far back as 1985.
Four years is only enough time to fix Nigeria. Any time spent on other ventures is time taken from this most important of assignments.
And let me say that General Buhari should not allow himself to be pigeon holed by people who dangle ideologies instead of realities. Yes, the APC may have styled itself as a progressive party, which in itself is a contradiction because Buhari is a conservative, but Buhari should not bother about that.
Whether the philosophy is progressive or conservative or liberal or free market, he should go with what works because as Deng Xiaoping once noted: “It doesn’t matter whether a cat is black or white, if it catches mice it is a good cat.”
And it is fitting for me to end with a mention of Xiaoping. No other contemporary world leader, in my opinion, closely mirrors Buhari as does Xiaoping.
In 1966, Xiaoping was dethroned from his powerful party positions by loyalists of Chairman Mao as was Buhari in 1985 by loyalists of his Chief of Army staff.
Xiaoping suffered house arrest, loss of earned privileges and was consigned to political limbo for almost a decade as was Buhari.
But then Xiaoping bounced back into favour and became China’s leader in 1976 and thereafter jettisoned his life long belief in Mao’s Cultural Revolution and introduced the “one country, two systems” policy that allowed communism and capitalism to coexist in China. This is similar to Buhari’s conversion from an anti-democrat who believed power flowed from the barrel of a gun to a democrat who accepted democracy as the best form of governance and capitalism as the natural economic policy of a democracy.
But this is where Buhari has to learn from Xiaoping. Xiaoping refused to demonise Chairman Mao, his predecessor who had purged him from power and placed him under house arrest after stripping him off his privileges. Instead of bitterness, Xiaoping believed that Mao’s “accomplishments must be considered before his mistakes”.
This is how Buhari must treat his predecessors. He must not demonise everything that was done by previous administrations and mark those who served in those government as persona non grata. He must take the bitter with the sweet and make use of the best brains Nigeria has to offer, for as he said on December 31st, 1983, “This generation of Nigerians and indeed future generations have no other country than Nigeria”.
Nice one......
Will read later, im in church.
So Ben Murray is now the latest man to be trending in LIB these days? Hope he doesn't bench Kim K and co.
I'm out ***CATCH ME IF U CAN***
Good article coming from Ben. Buhari is surely going to deliver as said.
Cock sucker get a life. Loser
Dis man is just a fool,.simple
All this that was applicable he forgot to open his mouth during GEJ era
Obviously on edge that it is not business as usual
Too long
well said ben!
BenBruce should go and sit down. He is unrepentantly for Jonathan, could he have given the same advice to his man? He should leave Buhari alone, if he wants to be President, he should contest. Mchew
Lol----wonder y u did not give such advice to your brother 'things would have being way better '''but looking inbetween the line everything u have written will sure go a long way to salvage the country 'especially this pilgrimage (lol@ holiday) ..may God mantle rest on G.B....,Nothing is impossible with God...
words of wisdom
Mr Bruce u are mad. Cos u are as fellow bayelsan doesn mean u shud start analysing buhari or telling him what to do. Why didn't u tell ur loyalist who squanders the nigerian wealth and. Devalued the oil market all dis? So u said 4yrs is enough to fix Nigerians problem was ur Jonathan able to fix it? I dnt blame u.. it's cos u were a beneficiary to the looting of this current govt. And don't tell him to carry anyone along u dnt need to advice him keep it in ur pocket thief.
This advice would have been very good for his best friend Gej,,for the past five years,,keep your advice ben Gmb has a lot advisers
When you have no hope of obtaining any favours you starting spilling diarrhoea like this...
"General Buhari is about to mount the saddle and I for one am in a very good position to tell him some home truths because as a senator-elect, I have a very fulfilling job awaiting me and I do not need a job or favours from Buhari so I do not have to play nice."
I am so happy when I read stuff such as this..very much so coming from someone in the legislative arm of government..I am wont to believe that a new breed of thought leaders are emerging within our polity...we are witnessing a rebirth..I see our beloved Nigeria on the path to greatness..only a matter of time.
Dis shows where true loyalty lies, and I pray we get to our desire destinations. Nice write up.
Favours and the sheer grace of God got you to this point today so do not start burning bridges from today. A word to the wise...
Lol u can say dat again valentine. That one no dey worry me like d Adaeze Yobo family she remembered today, I trust linda go belle full us wit her matter!
Lovely, very nice. My brother chop kiss!
Lol u can say dat again valentine. That one no dey worry me like d Adaeze Yobo family she remembered today, I trust linda go belle full us wit her matter!
An amateur know it all.
Okay read
amazing article, very intelligient read
I for one have seen a good part of what is coming to our country.
a better write up and a good advice to the incoming president.
Kip ur advice sir. Am sure u dis tel Gej whom u r loyal to to run his governance on a low budget as u r advising GMB nw, or were u nt aware of Alison maduake flyin around d world in private jet even wen nt on official assignment? Abeg kip ur stori for d gods jare. I nid to giv u a quick reminder by refering u to history on hw GMB ruled as a military head. Those of us that knws he ran a low profile spending govt knws wat to xpect nw sir. So go advise GEJ to run a low profile life wen he leaves govt bcos we r coming for all our money dat he and his Tif minsters stole. Nigeria serious nid dos moni bak so we wil appreciate ur advice on hw dat can b done.
I for one have seen a good part of what is coming to our country.
a better write up and a good advice to the incoming president.
I tried but culdnt finis*
This man has juxtaposed all the discussions he has had with people who think that they are knowledgeable and delivered what he thought was a masterpiece. Shake my head
Kip ur advice sir. Am sure u dis tel Gej whom u r loyal to to run his governance on a low budget as u r advising GMB nw, or were u nt aware of Alison maduake flyin around d world in private jet even wen nt on official assignment? Abeg kip ur stori for d gods jare. I nid to giv u a quick reminder by refering u to history on hw GMB ruled as a military head. Those of us that knws he ran a low profile spending govt knws wat to xpect nw sir. So go advise GEJ to run a low profile life wen he leaves govt bcos we r coming for all our money dat he and his Tif minsters stole. Nigeria serious nid dos moni bak so we wil appreciate ur advice on hw dat can b done.
Give it to Bruce to find a away to get popular....publicity stunt!...warefa....i guess u should be the one to work heard here...u need to do ur home work well bcos u have not held any political post before...oga! stand well well
He just might.
I ve no doubts that u re FOOLISH! Did u even read the article?
Nice one!
I am beginning to wonder if actually you are well mentally
Tell us about it. Refreshing for rubbish
I like you. Smart
Heard him.
Exactly my thots. Why didn't he "enlighten and counsel" GEJ his friend when he was flying around with 7 presidential jets and all?
Abeg, park well joor!!
This man is very interesting. He started off with I AM PRO-JONATHAN and starts given BUHARI all these advice he never game GEJ. Come on son, dont just go with the flo, atleast be biase a bit if you want anyone to even bother to listen to whatever you have to say. Maybe if your boy, jonathan did all these things, he would still be preseident. Keep ur advise to urself sir.
Na now he dey talk like human being. Linda take note!
This man is very interesting. He started off with I AM PRO-JONATHAN and starts given BUHARI all these advice he never game GEJ. Come on son, dont just go with the flo, atleast be unbiased a bit if you want anyone to even bother to listen to whatever you have to say. Maybe if your boy, jonathan did all these things, he would still be preseident. Keep uour advice to yourself for now sir.
The man is a Stupid fool , the PDP and GEJ has done a lot of damage to the economy since the last 16 And 6 years respectively and yet you want to lay siege as a watchman for PDP. Remember , you have benefitted immensely from the Nigerian Government through some policies that enabled your business to thrive. So, just don't say rubbish stupid fool
Ben Bruce is an arrogant bastard. Sat beside him in business class on a flight to Lagos and found his discussion with me absolutely ignorant and full of arrogance. Don't believe in his gimmicks. He is in dire straights debt wise.
Mr Bruce should keep quiet. Has he repaid the bad loans presently with AMCON? . These are the people that have continued to spoil this country and run down banks because they are untouchables. Run a credit check on their names and you will be surprised at what you will see.
He should stop preaching to Buhari. I for one knows that other countries will be ready to support Nigeria once GMB assumes office.
The Bruce brothers Are still there, banks like Bank of Industry who should be supporting hard working entrepreneurs our there will be supporting Awon Onigbese with hefty loan portfolio.
This retareded-albino should shut his mouth..he should have said that to Jonathan ok.. Dick-head
Nice anaysis by ben
What is making him a fool? Smh...do you guys really insult these elderly people without any solid reason and go back to do your business without any hassle? He dint say anytin wrong, to him much is given, much o's expected. When he was lambasting jonathan's regime and yelling change...he shud av known what it was he was up for.
So summary of dis epistle is...?
Nice anaysis by ben
Well said
Thanks Bruce. Thanks. We really need to move forward in this country. May GMB succeed. We are tired of our status as a failed state!
Nice anaysis by ben
There should be an opposition. Thanks Mr. Ben Bruce
Of course it ws applicable to jonathan's etra and every other president before Jonathan, buh u knw wt d BIG difference is? Buhari relied on rubbishing jonathan's era and proclaiming 'change'. Change is a very ambiguos word and it means a different thing on every level of the nigerian society...For students it means better studying conditions, for business men equalisation of naira to dollar, for civil servants a diff thing, and so on. So having led the country once and making such a promise, he understands wt it means, so no1 is planning to hold anything back in criticizing him if he messes up, just as we all criticized Jonathan.
A very nice article. I hope the General gets to read this.
Like seriously, he should go take a seat. Why didn't he tell Jonathan all these? #Rubbish#
Well articulated. This piece of writing drives home so many points. God help GMB
Dear president Jonathan,
I sincerely hope u read this,
sometimes ur enemies are not the once with the black coat, they r the ones in white regalia dining with u.
where did Ben Murray hide his brain wen u needed it
the most? They kept singing ur praises with delight and clouding ur very reasoning on the economic situation of Nigerian.The suffering of the masses,
where was he wen unemployed youths died in stamped across the nation and Abba Moro refused to be dropped.
Now he is giving such a brilliant strategy to President Elect GMB.
if for once u did what was right like David Cameroon u could have been elected again
Jonathan failed us woefully.
so please let Buhari do his job without ur jables
BS. Talk is cheap Ben Bruce. Why didn't you give the advise to your friend - Jonathan that needed it most? You are full of shit with your message for Buhari that didn't need your advise. Stay in your lane and focus on front for corruption friend
BS. Talk is cheap Ben Bruce. Why didn't you give the advise to your friend - Jonathan that needed it most? You are full of shit with your message for Buhari that didn't need your advise. Stay in your lane and focus on front for corruption friend
BS. Talk is cheap Ben Bruce. Why didn't you give the advise to your friend - Jonathan that needed it most? You are full of shit with your message for Buhari that didn't need your advise. Stay in your lane and focus on front for corruption friend
Dear president Jonathan,
I sincerely hope u read this,
sometimes ur enemies are not the once with the black coat, they r the ones in white regalia dining with u.
where did Ben Murray hide his brain wen u needed it
the most? They kept singing ur praises with delight and clouding ur very reasoning on the economic situation of Nigerian.The suffering of the masses,
where was he wen unemployed youths died in stamped across the nation and Abba Moro refused to be dropped.
Now he is giving such a brilliant strategy to President Elect GMB.
if for once u did what was right like David Cameroon u could have been elected again
Jonathan failed us woefully.
so please let Buhari do his job without ur jables
Dear president Jonathan,
I sincerely hope u read this,
sometimes ur enemies are not the once with the black coat, they r the ones in white regalia dining with u.
where did Ben Murray hide his brain wen u needed it
the most? They kept singing ur praises with delight and clouding ur very reasoning on the economic situation of Nigerian.The suffering of the masses,
where was he wen unemployed youths died in stamped across the nation and Abba Moro refused to be dropped.
Now he is giving such a brilliant strategy to President Elect GMB.
if for once u did what was right like David Cameroon u could have been elected again
Jonathan failed us woefully.
so please let Buhari do his job without ur jables
@ pidgin mistress... that means you didn't read it?
Well said
Did he give same advice to GEJ??? What a funny character..
From time IMMEMORIAL, we have always had the BEST BRAINS to serve NIGERIA but EACH TIME they are 'messed up' and sent packing!!!!
For examplke, in an attempt to restructure the Oil Industry, The Petroleum Industry Bill, commenced long before BABA left hasn't been passed into law.
A MAJOR BILL THAT WOULD HAVE MADE THINGS GOING SMOOTHLY was started by a NIGERIAN EXPERT but because of 'the Nigerian factor', it seamed the man 'knows' nothing!!!!
It matters, I don't believe you Mr. Bruce...
Stupid man. He was a friend of Jonathan. If he had told these same "home truths" to Jonathan, he would not have failed so badly. The days of people like Ben Murray who mesmerise us with unfaithful shenenigans because they think they are "intelligent" are gone. Nigeria now belongs to all Nigerians, not to a few cabal who have always sucked this country dry.
I agree with you Mr. Ben. Just wondering why you never advised GEJ like this even when you were very close to him. You're all looking for soft landing and nothing more.
I taught he just said it doesn't matter if the cat is black or white pls no one should judge him on this point he just gave an advice to our president elect which I think will go a long way for him if he will at list adhere to some of his saying I believe it will help him while his running his administration. Nice one senator
Well said.
Well written.
You over sentimental prices! When GEJ was in power, every Tom, Dick and Harry felt it was their right to criticize him. Now nobody can give Buhari an advise, a constructive one at tgat!
N ur own foolishness is on anoda level. Idiot!!!
Mr Ben Murray, may God bless you for this article, I like you for this good msg you send to GMB, is person like you will need as our leader.
So with ur red tie, this is the only shit u could say, or is that wot was written in the article........ur type suppose they dig grave
How sure are u, he didn't hive good luck same advice, or u just have to comment
Well said. I hope the General will take note.
And u still wondering, why u can't pass an exam
Just like ur old man
Did he suck urs
Nice one! Pls send your employer Emka to a good hospital and pay for the bill. I wish Emka a quick recovery.
RE: It doesn’t matter if the cat is black or white – article by Ben Murray-Bruce (Senator-elect)
It was bemusing to read the article by the entertainment impresario; who has done quite a lot for the entertainment industry via his many investments in the electronic media and beauty pageants, signposting steps to be taken by the President-elect once he assumes power.
The Bayelsa-born entertainment mogul turned politician and staunch supporter of President Goodluck Ebele Jonathan had six (6) years to share his “economy resuscitating” insights with the incumbent C-in-C but failed to do so, it is rather suspect that he has now had an “Eureka” moment to tell Gen. Buhari “some home truths” . It is saddening when those that have the clout and goodwill to actively ensure the posterity of the Nigerian state pursue personal agenda and try to exploit situations divergent to their permutations.
Begs one to wonder if the soon to be ‘Distinguished Senator’ would have shared the same truths with President Jonathan had he triumphed at the polls. I felt the necessity to respond to the article because it reeks of subjectivity and parochial insensitivity that has become the mainstay of the political elite in the country. I must state categorically that I hold no brief for any political party or individual on this matter; however, my angst is against the perversion of ethics that our “leaders” perpetrate by misguiding the unsuspecting populace under the pretense of statesmanship.
Why the sudden need and eagerness to share ‘home truths’ when you had 6 years to do so and never spoke up at any time? Was it because of what you stood to benefit or because your loyalty to the incumbent President precludes you from speaking ‘home truths’ whilst he was in power. Not one of you and your cronies came out to share your plethora of mercurial economic strategies with GEJ; instead, all of you sang the praise of his ‘exemplary’ leadership style and economic policies unscrupulously.
Highlighting your ‘truths’
Why wasn’t an austerity measure proposed to the Jonathan-led administration by your revered self?
Why was President Jonathan not encouraged to dispose the Presidential fleet and fly commercial?
Pilgrimages under the Jonathan administration were not spoken against by you sir, why not?
I decide to discountenance your comparison to Mr. Xiaoping, as that is a discourse for another day. My point is the blatant bias that you have displayed by writing this now and denying your avowed principal the benefit of these insights whilst he held sway at Aso Rock.
The article intended to advice incoming President Buhari at best displays a self-serving commentary, which typifies the imprudence of the aging political class. There is a limit to what the youths will continue to tolerate from your ilk, and you are right about the wave of change that has come; though, you cannot fathom the magnitude of its consequence. Go and serve your term at the upper legislative arm (hopefully, impact positively on your constituency by respecting the tenets of the mandate bestowed on you) and speak no more of the lofty ideas ‘selective amnesia’ did not permit you to share with President Jonathan to the incoming President, we had just about enough of this lopsided moral highhandedness.
Its quite ironic that most of the problems you have highlighted were either created or ignored by the GEJ administration due to its gross incompetence, yet you still pledge your unyielding alliance to it ( GEJ administration ). Is it now you see all these problems? Couldn't you have made all these known to the administration you claim loyalty to during its SIX year tenure. The PDP was quite comfortable with degrading all other party to second class citizen but now that the shoe is on the other foot they want political relevance. Its better you channel your effort towards building a better party that will learn from its mistakes. Not to trow away the child with the bath Water, you made some cogent points and i hope GMB takes it into comsideration.
This guy is just a joker. For almost 6 years, you didn't have these words of wisdom for Jonathan. The cat cut his tongue right? We know the task ahead of GMB because of people like Ben Bruce who refused to caution his Oga but by God's grace and the cooperation of every Nigerian, this country will rise again and Ben Bruce and his loyalty to Jonathan will be put to shame
U are very right, he kept quite all dis while why is he trying 2 be a good man now....senseless
Ben got it. Good advice is bitter. Please don't condemn ingenuity. Whether he is Jonathan s or otherwise, Buhari will soon have a close shave with the reality of Nigeria and I am sure he will deal with those porous and leaking pipes deliberately grafted to our nations income Bag to derail our national progress.
abeggi now una dey give advice.. When jonathan was in power why you no give am advice? Bunch of corrupt sycophants
Stupid man!!!it was his person people voted for.never knew you people know that and u re using hate speeches all this while on him.
Jonathan May have performed excellently if he received this kind of a well written epistle from Ben Murray Bruce.why is he just writing all these now that a new Man is coming to the saddle.i really don't know what to tag the write up ..A plea for Jonathan or Reality Check.I will go for the latter.PDP failed Nigeria .lets give Buhari some time to clear the PDP-Jonathan mess.
Jonathan May have performed excellently if he received this kind of a well written epistle from Ben Murray Bruce.why is he just writing all these now that a new Man is coming to the saddle.i really don't know what to tag the write up ..A plea for Jonathan or Reality Check.I will go for the latter.PDP failed Nigeria .lets give Buhari some time to clear the PDP-Jonathan mess.
Better late than never. Those of you making irrelevant comments about Ben, you are part of the reason the youths are leaders of tomorrow that never comes
No mind the unfortunate oyinbo....so he knew all these since, and in which gej failed woefully in all respect, and he still supported gej...if no be say my mama born me well, and i fear God, i for curse am one kind curse wey go affect him and his future generations...
Abeggie..y dint he tell jona all dese ones..abi who spoilt deconomy in d first place..pls leave buhari alone,he knws wat he is doin o
Dis Ben bruce will be openin his mouth unnecessary and buhari has nt started..but u did not say anytin abt d oNe who destroyed d economy (jona)
As u av told buhari 2 start flyin economic class instead of d presidential jet,pls also tell him to slash d payment of d senators 2cuz its 2much and unnecesary 4 jobless old men like u..
Ben Bruce can certainly not tell the whole truth since he affirmed that he is and will still be loyal to president Jonathan! How then do you reconcile the two.
If he knew this much, where was he when this present administration was being reckless with our future? Did he speak up this way?
For the records, most of the recommendation here have started with Buhari (eg riding the Airport shuttle, observing the traffic light etc) so I take it that Bruce merely brought them up to remain relevant despite claiming that he is supper rich and needed nothing while still being loyal to Jonathan. Demi god! Truth my foot!
Bruce should face his work and plan himself as a first time senator elect with so much awaiting him. Allow Buhari to also plan his work and if he does not get it right, Nigerians will continue to decide until we get it right.
Except if Bruce was used as a middle person to ensure that Jonathan and his wife especially will not go on exile.
Allow d Ozuwo to keep talking! Abeg go find one of those ur cinema watch no come d advise person. Where were u during Jona's 6yr reign?
Anu ofia!
True talk. I love this man.have always knew he was different
An excellent article. But I would say that unsolicited advise is mere gossip. The President-elect has said it that, top elected officers should concentrate on finding experts to work with. Ben Bruce, your work is not easy. Your constituency needs a lot. Come May 29th, start work, dig in and put your back to it. Nigeria is watching.
This man has said notin,jst hate message,kip ur advice oga albino #bawanishege
and where was mr bruce for the last 6years? these writeup is gabbage cos he knew GEJ was the right man to send such to.. as he said, he is a GEJ fan and that simple means he supported gangstarism and exploitations.. now, he is preaching and teaching.. lest i forget, DONT HAVE TO REMIND US THAT YOU HAVE AN ESTABLISHMENT IF YOU DECIDE TO BACK OFF POLITICS.. A PRESIDENT ONCE IS ALWAYS WILL.. SHUD HAVE told ur uncle while he sat in ASO ROCK FLEXING AND CRUISING ON 11 private jets.. stupid fcuk!!
Well Spoken Mary. I completely agree with you. Nice One!
Good article, but bad because he didn't write to Jonathan to who is his own brother to stop the nonsense but he'll prefer buhari to do the magic
I am surprised Murray Bruce did not give Jonathan the same advise on austerity measures that should start from Aso Rock.... so convienient... #hypocrisy
I wonder where you were during GEJ era, why didn't you offered this same advice to GEJ. O ye hypocrite God knows your intentions
The man sure made some sense buh he shld go fuck himself cos I bliv in GMB...
I love dis.... was he not around during GEJ era.... true tlk
Wow! Hmmmmm good one
Hope the likes of Okupe, Fani-Kayode, Metuh and co would borrow a lead from Mr. Bruce foresight and join the solution rather than compound the problem. And in all honestly, there isn't time for Vendatta, it's time for Nigeria to work again. Thanks Senator Ben
The philosophy of the Golden Rule or ethic of reciprocity demands that we should all work hard and well at whatever our hands find to do. The President cannot do everything for us. Contractors, business men, civil servants, artisans, let's all join hands with the President to move Nigeria forward. Wherever you are, do your work and do it well.
Hahaha!! Ben Murray Bruce, thank you for your speech.
If you had listened to Buhari very well, you will see that he never tried to demonize Jonathan. In fact, it was Jonathan's troops that have tried bitterly to demonize Buhari as anti-democratic, a man who lived by the gun, backward thinking etc.. while claiming APC was the same as PDP (I don't understand if the kettle is saying the pot is black, then are u now accepting the fact that you are black?)
If we are wailing about pilgrimage (1%) of our budget. What do we do about feeding allowance, or is it the subsidy that is N971bn (i.e. almost 25% of the budget in 2014), yet we are still owing the oil marketers. Which is now causing the incessant queues Nigerians are experiencing
Or is it the fact that Nigeria's reserves depleted from $59bn in 2007 to $29bn in 2015 when crude was averaging $100 per barrel.
Any backlash against the former administration is only Uncle Jona's doing. If you are asking that certain people do not suffer the consequences of the maladministration in the last few years, then you are speaking against the said spirit of change you are touting.
I'm sure more Nigerians will want to see certain elements get punished, because everyone is tired. If not for Buhari's win which is giving people hope, God knows what might be happening now
And Sir if you must know progressives do not always mean a blinding acceptance of capitalism
No nation in the world, even the US has fully embraced capitalism. Awolowo who built the foundation of the south west, where you lived your early life is a proponent of social democracy. We can not have too much faith in the "invisible hands" of capitalism.
Finally, Lets work with the new leader and see ways to build our nation, even if it means some of our friends may get the short end of the stick.
Nigeria is not for anybody, it is for everybody and its rise and fall is for our enjoyment and suffering.
You are the fool! Don't just open ur mouth to talk like a moron!read and learn
Wow! Nice, and great write up. I had to re-read it. Thumbs up to him, and more power to his elbows.
Anyways.. u are an illiterate
too much negativity in his article even though he started with him saying he'll help Buhari succeed
U are the big fool.. u must not comment.. just because you are dumb and stupid doesn't mean everyone should be the same
Please read before u type rubbish
@mary austine, wat he wrote Isnt about GEJ. The problem with our youth now is that someone of us hardly think, he is simply talking about reality and advising Buhari on how to peddle nigeria canoe better dn his predecessors. To all who are abusing Ben Bruce, i need to let u know that God has made him alrdy and he is not going there like your hungry politicians. He has given back to the society better than your buhari. God bless Nigeria.
Hypocrite!!!! Why didn't he give all these advice to his so called candidate GEJ. Attention seeker.
What wus ur role in Jonathans govt, what positive advice did u give him to succeed,Why r u an agent of doom, u article carries with it so much beef, envy and bad belle for d new government.We don't need u to help the govt succeed by d time u watch events play out positively u will b forced to retract ur envious stand. Jonathan is a man u remain loyal to yes but where u sincere to him by telling him d truth that his inactions and actions brought us to dis point where our economy is failing by d second, u made so much money from defence consultancy in d build up to d whole amnesty programme and boko haram xcercise, so much money u made @ d expense of Nigerians yet u come on pages of papers to speak trash. U r not in a position to give advice when u r as corrupt as any other corrupt Nigerian.If not for late Stella and her father who begged Obj to spare u over u fraudulent role in d COJA excercise will u have d mouth to speak today .U r as unless as any corrupt person u castigate is it morally? U r morally dirty all d Dana cabin crew u bedded from Pauline to d late Vivian r all pointers to how corrupt minded u r as an individual.Yes u r smart and intelligent, successful to but u r not an angel neither r u a saint. It's a matter of time we will expose u, ur dossier is almost completed if u think being a Senator will make u immune from prosecution not under dis govt, u will explain to us ur role in d arms deal which saw South Africa twice seize money and aircraft belonging to Nigeria and Oritsejafor.U escaped COJA u won't escape probe in dis new govt.
Correct. But if oil prices stabilize at sixty something dollars per barrel, that does not call for austerity measures; it just calls for good governance. One hundred and something dollars per barrel is oil boom.
Fantastic write-up! Way to go Mr. Bruce.
I'm liking Ben Murray Bruce more and more. So far, he seems to have a lot of passion for great leadership. I pray God guides and guards Buhari even as he leads our new nation, our new Nigeria. Amen.
God Bless Nigeria. Amen
Exactly! All these were happening during GEJ's tenure yet Bruce supported and still supports him? All these people running their mouth should leave GMB alone.
Good talk
All Ben had said makes a lot of sense though, but why did he not give all these advice to GEJ I guess its basically cos of the kind of person the two personalities are. If I remember all the criticism from different quarters during GEJ regime landed on deaf ears. I hope GMB reads all these advices coming in as articles from different people and groups. Nigerians have so much faith in him right now even the once that did not vote for him for their different selfish reason. God bless Nigeria.
Ben Murray Bruce tried alot. What he has written is the absolute truth......... He has just spoken my mind and I am glad APC chieftains also read LIB. So they better suit-up because what lies ahead of them isn't a smooth ride as usual
Ben Murray Bruce tried alot. What he has written is the absolute truth......... He has just spoken my mind and I am glad APC chieftains also read LIB. So they better suit-up because what lies ahead of them isn't a smooth ride as usual
My thoughts exactly Mary.... Mentioning how ur r supporter of Jonathan, couldn't that advice have gone to him instead and just maybe he would have learnt that as little as 4years is enough, not 6 or 10 years...
You article I won't dispute is totally correct, but u floored when u tried to tell us in a scarce tune not to punish corrupt leaders, which is one of the big problems we have had in this country filled with impunity....
Sir, I believe all Nigerians would be solidly behind punishing any perpetrator of corruption...
The rest u said about those surrounding him n pilgrims I applaud u for it....
SO true...
Nice one
Nice write up, I totally agree with him
Ben bruce is covering him and his friends asses for chopping money from obj to jonathans regime. Why didnt Ben bruce build cinemas b4 obj made him director of NTA. Ole!
Clearly d point of his article is to tell buhari he has his work cutout for him & shouldnt go abt chasing past administrations indiscretions.
Him & his pdp pple should face front; Buhari will do exactly what he wants thank u.
I agree with what he said about GMB regretting winning when he sees the mess we are in for. Nigerian masses (and most LIB readers) are largely ignorant of economics so I will not bother
This is the type of people we needed in govt. may God give u d strenght to complete your mission(amen).
Someone shld tell ben the same for his constituency.....we chose em.....uche face ur work.
I'm not a fan of ben, he talks too many English but a chicken....we campaigned for sai baba....now u want to advice us! O ti....
The gods are wise
Ben Bruce + Linda Ikeji = May 2015 publicity contract
At his age the gentleman still hasn't realised he is a timewaster.
Who is this person Ben?
Some pple eehhh...
Wel , d rite up is nice
Wheer were you when GEJ was doing all the things you listed above, if GEJ had worn, you wouldnt have even said a word. HYPOCRATE! If you had given GEJ who brought us to this destination, dis advice for his 6 yrs misrule, Nigeria would have being better for it. Abeg make I hear word joor!
Nice one
But why didn't he come out and write this epistle for Jonathan? So you know that the presidential fleet is exorbitant but you kept mute and now you want to be giving Buhari rules and regulations? The same rules and regulations you could not give to your fellow Bayelsan? I guess BMB is the newest PDP weapon since sycophants like Ayo Fayose and Doyin Okupe have nearly destroyed the party.
lovely piece
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