We carried this story a few months ago. Handsome 22 year old Nigerian college student and artist Matthew Ajibade, was found dead in restraints in an isolation cell after he was booked into a county jail in Georgia on January 1st. Ajibade had been arrested on domestic violence
charges following a fight with his girlfriend. If you missed the story, read here.
Police said they were called to a home and when they arrived, they saw Ajibade holding his girlfriend down under a blanket and refused to release her. They claim the gilr had bruises on her face and her nose was bleeding and when they tried to arrest Ajibade, he became combative and had to restrained. His family lawyer has since said Ajibade was bipolar. The update now is that 9 police officers have been fired in connection with his death.
The sheriff released no findings from the investigations into Ajibade's death, which is still considered an open case as prosecutors weigh possible criminal charges. However, the sheriff's office did provide a February 9 memo reminding deputies that they were prohibited from using stun guns on detainees already in restraints.
'Do not utilize any conducted electrical weapon to gain control of a detainee who is in full restraints while in a restraint chair,' the memo said, noting that detainees with both their hands and feet bound were to be considered fully restrained.
Sheriff's officials have previously said Ajibade was placed in a restraining chair in an isolation cell after he became combative during booking and injured three deputies. One deputy suffered a concussion and a broken nose, according to the sheriff's office. Authorities have declined to publicly release the report on Ajibade's autopsy, citing the open investigation.
The fired deputies include two supervisors — Cpl. Maxine Evans and Cpl. Jason Kenny — who were suspended after Ajibade died. The Associated Press could not find a phone number for either deputy Friday evening.
The police officers fired belowThe sheriff deeply regrets the death of Mr. Ajibade,' said a statement released by the sheriff's office Friday. It said new policies implemented since Ajibade's death include security measures to audit the use of stun guns at the jail as well as booking procedures to ensure jail medical staff are notified immediately when a detainee requiring medication arrives.

Fired: Chatham County Sheriff Al
St. Lawrence fired (from left to right) Frederick Burke, Jason Kenny,
and Maxine Evans (below). Kenny and Evans were both supervisors

Also fired were (from left to right) Eric Vinson, Christopher Reed, and Burt Ambrose (below)

See how they killed this fine boy
Serves them right, justice at last.
Really so sad.
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That's the way to go about it. It's a great lesson to their colleagues.
May his rest in peace
May their souls rest in peace
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Blacks treating blacks badly
Although dis wont bring back his soul...but its justice for his soul.......
Rest on Matthew
Moye says so via BB Passport...Courtesy LIB....
May their souls rest in peace
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Funny enough they were mostly blacks...........one general conclusion i have come to realise is that most police are corrupt, it doesn't matter if they are black or white
Funny enough they were mostly blacks...........one general conclusion i have come to realise is that most police are corrupt, it doesn't matter if they are black or white
So sad about his death.
But what is handsome Nigerian,
Simply a Nigerian
A human being unjustly treated.
Your reports are sth else..
I guess justice has finally prevailed.
A country :that Law works. Many who die in Nigerian police custody don't commit half of what this guy did. Some are even shot in police custody and buried same evening. A case of Momodu in Benin city, an undergraduate who was coming home late was taken to a station and shot by a Female DPO and buried same night. DPO was only transferred.Tim28
Dem no dey waste time at all
Na wa o, RIP
If that happened in Nigeria they will sweep it under the carpet, what a country!
The second pic is so cool. RIP cutie
That's serious....after the sack what next?
After the sack......what's next?
That's serious....after the sack what next?
God hav mercy
Niceone.... May his soul RIP...
Oyibo don kill us finish o
They tortured him to death. Hummmm, too bad. Firing them isn't enough for me. KolorunShanuwa.
Wht a loss dat started frm domestic violence which we all kick against.
Am short of words but I must say, I wonder wht went wrong wit him, and was he on drugs or wht?
@ least some level of justice was served..
Wow for once a nigerian got justice
Dirty Cops.
Justice shud b served
This sure taught d cops a lesson but won't bring this fine boy back to life. May he continue to rest in peace.
Good for them they serve them right, and 5 of them are black police. Mtcheew!!!!!!!!!
Police and Doctor work for the U.S na sht.
So none is going to prison for his death? They just sacked them...issorait!
Not gud enuff, they should all be jailed.
Na wah sha. But why was the boy restricting arrest? He wont have been chained to a chair if he didnt resist arrest. Also he didnt commit murder so why was he fighting the police and resisting arrest. Maybe he is a drug addict. Again, since the police new he had mental health issues, they should have sent him to a mental health rehabilitation centre instead of reprimand him in a prison. For all you know, the boy purposely refused food and did not take his medications that is why he died. Both parties are to blame. The boy plus that police are to blame in this matter. May his soul rest in peace.
Abeg make our government make Nigeria a better place so that people wont need to bring up their children abroad. Maybe if he was brought up properly in Nigeria, this nonsense would not have happpened to him. I trust Naija parents and teachers. Them for beat the bipolar comont for him body. America produces spoilt children that cannot be controlled
If it were to be a white boy dat died, is it just to fire the culprits (Police) dat would be the case??? Linda take note!
If it were to be a white boy dat died, is it just to fire the culprits (Police) dat would be the case??? Linda take note!
RIP handsome
this thing should run its time in court
Good news, I am happy to know that our life is important too
This world and the terrible things that happens in it sometimes gives mixed feelings.
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Good. It's about time.
Let us not also rule out the fact that his girfriend gave them a bottle which she said is supposed to be his medication. Are u sure she didnt add poison in that bottle? The girlfriend is also a suspect. "Food for thought"
Na black American full the list of those fired. Na black Americans even hate foreigners pass whites self. E dey pain them say African fit trace their origin but them no fit because they got to America as slaves. Instead of them to be nice to their long lost brothers. They will be brutal. Stmcheew
This is the height of human rights abuse by the top most advocate and champions of human rights propagandist nation all over the world. What an irony.....
Gud 4 dem, stupid pple
Gud 4 dem, stupid pple
May God rest his soul....
The dead is dead. May his soul rest in peace. Good move though
Blacks killing blacks..bastards
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Good I wish justice will be serve like this in Nigeria
I think it is now time for all Nigerians staying abroad to be protected by our govt. Linda, I'm gonna send you some shocking stories here in Houston, Texas. We are patriotic citizens of our country and we should be treated with respect. I'm gonna share a lot of stories here in this blog and our experience in America.... I have spoken..... Gbam!!!
I thought it was only in Nigeria we hear of stories like dis. Wht a pity, and shame dat d American's hav follow suit.
RIP to d guy, and I hope if he comes to life again he wil learn to respect ladies.
This is really sad RIP bro
It is not a race thing, just officer who took things too far unfortunately.
Is sack the solution? I thought the justice for murder case is also murder? Whosoever killed him should also receive a death sentence. You killed another man's child then you go scored free. You walk all over the place as a free man after taking somebody's life. Nonsense!
Good for them, I know their sack (firing) will not bring the young man back to life. May his soul rest in peace.
Too bad
It hurts
Whaaaat??na so dis fyne nigga Tke waka go like dat
very regrettable, he is still young
Please don't speak if you don't know what being bipolar means, the person we are talking about was a complete gentlemen with an amazing character, he was a friend to me, and I am a female, it hurts when ignoramus like u open your mouth and judge without even reasoning, this is precisely why my friend is dead now, because people like you, and the officers are unaware of certain mental conditions and instead of arming yourself with knowledge, you jump to conclusions by either locking up a bipolar person, who could be a danger not only to society but also their self or in ur case u come to a blog and talk about his lack of respect for women. I am embarrassed for u sir, please take this advice and put it to good use, in the future, be silent or say something better than silence.
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